I have two identical statusbars (AdvOfficeStatusBar) on each form. That means Form1 has the same status bar as the Form2.Now,before I close the Form1 I would like all the values from the status bar to be transfered to that one on the form2. I suppose I could do it one by one like... :
procedure TForm2.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
AdvOfficeStatusBar1.Panels[0].Text := Form1.AdvOfficeStatusBar1.Panels[0].Text;
AdvOfficeStatusBar1.Panels[1].Text := Form1.AdvOfficeStatusBar1.Panels[1].Text;
AdvOfficeStatusBar1.Panels[2].Text := Form1.AdvOfficeStatusBar1.Panels[2].Text;
AdvOfficeStatusBar1.Panels[4].Text := Form1.AdvOfficeStatusBar1.Panels[4].Text;
AdvOfficeStatusBar1.Panels[5].Text := Form1.AdvOfficeStatusBar1.Panels[5].Text;
AdvOfficeStatusBar1.Panels[6].Text := Form1.AdvOfficeStatusBar1.Panels[6].Text;
I was wondering if there's a more simple way?Less code...
You're suffering from an anti-pattern called copy-paste-programming.
It makes for very easy programming, but difficult maintenance.
Every time you add a line to one statusbar, you have to go back and update to code to have it be linked into the other statusbar.
It's easy to forget updating the code and ehm well it's work, which is why this is bad practice.
A better way is to use Assign or if that does not work a loop. Both are demonstrated below.
Note that the Panel is an array property.
Normally every array_property has a associated count property.
I'm not sure what it is in this instance, but I'm guessing it's called PanelCount.
As per David's suggestion it's better to store the state somewhere inside your program, because you might redesign the form and lose the StatusBar, in which case you'd also lose the storage.
TForm2 = class(TForm)
StatusStore: array of string;
procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
//Initialisation, you cannot use a loop, unless you'd read it from a file.
StatusStore[0]:= 'a';
StatusStore[1]:= 'b';
StatusStore[2]:= 'c';
StatusStore[3]:= 'd';
StatusStore[4]:= 'e';
StatusStore[5]:= 'f';
procedure TForm2.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
i,maxi: integer;
StatusStore[0]:= 'Showing Form2';
Maxi:= SizeOf(StatusStore);
i:= 0;
AdvOfficeStatusBar1.PanelCount:= Maxi;
while (i < Maxi) do begin
AdvOfficeStatusBar1.Panels[i].Text:= StatusStore[i];
end; {while}
Now whatever data is to be displayed and however many items there are, the display will update.
You can even program the loop to skip an item if you want the first or last item to be different for each form.
I would like that user could write only numbers from 1 to 49 in edit box. I know how to exclude letters and has possibility to put only numbers but I can't limit it to specific numbers (e.g from 1 to 49 - like in lottery game).
I added KeyDown event to edit box and put this code:
if not (KeyChar in ['1'..'9']) then
ShowMessage('Invalid character');
KeyChar := #0;
How can I modify it?
Following David's advice, a pattern I often use looks something like this :
function Validate1To49(AStr : string; var Value : integer) : boolean;
result := TryStrToInt(AStr, Value) and
(Value >= 1) and (Value <= 49);
procedure TForm1.Edit1Change(Sender: TObject);
tmp : integer;
if Validate1To49(Edit1.Text, tmp) then
Edit1.Color := clWhite
Edit1.Color := clRed;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
theValue : integer;
if Validate1To49(Edit1.Text, theValue) then begin
// go ahead and do something with "theValue"
end else
ShowMessage('Value not valid');
Here if the user inputs anything invalid there is immediate visual feedback that is not intrusive like a modal message box. Here I coloured the edit box red, but you can also show/hide or change the colour of a warning label above the edit box with a message detailing the expected input, use a green checkmark, or whatever else seems sensible
This has the benefit that the user can see immediately whether or not their inputs are valid. The validation methods can be wrapped up so that they can be re-used when the user attempts to initiate an action requiring those inputs. At this point I feel it's fine to use a modal messagebox because the user has plainly missed the obvious cues already in front of them. Alternatively, when validating in the OnChange handler you can simply disable any action controls (like buttons, etc) that would allow the user to proceed. This requires validating all input controls required for the action - again, usually you would wrap the entire validation action into a single method for sensible re-use.
For simple values like integers, a good SpinEdit control can be useful (the VCL one is included in the Samples package - not always installed by default). The above pattern is more flexible, however and can be used for any type of input. A SpinEdit won't provide any feedback, however - the user will simply type and nothing will show up. They may wonder whether the application is broken if there is no clear guidance visible about what the input element will accept.
The same question can also be answered in this way also by writing a OnKeyPress event for a Edit box. By this way the user will not be able to enter the number greater than the limit which we define.
procedure TfrmCourse.edtDurationKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
sTextvalue: string;
if Sender = edtDuration then
if (Key = FormatSettings.DecimalSeparator) AND
(pos(FormatSettings.DecimalSeparator, edtDuration.Text) <> 0) then
Key := #0;
if (charInSet(Key, ['0' .. '9'])) then
sTextvalue := TEdit(Sender).Text + Key;
if sTextvalue <> '' then
if ((StrToFloat(sTextvalue) > 12) and (Key <> #8)) then
Key := #0;
I need to sort my TListBox but I realized it is a lot of work to modify my code if I were to say make a TStringList, sort it and then copy those items into the Listbox. The main reason it's a lot of work is that I have many places in the code where the listbox contents are modified and I guess I would have to edit them all to force a sort at the time they are added, deleted or whatever.
I would much prefer something that let me just attach a method to a listbox somehow to sort it using my custom sort logic.
Is it somehow possible?
This is no Problem! Look at this Code:
function CompareDates(List: TStringList; Index1, Index2: Integer): Integer;
d1, d2: TDateTime;
d1 := StrToDate(List[Index1]);
d2 := StrToDate(List[Index2]);
if d1 < d2 then
Result := -1
else if d1 > d2 then
Result := 1
Result := 0;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
sl: TStringList;
sl := TStringList.Create;
If you are using Delphi XE or later, I have a possibility for you.
Note that I say "possibility" and not "solution" as it is more of a hack than anything else and I wouldn't really approve this in production code unless it was a last resort.
From what I understand, what you are essentially trying to achieve is override the behavior of the Add function (which is virtual) to make it insert at the right position based on a custom order. (If you need to also override insert, this works too). If it was possible to override the TStrings descendant TListbox uses, that would be simple, but we are not that lucky.
Delphi XE introduced a new class called TVirtualMethodInterceptor (Rtti unit) that allows to intercept virtual method to do whatever we want to do with it. We can inspect and modify the parameters, call other functions, or litterally cancel the call and do nothing at all.
Here's how the proof of concept I made looked like:
// TCompareFunc<T1> = reference to function (const Arg1, Arg2 : T1) : Integer;
procedure TForm4.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
var vCompareFunc : TCompareFunc<string>;
RttiContext : TRttiContext;
vAddMethod : TRttiMethod;
vRttiType : TRttiType;
RttiContext := TRttiContext.Create;
vRttiType := RttiContext.GetType(TStrings);
vAddMethod := vRttiType.GetMethod('Add');
vCompareFunc := MyCompareFunc;
Fvmi := TVirtualMethodInterceptor.Create(Listbox1.Items.ClassType);
Fvmi.OnBefore := procedure(Instance: TObject; Method: TRttiMethod;
const Args: TArray<TValue>; out DoInvoke: Boolean; out Result: TValue)
idx : Integer;
if Method = vAddMethod then
begin //if it's the Add method, map it to Insert at the right position
DoInvoke := False;
BinarySearch(TStrings(Instance), Args[0].AsString, vCompareFunc,idx);
TStrings(Instance).Insert(idx, Args[0].AsString);
This proof of concept intercept the call to TStrings.add and map it to binarysearch/Insert so that the items of the list are always in the right order. This does not override the Insert or Assign function, or any other function modifying the list. If you want to use this approach, you need to override all the "offending" functions.
Disclaimer : Since I have never really used this technique, don't consider this example as the golden rule for TVirtualMethodInterceptor's usage. It does work, but it might have performance implications or others that I'm unaware of.
One important point to mention (from Barry Kelly's blog, see below)
One thing the TVirtualMethodInterceptor class doesn't have, however,
is a way to unhook (unproxify) the object. If the object is never
unhooked, it's important that the object doesn't outlive the
interceptor, because the interceptor needs to allocate executable
memory in order to create the little stubs with which it redirects
method calls to the events.
If you want to dig deeper, here's a pretty good article on the subject:
Code like this logs all table inserts (from the entire application):
procedure TForm1.ACRDatabase1AfterInsertRecord(Sender: TACRDataSet;
const TableName: WideString; const FieldValues: TACRArrayOfTACRVariant);
if (AnsiUpperCase(TableName) = AnsiUpperCase(LogTable.TableName)) then
if (Sender is TACRTable) then
LogTable.FieldByName('EventTime').AsDateTime := Now;
LogTable.FieldByName('TableName').AsString := TableName;
LogTable.FieldByName('EventType').AsString := 'Insert ';
LogTable.FieldByName('Whatever').AsString := FieldValues[4].AsString;
But fieldValues are different for each table so you might crash
the application (almost sure) using fieldvalues i.e their index number.
How do you overcome this ? Is it possible to log each table separately ?
As I mentioned in a comment, I don't have Accuracer, but thought it might be helpful
to post a generic method of doing client-side logging, which can capture the value
of one or more fields and be used for as many datasets as you need. You may be
able to use part of it in your ACRDatabase1AfterInsertRecord handler, as its Sender
parameter appears to identify the dataset into which the new row has been inserted.
As you can see, there is a LogFields procedure which can be included in the AfterInsert
handler of any dataset you like and this calls a separate GetFieldsToLog procedure which
adds the names of the field(s) to log for a given dataset to a temporary StringList. It's
only the GetFieldsToLog procedure which needs to be adapted to the needs of a given set of datasets.
procedure TForm1.GetFieldsToLog(ADataSet : TDataSet; FieldList : TStrings);
if ADataSet = AdoQuery1 then begin
// obviously, deal with other specific tables here
procedure TForm1.LogFields(ADataSet : TDataSet);
TL : TStringList;
i : Integer;
ValueToLog : String;
TL := TStringList.Create;
GetFieldsToLog(ADataSet, TL);
for i := 0 to TL.Count - 1 do begin
ValueToLog := ADataSet.FieldByName(TL[i]).AsString;
// do your logging here however you want
procedure TForm1.ADOQuery1AfterInsert(DataSet: TDataSet);
Btw, one of the points of having a separate GetFieldsToLog procedure is that it helps to extend
client-side logging to changes in existing dataset records. If you generate this list
at start-up and save it somewhere, you can use it in the BeforePost event of a dataset to
pick up the current and previous values of the field (using its Value and OldValue properties),
save those in an another StringList and log them in the AfterPost event. Of course,
if you'e using a common store for these value from more than one dataset, you need to make
sure that the AfterPost of one dataset fire before the BeforePost of any other, or do the logging
entirely within the BeforePost (having to store the old and current field values between
Before- and AfterPost is messy, and it would be better to do everything in the AfterPost,
but unfortunately the OldValue is out-of-date by the time AfterPost occurs.
Be aware that getting the OldValue requires the specific dataset type to correctly implement
it. Not all types of dataset I've come across do, though, so it needs checking.
Btw #2, supposing you have a procedure like this
procedure TForm1.DoSomething(AnObject : TObject);
then you can use "if AnObject is ..." to do something like this
AnAdoQuery : TAdoQuery;
if AnObject is TAdoQuery then begin
// First, use a cast to assign Sender to the local AnAdoQuery variable
AnAdoQuery := TAdoQuery(AnObject);
// Then, we can do whatever we like with it, e.g.
Caption := AnAdoQuery.Name;
Otoh, if for some reason (and I can't immediately think why we would want to but never mind)
we just want to check that what we've been passed as the AnObject parameter is a particular
object, we can omit the cast and just do
if AnObject = AdoQuery1 then
ShowMessage('Received AdoQuery1');
This equality check works, regardless of the actual class of what we've been passed
as the AnObject parameter because all other classes are descendants of AnObject's
declared class, namely TObject.
i have a little problem. I'm trying to create in Delphi7 a list of components at run-time and to resize them with form's .OnResize event but no use... i can't figure out how to do it.
Here's my code:
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
panel: TPanel;
memo: TMemo;
splitter: TSplitter;
list: TListBox;
panel := TPanel.Create(Self);
list := TListBox.Create(Self);
splitter := TSplitter.Create(Self);
memo := TMemo.Create(Self);
with panel do
Parent := Form1;
BevelOuter := bvNone;
Top := 12;
Left := 12;
Height := Form1.Clientheight - 24;
Width := Form1.Clientwidth - 24;
with list do
Parent := panel;
Align := alClient;
Top := 0;
Height := panel.Height;
with splitter do
Parent := panel;
Top := 0;
Width := 12;
Align := alLeft;
with memo do
Parent := panel;
Top := 0;
Left := 0;
Width := round(panel.Width / 4) * 3;
Height := panel.Height;
Align := alLeft;
Do i have to somehow register their names in order to use them in form's event? Or maybe, to create a class and include them?
Any kind of help is really appreciated! Thank you in advance.
Your variables are local to the procedure where they are created so you can't refer to them using those variables when outside that procedure. The solution is to make them fields of the form class.
TForm1 = class(TForm)
procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject);
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
FPanel: TPanel;
FMemo: TMemo;
FSplitter: TSplitter;
FList: TListBox;
Then your FormResize event handler can refer to them.
procedure TForm1.FormResize(Sender: TObject);
if Assigned(FPanel) then
Don't forget to remove the local variables from Button1Click and use the fields instead.
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
FPanel := TPanel.Create(Self);
Although David's answer is also very correct, I thought I would take a moment and go into some more detail. By the looks of it, you seem to be very new with Delphi. There is a very common issue with beginners, which David doesn't address in his answer, pertaining to creating and freeing these objects. Any and every time you ever call 'Create' on a class, at some point, when you're done with it, you have to also 'Free' that class. Failure to free anything will result in a memory leak, and no one wants that. Freeing is just as simple as creating - until you get into the subject of keeping a list of objects (which you don't need right now).
Let's say you wanted to create a text box (TEdit) control and place it in the center of your form. Now first of all, the Delphi IDE allows you to simply drop these controls in your form, just making sure you know. You don't necessarily need to create/free them yourself, unless there's some special scenario. But doing this is dangerous. For the sake of this example, we're assuming that this TEdit control will be there for the entire duration of your application.
First, you need to declare a variable somewhere for this control. The most reasonable place for this is inside the class where it will be used (in this case, your form which we'll call Form1). When working with variables (aka Fields) in your form, make sure you do not put anything above the private section. Everything above private is intended for auto-generated code by Delphi for anything which has been dropped (and is visual) in your form. Otherwise, any manually created things must go under either private or under public. The public area would be a good place for your control...
TForm1 = class(TForm)
MyEdit: TEdit;
Now that it's declared, we have to create (and free) it. It's a good practice that any and every time you ever create something, that you immediately put the code to also free it before you continue working. Make an event handler for your form's OnCreate and OnDestroy events...
procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
MyEdit:= TMyEdit.Create(nil);
MyEdit.Parent:= Self;
MyEdit.Left:= (ClientWidth div 2) - (Width div 2);
MyEdit.Top:= (ClientHeight div 2) - (Height div 2);
procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
if assigned(MyEdit) then MyEdit.Free;
If this object is not created (before creation or after destruction), then you will get an "Access Violation" when trying to use it. This is because your application tries to access an area of the computer's memory which is not allocated or not matching with the type you meant to get.
Well, that's the basics to fix your scenario. However one more thing to show you. Suppose you need to just create an object for a short time, for the duration of a procedure. There's a different approach for this. In your code above, you declared your variable directly within the procedure. This example will show you when it is necessary to do this...
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
MyObject: TMyObject;
MyObject:= TMyObject.Create;
Caption:= MyObject.GetSomething;
You see, as long as MyObject will only be used in this one call to this procedure, then you can declare it here. But if the object is expected to stay in memory after this procedure is over and done with, then things get more complicated. Again, in your case, stick with putting this in the form's class until you're more familiar with dynamically creating objects.
A final note, as mentioned above, you do have the ability to place the TEdit control directly on your form in design-time without writing your own code. If you do this, you need to remember NOT to try to create or free these ones. This is also the case when Delphi will automatically put the code above the private section - is when there's something which you're not supposed to play with.
I don't think I am eligible to "comment", so I'm phrasing this as an "answer". If you want to resize your runtime components when their parent changes size, take a good look at the Anchors property. It can save you a lot of work.
I've got a pretty big setup form which I'd like to populate with data from a class. so I'm doing a lot of
Edt1.text := ASettings.FirstThing;
I'd like to avoid
Edt1.onchange := nil;
Edt1.text := ASettings.FirstThing;
Edt1.onchange := edt1Onchange;
How do I change the text in a text box and sidestep the onchange event.
I have used something like changing the OnChange handler, but more often, I use a flag.
updatingFromCode := true;
Edt1.Text := ASettings.FirstThing;
updatingFromCode := false;
procedure TForm1.OnChange(...);
if updatingFromCode then
Also, rather than hardcoding the OnChange the the actual OnChange procedure, I would store the Edit control's current value, then reset it (which will work if it is not set, or if another place has changed it, etc.)
oldOnChange := Edt1.OnChange;
Edt1.OnChange := nil;
Edt1.Text := ASettings.FirstThing;
Edt1.OnChange := oldOnChange;
You might consider using an object to manage the NIL'ing of the event and restoring the previously installed event handler. It's a little dangerous to assume that the event to be restored just happens to be the one assigned at design-time/which happens to have the "name that fits" - you should always save/restore the currently assigned handler, just to be safe.
This would provide an even more re-usable utility than the SetTextWithoutOnChange() routine:
TSuspendEvent = class
fObject: TObject;
fEvent: String;
fHandler: TMethod;
constructor Create(const aObject: TObject; aEvent: String);
destructor Destroy; override;
constructor TSuspendEvent.Create(const aObject: TObject; aEvent: String);
NILEvent : TMethod = (Code: NIL; Data: NIL);
inherited Create;
fObject := aObject;
fEvent := aEvent;
fHandler := GetMethodProp(aObject, aEvent);
SetMethodProp(aObject, aEvent, NILEvent);
destructor TSuspendEvent.Destroy;
SetMethodProp(fObject, fEvent, fHandler);
In usage, this would look something like:
with TSuspendEvent.Create(Edit1, 'OnChange') do
Edit1.Text := 'Reset!';
For the "Thou shalt not use 'with' crowd" - by all means declare yourself an additional local variable and use that if it will help you sleep easier at night. :)
Or, to make it even more convenient to use and eliminate "with", I would make the TSuspendEvent class an interfaced object and wrap its use in a function that yielded an interface reference to it that could be allowed to "live in scope", as exemplified by my AutoFree() implementation. In fact, you could use AutoFree() as-is to manage this already:
AutoFree(TSuspendEvent.Create(Edit1, 'OnChange'));
Edit1.Text := 'Reset!';
Dsabling events for a period that extends beyond the scope of a single procedure requires more management than any helper utilities are likely to be able to provide in a generic fashion I think, at least not without also having specific means for restoring events explicitly, rather than automatically.
If you simply wrapped TSuspendEvent inside it's own interface yielding function, following the same pattern as AutoFree() you could simplify this further to:
SuspendEvent(Edit1, 'OnChange');
Edit1.Text := 'Reset!';
As a final note, I think it should be fairly easy to see how this could be quite simply extended to support suspending multiple events on an object in a single call, if required, for example:
SuspendEvent(Edit1, ['OnChange', 'OnEnter']);
As far as I know if the OnChange of your object is designed to fire when the Text property is changed you have to stick with setting the event to nil temporarly. Myself, I do it this way (in a try finally):
Edt1.onchange := nil;
Edt1.text := ASettings.FirstThing;
Edt1.onchange := edt1Onchange;
You could also do some procedure to handle it for you:
procedure SetTextWithoutOnChange(anEdit: TEdit; str: String);
anEvent: TNotifyEvent;
anEvent := anEdit.OnChange;
anEdit.OnChange := nil;
anEdit.Text := str;
anEdit.OnChange := anEvent;
I know this is an old question but I thought I would add my solution that does not involve any of the complicated procedures outlined in the previous answers in case it comes up in another search.
The problem is the onChange event itself. I don't use it at all for text fields.
remove all OnChange and use the OnExit instead and tie it to the OnKeyUp.
All Edits have a common ancestor TCustomEdit.
I generally use one method called CustomEditKeyUp and point all the edits on a form to this single method (TEdit, TLabeledEdit etc etc.)
type THack = class(TCustomEdit);
procedure TForm1.CustomeEditKeyUP(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
Shift: TShiftState);
if (Key=VK_RETURN) and (Sender is TCustomEdit) then
{This is just to isolate the one occasion when they press the
enter but don't exit immediately}
if Assigned(THack(Sender).OnExit) then THack(Sender).OnExit(Sender);
For some reason, the OnExit is private in a TCustomEdit so the Hack is needed. If you know that the edits are from a different route where the OnExit is public, cast if differently and the Hack is not necessary.
Then For each Edit control, use a specific OnExit
procedure TForm1.MyEditExit(Sender: TObject);
if MyEdit.Modified then
{Do Something here}
MyEdit.Modified := false;
If you want to change the value programmatically without it firing 'OnExit'
MyEdit.Text :='I've changed it'
MyEdit.Modified := false;
The big advantage for me is that when I am parsing the input for say a valid number, I only have to do this once when editing is completed and not for every single backspace, delete insert etc all surrounded by try except as the various formating functions error out as they don't understand spaces etc.. For database etc, the number of calls will be greatly reduced.
That's my two penneth.
Another way is by using Class Helpers introduced in Delphi 8.
You could write:
TEditHelper = class helper for TEdit
procedure SetTextDisableOnChange(const AText: string);
{ TEditHelper }
procedure TEditHelper.SetTextDisableOnChange(const AText: string);
OnChangeTmp: TNotifyEvent;
and then:
EditCtrl.SetTextDisableOnChange('I do not invoke OnChange!');
EditCtrl.Text:='I invoke OnChange';