Xcode 5 Architecture i386 multiple duplicate symbols - ios

I found the source folder for architecture i386, by copying the path specified by the error message in Xcode. There were several .o files which apparently were conflicting, however whenever I deleted one, and ran the program, it would replace it. What do I do? Also I've cleaned it and closed everything and restarted my computer. Thanks

The .o files are just the compiled versions of your source code, which is where the conflicts really lie. What you have is several things named the same thing, and the linker is stressing out over it. Take one of the error messages, you'll probably identify the name it says is conflicting (not the file, the symbol), it might have extra padded symbols, but you should recognize a method name or variable name that you used. Search for that in Xcode, and see where you're defining it more than once. A symbol can have only one definition, so if you're using it in multiple cases, you need to resolve that.

Possible Issue
This problem usually happens when you import .h files to Compile Sources.
Possible solution
Steps to clean project
Click on your project
Select target of your project
Go to Build Phases
Expand Compile Sources
Remove all files there
Steps to configure it again
On Compile Sources click + to add files again
Highlight .m on search
Add all .m files to your project
Clean project by going to Product->Clean on XCode Menu
Click run, and hope it will work!


Build error Xcode 10 - Multiple commands produce

I just upgraded to Xcode 10, and I suddenly face this error when I try to build, any ideas how to fix it? I tried cleaning derived data, but without any luck.
If you use CocoaPods, click Xcode menu file -> Workspace Settings , And click Build system choice Legacy Build System
If you not use CocoaPods, same of top , select Project Settings
If your app is generating the error related to the multiple .app files just like mentioned above in question then removing the .plist files from "Copy bundle Resources" WILL NOT WORK.
If the error is related to .app file then follow the following steps.
Select the Target.
Go to Build Phases tab.
Remove the items listed in Output Files
Compile the code if it compiles successfully then not follow the next steps.
If code does not compile successfully and Xcode may give you an error related to "Library not found". Then add the missing library in General Tab in Linked Frameworks and Libraries that Xcode mentioned in the error.
Keep adding these libraries (that Xcode ask through compile errors) in Linked Frameworks and Libraries until the code compiles successfully.
Hope this helps.
You can try to change the build system to Legacy,
File > Workspace Settings > Build System > Legacy Build System.
I also faced this issue in xcode 10 but it was because of adding the same framework in main project + other extensions (watchkit or siri extension etc).
I added ObjectMapper in podfile for my main project + for my extensions. When I compiled it gave me an error that multiple command produce and also shows me which framework is causing this issue. Now its working fine for me as I've removed it from my extensions I wasn't using it in my extensions.
Don't know about your issue may be you can check your podfile.
If this is CoreData related. The issue is that you are trying to generate the NSManagedObject subclass but you need to set the 'CodeGen' option to Manual/None. This option is defaulted to Class definition and this would regenerate the code thus creating this issue.
i encountered this issue as well while working with CoreData.
in my .xcdatamodeld file, it came down to the fact that, during the creation of my various Entities, i had copy and pasted one multiple times (thinking i was saving time because various properties were similar enough that i thought this was a good idea).
the resulting Build error Xcode 10 - 'Multiple commands produce' occurred because i forgot to check and make sure the new Entities were set to their own unique corresponding class to match the new Entity in the Data Model Inspector pane.
unfortunately, it took me two days to figure out the original Entity's Class Name was still in place.
so lesson: careful when you copy/paste/duplicate Entities in CoreData.
(... i guess :0} )
some time saver. oops! hope this helps someone.
I had this same issue with Core Data entity class. I had forgotten to select Codegen Manual / None because I do not allow mine to be autogenerated. So I had a class in place and also it was trying to generate one.

Undefined symbol "_OBJC_CLASS_$_CkoFtp2" link error with chilikat

When I'm writing simple code in ViewController, I wanted to run it and boom. Apple Mach-O linker error as shown. I don't know what is the problem. Then, I've made a quick research, according to research; I deleted Derived Data folder, I deleted Derived Data folder contents, I deleted test hosts in build settings(it is already empty), I cleaned the build folder and I applied clean action. But nothing changed same errors. Is there any specific solution of this error depends on app and what is that solution?
I moved the codes to a new xode project and I noticed that when I add the line let ftp = CkoFtp2(), the error occurs otherwise it compiles. But it is coloring the CkoFtp() part of line and I'm not getting any specific errors there. Just Match-O and linker command.You can see the CkoFtp2 code here.
I had the same issue. Please make sure to follow the directions on chilkat's site, particularly the following:
Add libChilkatCocoa.a to your list of libs for linking. In your project build settings, find Build Phases, Link Binary with Libraries, select Add Other, navigate to the libChilkatCocoa.a, and add it.
The Chilkat library internals are written in C++. Therefore, your Swift application will need to link against the C++ runtime libraries. In your Build Settings, go to the Linking section and add -lstdc++ to the Other Linker Flags.
I also ran into trouble because the libChilkatCocoa.a library resided in a folder that had a space in its name. Avoid that, or make sure it is correctly escaped under Build Settings.
Looks like you've got a reference to a framework located in your Downloads folder. Chances are you moved that somewhere else, yes? Remove the SimpleUnzipper framework from the project and re-add it from wherever you moved it to.
After the edits, this is clearly not the problem...
It's hard to tell from just the error message, but it appears that you're using a library that you downloaded from another developer. Are you sure you followed their instructions for setting things up? The linker error means that you're not linking your program with the library, though it looks like you've managed to set up a bridging header so that you can call the function without getting a compiler error.

Xcode .pch error while compiling. clang file not found

I have a very annoying problem.
I backed up my code on Dropbox but now i get this error while compiling
clang: error: no such file or directory: '../firstFoo-Prefix.pch'
Since the only .pch file in my project in Xcode and my project folder is secondFoo-Prefix.pch and I don't know how to fix this error I've decided to remove every .pch file so i went into Project> Build Settings and removed everything in the Prefix Header and set Precompile Prefix Header to NO.
Before this the Prefix Header had value secondFoo-Prefix.pch and not firstFoo-Prefix.pch.
Even though the compiler should not look for .pch files I still get that error.
I've looked everywhere in my project but I can't seem to find anywhere firstFoo-Prefix.pch.
Any ideas?
Thank you
This can occur (not your fault) when the Xcode project file database gets messed up such that the referenced file does not appear in the navigation area but is still somehow included in one of the various list of files used for the build phases.
To see if this is the case:
In the Finder, right click on the project file and select 'Show Package Contents'
Right click on the file 'project.pbxproj' and 'Open With->TextEdit.app'
In TextEdit menu: 'Edit->Find->Find...' [or command-F] then enter '.pch'
Look at all occurrences of '.pch' [command -G to move to next one]
If you find occurrences of '../firstFoo-Prefix.pch' then your project file is corrupted. Looking at the context of the occurrence(s) will give you some indication of which area the corruption occurs in (e.g. build phase compile files list).
Sometimes just deleting those references (after having backed-up the project file of course) has worked for us but other times it just makes matters worse. The safest recovery is to create a new project file and copy over all the folder groups and settings manually. Your source code is all fine, it's just the cross-references and build settings that need reworking.
Do a clean for build using this combination: Shift+Option+Command+K
In my case, I have Framework which need to add to main project from derived data after it building successful. So copy items if needed was not tick marked and that's why giving error and also #ZAZ and #chiwangc mentioned cleaned it before building.

Weird Xcode linker error

I'm getting this Xcode error:
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-L/Volumes/Macintosh HD2/Users/dgd/Dropbox/Websites/iCalTools.com/CalendarFilter/iCal'
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-LFilter/TestFlightSDK3.0.0'
ld: library not found for -lTestFlight
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
My code is at this path:
/Volumes/Macintosh HD2/Users/dgd/Dropbox/Websites/iCalTools.com/CalendarFilter/iCal Filter
and it appears Xcode is choking on the 2nd blank for some reason and incorrectly splitting the path to TestFlight.
The really strange part is if I delete the TestFlight API and it's Library Search Paths, then add it back in, it compiles and runs fine, even though the library search paths appear to be broken at the space still:
Everything continues to work until I close the project and reopen it. Then I have to remove and readd TestFlight again.
(One more note, I tried to remove the blank from the directory but ran into so many more Xcode and git problems trying to rename it that I gave up and reverted back. At some point during that process I ended up with exactly the same problem with Xcode choking on the blank in "Macintosh HD2" instead)
I emailed TestFlight support about this issue and received the response below which fixed the problem. I had tried most of these steps before except for deleting the files from disk (I did have several old copies of TestFlight on disk, but not in the project) and possibly checking the Copy Items box. I still don't know what the problem really was and consider this a workaround, so I'm not adding this as an answer. Maybe someone will be able to explain what's going on here.
Sorry for the trouble.
These errors usually come up if there are issues with the Library Search Paths. Please remove the "Filter/TestFlightSDK3.0.0" line and then do the following:
Open Xcode and select all the TestFlight SDK files in your project (libTestFlight.a, TestFlight.h, TestFlight+AsyncLogging.h, TestFlight+ManualSessions.h)
Delete all the selected files by choosing the move to trash option
Open your project in Finder (Right click the main project folder and select show in finder)
Double check for TestFlight SDK files and delete any found.
Download the TestFlight SDK v3 again and extract the zip
Drag and drop the contents of the SDK folder into your project. At the adding files prompt, check off the defaults (Copy items, Create groups, add target)
Clean the build and attempt to create a new IPA
Try using quotation marks to separate items in the path.
$(inherited) "$(SRCROOT)" "$(SRCROOT)/../Dependencies/Frameworks"/** "$(SRCROOT)/MobileAppTracking-ios" "$(SYSTEM_APPS_DIR)/Reveal.app/Contents/SharedSupport/iOS-Libraries"
I have a project where our Framework search path looks like the above. That may help with paths that have spaces. If all else fails, can you try escaping spaces or moving your libraries to a path that does not include a space?
For paths in Xcode containing blanks just put quotes around the path (same for all settings that take paths: includes, search paths, etc.
"/Volumes/Mac HD/Users/The Count of Tuscany/Source/My Stuff/"
I got the same type of issues with it.
Just go to Build Settings. Type "search path" in the search box provided. Then see the references for your third party library. Delete the values.
Now go to your project file menu which displays your program files. Then delete the third party libraries for which you have linker errors. Make sure to backup these, as you'll need them in next step.
Now drag the same libraries you have in other folder or backup folder into your xcode project.
Now build.
I solved the same by the above steps. It usually happens when you move your xcode project from from one user/ mac to another. Or else if the libraries are missing as per the references.

directory not found Apple Mach-O linker warning but Library Search Path and Framework Search Path are empty

I'm getting these messages:
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-F"/Users/joel/Development/GHaikuTabbed"'
ld: warning: directory not found for option '-F"/Users/joel/Development/GHaikuTabbed/../../../Downloads"'
But when I go to Build Settings (as suggested at ‘ld: warning: directory not found for option’), Library Search Path and Framework Search Path are empty, so there's nothing to delete.
Thoughts on other things I can do to get rid of this warning?
Here is a description how to avoid a problem based on Apple Dev Forum posted before. It works for me so I repost description for those people who don't want to go and register at the forum.
The bug is due to an error in XCode 5 when it deals with the user adding new files or folders to the project.
Xcode is modifying the 'Library Search Paths' build setting, and making a god-awful mess of it.
Instead of adding $(SRCROOT)/ it is adding fully rooted paths to all new items, and adding random amounts of /// into other elements of the string.
It also seems to be duplicating source paths in some instances, probably because it's broken the existing ones, and thinks they need adding again.
The solution:
Copy out your Library Search Paths string into a text editor.
Remove any fully rooted paths that shouldn't be there, and replace them with the usual $(SRCROOT)/MyFiles/ type paths.
Remove all extraneous slashes and make sure each path has a " character at beginning and end to protect against spaces in filenames.
Paste the edited string back into Build Settings.
Clean, then Build. Should be back to normal.
This error may well recur if you add new files to your project, so beware.
My project.pbxproj looked like this:
I closed MyProject, deleted the line containing AdMob-v6.4.1, reopened the project, performed a "validate project settings", cleaned, and built, and now all is well.
Yeah, Xcode is jenky sometimes.
Did you try cleaning your build (Product > Clean Build Folder / Shift-Cmd-K) and trying again?
Another thing you can do is to search for the two entries in [project_name].xcodeproj/project.pbxproj, remove them, close XCode, re-open, Clean Build Folder and try again.
Good luck!
To summarise what #user2963906 is suggest, I show my solution to this problem, which I think much easy.
I assume that you have all your files and libraries in your project folder.
Open your project Targets
Find Search Paths topic and Library Search Paths
Choose and remove all paths here
Then add path like this: $(SRCROOT)/"Your App Name"
In the same window change drop-down list from the right from non-recursive to recursive
Shift-⌘-K and Run your project
I found a solution for this with my case on the iOS Developer Forums. It happened to me with Xcode 5. See Massive Linker Error Warnings (directory not found for option) yet . For me it was caused by Xcode 5 junking up the "Library Search Paths" build setting.
Easy Solution :
It's work for me
when you want to add new files or folders to the project through xcode 5 and above error display.Just follow below simple step.(Please don't forgot to get backup of your project).
Open your Project in Old XCode (I recommend XCode 4.6.3)
Add your files or folder. (it will not mess your library search path as it mess in XCode 5)
Close the old xcode and open your project with XCode 5 and start to code.
I faced the same problem but was unable to fix it as per the steps since no library folders were getting displayed in the Project properties window.
So I solved it in another way (you need to be able to use the Terminal and the VIM editor. Also take a backup of the project just in case)
Open a Terminal window
Go to the project folder.
The XCode project is a folder. use cd project name to go into that folder.
use vim to open and edit the project.pbxproj file.
Remove reference to the offending lines by searching using / and using the dd command on that line to delete it.
Save using :wq command
Open the project in XCode and build. Works like a charm.
I had to escape any spaces with a \
So for example:
/Users/Me/Folder\ with\ spaces\(and\ brackets\)
in Library Search Paths
This worked for me :
Create this real directories (with no content), add them to project, remove via remove reference, clean, delete for real
In project folder -> target , under 'Build Setting' search 'library search paths' and simply delete previous path in Debug & Release area.
Now add the line below line using + symbol
Note: After adding the above line click out from popup. its automatically display the full path.Then check this path with your Finder if any correction add after the $(PROJECT_DIR)/
Clean , Build and Run … Simple its cleared that error. :)
