Hiding button leaves whitespace instead of dropping down top button in ios - ios

I am hiding the second button below, but I want the top button to drop down. Is there a way to do that where it has a relative layout.

Yes you can do this. One of my project I had to do this. If you are using autolayout then you can not manually change your buttons frames. You can either have to disable autolayout, or modify the constraints programmatically. I followed the first one.
In your case, if you want the first button to take the position of the second one (which you are hiding) then take the frame of the second button and assign it to the first button.
Hope this helps. :)


can't move button in view controller in Xcode

I have created a new view controller in Xcode and added a button . I am trying to add constraints to it to move it to top left hand corner of screen , but all the constraints seem to be disabled.
Also when I am trying to add a second button to the view controller , it replaces the first one rather than adding a second one.
Control and Dragging the button shows the following menu, instead of the adding constraint menu
Can you point me towards where I am going wrong ?
PS: I am new to using Xcode, so kindly let me know if I need to provide any further details to make it easier for you guys to understand the issue.
First of all you need to put button wherever you want and then press button Resolved auto layout issues (Second from the last) at the bottom right corner and select add missing constraints.
And second you can manually add constraint to this button as
To do
You need to Control + drag from button to superview for leading space, trailing space, bottom layout and top layout constraints.
Guys thanks for your inputs . I found the issue , the button wasn't on any view , hence when I was trying to control drag i was getting those options. I deleted the button , added a view and then added a button . All good now.

Xcode IB: UIButton hidden but have still buttons space

I have the following issue in my iPhone app.
I have 4 buttons in my IB also linked to my UIViewController (IBOutlet)
When I for example hide the second button which is AfvalSoorten with [self.btnAfvalSoorten setHidden:YES]; then it disappears, that's what I want, but I still got the button space when I debug the app on the simulator.
How can I get rid of that?
Below there is an example.
Is there an option on the Storyboard for the buttons to clip together?
You should use autolayout. Otherwise it's a nightmare with the new screen sizes.
With autolayout you can do what you ask programmatically: setup the buttons with certain constraints and then when you decide to hide the button remove the constraints that are not needed. It's flexible and powerful but not the easiest way for a beginner.
One simple way to do it is with additional constraints. For instance, if you have buttons 1, 2 and 3 (see screenshot), and you plan to remove button 2, you can add an extra constraint between 3 and 1:
That constraint should have less priority (250 in my example) than the others (1000 by default). That mean that the constraint won't be applied when button 2 is in place (with higher priority constraints).
Then, remove the button instead of hiding it.
[self.button removeFromSuperview];
When you hide the button it still considered by the layout system to take decisions, and it makes layout more complex. If you want to keep the button around make sure it's using strong modifier in the property declaration.
A better approach for above scenario - You dont need to set any autolayout or frames :)
Use UITableView and create custom cell with UIButtons in it.
Set UITableViewCellSelectionStyle to None
Here your button background is same for all cell
Create an array with above button titles
When ever you want to hide buttons just remove it from array.
The modern preferred way of doing so is to use Stack Views. Great tutorial. Requires iOS 9.
You'll find the icon of stack view in the Auto Layout toolbar at the bottom right of the storyboard canvas.
You had just make it hidden.
You have to set the frames according to your need.
You can set autolayout.
maybe there is a solution with autoLayout in IB but I'm not sure about that. Programmatically you can add all your button to an array in order. and whenever you hide a button or not you loop trough the array of button and each time you find one that is not hidden you set the y coordinate on the frame to a a value and you increment this value by what you need so the next not hidden will be placed according to the last position used.
You can add the buttons programmatically -> you will have the array
of Btns and method to add array to the view controller.
You can play with the Constraints and set Height Constraint for 2nd button when hide it to 0 but all buttons should be connected with the constraints in this case.

UIViewController with UITableView and TextField storyboard placement

This might be a simple question but using storyboard I can't seem to position my table, a message field and a button correctly. In the picture below, if it's positioned that way, only then do I get to see the text field and button at the bottom of the screen and the table view takes up the rest of the screen. If I drag the text field and button to the bottom and resize the table, the text field and button disappear and the table is cut off. Why is that? Is there a solution to this without doing it programmatically?
Easy solution is to remove all constraints then position them where you want them.
You'll find you get different effect when try to reposition items depending where you drag from for example double tap an item and nudge it with arrow keys or grab the middle to move it resizing via the corners.
But in my opinion it's easier remove all constraints from the view and then set them as you go.
Also you might want to consider using a container view for the table view and have a separate UItableViewController that way you can easily separate out that the tableview logic from the other ViewController. It will help stop things getting a little messy later on as project grows.

How can I dynamically add/remove a button in a UIView and reposition the buttons below it and vertically resize the view?

I have a UIView, defined in a nib, and I need to be able to show/hide a middle button in that view. When I show the button, I need to reposition the two bottom buttons below it, as well as make the view taller to make room for everything. When I hide the middle button, I need to move the two bottom buttons up and vertically resize the view to make it less tall. I do NOT need to animate any of this since it the changes will never occur while the view is visible to the user.
I'm new to iOS and I'm used to using Autolayout, but I can't use Autolayout in this case to handle this automatically, so my current approach is to hardcode the frame position and dimensions for the two bottom buttons for each of the two different situations. I'm also hardcoding the two different frame sizes for the view itself. In viewDidLoad, I determine if I need to show/hide the middle button and set the frames for the view and bottom buttons appropriately. This works, but if feels hacky. Is there a better way I should be doing this?
Thanks in advance for your wisdom!
You don't need to hardcode your frame sizes in viewDidLoad. The only thing you should take care of is determining that whether you need to show you middle button or not. Within the implementation file where you are allocating your UIButtons, check if the middle button has to be shown, if Yes allocate it, if not then don't. The frames of two buttons and the view should contain a factor which can set/size them accordingly.
You'd basically be managing the Auto-layout programmatically. And if you're not even allowed to that then whatever else you'd end up doing would pretty much be a hack.

Storyboard UIView cuts off objects when scrolling

Using Storyboards, I have a scrollview with a UIView embeded into it. On that UIView I have some text and a button. The button is down a bit, for this question.
When I scroll in the simulator and on the device, the UIView gets cut off where the button is. (button there to show the cut off)
Above pic is before scrolling.
This pic is showing the scroll UIView and the button embeded into it being cut off.
I have set the Size Inspector to 1000 height.
I have searched on stackoverflow and I have not found an answer as of yet.
Thanks for any help.
It looks like the hierarchy of this particular window is not ordered properly. You need to rearrange your hierarchy. To do this, go to your storyboard, and click on the little button on the bottom left that looks like the play button with a box around it. From there, you can adjust.
I had the same issue in an app i was working on. For some reason, it didn't work for me either. I suggest you try creating the the scrollview and the view inside it programatically instead of storyboard for this particular view controller. It will work like a charm. You will also have to find the length of the inner view and then set the size of the scroll view to the size of the view embedded in it.
I figured it out. Not sure if this is the preferred method or just a work around.
The main difference is I connected the last ScrollView, not the First one. Not sure why but it works.
Before, (pics above in original post with cut off button), it would cut off my UIView. I still would like to know "why" it does this. Thanks for the reply's.
