I'm using XtraReport and its wonderful, but I'm having a little problem.
I want change the language of report before printing, because I want use Indian Numbers in my report instead of En-Numbers.
I try to change the current language of the thread but nothing happens:
CultureInfo arabicCI = new CultureInfo("ar-SA");
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = arabicCI;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = arabicCI;
arabicCI.NumberFormat.DigitSubstitution = DigitShapes.NativeNational;
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.DigitSubstitution =
I also tried:
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture =
new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("SA");
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture =
new System.Globalization.CultureInfo("ar-SA");
but it didn't work.
How can we convert language of URL as website language changes?
Like take example of www.example.com/test it is in English. When I am changing website language to Persian it should be www.example.com/آزمون.
Is it possible? How can we achieve this?
If you are using PHP, this may help. You can change the language as you wish, depending on what language you want your website to be in.
Language: German
$lang = array();
$lang['PAGE_TITLE'] = 'Meine Webseite Titel';
$lang['HEADER_TITLE'] = 'Meine Website-Header Titel';
$lang['SITE_NAME'] = 'Meine Website';
$lang['SLOGAN'] = 'Mein Slogan hier';
$lang['HEADING'] = 'Position';
// Menu
$lang['MENU_HOME'] = 'Heim';
$lang['MENU_ABOUT_US'] = 'Über uns';
$lang['MENU_OUR_PRODUCTS'] = 'Unsere Produkte';
$lang['MENU_CONTACT_US'] = 'Kontaktieren Sie uns';
$lang['MENU_ADVERTISE'] = 'Werben';
$lang['MENU_SITE_MAP'] = 'Site Karte';
Also check out this thread.
If I insert the values into the corresponding tables of RightFax, does it FAX automatically or do i need to write the following code for that?
RFCOMAPILib.FaxServerClass faxserver = new RFCOMAPILib.FaxServerClass();
faxserver.ServerName = "ServerName";
faxserver.Protocol = RFCOMAPILib.CommunicationProtocolType.cpNamedPipes;
faxserver.UseNTAuthentication = RFCOMAPILib.BoolType.True;
RFCOMAPILib.Fax fax = (RFCOMAPILib.Fax) faxserver.get_CreateObject(RFCOMAPILib.CreateObjectType.coFax);
// set up your 'fax' object the way you want it, below is just some sample options
fax.ToName = "John Doe";
fax.ToFaxNumber = "4255551111";
fax.ToVoiceNumber = "4255550000";
fax.ToCompany = "ACME";
fax.FromName = "My Company";
fax.FromVoiceNumber = "4255552222";
Can you please provide me sample code for attachments? If RightFax sends the FAX automatically then which tables do I need to fill-in in order to do that?
the below code is vb.net but will show you how to send a fax and add attachment as well, hope this helps. I've written a post about this here but here's the code below ....
Dim FaxAPI As RFCOMAPILib.FaxServer
Dim fFax As RFCOMAPILib.Fax
FaxAPI = New RFCOMAPILib.FaxServer
FaxAPI.ServerName =something
FaxAPI.Protocol = RFCOMAPILib.CommunicationProtocolType.cpTCPIP
FaxAPI.UseNTAuthentication = RFCOMAPILib.BoolType.False
FaxAPI.AuthorizationUserID = something
FaxAPI.AuthorizationUserPassword = something
fFax = FaxAPI.CreateObject(RFCOMAPILib.CreateObjectType.coFax)
fFax.HasCoversheet = RFCOMAPILib.BoolType.False
fFax.ToFaxNumber = something
fFax.ToName = something
FaxAPI = Nothing
fFax = Nothing
happy to help if you get stuck with anything...
i want to generate a word document
as an input i have this string "open packaging conventions" and each word will have a different style
the result should be open packaging conventions
WordprocessingDocument document = WordprocessingDocument.Create(
#"C:\test PFE.docx",
MainDocumentPart mainDocumentPart = document.AddMainDocumentPart();
mainDocumentPart.Document = new Document();
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("ve", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/markup-compatibility/2006");
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("o", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office");
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("r", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships");
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("m", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/math");
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("v", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml");
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wp", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/wordprocessingDrawing");
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w10", "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:word");
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("w", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/wordprocessingml/2006/main");
mainDocumentPart.Document.AddNamespaceDeclaration("wne", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/office/word/2006/wordml");
Body documentBody = new Body();
StyleDefinitionsPart styleDefinitionsPart =
FileStream stylesTemplate =
new FileStream("styles.xml", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
#region Titre du document
Paragraph titleParagraphe = new Paragraph() { RsidParagraphAddition = "00AF4948", RsidParagraphProperties = "00625634", RsidRunAdditionDefault = "00625634" }; ;
Run run = new Run();
RunProperties rpr = new RunProperties();
RunStyle rstylr = new RunStyle { Val = "style1" };
Text t = new Text("open");
run = new Run();
rpr = new RunProperties();
rstylr = new RunStyle { Val = "style2" };
t = new Text("packaging")
Space = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.EnumValue<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SpaceProcessingModeValues> { InnerText = "preserve" }
run = new Run();
rpr = new RunProperties();
rstylr = new RunStyle { Val = "style1" };
t = new Text("conventions")
Space = new DocumentFormat.OpenXml.EnumValue<DocumentFormat.OpenXml.SpaceProcessingModeValues> { InnerText = "preserve" }
and the result is open*packaging*conventions without space between words
can some one help me please?!
You're on good way by handling the Space property, but you need to do it like this:
t = new Text()
Text = "your text with spaces ",
Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve
Here is another way to set the attribute Space that can be used to specify SpaceProcessingMode.
t = new Text("This is some text");
t.Space = SpaceProcessingModeValues.Preserve;
The default of the attribute is SpaceProcessingModeValues.Default.
From API Documentation:
<w:t> significant whitespace </w:t>
Although there are three spaces on each side of the text content in the run, that whitespace has not been specifically marked as significant, therefore it is subject to the space preservation rules currently specified in that run's scope. end example]
The possible values for this attribute are defined by §2.10 of the XML 1.0 specification.
I am generating a report using OpenXML and exporting it to excel. I want to protect the excel sheet except for a particular cell.
If anyone has worked on this before, kindly help
PageMargins pageM = worksheetPart.Worksheet.GetFirstChild<PageMargins>();
SheetProtection sheetProtection = new SheetProtection();
sheetProtection.Password = "CC";
sheetProtection.Sheet = true;
sheetProtection.Objects = true;
sheetProtection.Scenarios = true;
ProtectedRanges pRanges = new ProtectedRanges();
ProtectedRange pRange = new ProtectedRange();
ListValue<StringValue> lValue = new ListValue<StringValue>();
lValue.InnerText = "A1:E1"; //set cell which you want to make it editable
pRange.SequenceOfReferences = lValue;
pRange.Name = "not allow editing";
worksheetPart.Worksheet.InsertBefore(sheetProtection, pageM);
worksheetPart.Worksheet.InsertBefore(pRanges, pageM);
ref : http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/a6f7502d-3867-4d5b-83a9-b4e0e211068f/how-to-lock-specific-columns-in-xml-workbook-while-exporting-dataset-to-excel?forum=oxmlsdk
Have you tried using the OpenXML Productivity Toolkit?
from what I can see you have to add a
new CellFormat
with attribute
ApplyProtection = true
new Protection
with attribute
Locked = false
to the the CellFormat you created.
CellFormat is a element of CellFormats which is a element of Stylesheet
then to the Worksheet you add a
new SheetProtection(){ Password = "CC1A", Sheet = true, Objects = true, Scenarios = true };
I havent tried this, but it should be easy enought to find out what you need to do with the Productivity Toolkit. I hope this points you and anyone trying to do this in the right direction.
I am trying to connect to the FedEx shipping webservice v8.
Everything works fine when I only have one RequestedPackageLineItems set. When I add two items I get the following error.
"Invalid package count or invalid package sequence number."
My Code is as follows
ProcessShipmentRequest request = CreatePendingShipmentRequest();
ShipService service = new ShipService();
ProcessShipmentReply reply = service.processShipment(request);
private static ProcessShipmentRequest CreatePendingShipmentRequest()
ProcessShipmentRequest request = new ProcessShipmentRequest();
request.WebAuthenticationDetail = new WebAuthenticationDetail();
request.WebAuthenticationDetail.UserCredential = new WebAuthenticationCredential();
request.WebAuthenticationDetail.UserCredential.Key = "XXX";
request.WebAuthenticationDetail.UserCredential.Password = "XXX";
request.ClientDetail = new ClientDetail();
request.ClientDetail.AccountNumber = "XXX";
request.ClientDetail.MeterNumber = "XXX";
request.TransactionDetail = new TransactionDetail();
request.TransactionDetail.CustomerTransactionId = "*** Ground Domestic Shipping Request v8 using C# ***";
request.Version = new VersionId();
//Inside this method I set request.RequestedShipment.PackageCount = "2";
return request;
private static void SetPackageLineItems(ProcessShipmentRequest request)
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems = new RequestedPackageLineItem[2];
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0] = new RequestedPackageLineItem();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].SequenceNumber = "1";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Weight = new Weight();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Weight.Value = 50.0M;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Weight.Units = WeightUnits.LB;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].ItemDescription = "Item";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Dimensions = new Dimensions();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Dimensions.Length = "108";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Dimensions.Width = "5";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Dimensions.Height = "5";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].Dimensions.Units = LinearUnits.IN;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences = new CustomerReference[3];
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[0] = new CustomerReference();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[0].CustomerReferenceType = CustomerReferenceType.CUSTOMER_REFERENCE;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[0].Value = "[LOT NUMBER]";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[1] = new CustomerReference();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[1].CustomerReferenceType = CustomerReferenceType.INVOICE_NUMBER;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[1].Value = "45646";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[2] = new CustomerReference();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[2].CustomerReferenceType = CustomerReferenceType.P_O_NUMBER;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[0].CustomerReferences[2].Value = "456446";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[1] = new RequestedPackageLineItem();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[1].SequenceNumber = "2";
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[1].Weight = new Weight();
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[1].Weight.Value = 50.0M;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[1].Weight.Units = WeightUnits.LB;
request.RequestedShipment.RequestedPackageLineItems[1].ItemDescription = "Item";
Found out how to do this.
In order to get multiple shipping labels into one pdf the process is as follows.
Create a request
Fill in the shipping info
Post and get a reply.
Save that replay and the byte array and MasterShippingID
Create a new request and assign the master shipping id to it.
Added shipping weight and dimensions
Post and get reply
Save byte array with the other
Continue until all shipments are generated (max 200 per master shipping id)
Merge all the pdfs returned from FedEx into one pdf.
Do a happy dance.
A simpler approach, (though there is a cost) is the Shiprush SDK. It lets you build a single XML block and let ShipRush do all the funny stuff with fedex (or whoever).
They also support their tool.