CVPixelBufferRef as a GPU Texture - ios

I have one (or possibly two) CVPixelBufferRef objects I am processing on the CPU, and then placing the results onto a final CVPixelBufferRef. I would like to do this processing on the GPU using GLSL instead because the CPU can barely keep up (these are frames of live video). I know this is possible "directly" (ie writing my own open gl code), but from the (absolutely impenetrable) sample code I've looked at it's an insane amount of work.
Two options seem to be:
1) GPUImage: This is an awesome library, but I'm a little unclear if I can do what I want easily. First thing I tried was requesting OpenGLES compatible pixel buffers using this code:
#{ (NSString *)kCVPixelBufferPixelFormatTypeKey : [NSNumber numberWithUnsignedInt:kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA],
(NSString*)kCVPixelBufferOpenGLESCompatibilityKey : [NSNumber numberWithBool:YES]};
Then transferring data from the CVPixelBufferRef to GPUImageRawDataInput as follows:
// setup:
_foreground = [[GPUImageRawDataInput alloc] initWithBytes:nil size:CGSizeMake(0,0)pixelFormat:GPUPixelFormatBGRA type:GPUPixelTypeUByte];
// call for each frame:
[_foreground updateDataFromBytes:CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddress(foregroundPixelBuffer)
size:CGSizeMake(CVPixelBufferGetWidth(foregroundPixelBuffer), CVPixelBufferGetHeight(foregroundPixelBuffer))];
However, my CPU usage goes from 7% to 27% on an iPhone 5S just with that line (no processing or anything). This suggests there's some copying going on on the CPU, or something else is wrong. Am I missing something?
2) OpenFrameworks: OF is commonly used for this type of thing, and OF projects can be easily setup to use GLSL. However, two questions remain about this solution: 1. can I use openframeworks as a library, or do I have to rejigger my whole app just to use the OpenGL features? I don't see any tutorials or docs that show how I might do this without actually starting from scratch and creating an OF app. 2. is it possible to use CVPixelBufferRef as a texture.
I am targeting iOS 7+.

I was able to get this to work using the GPUImageMovie class. If you look inside this class, you'll see that there's a private method called:
- (void)processMovieFrame:(CVPixelBufferRef)movieFrame withSampleTime:(CMTime)currentSampleTime
This method takes a CVPixelBufferRef as input.
To access this method, declare a class extension that exposes it inside your class
#interface GPUImageMovie ()
-(void) processMovieFrame:(CVPixelBufferRef)movieFrame withSampleTime:(CMTime)currentSampleTime;
Then initialize the class, set up the filter, and pass it your video frame:
GPUImageMovie *gpuMovie = [[GPUImageMovie alloc] initWithAsset:nil]; // <- call initWithAsset even though there's no asset
// to initialize internal data structures
// connect filters...
// Call the method we exposed
[gpuMovie processMovieFrame:myCVPixelBufferRef withSampleTime:kCMTimeZero];
One thing: you need to request your pixel buffers with kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarFullRange in order to match what the library expects.


React native: Real time camera data without image save and preview

I started working on my first non-demo react-native app. I hope it will be a iOS/Android app, but actually I'm focused on iOS only.
I have a one problem actually. How can I get a data (base64, array of pixels, ...) in real-time from the camera without saving to the camera roll.
There is this module: but base64 is deprecated and is useless for me, because I want a render processed image to user (change picture colors eg.), not the real picture from camera, as it does react-native-camera module.
(I know how to communicate with SWIFT code, but I don't know what the options are in native code, I come here from WebDev)
Thanks a lot.
This may not be optimal but is what I have been using. If anyone can give a better solution, I would appreciate your help, too!
My basic idea is simply to loop (but not simple for-loop, see below) taking still pictures in yuv/rgb format at max resolution, which is reasonably fast (~x0ms with normal exposure duration) and process them. Basically you will setup AVCaptureStillImageOutput that links to you camera (following tutorials everywhere) then set the format to kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarFullRange (if you want YUV) or kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA(if you prefer rgba) like
bool usingYUVFormat = true;
NSDictionary *outputFormat = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithObject:
[NSNumber numberWithInt:usingYUVFormat?kCVPixelFormatType_420YpCbCr8BiPlanarFullRange:kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA]
[yourAVCaptureStillImageOutput setOutputSettings:outputFormat];
When you are ready, you can start calling
AVCaptureConnection *captureConnection=[yourAVCaptureStillImageOutput connectionWithMediaType:AVMediaTypeVideo];
[yourAVCaptureStillImageOutput captureStillImageAsynchronouslyFromConnection:captureConnection completionHandler:^(CMSampleBufferRef imageDataSampleBuffer, NSError *error) {
CVImageBufferRef imageBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(imageDataSampleBuffer);
CVPixelBufferLockBaseAddress(imageBuffer, 0);
// do your magic with the data buffer imageBuffer
// use CVPixelBufferGetBaseAddressOfPlane(imageBuffer,0/1/2); to get each plane
// use CVPixelBufferGetWidth/CVPixelBufferGetHeight to get dimensions
// if you want more, please google
Additionally, use NSNotificationCenter to register your photo-taking action and post a notification after you have processed each frame (with some delay perhaps, to cap your through-put and reduce power consumption) so the loop will keep going.
A quick precaution: the Android counterpart is much worse a headache. Few hardware manufacturers implement api for max-resolution uncompressed photos but only 1080p for preview/video, as I have raised in my question. I am still looking for solutions but gave up most hope. JPEG images are just toooo slow.

Efficient use of Core Image with AV Foundation

I'm writing an iOS app that applies filters to existing video files and outputs the results to new ones. Initially, I tried using Brad Larson's nice framework, GPUImage. Although I was able to output filtered video files without much effort, the output wasn't perfect: the videos were the proper length, but some frames were missing, and others were duplicated (see Issue 1501 for more info). I plan to learn more about OpenGL ES so that I can better investigate the dropped/skipped frames issue. However, in the meantime, I'm exploring other options for rendering my video files.
I'm already familiar with Core Image, so I decided to leverage it in an alternative video-filtering solution. Within a block passed to AVAssetWriterInput requestMediaDataWhenReadyOnQueue:usingBlock:, I filter and output each frame of the input video file like so:
CMSampleBufferRef sampleBuffer = [self.assetReaderVideoOutput copyNextSampleBuffer];
if (sampleBuffer != NULL)
CMTime presentationTimeStamp = CMSampleBufferGetOutputPresentationTimeStamp(sampleBuffer);
CVPixelBufferRef inputPixelBuffer = CMSampleBufferGetImageBuffer(sampleBuffer);
CIImage* frame = [CIImage imageWithCVPixelBuffer:inputPixelBuffer];
// a CIFilter created outside the "isReadyForMoreMediaData" loop
[screenBlend setValue:frame forKey:kCIInputImageKey];
CVPixelBufferRef outputPixelBuffer;
CVReturn result = CVPixelBufferPoolCreatePixelBuffer(NULL, assetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor.pixelBufferPool, &outputPixelBuffer);
// verify that everything's gonna be ok
NSAssert(result == kCVReturnSuccess, #"CVPixelBufferPoolCreatePixelBuffer failed with error code");
NSAssert(CVPixelBufferGetPixelFormatType(outputPixelBuffer) == kCVPixelFormatType_32BGRA, #"Wrong pixel format");
[self.coreImageContext render:screenBlend.outputImage toCVPixelBuffer:outputPixelBuffer];
BOOL success = [assetWriterInputPixelBufferAdaptor appendPixelBuffer:outputPixelBuffer withPresentationTime:presentationTimeStamp];
sampleBuffer = NULL;
completedOrFailed = !success;
This works well: the rendering seems reasonably fast, and the resulting video file doesn't have any missing or duplicated frames. However, I'm not confident that my code is as efficient as it could be. Specifically, my questions are
Does this approach allow the device to keep all frame data on the GPU, or are there any methods (e.g. imageWithCVPixelBuffer: or render:toCVPixelBuffer:) that prematurely copy pixels to the CPU?
Would it be more efficient to use CIContext's drawImage:inRect:fromRect: to draw to an OpenGLES context?
If the answer to #2 is yes, what's the proper way to pipe the results of drawImage:inRect:fromRect: into a CVPixelBufferRef so that it can be appended to the output video file?
I've searched for an example of how to use CIContext drawImage:inRect:fromRect: to render filtered video frames, but haven't found any. Notably, the source for GPUImageMovieWriter does something similar, but since a) I don't really understand it yet, and b) it's not working quite right for this use case, I'm wary of copying its solution.

Core Image many times slower on first render

I can't find any documentation from Apple to explain why this piece of code runs at different speeds depending on how many times its been run.
- (void)speedTest2:(CIImage*)source {
NSTimeInterval start = CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent();
CIFilter* filter = [CIFilter filterWithName:#"CIColorInvert"];
[filter setValue:source forKey:kCIInputImageKey];
CGImageRef cgImage = [_context createCGImage:filter.outputImage fromRect:source.extent];
UIImage* output = [UIImage imageWithCGImage:cgImage];
if (cgImage)
_source.image = output;
NSLog(#"time: %0.3fms", 1000.0f * (CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() - start));
Run times
Fresh app install - first call to method = 206ms
App restarted - first call to method = 61ms
second call to method (3rd, 4th, ...) = 14ms
The same source image is being used for every run.
I know Core Image concatenates the filter chain. Is this somehow being cached? Can I pre-cache this operation so users don't get hit with performance problems on their first app launch?
This one is making me crazy :(
A portion of the overhead may be the image library itself loading. If the effects are implemented as pixel shaders, there may well be a compilation step going on behind the scenes.
This hidden cost is unavoidable, but you can choose to do it at a more convenient time. For example when the application is loading.
I would suggest loading a small image (1x1 px) and applying some effects to it during load to see if it helps.
You may also want to try the official Apple forums for a response.
There are three ways to create context to draw outputImgae; contextWithOptions: this create on GPU or CPu which based on you deveice; contextWithEAGLContext:; contextWithEAGLContext: options: created on GPU; look at Core Image Programming Guide;

Compressing BitmapData

The situation is this:
I've written a simple MovieClip replacement that converts an existing imported MovieClip to a sequence of BitmapData. This removes the requirement for Flash to render vector data in the MovieClip on each frame.
But BitmapData has a huge memory footprint. I've tried converting the BitmapData to a ByteArray and using the compress() method. This results in a significantly smaller memory footprint. But it has proven impractical. For each redraw, I tried uncompressing()'ing the ByteArray, then using SetPixels to blit the data to the screen, then re-compressing() the frame. This works but is terribly slow.
So I was wondering if anybody else has an approach I could try. In Flash, is it possible to compress bitmap data in memory and quickly blit it to the screen?
I wonder how native animated GIFs work in Flash. Does it uncompress them to BitmapData behind the scenes, or is frame decompression done on the fly?
Perhaps there is an Alchemy project that attempts to blit compressed images?
Thanks for any advice you can offer :)
#thienhaflash's response is good but has aged a year and since then Flash Player and AIR Runtime have expanded their capabilities. Today I stumbeled on this little tidbit from Adobe's AS3 Guide. As of player 11.3 there are native image compression techniques available. Here's a snippet:
// Compress a BitmapData object as a JPEG file.
var bitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(640,480,false,0x00FF00);
var byteArray:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
bitmapData.encode(new Rectangle(0,0,640,480), new flash.display.JPEGEncoderOptions(), byteArray);
Not sure about the practicality for blitting but it's nice that it can be done natively.
For memory reservation you need to think twice before convert a MovieClip to a Bitmap sequence. Is it really that need ? Can you break things down as there are several things (like the background) is static (or just moving around) why don't cache bitmap for each elements instead of one big Bitmap sequence ?
I usually used AnimatedBitmap (the name for bitmap sequence alternative for a MovieClip) only for small size animated icons, and other heavy calculation stuffs (like fire / smoke effects ...). Just break things down as much as you can !
As far as i know, there are no way to compress the memory used by a BitmapData located in the memory and there are nothing related to Alchemy could help improve memory used in this case.
Animated GIF won't works in Flash natively, you will need some library to do that. Search for AnimatedGIF as3 library from, actually the library just read the gif file in raw byteArray and convert to an animatedBitmap just like how you've done.
this is an old question, but there is recent info on this : jackson Dunstan has had a run with bitmapdatas and it turns out that Bitmap data obtained from compressed sources will "deflate" after some time unused.
here are the articles :, and the two referred at the beginning of it.
So you could absolutely do something like :
var byteArray:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
myBitmapData.encode(new Rectangle(0,0,640,480), new flash.display.JPEGEncoderOptions(), byteArray);
var loader = new Loader();
loader.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, function(_e:Event):void{
if(loader.content is Bitmap){
myBitmapData= Bitmap(loader.content).bitmapData;
I'm not sure if it would work as is, and you definitely want to handle your memory better. but now, myBitmapData will be uncompressed when you try to read from it, and then re-compressed when you don't use it for about ten seconds.

OpenCV and iPhone

I am writing an application to create a movie file from a bunch of images on an iPhone. I am using OpenCv. I downloaded OpenCv static libraries for ARM(iPhone's native instruction architecture) and the libraries were generated just fine. There were no problems linking to them libraries.
As a first step, I was trying to create a .avi file using one image, to see if it works. But cvCreateVideoWriter always returns me a NULL value. I did some searching and I believe its due to the codec not being present. I am trying this on the iPhone simulator. This is what i do:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
UIImage *anImage = [UIImage imageNamed:#"1.jpg"];
IplImage *img_color = [self CreateIplImageFromUIImage:anImage];
//The image gets created just fine
CvVideoWriter *writer =
//writer is always null
int result = cvWriteFrame(writer, img_color);
//hence this is also 0 all the time
I am not sure about the second parameter. What sort of codec or what exactly does it do...
I am a n00B at this. Any suggestions?
On *nix flavors, OpenCV uses ffmpeg under the covers to encode video files, so you need to make sure your static libraries are built with ffmpeg support. The second parameter, CV_FOURCC('P','I','M','1'), is the FOURCC code describing the video format/codec you are requesting, in this case the MPEG1 codec. Check out for a complete listing (not all of which work in ffmpeg).
