Configure AFNetworking-RACExtensions with CocoaPods - afnetworking

I’ve been trying to AFNetworking-RACExtensions by using CocoaPods, but it always shows this error:
[!] Unable to satisfy the following requirements:
- `ReactiveCocoa (= 2.1.8)` required by `Podfile`
- `ReactiveCocoa/no-arc` required by `ReactiveCocoa (2.1.8)`
- `ReactiveCocoa/Core` required by `ReactiveCocoa (2.1.8)`
- `ReactiveCocoa/no-arc` required by `ReactiveCocoa/Core (2.1.8)`
- `ReactiveCocoa (~> 2.1)` required by `ReactiveViewModel (0.1.1)`
- `ReactiveCocoa (~> 1.5.0)` required by `AFNetworking-RACExtensions (0.0.1)`
What can possible the the cause? Is it because AFNetworking-RACExtensions need AFNetworking 1.5 to work?

The issue here is that you need a version of ReativeCocoa that matches the semantic versioning required by ~> 1.5.0. So I believe that would include the highest version matching 1.5.x but not 1.6*. Regardless 2.* definitely isn't compatible with that. Since you're requiring 2.x other places you can not have both of these versions at once. This is something CocoaPods can't handle because of the nature of duplicate symbols in Objective-C. The only way to fix this would be to downgrade your 2.x version, although I assuming going down to before 2.0 would be difficult. Or the AFNetworking-RACExtensions upgrading to support ReactiveCocoa 2.x.


Some mangled Swift symbols can't be de-mangled

I'm trying to de-mangle mangled Swift symbols with swift-demangle. Some symbols are de-mangled just fine, but some others can't be de-mangled at all no matter what verison of Swift I'm using. Example: I've tried to de-mangle _TTSf4g_n_n_n___TTOFE5UIKitCSo18NSAttributedStringcfzT4dataV10Foundation4Data7optionsGVs10DictionarySSP__18documentAttributesGSqGVs33AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointerGSqCSo12NSDictionary____S0_ using the swift-demangle utility from the following Swift versions: 2.2.1, 3.0.1, 3.0.2, 3.1, 3.1.1, 4.0.2, 4.0.3 and 4.1, using the following command:
swift-demangle -compact -no-sugar -simplified _TTSf4g_n_n_n___TTOFE5UIKitCSo18NSAttributedStringcfzT4dataV10Foundation4Data7optionsGVs10DictionarySSP__18documentAttributesGSqGVs33AutoreleasingUnsafeMutablePointerGSqCSo12NSDictionary____S0_
, but all resulted in the same mangled symbol as the input.
I'm currently compiling Swift 2.2.1 to see whether the symbol can be de-mangled there (which I doubt)... Any advice on what possibly could be the reason behind those symbols not being able to be de-mangled would be really appreciated...

Firebase Performance Monitoring in iOS

I am trying to install pod Firebase/Performance as mention in Firebase doc but when I tried I got issue.
[!] Unable to satisfy the following requirements:
- `Firebase/Performance` required by `Podfile`
Specs satisfying the `Firebase/Performance` dependency were found, but they required a higher minimum deployment target.
That error is misleading. This message often occurs if you have dependencies (of Firebase Performance) that are pinned to specific versions that are lower that what Firebase Performance needs. For example, if you've pinned Firebase/Analytics to 3.x, you'd get that error because Firebase Performance requires 4.x of Firebase/Core.
In summary, try removing any version pins related to Firebase specs in your Podfile.

dart polymer and hangouts_api incompatible versions

I am trying to use dart hangouts_api and polymer at the same time and I get the following error:
Incompatible version constraints on browser:
- hangouts_api 0.3.0 depends on version >=0.9.0 <0.10.0
- polymer 0.15.1 depends on version >=0.10.0 <0.11.0
Mu pubspec.yaml file refers to the current version of each.
I cannot use anything but the lastest version of each as the suggested alternatives are years old. Is there a work around? To whom should I report this to (assuming it is a bug)?
Just create an issue in the hangouts_api GitHub repo and ask to bring dependencies up to date or even better, create a pull request.
As a workaround you can force a specific version by adding
see also

Getting Angular Dart and Paper elements together

I'm trying to put paper elements in my angularDart app, so I have put in my pubspec.yaml the following dependencies:
angular: ">=1.0.0 <2.0.0"
paper_elements: ">=0.5.0 <0.6.0"
And then when I try to pub upgrade I get the following:
Pub: Upgrade Dependencies: Incompatible version constraints on
- angular 1.0.0 depends on version >=0.10.0 =0.11.0 <0.13.0
I'd really like to use the 1.0.0 (at least) version of angular Dart, however I was wondering if there was a way to satisfy both libs' dependencies. (and how does someone get to know what the correct dependencies' versions are)
Note that I tried doing the same with Polymer and facing the same problem (with a different dependency), so a general way of working around this would help, instead of just giving version numbers.
Just use dependency overrides.
html5lib: 0.12.0
There is no way to satisfy both when their constraints have no common set.
It's at your own risk when one of them doesn't work properly with the specified version.

Unable to find a suitable version for polymer

I'm installing and configuring Polymer and i get to this:
Unable to find a suitable version for polymer, please choose one:
1) polymer#master which resolved to ced408df76 and is required by core-component-page#a431519835, highlightjs-element#a2c5fc08d0, marked-element#761922b4a2
2) polymer#0.2.4 which resolved to 0.2.4 and is required by core-ajax#0.2.4, core-bind#0.2.4, core-collapse#0.2.4, core-doc-viewer#0.2.4, core-elements#0.2.4, core-firebase#0.2.4, core-icon#0.2.4, core-icons#0.2.4, core-iconset#0.2.4, core-iconset-svg#0.2.4, core-input#0.2.4, core-layout#0.2.4, core-layout-grid#0.2.4, core-layout-trbl#0.2.4, core-list#0.2.4, core-localstorage#0.2.4, core-media-query#0.2.4, core-menu-button#0.2.4, core-meta#0.2.4, core-overlay#0.2.4, core-range#0.2.4, core-selection#0.2.4, core-selector#0.2.4, core-theme-aware#0.2.4, core-tooltip#0.2.4, core-transition#0.2.4
3) polymer#~0.2.4 which resolved to 0.2.4 and is required by project
Prefix the choice with ! to persist it to bower.json
I'm still learning about and i dont know which one i should choose and why this problem happend. Can anyone explain me this tree options?
The recommended way to install Polymer 0.2.4 is through Bower. We’ve
chosen Bower because it removes the hassle of dependency management
when developing or consuming elements.
I'd go with
2) polymer#0.2.4 which resolved to 0.2.4 and is required by
This happened because when bower went to install a version of polymer it was presented with three options and didnt know which one to choose from. Many packages have a stable release and a development version, which you want is up to yourself. You can usually check up the packages on github or there websites to find which package might suit you best
