Extension method with F# function type - f#

The MSDN doc on Type Extensions states that "Before F# 3.1, the F# compiler didn't support the use of C#-style extension methods with a generic type variable, array type, tuple type, or an F# function type as the “this” parameter." (http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/dd233211.aspx)
How can be a Type Extension used on F# function type? In what situations would such a feature be useful?

Here is how you can do it:
type FunctionExtension() =
static member inline Twice(f: 'a -> 'a, x: 'a) = f (f x)
// Example use
let increment x = x + 1
let y = increment.Twice 5 // val y : int = 7
Now for "In what situations would such a feature be useful?", I honestly don't know and I think it's probably a bad idea to ever do this. Calling methods on a function feels way too JavaScript-ey, not idiomatic at all in F#.

You may simulate the . notation for extension methods with F#'s |> operator. It's a little clumsier, given the need for brackets:
let extension f x =
let a = f x
a * 2
let f x = x*x
> f 2;;
val it : int = 4
> (f |> extension) 2;;
val it : int = 8
> let c = extension f 2;; // Same as above
val c : int = 8


Extension operator in F#

Disclaimer: I am very new to F#.
I created a custom type for which I have an addition function. I wanted to extend it to allow addition with the standard + operator (the type is simplified for conciseness):
type MyInt = {N:int}
let sumMyInt n1 n2 = {N=n1.N + n2.N}
type MyInt with
static member (+)(n1, n2) = sumMyInt n1 n2
let n1 = {N=1}
let n2 = {N=2}
printfn "%O" (n1 + n2)
This works and prints {N=3}. I wanted to lift this operation to lists of MyInt, and if I understand the MSDN docs correctly extending MyInt list requires extension methods. So I write:
open System.Collections.Generic
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
let sumMyInts = List.map2 sumMyInt
type MyIntListExtensions =
static member inline (+)(ss1, ss2) = sumMyInts ss1 ss2
static member inline SumMyInts (ss1, ss2) = sumMyInts ss1 ss2
let x = sumMyInts ns1 ns2
let y = ns1.SumMyInts ns2
let z = ns1 + ns2
Now x and y compile and work. z refuses to compile with error:
The type 'MyInt list' does not support the operator '+'
The most surprising part is that this compiles:
let z' = ns1.op_Addition ns2
Am I doing something wrong? How can I define an extension operator?
You cannot do what you want to today in F#, see this RFC.
What you could do is create a global operator that does this:
let inline (#+) (xs: 'a list) (ys: 'a list) =
List.map2 (+) xs ys
> [1; 2] #+ [3; 4]
- ;;
val it : int list = [4; 6]
Explicitly not shadowing (+) here for obvious reasons :).
More about creating operators here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/fsharp/language-reference/operator-overloading#creating-new-operators

How to constrain type parameter must be an algebraic type (int, float, BigInteger, BigRational, ...)

-- While there are some questions on the net wrt. type constraints already, I didn't find one that can help me solving my issue. --
Goal: I want to create my own Vector/Matrix types, but so, that the implementation does not lock in to a speicific BigRational (or alike) type. All I'd prefer to require is the standard algebraic operations on such types (+ - * / % equality).
open System
type Foo<'T> (value: 'T) =
member inline __.Value : 'T = value
static member inline Add (a: Foo<'T>) (b: Foo<'T>) =
Foo<'T>(a.Value + b.Value)
module Foo =
let inline Create (v) = Foo(v)
let log (foo: #Foo<_>) =
printfn "Foo: %s" (foo.Value.ToString())
let main argv =
Foo.log (Foo.Create("hi ho"))
Foo.log (Foo<int>(31415))
Foo.log (Foo<float>(3.1415))
Foo.log (Foo<int>.Add (Foo.Create(3)) (Foo.Create(4)))
let a = Foo.Create(13)
let b = Foo.Create(3.1415)
Foo.log (Foo<int>.Add (a.Value) (a.Value))
Foo.log (Foo<float>.Add (b.Value) (b.Value))
0 // return an integer exit code
I cannot get this tiny example code to compile for more than one single type, such as Foo<int> as well as Foo<float>. How could I do it right?
Many thanks in advance,
You almost have it, actually.
In order to create a function that accepts any type that has a + operator, this function must have statically-resolved type parameters (SRTP). For this, it must be inline, which your Add is so that's ok. However here Add is not a generic method: it's a method on the generic type Foo<'T>, so it receives its 'T parameter from it. And a type cannot have SRTP.
A simple fix is to move Add from being a method on the type Foo<'T> to being a function in the module Foo. Then it will become actually generic.
open System
type Foo<'T> (value: 'T) =
member inline __.Value : 'T = value
module Foo =
let inline Create (v) = Foo(v)
let inline Add (a: Foo< ^T>) (b: Foo< ^T>) =
Foo< ^T>(a.Value + b.Value)
let log (foo: #Foo<_>) =
printfn "Foo: %s" (foo.Value.ToString())
let main argv =
Foo.log (Foo.Create("hi ho"))
Foo.log (Foo<int>(31415))
Foo.log (Foo<float>(3.1415))
Foo.log (Foo.Add (Foo.Create(3)) (Foo.Create(4)))
let a = Foo.Create(13)
let b = Foo.Create(3.1415)
Foo.log (Foo.Add a a)
Foo.log (Foo.Add b b)
I think all you need is the inline keyword if you just want to propagate the member constraints of F#'s overloaded arithmetic operators.
type Foo<'T> (value : 'T) =
member __.Value = value
static member inline (+) (a : Foo<_>, b : Foo<_>) = Foo(a.Value + b.Value)
// static member
// ( + ) : a:Foo< ^a> * b:Foo< ^b> -> Foo< ^c>
// when ( ^a or ^b) : (static member ( + ) : ^a * ^b -> ^c)
Now you can add two Foos of the same type that support a static member (+), Foo 3 + Foo 4 or Foo 3.14 + Foo 3.14, even Foo(Foo 3) + Foo(Foo 4); but not Foo 3 + Foo 3.14. You may still instantiate types that do not possess such member.

Storing multidimensional points in F#

I am currently porting some code from Java to F# that deals with multidimensional functions. It supports variable dimension, so in the original implementation each point is represented as an array of doubles. The critical function of the code is an optimisation routine, that basically generates a sequence of points based on some criteria, evaluates a given function at these points and looks for a maximum. This works for any dimension. The operations I need are:
check the dimension of a point
create a new point with the same dimension of a given point
set (in procedural or functional sense) a given coordinate of a point
In F# I could obviously also use arrays in the same way. I was wandering though if there is a better way. If the dimension was fixed in advance, the obvious choice would be to use tuples. Is it possible to use tuples in this dynamic setting though?
No, tuples will be fixed by dimension. Also note that .NET tuples are boxed. If you are operating on large collections of points with small dimension (such as arrays of 2d points), using structs may help.
If you really want to push the F#/.NET advantage over Java, have a look at generics. Writing code with generics allows to write code that works for any dimension, and use different representations for different dimensions (say structs for 1-3 dimensions, and vectors for larger dimensions):
let op<'T where 'T :> IVector> (x: 'T) =
This is only relevant though if you are willing to go a long way to get the absolutely best performance and generality. Most projects do not need that, stick with the simplest thing that works.
For the fun of it, here is an extended example of how to utilize generics and F# inlining:
open System.Numerics
type IVector<'T,'V> =
abstract member Item : int -> 'T with get
abstract member Length : int
abstract member Update : int * 'T -> 'V
let lift<'T,'V when 'V :> IVector<'T,'V>> f (v: 'V) : 'V =
if v.Length = 0 then v else
let mutable r = v.Update(0, f v.[0])
for i in 1 .. v.Length - 1 do
r <- r.Update(i, f v.[i])
let inline norm (v: IVector<_,_>) =
let sq i =
let x = v.[i]
x * x
Seq.sum (Seq.init v.Length sq)
let inline normalize (v: 'V) : 'V =
let n = norm v
lift (fun x -> x / n) v
type Vector2D<'T>(x: 'T, y: 'T) =
member this.X = x
member this.Y = y
interface IVector<'T,Vector2D<'T>> with
member this.Item
with get (i: int) =
match i with
| 0 -> x
| _ -> y
member this.Length = 2
member this.Update(i: int, v: 'T) =
match i with
| 0 -> Vector2D(v, y)
| _ -> Vector2D(x, v)
override this.ToString() =
System.String.Format("{0}, {1}", x, y)
type Vector<'T>(x: 'T []) =
interface IVector<'T,Vector<'T>> with
member this.Item with get (i: int) = x.[i]
member this.Length = x.Length
member this.Update(i: int, v: 'T) =
let a = Array.copy x
a.[i] <- v
override this.ToString() =
|> Seq.map (fun e -> e.ToString())
|> String.concat ", "
type C(c: Complex) =
member this.Complex = c
static member Zero = C(Complex(0., 0.))
static member ( + ) (a: C, b: C) = C(a.Complex + b.Complex)
static member ( * ) (a: C, b: C) = C(a.Complex * b.Complex)
static member ( / ) (a: C, b: C) = C(a.Complex / b.Complex)
override this.ToString() = string c
let v1 = Vector2D(10., 30.)
normalize v1
|> printfn "%O"
let v2 = Vector2D(C(Complex(1.25, 0.8)), C(Complex(0.5, -1.)))
normalize v2
|> printfn "%O"
let v3 = Vector([| 10.; 30.; 50.|])
normalize v3
|> printfn "%O"
Note that norm and normalize are fairly general, they cope with specialized 2D vectors and generalized N-dimensional vectors, and with different component types such as complex numbers (you can define your own). The use of generics and F# inlining ensure that while general, these algorithms perform well for the special cases, using compact representations. This is where F# and .NET generics shine compared to Java, where you are obliged to create specialized copies of your code to get decent performance.

Has Anyone Built a Lazy Monad in F#?

I've been reading Chris Okasaki's Purely Functional Data Structures, and am wondering if there is a nice way to build lazy algorithms with F# inside of a monad that enables lazy computation (a Lazy monad). Chris used a custom extension for suspension / force syntax in SML, but I'd like to think that we could instead just use a simple monad in F#. Manual use of lazy and force in F# seems pretty cluttery.
I found this implementation in Scheme, but I don't know how applicable it would be.
From my cursory knowledge and research, it seems both feasible and desirable within reasonable limitations.
Please let me know :)
To port Okasaki code, why not just go with F# lazy keyword and some helper syntax to express forcing, for example:
let (!) (x: Lazy<'T>) : 'T = x.Value
Since F# type system cannot properly express monads, I assume you suggest defining a computation expression for lazy computations. I guess one can do that, but how would that help exactly?
type LazyBuilder =
| Lazy
member this.Return(x: 'T) : Lazy<'T> =
member this.Bind(x: Lazy<'T1>, f: 'T1 -> Lazy<'T2>) : Lazy<'T2> =
lazy (f x.Value).Value
let test () =
let v =
Lazy {
let! x = lazy 1
let! y = lazy 2
return x + y
let (!) (x: Lazy<'T>) : 'T = x.Value
let test2 () =
let v =
let x = lazy 1
let y = lazy 2
!x + !y
I'm not sure this helps, but you can avoid using the lazy keyword altogether if you particularly want to for some reason:
type ('a, 'b) lazyT = Lz of 'a * ('a -> 'b)
let force (Lz (a, e)) = e a
let pack x = Lz(x, (fun i -> i))
type MyLazyBuilder =
| Mylazy
member this.Bind(x, f) =
match x with
| Lz(xa, xe) ->
Lz(xa, fun x -> force (f (xe x)))
member this.Return(x) = pack x
let sth =
Mylazy {
let! x = pack 12
let! y = pack (x + 1)
return y * x
let res = force sth
(absent the part where force only evaluates it once).
Late, but thought it was worth suggesting.

How do you curry the 2nd (or 3rd, 4th, ...) parameter in F# or any functional language?

I'm just starting up with F# and see how you can use currying to pre-load the 1st parameter to a function. But how would one do it with the 2nd, 3rd, or whatever other parameter? Would named parameters to make this easier? Are there any other functional languages that have named parameters or some other way to make currying indifferent to parameter-order?
Typically you just use a lambda:
fun x y z -> f x y 42
is a function like 'f' but with the third parameter bound to 42.
You can also use combinators (like someone mentioned Haskell's "flip" in a comment), which reorder arguments, but I sometimes find that confusing.
Note that most curried functions are written so that the argument-most-likely-to-be-partially-applied comes first.
F# has named parameters for methods (not let-bound function values), but the names apply to 'tupled' parameters. Named curried parameters do not make much sense; if I have a two-argument curried function 'f', I would expect that given
let g = f
let h x y = f x y
then 'g' or 'h' would be substitutable for 'f', but 'named' parameters make this not necessarily true. That is to say, 'named parameters' can interact poorly with other aspects of the language design, and I personally don't know of a good design offhand for 'named parameters' that interacts well with 'first class curried function values'.
OCaml, the language that F# was based on, has labeled (and optional) arguments that can be specified in any order, and you can partially apply a function based on those arguments' names. I don't believe F# has this feature.
You might try creating something like Haskell's flip function. Creating variants that jump the argument further in the argument list shouldn't be too hard.
let flip f a b = f b a
let flip2 f a b c = f b c a
let flip3 f a b c d = f b c d a
Just for completeness - and since you asked about other functional languages - this is how you would do it in OCaml, arguably the "mother" of F#:
$ ocaml
# let foo ~x ~y = x - y ;;
val foo : x:int -> y:int -> int = <fun>
# foo 5 3;;
- : int = 2
# let bar = foo ~y:3;;
val bar : x:int -> int = <fun>
# bar 5;;
- : int = 2
So in OCaml you can hardcode any named parameter you want, just by using its name (y in the example above).
Microsoft chose not to implement this feature, as you found out... In my humble opinion, it's not about "poor interaction with other aspects of the language design"... it is more likely because of the additional effort this would require (in the language implementation) and the delay it would cause in bringing the language to the world - when in fact only few people would (a) be aware of the "stepdown" from OCaml, (b) use named function arguments anyway.
I am in the minority, and do use them - but it is indeed something easily emulated in F# with a local function binding:
let foo x y = x - y
let bar x = foo x 3
bar ...
It's possible to do this without declaring anything, but I agree with Brian that a lambda or a custom function is probably a better solution.
I find that I most frequently want this for partial application of division or subtraction.
> let halve = (/) >> (|>) 2.0;;
> let halfPi = halve System.Math.PI;;
val halve : (float -> float)
val halfPi : float = 1.570796327
To generalize, we can declare a function applySecond:
> let applySecond f arg2 = f >> (|>) arg2;;
val applySecond : f:('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> arg2:'b -> ('a -> 'c)
To follow the logic, it might help to define the function thus:
> let applySecond f arg2 =
- let ff = (|>) arg2
- f >> ff;;
val applySecond : f:('a -> 'b -> 'c) -> arg2:'b -> ('a -> 'c)
Now f is a function from 'a to 'b -> 'c. This is composed with ff, a function from 'b -> 'c to 'c that results from the partial application of arg2 to the forward pipeline operator. This function applies the specific 'b value passed for arg2 to its argument. So when we compose f with ff, we get a function from 'a to 'c that uses the given value for the 'b argument, which is just what we wanted.
Compare the first example above to the following:
> let halve f = f / 2.0;;
> let halfPi = halve System.Math.PI;;
val halve : f:float -> float
val halfPi : float = 1.570796327
Also compare these:
let filterTwoDigitInts = List.filter >> (|>) [10 .. 99]
let oddTwoDigitInts = filterTwoDigitInts ((&&&) 1 >> (=) 1)
let evenTwoDigitInts = filterTwoDigitInts ((&&&) 1 >> (=) 0)
let filterTwoDigitInts f = List.filter f [10 .. 99]
let oddTwoDigitInts = filterTwoDigitInts (fun i -> i &&& 1 = 1)
let evenTwoDigitInts = filterTwoDigitInts (fun i -> i &&& 1 = 0)
Alternatively, compare:
let someFloats = [0.0 .. 10.0]
let theFloatsDividedByFour1 = someFloats |> List.map ((/) >> (|>) 4.0)
let theFloatsDividedByFour2 = someFloats |> List.map (fun f -> f / 4.0)
The lambda versions seem to be easier to read.
In Python, you can use functools.partial, or a lambda. Python has named arguments.
functools.partial can be used to specify the first positional arguments as well as any named argument.
from functools import partial
def foo(a, b, bar=None):
f = partial(foo, bar='wzzz') # f(1, 2) ~ foo(1, 2, bar='wzzz')
f2 = partial(foo, 3) # f2(5) ~ foo(3, 5)
f3 = lambda a: foo(a, 7) # f3(9) ~ foo(9, 7)
