updating my iOS app in appStore - Signiant Transfer Engine warning - app got rejected - ios

I've submitted and updated my app successfully several times. Now when I'm uploading my app via XCode Organizer (not application Loader) I receive the following warning (3 times):
"Creating a new Signiant Transfer Engine because the previous transfer had to be canceled. This session is at risk of running out of available system resources."
First I didn't think much about it, but today the App got rejected by the App Store reviewer because it crashes on launch on the iPad air they use to test on.
Any ideas how this can be solved?
I found this discussion here: Application Loader, new weird warning about Signiant Transfer Engine which suggests to change the preferences in Application loader. But because I have not uploaded my App via application loader from the beginning I cannot use application loader to update it (at least I couldn't figure out how), so it doesn't help me.
What else could be going wrong? Any ideas welcome!
update: the app validates without errors and warnings. when uploading it it takes much longer than usual before I get the warning mentioned above. I have tested the app on multiple devices. Also the app is actually not targeting iPads, it's mainly made for iPhone/iPodtouch.
It works fine on all. The link above suggests that not all files are uploaded correctly when the error message occurs. So that could be the problem. But the question is how to change it...

I'm not sure, but I don't think the warning has anything to do with the crash or your app being rejected.
You could file a TSI with Apple, but I would try to find the crashing bug first. https://developer.apple.com/support/technical/submit/


My iOS app every now and then refuses to launch until I reinstall it

I've got an app that uses Core Data that sporadically stops launching so I have to reinstall it using XCode and then it launches again like normal for a while, with all the Core Data information still preserved.
I have seen that an app often stops launching when the target of an app is too low in comparison to the device software version, however this is not so for this app and device (iPhone 6s).
Have you had such an issue before? What do you think could be causing this problem?
There are many, many, many things that could cause an app to fail to launch. You need to narrow things down and collect some data so that you can find out what the problem is and do something about it. Right now you don't even know that it's related to Core Data, you're just guessing.
For a crash on launch, look at the device console and see what messages appear when you try to launch the app and it fails. You can get the device console messages by
Connecting your device to your Mac
Opening Xcode's "Devices" window (cmd-shift-2)
Looking in the bottom half of the window
A better way to watch the console is to use the free iOS Console app.
The problem was that, as mentioned by dan in the comments, the code was being signed for a short period of time (7 days) and so I had to keep re-installing it on the iOS device to keep it working. Thus to keep the app working indefinitely a paid developer account is needed.
Also mentioned in this reddit forum:

Upload ionic app itunes connect

I'm trying to upload my application to connect itunes but I could not get. Valid from XCODE application without any problem, it also raises and spends the whole process normally. But over 1-2 minutes since connect receive an error, error that appears in iTunes do not understand.
This message appears next to the binary version of iTunes Connect a red alert icon.
I'm working with this application IONIC, it had already risen above versions without any problem to store.
I cleaned the project, it has made new applications in my environment itunes but nothing works for me. I'm not receiving any specific error. As I said earlier binary is validated from xcode.
This problem is mainly due to a plugin in particular, it was the PushNotification plug, take it away and I could upload my application without any problem. Now, there was never notice from Apple, nor stand that there was a problem with this. It was a matter of luck remove this plugin and it work.

App store app submission issue in ios

My app got rejected from app store with a reason that it crashes on launch screen. However, I've searched tremendously for any possibility that could cause the crash on launch, but unfortunately I am not able to reproduce the issue at all.
I've tried all steps mentioned by apple's team: symbolicated the crash logs, changed region of the device from India to US, tried keep the internet connection off/on while launching and so many things.
I have successfully uploaded more than 30 apps on app store and dealt with rejection several times... this time it is really killing me. I would really appreciate any help in this matter.
one thing I just noticed in the log: the app crashed when it was using 9.0.2 and now I've upgraded to 9.1 and it looks impossible to degrade again to 9.0.2 so is there any possibility that issue only occurs in 9.0.2 and if so, how can I resolve it without being able to reproduce it?
You should analyze the crash reports before submitting the app to app store.
You can find the guidelines to submit crash reports in Apple's documentation.

App Crashes When Downloaded From App Store But Not When Testing

I have a serious issue which I cannot seem to solve.
Recently I have made an update to an IOS app, and when testing in XCODE as both Ad-Hoc, Debug, and installing via the .IPA on a device the issue cannot be replicated. However when I download the app from the App Store, it crashes.
Does anyone know how this could happen, and any potential solutions? I am getting lots of complaints from users, and not sure what to do?
Could part of the binary upload have got corrupted?
Probably you always compiled your app in debug mode. But when sent to App Store you made a release compile. click the arrow in the run button select scheme and chose "release mode" and run your app it will probably crash.
check if you used NSParameterAssert as they are not called in release mode
I cannot say why your live App Store application is crashing and the debug version is not. Two possible solutions:
Crash reports:
To find out why your application crashed, you might want to check if there are any crash reports available on iTunes Connect. Log in on iTunes Connect and click on your application. Scroll down to Crash Reports. You will find out more about why your application is crashing here.
More information about crash reports here at Apple's own iOS Developer Library.
Prerelease your app with TestFlight: For in the future: test your application by uploading it on iTunes Connect and testing it with TestFlight first before submitting the application to the iTunes Store. This will save you a lot of (review) time if you find a error.
I realize this is an old thread but I had the same issue with my App that I released. Meaning it worked fine in testing, but when I released it it would crash. The culprit ended up being the fact that I am using In App Purchases. I have two items that can be "bought" but I had only enabled one of them. In testing it was able to read both of them, but with the release version, it was only pulling the one that was enabled down, creating the crash. The fix was simply enabling the disabled item. I didn't even have to redistribute the app, though I had to wait for it to "percolate" through... Anyway this may help someone in the future.
Check if your app is looking for too many IAPs.
I just had this problem and my problem was I had deleted an IAP from the App Store, but didn't remove it from the app code.
For some reason it only crashed when downloaded; I used a promo code to do this before launching my app.
Thanks to Tornado for the inspiration to try this variation.

new version of ios application error

I have a problem with iOS application, that I uploaded to Itunes for publishing in the store. Apple began the typical process of approval, but errors appeared.
The application worked in my test enviroment. No problems. When the Apple revision process began they told me that the application doesn't start.
When the application start the error is:
There is a new version of AppName
to download. Press OK button to
download it in the AppStore
1) The application is the only version. Is a new app, never uploaded before to Apple Store.
2) When i push the OK, the app closes. So, no way to run the app even with that.
I search through forums and internet with no luck. I don't know where to search about this problem.
For more confusion, after the test from Apple, in my test enviroment i can reproduce the error. I don't know if i did anything wrong in the middle or something change on app version check from Apple.
I contact Apple in the previous days to give more info about the problem, but the only that they say is "the application does not work"
Can you give me an advice?... what info you need? (logs, etc)
Thanks to point me in the right direction.
