How to open a web package after deploying in IIS7 -

I've deployed my ASP MVC 4 application in IIS 7 as a web package, but I don't know how to open it in a browser. I've followed all these instructions but I don't know the next step. Any help would be appreciated .

If you deploy to the default web site, as the guide you link to specifies, then you will most likely be able to browse http://localhost (on the default port 80) after deployment.
If you import to another site I'm sure the address of that site is visible in IIS manager, if nothing else you should be able to click on Browse web site (normally in the right hand pane).
Some more details regarding web deploy packages


Install Apache with a mvc application?

Is it possible to add an Apache web server to an MVC project so that at the end you get an installation that installs the web server and moves the web page to the right folder?Or exactly the other way around, is there an Apache installation that you give your website to so it goes straight to the right folder?Does something like this exist in an easy way? Or maybe not with Apache but with a other application?
if I understand your question you want to automate the installation of "PHP/Apache" websites using " MVC app"
I've done this before, I used Plesk CLI to create user accounts, databases, copy files ... etc.
You may want to use Cpanel UAPI for doing this tasks on remote Linux server.

How can I deploy an asp mvc app to a different computer using IIS

Is there a way to deploy my mvc web app to another computer (which will be used as a server).
Also, in the server, there is no Visual Studio installed, how can I deploy it there?
Check out those links below:
Access from another PC
Run project on another PC

MVC4 WebSite 404 Error on IIS7

I have a website built in Visual Studio 2012 using MVC 4 and .NET framework 4.5.
It is being hosted on a Windows 2008 and running IIS7.
I am using a VS2012 "Web Deploy Package" to deploy to the server. I manually copy this to the server and run the install using the web deploy cmd script option /T and then /Y. It all installs fine to the Test folder.
On the Test website in IIS the application pool is pointing to the DefaultAppPool which is set for integrated and pointing to the .Net Framework v4.0.30319
I have created a new Web Site in IIS for the application called Test and defaulted the bindings for port 80 and stopped the default web site that is in IIS.
I've created a new foldeer called Test under wwwroot which is where the Web Deploy script is set to point to, when I created the script I add "Test" as the Site/Application
When I have created the web deploy package on my local machine I am manually copying the zip file and other deploy files (cmd,*.xml) to the remote server
I have run %windir%\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319\aspnet_regiis.exe -i on the server and installed .net 4.5 framework and MVC framework components I could see in the Web Platform installer.
This website was previously being hosted on Windows Azure and have been able to direct publish to Azure and everything runs fine and when I go to any page it displays as expected.But on the new web server I get a 404 when I go to any page.
Everything seems to be installed as far as I can see on the web server. I was able to stop my website and re-start the default web site and add an index.htm file and that displays fine.
It almost seems like something in the MVC pipeline is not initialising. I'm using the standard Home controller with Index action that comes as part of the VS20102 MVC template as a test and that returns me a 404 when I go to /Home.
I've also tried other endpoints (I have WEB api rest endpoints off /API/* and these are returning 404 errors).
I'm just wondering if there is some basic set-up I've missed. It almost seems like some service is not running correctly and picking up the MVC website.

Deploying ASP.NET Application on IIS7

I am developing an ASP.NET MVC 4.5 application in C#. It works flawlessly when I run it after compiling on my local IIS Express.
However, when I try to upload it to a remote server it does not seem to recognize anything in its root directory. It only displays the default welcome screen.
I have tried reconfiguring the web.config file to point to Global.asax file, without any success. I am able to load single images by modifying the URL according to the sites structure.
What is the initial "starting file" on ASP.NET MVC 4.5 and how do I configure IIS7 to load it?
Check you server configuration (if possible), first enable Web Server (IIS) role (is posible to add from Server Manager or PowerShell), then install .NET Framework, or use aspnet_regiis.exe from .net framework folder (C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v4.0.30319 and C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319) if server has configured iis web role and .net framework installed but configured incorrectly. If unsure what role features to add use Web PI and add IIS Recommended Configuration (
Note: In Visual Studio 2012 project template for MVC 4 Web Application references as copy-local MVC Assemblies from NuGet and therefor you don't need to install MVC 4 on web server.
Command to register current .NET version (from folder wich you are executing this utility, execute for both, first for 32-bit and than for 64-bit on 64-bit OS) with IIS:
aspnet_regiis -i
PowerShell to add Web Server role:
PS> Import-Module ServerManager
PS> Add-WindowsFeature Web-Server
If you see the default IIS welcome screen then it's probably because of incorrect website bindings (IP:port:hostheader). Whenever IIS cannot locate a website with specific binding it falls request back to "Default Web Site" with *:80 binding which you probably observe.

Umbraco not showing up on domain - cPanel

I am currently trying to install umbraco to my web server running cpanel
it is uploaded to but when I go to the domain it says 404 nothing found.
Can anyone tell me and help me how to fix this please?
Many Thanks
Ben returns the code inside the ASP.NET page, which shows that you're on a server which doesn't have ASP.NET installed. This implies you're running on a *NIX webserver (which, Firebug'ing your site, it returns "Apache/2.2.14 (Unix)"). Umbraco is .NET and requires either a Windows web server, or a Linux server with Mono installed.
