How to programmatically create a new KB article in Dynamics CRM 2013? - sdk

I am trying to set up an integration using the SDK to create KB article records in CRM 2013, and so far haven't been able to figure out a good way to build the article xml. We want to use sharepoint as our document authoring tool , and then send those documents over to CRM. From the research I've done so far, I know that in order to create a new kb article I need to link it to a template. I created a very basic template with one section as a test to work with, then in a test app using the SDK I created a new KBArticle entity instance, set the necessary required fields and assigned the template to the new article. I tried building the xml for the ArticleXML attribute by starting with the StructureXML attribute of the template and filling in the content section with some test html content. I was able to create the kb article successfully and then load it up in CRM, but it doesn't look right yet. I also created a new kb article through the UI and then using the SDK I retrieved it and examined the ArticleXML attribute to compare with the one I'm trying to create programmatically.
Here's the basic structure of the ArticleXML for an article created in the UI:
<section id="0">
<![CDATA[<b>Article content located here</b>]]>
<section id="1">
Now here is the StructureXML attribute value from the template I created:
<sections nextSectionId="1">
<section type="docprop" name="title"/>
<section type="docprop" name="number"/>
<section type="edit" id="0">
<![CDATA[Place KB article content here]]>
<style name="background-color" value="#ffffff"/>
<style name="font-family" value="verdana"/>
<style name="font-size" value="10pt"/>
<style name="font-family" value="verdana"/>
<style name="font-size" value="16pt"/>
<style name="color" value="#666666"/>
<style name="font-size" value="9pt"/>
<style name="font-size" value="10pt"/>
<style name="font-weight" value="bold"/>
<style name="color" value="#000066"/>
<style name="border-bottom" value="1px solid #999999"/>
That template XML is what I tried to use and assign to the new article, but obviously it doesn't look right when the article is viewed, the template content is there along with the content I added, its basically duplicated:
I did also see there is a FormatXML attribute on the template, which contains XSL to transform the XML, I tried using this but it produces HTML output that isn't what I want either. I'm struggling with how to get from the template to the ArticleXML that I need in order to create the new KB article. Any help with this is much appreciated!


moving photos from resource/static/images to local drive

I am moving photos from resource/static/images. in spring boot to local drive d:\images
while the photos were in resource/static/images I used the following code to display them in Thymeleaf.
<img th:src="#{/images/one.jpg}">
now I have moved the photos to "d:\images" folder this following code line does not work:
<resources mapping="/resources/**" location="d:/images/three.jpg/" />
the question is, how can I access the photos from local "d:\images" folder?
I am using spring boot with thymeleaf to build a basic web site, to practice the skills I have gained through online courses I have completed. since I am new to creating web site, I am not sure I have any XML file, Spring boot might have created one for me. I was thinking to put the photos in mysql table, but they might make the table heavy to load to web browser. I read somewhere that you can put the photos on the local desk drive such as c: or d: drive. or you put the photos in a folder in server, the problem is have no clue how to do it.
here my html:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="ISO-8859-1">
<title>sport for all </title>
<a th:href="#{index}">Main Page</a>
<resources mapping="/resources/**" location="d:/images/three.jpg/" />
The simplest solution in Spring Boot would be to use the spring.resources.static-locations property:
Similar question on SO

Adding new divs (blocks of content) inside OneNote page using the Microsoft Graph API

I am using the Microsoft Graph API to programmatically add content to a OneNote Page on my Office365 OneNote Notebook. For an example page like this:
OneNote snip consisting of Title & 2 separate divs/blocks, this is the generated HTML that I get by making a GET to the pages/{myPageID}/content?includeids=true endpoint
<html lang="en-US">
<title>Thursday, December 6, 2018</title>
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<meta name="created" content="2018-12-06T19:55:00.0000000" />
<body data-absolute-enabled="true" style="font-family:Calibri;font-size:11pt">
<div id="div:{95790d05-168a-4f61-81a7-5c13e3124069}{4}" style="position:absolute;left:48px;top:115px;width:624px">
<p id="p:{95790d05-168a-4f61-81a7-5c13e3124069}{10}" style="margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt">It is a jolly good day</p>
<div id="div:{3a6b78e9-2af8-4a5b-abf8-09871fb6eec5}{20}" style="position:absolute;left:44px;top:180px;width:624px">
<p id="p:{3a6b78e9-2af8-4a5b-abf8-09871fb6eec5}{24}" style="margin-top:0pt;margin-bottom:0pt">Lets do this shall we</p>
I now try adding a new div/block by making the following PATCH using the requests library in Python. The myPageID and access_token are collected previously by making GET requests to the graph API:
'Authorization':'Bearer '+access_token
'content':'<div><p> And God said let there be new blocks </p></div>'
patchResp = requests.patch(patchPageURL, headers=patchPageHeaders, json=patchPageBody)
However, I end up with a 400 error as a response to my PATCH request with the following code and message:
code: 20135
message: The entity type is not supported for this operation.
If I change the opening div tag for the content to something like <div data-id="new-div">, I still receive the same 400 error, code 20135.
I am following the instructions from this documentation here. What subtlety is being missed here? There are no authentication or other similar errors. The PATCH works fine if I change the target to body and the action to append but that doesn't make a new div/block and only adds the content as a child of the first div in the page.
Is there a straightforward way to add new blocks/divs as a sibling of existing blocks or even just something as simple as adding a new block at the end of the OneNote page?

How to retrieve simple xml from public Google spreadsheet

I am working in an Arduino device in which I need to retrieve public data from a Google spreadsheet.
So far I have published the spreadsheet and I can access it at which can be opened in the browser or in the Arduino (I am working with a SIM800 module so it can work with HTTPS without problems).
The output of this is xml items like (I am not very into XML):
<category scheme='' term=''/>
<title type='text'>K12</title>
<content type='text'>12345</content>
<link rel='self' type='application/atom+xml' href=''/>
<gs:cell row='12' col='11' inputValue='12345' numericValue='12345.0'>12345</gs:cell>
One of them for every cell requested.
The thing is that here I can see too much unneeded/redundant information, for example, in "title" and "content" I get the same information as in "gs:cell", "updated" may actually be useful but "link" and "category" are completely disposable to me.
Since I will be working with an Arduino and a sim800 module (which cannot handle high data transfer speeds) making this as simple as possible will be great.
Probably there is a way to request this simplified in the HTTP call, maybe adding some parameters or changing "full" to something else.
Any help will be greatly appreciated
You want to retrieve the simpler response from range=a11:c12 of the spreadsheet ID 1uphj-Oq3Xt6ImHJdezAUEX4u41_w1NNMlZU4Flr6lc4. If my understanding is correct, how about retrieving values using Query Language? I think that there may be several methods. So please think of this as one of them.
Pattern 1: Retrieve response as HTML
Result :
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN">
<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
<tr style="font-weight: bold; background-color: #aaa;">
<tr style="background-color: #f0f0f0">
<tr style="background-color: #ffffff">
Pattern 2: Retrieve response as CSV
Result :
Note :
In this case, the response cannot be retrieved as the xml format. There is no tqx=out:xml.
As a sample, you can retrieve values using curl and browser from above URLs.
If you want to retrieve values from other sheets, please use the query of gid. In this sample, gid=od6 which means 1st sheet is omitted.
Reference :
Query Language Reference
If I misunderstand your question, I'm sorry.

Parsing HTML in Jenkins

I'm using poll-mailbox-trigger-plugin to trigger Jenkins jobs based on incoming emails.
One of the build parameters (pmt_content) contains the body of the email specified in HTML.
Is there a Jenkins plugin that can parse the HTML and retrieve the values of user-specified tags?
Email content example:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<body style='margin:20px'>
<p>The following user has registered a device, click on the link below to
review the user and make any changes if necessary.</p>
<ul style='list-style-type:none; margin:25px 15px;'>
<li><b>User name:</b> Test User</li>
<li><b>User email:</b></li>
<li><b>Identifier:</b> abc123def132afd1213afas</li>
<li><b>Description:</b> Tom's iPad</li>
<li><b>Model:</b> iPad 3</li>
<li><b>App:</b> Test app name</li>
<p>Review user:</p>
<hr style='height=2px; color:#aaa'>
<p>We hope you enjoy the app store experience!</p>
<p style='font-size:18px; color:#999'>Powered by App47</p><img alt='' src=
Specifically, how could I retrieve the value of the "Identifier:" tag?
I'm sure I could write a script to do it but I'd rather the logic in Jenkins.
Is there a Jenkins plugin that can parse the HTML and retrieve the values of user-specified tags?
Its a one-liner on the shell or few lines in the scripting language of your choice. But seems, thats not what you are looking for.
In general, no, there isn't a plugin for the purpose of parsing HTML and retrieving the value of a tag, see
How could I retrieve the value of the "Identifier:" tag?
There is a generic plugin called Conditional BuildStep,
which supports regular expressions on parameters.
When the HTML Email content is in pmt_content you could use the following
<li><b>Identifier:<\/b>(.*)<\/li> to extract the value abc123def132afd1213afas (or match and exec another command, if found).

what is the difference between grails link ,createlink and resource tags

Is there any difference between grails link ,create link and resource tags and I want to know when to use each tag as per my knowledge the createlink tag has depricated
it's simple:
g.createLink generates only the url, like /aaa/bbb/222, based on controller/action/params for example generated the <a>-HTML-tag, using the g.createLink to generate the url to be put into the #href attribute
g.resource outputs a path to a resource file, available under web-app folder
<link rel="stylesheet" href="${resource(dir:'css',file:'style.css')}" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/style.css" />
CREATE LINK is soemthing power full when u come to knowing the absolute or relative path in using likes inside a gsp page.
Let assume i have the following path /yourapp/controller1/view1
Instead of using
<a href="{grailscontext.thensomebaseurlstuff}/"+controller/view /> ,
which fails according to some context using the below will make it easy.
my link
<g:createLink url="[action:'list',controller:'book']" />
And ,glink is the above implementation using taglib form.. does the same effect as above but being in taglib makes reduce some computation or create some am not sure."text of the link here", action:"foo", controller:"bar")
ResourceTags is no wonder its something help full and important in attaching either an image,css and js folder/file resource into a grails application.
// generates "/shop/css/main.css"
<g:resource dir="css" file="main.css" />
// generates ""
<g:resource dir="css" file="main.css" absolute="true" />
// generates ""
<g:resource dir="css" file="main.css" base=""/>
