Gem for formatting rails source code - ruby-on-rails

Is there a gem I can install that creates a rake task that, when run, beautifies up my ruby code? Indentation, rouge line breaks, that sort of thing?


Bundler is deprecating bundle console in favor of bin/console. Can anyone provide more clarity as to how bin/console should work?

I have a custom ruby gem that relies heavily on bundle console. Nothing special or fancy, just an interactive console with the set of gems defined by the Gemfile included. We use the console a lot during development.
Currently when I run the command, I receive the following deprecation message:
[DEPRECATED] bundle console will be replaced by bin/console generated by bundle gem <name>
Digging around in the bundler docs I found the following explanation:
The bundle console will be removed and replaced with bin/console.
Over time we found bundle console hard to maintain because every
user would want to add her own specific tweaks to it. In order to
ease maintenance and reduce bikeshedding discussions, we're removing
the bundle console command in favor of a bin/console script
created by bundle gem on gem generation that users can tweak to
their needs.
Can anyone with knowledge provide a more detailed explanation? This gem currently does not have a bin directory. I'm happy to make one, I'm just not sure what should be in the file. Running bundle gem as described in the note above raises an error (as expected).
This is the file that is generated at bin/console:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require "bundler/setup"
require "(your gem name here)"
# You can add fixtures and/or initialization code here to make experimenting
# with your gem easier. You can also use a different console, if you like.
# (If you use this, don't forget to add pry to your Gemfile!)
# require "pry"
# Pry.start
require "irb"
You can see the template in the rubygems GitHub repo.

How to generate 'minitest/spec' based gems via bundler?

bundle gem gem_name --test=minitest
allows for choosing minitest, but how to make bundler generate code for minitest/spec instead of minitest/test.
This seems to work now:
bundle gem myapp --test minitest
It is not currently possible.
-t, --test=minitest, --test=rspec
Specify the test framework that Bundler should use when generating
the project. Acceptable values are minitest and rspec. The
GEM_NAME.gemspec will be configured and a skeleton test/spec
directory will be created based on this option. If this option is
unspecified, an interactive prompt will be displayed and the answer
will be saved in Bundler's global config for future bundle gem use.
However the bundle gem generator generates less than 10 lines of tests, so converting to MiniTest::Spec is hardly a herculean task.

rails plugin vs bundle gem

This two commands seem to generate practically the same thing
rails plugin new __name__
bundle gem __name__
There is a hidden detail I haven't notice?
which one do you use, and basically, why?
They can all generate a barebone gem but they are different.
rails plugin new could generate a dummy app inside test, and a basic test_helper, which would be very handy if you want to add some functional/integration tests in gem. You can also revise that a bit to use Rspec. bundle gem would not do that.
If you develop the gem for Rails and need such tests, rails plugin would be better. Otherwise bundle or a gem generating gem jeweller.
Plugins are more or less deprecated in favor of gems in recent versions of Rails.
As far as I can tell, running rails plugin my_gem simply creates a 'my_gem' directory in the root of your rails app.
It's not too much different from running bundle gem my_gem except that it stubs out a couple of test files, and runs bundle install.
This may be useful if you're creating a gem that's made to be run on rails - where you need a "rails environment" (see the test/dummy/app directory).
Still, if you do it this way, it appears the gem is added right into the root of your rails project. You could always move it, but if you were to run bundle gem you could do so wherever you want.

Using the turn gem with Test::Unit

I'm using Turn gem in a rails app to colourise my Test::Unit output, and I find the following output before any of my tests run:
stephen#x5:~/code/ruby$ rake test
gem install minitest
gem install minitest
... tests seem to run just fine, and are nicely coloured
This happens everytime I run them. What is the deal here? Am I supposed to be using minitest instead of Test::Unit?
What is the best way to colourise Test::Unit output? Just looking for red and green.
gem 'redgreen' worked great for me (on Ruby 1.9.2 and Rails 3.0.7) with Test::Unit.
Add the above to your Gemfile.
On RubyGems.

Couldn't find 'rspec' generator

I'm trying to install RSpec as a gem after having it installed as a plugin. I've gone ahead and followed the directions found here for the section titled rspec and rspec-rails gems. When I run ruby script/generate rspec, I get the error Couldn't find 'rspec' generator. Do only the plugins work? If so, why do they even offer the gems for rspec and rspec-rails? I'm running a frozen copy of Rails 2.1.2, and the version of rpsec and rspec-rails I'm using is the newest for today (Nov 7, 2008) 1.1.11.
EDIT Nov 12, 2008
I have both the rspec and rspec-rails gems installed. I've unpacked the gems into the vender/gems folder. Both are version 1.1.11.
Since RSpec has been become the default testing framework in Rails you no longer need to create spec docs via the rspec generators:
Rails 2 RSpec generator
rails generate rspec_model mymodel
Rails 3 RSpec generator
With RSpec as the default testing framework simply use Rails' own generators. This will construct all of the files you need including the RSpec tests. e.g.
$rails generate model mymodel
invoke active_record
create db/migrate/20110531144454_create_mymodels.rb
create app/models/mymodel.rb
invoke rspec
create spec/models/mymodel_spec.rb
Have you installed both rspec and rspec-rails gems?
script/generate rspec
requires rspec-rails gem to be installed.
For Rails 3 and rspec 2+
You must make sure you include 'rspec' and rspec-rails' in your Gemfile
Run Bundle Install
then run rails g rspec:install
If you are using rails 2.3 You need to use
ruby script/plugin install git:// -r 'refs/tags/1.3.3'
and then
ruby script/generate rspec
Is there supposed to be an 'rspec' generator? I've only used the following:
script/generate rspec_model mymodel
script/generate rspec_controller mycontroller
I've had this problem before, it boiled down to the version of RSpec I had not working with the version of Rails I was using. IIRC it was a 2.1 Rails and the updated RSpec hadn't been released as a gem. In fact, 1.1.11 is the gem I have, which would be the latest available (ignoring github gems), so I'm pretty sure that's exactly what my problem was.
I've taken to just using the head of master rspec with whatever version of Rails I happen to be on, it seems stable to me (and isn't going to break things in production, unless somehow a test broke with a false positive).
I do it with git using submodules, for example:
git submodule add git:// vendor/plugins/rspec
git submodule add git:// vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails
In case anyone is wondering about Rails 3 now,
this seems to do the trick for me:
I'm using rails 2.3.9. I started of trying to use the gem(s) but just couldn't get the generator for rspec to show up. Then I installed the plugin(s) using the instructions on and that did the trick.
On Fedora 9 (OLPC) I did:
$ sudo gem install rspec
$ sudo gem install rspec-rails
Those got me to where I could run
$ ruby script/generate rspec
This worked for me, whereas the git instructions did not work.
If you are using bundler version 1.0.8 you should $ gem update bundler to a newer version 1.0.9.
I had the same symptons and updating bundler helped me out.
Now $ rails g is using gems defined in the Gemfile. Also I grouped my gems like this:
source ''
gem 'rails', '3.0.3'
gem 'sqlite3-ruby', :require => 'sqlite3'
group :test, :development do
gem 'capybara', ''
gem 'database_cleaner'
gem 'cucumber-rails'
gem 'rspec-rails', '~> 2.4'
gem 'launchy'
(Note that test gems are also in the :development group.)
Have a nice day :)
If you type script/rails generate, the only RSpec generator you'll actually see is rspec:install. That's because RSpec is registered with Rails as the test framework, so whenever you generate application components like models, controllers, etc, RSpec specs are generated instead of Test::Unit tests.
Please note that the generators are there to help you get started, but they are no substitute for writing your own examples, and they are only guaranteed to work out of the box for the default scenario (ActiveRecord & Webrat).
You might need to run bundle exec :
bundle exec rails g rspec:install
You'll need to do
sudo gem install cucumber-rails
