Add conditions do activerecord includes - ruby-on-rails

First I have this:
has_one :guess
scope :with_guesses, ->{ includes(:guess) }
Which loads all guesses (if they exists) for a 'X' model (run two queries). That's ok. works perfectly.
But I need to add one more condition to It.
If I do (my first thought):
scope :with_guesses, ->(user) { includes(:guess).where("guesses.user_id = ?", }
It will also run ok, BUT in one query (join) which will exclude results that doesn't have a 'guess'.
Any tips on how to use include with conditions but KEEPING the results that don't have a 'guess' ?
I ended up solving this by using a decorator, which I can pass the user as a context in the controller call, keeping the views clean.
I've used the Draper gem ( to do this. You don't really need a gem to work with decorators in rails, but it can be helpful.

I didn't test it but you can use something like
User.eager_load(:guesses).where("guesses.user_id = ?",

when you using includes and where, the includes left join will be inner join.
so if you want to using a left join with where, you have to use string sql fragment:
scope :with_guesses, ->(user) { joins('left outer join guesses on guesses.user_id = ?',}
I didn't test this code above, you have to test it yourself, this is just a way to think about
this problem.
here is reference:


activerecord not like query

I could not find an activerecord equivalent of "Not Like". I was able to find a where.not, but that will check if a string does not match a value, as so:
User.where.not(name: 'Gabe')
is the same as:
User.where('name != ?', 'Gabe')
I was looking for a NOT LIKE, where the value is not contained in the string. The equivalent sql query would look like as follows:
SELECT * FROM users WHERE name NOT LIKE '%Gabe%'
In ActiveRecord I can currently get away with the following:
User.where("name NOT LIKE ?", "%Gabe%")
But that leaves a lot to be desired. Any new additions to Rails 4 to facilitate this?
Well, you can do something like:
User.where.not("name LIKE ?", "%Gabe%")
Note: This is only available in Rails 4.
As others have pointed out ActiveRecord does not have a nice syntax for building like statements. I would suggest using Arel as it makes the query less database platform specific (will use ilike for sqlite & like for other platforms).
You could also implement this as a scope to contain the implementation to the model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
scope :not_matching,
-> (str) { where(arel_table[:name].does_not_match("%#{str}%")) }
Unfortunately ActiveRecord does not have a like query builder. I agree that the raw 'NOT LIKE' leaves a lot to be desired; you could make it a scope (scope :not_like, (column, val) -> { ... }), but AR itself does not do this.
Just addition to the answer of "where.not" of active record. "where.not" will exclude null values also. i.e. Query User.where.not(name: 'Gabe') will leave record with name 'Gabe' but it also exclude name column with NULL values. So in this scenario the solution would be
User.where.not(name: 'Gabe')
.or(User.where(name: nil))

Rails active record querying association with 'exists'

I am working on an app that allows Members to take a survey (Member has a one to many relationship with Response). Response holds the member_id, question_id, and their answer.
The survey is submitted all or nothing, so if there are any records in the Response table for that Member they have completed the survey.
My question is, how do I re-write the query below so that it actually works? In SQL this would be a prime candidate for the EXISTS keyword.
def surveys_completed
members.where(responses: !nil ).count
You can use includes and then test if the related response(s) exists like this:
def surveys_completed
members.includes(:responses).where(' IS NOT NULL')
Here is an alternative, with joins:
def surveys_completed
The solution using Rails 4:
def surveys_completed
members.includes(:responses).where.not(responses: { id: nil })
Alternative solution using activerecord_where_assoc:
This gem does exactly what is asked here: use EXISTS to to do a condition.
It works with Rails 4.1 to the most recent.
It can also do much more!
Similar questions:
How to query a model based on attribute of another model which belongs to the first model?
association named not found perhaps misspelled issue in rails association
Rails 3, has_one / has_many with lambda condition
Rails 4 scope to find parents with no children
Join multiple tables with active records
You can use SQL EXISTS keyword in elegant Rails-ish manner using Where Exists gem:
Of course you can use raw SQL as well:
members.where("EXISTS" \
"(SELECT 1 FROM responses WHERE responses.member_id =").
You can also use a subquery:
In comparison to something with includes it will not load the associated models (which is a performance benefit if you do not need them).
If you are on Rails 5 and above you should use left_joins. Otherwise a manual "LEFT OUTER JOINS" will also work. This is more performant than using includes mentioned in includes will attempt to load the related objects into memory, whereas left_joins will build a "LEFT OUTER JOINS" query.
def surveys_completed
members.left_joins(:responses).where.not(responses: { id: nil })
Even if there are no related records (like the query above where you are finding by nil) includes still uses more memory. In my testing I found includes uses ~33x more memory on Rails 5.2.1. On Rails 4.2.x it was ~44x more memory compared to doing the joins manually.
See this gist for the test:
where.missing (Rails 6.1+)
Rails 6.1 introduces a new way to check for the absence of an association - where.missing.
Please, have a look at the following code snippet:
# Before:
Post.left_joins(:author).where(authors: { id: nil })
# After:
And this is an example of SQL query that is used under the hood:
# SELECT "posts".* FROM "posts"
# LEFT OUTER JOIN "authors" ON "authors"."id" = "posts"."author_id"
# WHERE "authors"."id" IS NULL
As a result, your particular case can be rewritten as follows:
def surveys_completed
where.missing official docs.
Pull request.
Article from the Saeloun blog.
where.associated - a counterpart for checking for the presence of an association is also available starting from Rails 7.
See offical docs and this answer.

Scope with join make SQL safe

I have a scope for returning a list of projects a user has access too. Either they are on the participant list or they own the project they are listed. Query works fine except its not SQL safe. I can't figure out how to make the JOIN safe. The where clause is safe but trying the same with join doesn't work. I can't seem to find documentation or an answer here. Guessing I'm missing something basic.
scope :manageable_by_user, lambda { |user|
joins("LEFT JOIN participants ON
participants.project_id =
AND participants.user_id = #{}").
where("projects.user_id = ? OR projects.user_id IS NOT NULL",
use ActiveRecord::Base.sanitize(string)

Change default finder select statement in Rails 3.1

I'd like to change the default statement that ActiveRecord uses to query a model's table. By default, it queries a table "cables" for example by...
this_cable = Cable.first
results in
SELECT "cables".* FROM "cables" LIMIT 1
I would like to find a way for it to wind up with
SELECT *,askml(wkb_geometry) as kml FROM "cables" LIMIT 1
This way i can call a database function and have that behave like a field on the object.
=> "<LineString><coordinates>-73.976879999999994,40.674999999999997 -73.977029999999999,40.674779999999998 -73.977170000000001,40.674770000000002 -73.97775,40.67501</coordinates></LineString>"
This can be accomplished by adding a scope
scope :with_kml, "*,askml(wkb_geometry) as kml"
But I figure that's kind of messy. I would like this "kml" column to always be there, without having to call the "with_kml" scope.
Any ideas?
Have you tried using default_scope for this, or do you actually want this to be present on all your models?
Something like this might solve your problem:
default_scope select("*, askml(wkb_geometry) as kml")
You might want to change that to cables.* for it to work properly with joins and such, though.

Remove a 'where' clause from an ActiveRecord::Relation

I have a class method on User, that returns applies a complicated select / join / order / limit to User, and returns the relation. It also applies a where(:admin => true) clause. Is it possible to remove this one particular where statement, if I have that relation object with me?
Something like
User.complex_stuff.without_where(:admin => true)
I know this is an old question, but since rails 4 now you can do this
User.complex_stuff.unscope(where: :admin)
This will remove the where admin part of the query, if you want to unscope the whole where part unconditinoally
ps: thanks to #Samuel for pointing out my mistake
I haven't found a way to do this. The best solution is probably to restructure your existing complex_stuff method.
First, create a new method complex_stuff_without_admin that does everything complex_stuff does except for adding the where(:admin => true). Then rewrite the complex_stuff method to call User.complex_stuff_without_admin.where(:admin => true).
Basically, just approach it from the opposite side. Add where needed, rather than taking away where not needed.
This is an old question and this doesn't answer the question per say but rewhere is a thing that exists.
From the documentation:
Allows you to change a previously set where condition for a given attribute, instead of appending to that condition.
So something like:
Person.where(name: "John Smith", status: "live").rewhere(name: "DickieBoy")
Will output:
SELECT `people`.* FROM `people` WHERE `people`.`name` = 'DickieBoy' AND `people`.`status` = 'live';
The key point being that the name column has been overwritten, but the status column has stayed.
You could do something like this (where_values holds each where query; you'd have to tweak the SQL to match the exact output of :admin => true on your system). Keep in mind this will only work if you haven't actually executed the query yet (i.e. you haven't called .all on it, or used its results in a view):
#users = User.complex_stuff
#users.where_values.delete_if { |query| query.to_sql == "\"users\".\"admin\" = 't'" }
However, I'd strongly recommend using Emily's answer of restructuring the complex_stuff method instead.
I needed to do this (Remove a 'where' clause from an ActiveRecord::Relation which was being created by a scope) while joining two scopes, and did it like this: self.scope(from,to).values[:joins].
I wanted to join values from the two scopes that made up the 'joined_scope' without the 'where' clauses, so that I could add altered 'where' clauses separately (altered to use 'OR' instead of 'AND').
For me, this went in the joined scope, like so:
scope :joined_scope, -> (from, to) {
.where(first_scope(from,to).ast.cores.last.wheres.inject{|ws, w| (ws &&= ws.and(w)) || w}
Hope that helps someone
