Ektron 9 - Changing default site language - localization

Ektron 9 SP2 -
We are trying to change the default language to en-GB site-wide. This is what we tried:
Set English (UK) en-GB as enabled language in Settings-L10n-Lanugages and Regions
Set en-GB as default language in Settings-Setup-Default Application Language
Edited web.config <add key="ek_DefaultContentLanguage" value="1033" /> to 2057
We did this and it did not work, so rolled the changes back to find that all items allocated to taxonomies has disappeared. Luckily we had a database backup that we deployed.
Has anyone else tried this? What is the correct way?

The default language is set using the key in the web.config file as you say. This only changes what the default is, i.e. the language you get without explicitly selecting one. Any existing content you have is not automatically translated.
The process should be this:
1) Enable English UK in Settings > Localization > Languages and Regions. Important to leave English US enabled for now.
2) Create English UK versions of your content. You can do this either by using the XLIFF feature or by doing it one content item at a time (go to the content item in the workarea, select the target language in the Add drop down list.
3) You will also need to ensure you have English UK versions of Taxonomies, Metadata, Menus, etc.
4) Change the default language value to "2057" in web.config using the ek_DefaultContentLanguage key.
5) Check your content appears.
6) Disable English US (if necessary).
Regarding the items that disappeared, I wonder if you had disabled English US when you enabled English UK? That might have caused this to happen.


Development Language IT on Xcode

Hello everyone I wanted to have information ...
I changed the development language on Xcode EN -> IT
Now I wanted to know if these changes will remain even when I publish the app on the app store or if they remain only during development
My app is for Italy only and I wanted to know if I can avoid entering Locale(identifier: "it") for each date display, now that I have set the development language to Italian.
You will want to go to File > New File > Strings File, name it Localizable.strings, this is important.
Open the attribute inspector. Click Localize..., select your language.
In your file, for each piece of text you want to show in your app, come up with an identifier/key for it, then write as follows:
"welcome_message" = "Welcome to my app!"; // This would be in your English file.
Then do the same thing for each language you want to support, but just change the phrase itself in each file, and keep the same key/identifier.
Then when you want to use that phrase in your app, replace whichever String with NSLocalizedString("welcome_message", comment: "")
No need to set Locale(identifier:String) in your files. The app will look for the device's set language and use the corresponding Localizable.strings file.

netsuite Arabic language localization

netsuite by default doesn't support Arabic language i.e the forms,records and fields in netsuite appear in english.I thought that if i can change the translation of a form or record by customizing it i can change the field label translation and map it to a language under the localization preferences such as English international.
my problem is that not all records,forms and portlets can be customized I have tried under customization > centers and tabs > center categories to add for each field the necessary translation for arabic language but this is applicable to certain fields only and not all fields such as payment > setup > bank details or customization > lists,records & fields > entity fields.
also i can't change the text of the configuration pages such as the ones that are under customization. I also tried to add translation to this fields from mass update but the same problem occurs not every thing can be translated. Also when switching the language from home > set preferences > localization > language
i can't find the Arabic language so i mapped my translation to other language such as English international then switched to that language
my main question is that how to edit the language preferences under home > set preferences > localization > language to add a new language?
And it there any better way to change netsuite to arabic?
and how to make my changes seen to other roles so that any user of netsuite can view these changes?

How can we localize a wallet pass's strip.png properly?

I am trying to localize a pass and save it in the iOS wallet.
The problem is that while the text on the back of the pass properly localizes, the strip.png image does not.
The strip.png image will be the image that was originally exported from my app.
So if my app was currently using the Spanish language, the Spanish strip.png would be exported. If my language was set to English the English strip.png would be exported.
However, once it lives in the wallet app the strip.png no longer changes. If the strip.png was in English and I switch the language to Spanish, the strip.png would still persist while the text on the back of the pass would change to Spanish as expected.
My .pkpass object contains two folders: en.lproj and es.lproj.
They both have their own localized version of strip.png and pass.strings file.
What am I doing wrong?
If localizing a strip.png is not supported then what are some other alternatives?
You have come across a "feature" of Wallet, designed to save space on a user's device. The rationale behind this feature is that users rarely change their base locale.
Once a .pkpass bundle has been installed on a device, all of the unnecessary image assets are dropped.
If, as it sounds, your pass is installed with the correct locale image, then your bundle is correct. Unfortunately this means that to demo the locale functionality, you will need to delete and then reinstall the pass with a new language setting.

Localization in tx_news extension TYPO3 6

I'm using News System Extension 2.1 for my website. My TYPO3 version is 6.1.
The language key taken by tx_news is default, I would like to change the key to dk or nl or something. I changed the local language of TYPO3 using this:
config.locale_all = nl_NL
This solves the problem while displaying List of news, but when I try to display a Date Menu, it takes the default to English.
Maybe because the ViewHelpers I used for displaying List is default FLUID and the ViewHelpers used for displaying Date Menu are something else(They use translate key. Default View which comes with tx_news)
How do I change the language of tx_news to the language I desired to?
config.locale_all is basically used to change format of dates (more info on http://docs.typo3.org/typo3cms/TyposcriptReference/Setup/Config/Index.html)
In order to get localized labels, you need:
To download localization packages in Backend using the Language module
To set up your website with the language you want, using config.language (and possibly config.sys_language_uid if your website is going to be multilingual, then you would have to create sys_language records at root as well)
Please have a look at the frontend localization guide:

UIWebView localication

I'm developing multi languages application and intent to have DONE button localized. This button is appear in UIWebView when user clicked on dropdown ("select" tag) with multiselect:
By default, this is always in English. However, if you set CFBundleAllowMixedLocalizations to YES in .plist file, you will be able to get it in current SYSTEM language:
Here, DONE is written in Chinese, when text in select in Arabic. It is because current system languages (i.e. set in Settings) is Chinese, but inside app I selected Arabic so app is using Arabic bundle with Arabic strings file.
I wonder, is any possibility to localize "DONE" button to current Application's language, but not system language?
Don't use "Application's language". Simply use the system language, like all other applications do.
I'm sure it's possible to somehow achieve it, but you're simply taking the wrong approach to localization.
