I have ant build script that compiles and generates the compilation logs(in file compileLog.xml) of my project. I use jdtCompileLogPublisher to publish these results the RTC.
Now the situation is when i have the sources in the project its working fine. When i don't have any sources in the project(this is a one of the requirement that there will be an empty project with out sources), compilation step is skipped as there are no sources,and jdtCompileLogPublisher is failing because, the file compileLog.xml which is an input for this step is not created as compilation itself has been skipped.
I tried creating a new compileLog.xml if it is not available. As a result of this I'm encountering new issues as file is empty.
Why javac is skipped when there are no java files to compile?
Is there any possibility to make the compiler to execute javac in build.xml
Version ant: 1.7.1.
snippet of my code related to :
<target name="compile" depends="prepare" description="Compile the source code">
<mkdir dir="${nameBuild}/${dir.build}/bin" />
<!-- Add target ${label.jdkversion} to make it possible to build with a certain jdk version-->
<javac compiler="org.eclipse.jdt.core.JDTCompilerAdapter" destdir="${nameBuild}/${dir.build}/bin" debug="true" deprecation="on" encoding="ISO-8859-1" source="${buildInfo.jdkVersion}" target="${buildInfo.jdkVersion}" debuglevel="lines,source" failonerror="false" errorProperty="buildFailed">
<compilerarg line="-warn:+raw" />
<compilerarg line="-warn:-serial" />
<compilerarg line="-enableJavadoc" />
<compilerarg line="-log source/${name}/compileLog.xml" />
<src path="${name}/${dir.src}" />
<classpath refid="application.classpath" />
<jdtCompileLogPublisher buildResultUUID="${buildInfo.buildResultUUID}" repositoryAddress="${repositoryAddress}" userId="${userId}" passwordFile="${psFile}" filePath="compileLog.xml" />
<fail if="buildFailed" message="Compile ${name} failed." />
I modified the tag
<jdtCompileLogPublisher buildResultUUID="${buildInfo.buildResultUUID}" repositoryAddress="${repositoryAddress}" userId="${userId}" passwordFile="${psFile}" filePath="compileLog.xml" />
<jdtCompileLogPublisher buildResultUUID="${buildInfo.buildResultUUID}" repositoryAddress="${repositoryAddress}" userId="${userId}" passwordFile="${psFile}" filePath="compileLog.xml" failonerror="false" />
Which solved my problem
I am using following Ant script to create a war of simple web application.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="MyProject" default="war">
<path id="compile.classpath">
<fileset dir="WebContent/WEB-INF/lib">
<include name="*.jar" />
<target name="compile">
<javac destdir="WebContent/WEB-INF/classes" debug="true" srcdir="src">
<classpath refid="compile.classpath" />
<target name="war" depends="compile">
<war destfile="build/myproject.war" webxml="WebContent/WEB-INF/web.xml">
<fileset dir="WebContent">
<include name="**/*.jsp" />
<lib dir="WebContent/WEB-INF/lib" />
<classes dir="WebContent/WEB-INF/classes" />
It's creating the war but when I am opening the war, it's not containing JSP files due to which application is not running. Any idea what is wrong?
Also, right now I am coping war manually in Weblogic. Is there any Ant command which can deploy war?
I don't know exact answer but here is my way of using Ant build.xml for webapps. Give it a try. This works inside Eclipse or run from the command line. Few key points are:
build.xml has reference to compile-time libraries, including servlet-api.jar
separate targets for compile, jar and war tasks to allow easier per project custom rules
webapp war don't have individual .class files but compiled web-inf/lib/mywebapp.jar library to minimize filesystem noice
you may create web/WEB-INF/classes/ folder and put some .properties file or extreme case "binary provided" class files. They are put inside war package along with other jsp,html,js files.
folder structure is very streamlined, I can use mywebapp/web/ folder directly in Tomcat service during development. Each html, jsp etc changes are reflected at runtime. Compiling jar triggers Tomcat to reload webapp instance.
Use this common folder structure for webapp project.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="mywebapp" default="build" basedir=".">
<property name="name" value="${ant.project.name}" />
<property name="classes" value="./classes" />
<property name="src" value="./src" />
<property name="webdir" value="./web" />
<property name="version" value="1.0"/>
<property environment="env"/>
<path id="libs">
<pathelement location="lib/servlet-api.jar" />
<pathelement location="web/WEB-INF/lib/somelib1.jar" />
<pathelement location="web/WEB-INF/lib/somelib2.jar" />
<pathelement location="web/WEB-INF/lib/gson-2.2.4.jar" />
<format property="TODAY" pattern="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss" />
<target name="updatemanifest" description="Update manifest">
<buildnumber file="build.num"/>
<copy file="${src}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"
todir="${classes}/META-INF/" overwrite="true" preservelastmodified="true"
<manifest file="${classes}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" mode="update">
<attribute name="Implementation-Version" value="${version}.${build.number} (${TODAY})" />
<attribute name="Implementation-Title" value="${name}" />
<target name="clean" description="Clean compiled classes">
<delete dir="${classes}" />
<target name="compile" depends="clean" description="Compile classes">
<mkdir dir="${classes}"/>
<javac srcdir="${src}" destdir="${classes}" target="1.6" source="1.6" encoding="ISO-8859-1"
debug="true" debuglevel="lines,source"
excludes="" includeantruntime="false" >
<classpath refid="libs" />
<compilerarg value="-Xlint:deprecation" />
<target name="jar" depends="updatemanifest" description="Create a .jar file">
<echo message="Build release: ${release}" />
jarfile="${webdir}/WEB-INF/lib/${name}.jar" >
<fileset dir="${classes}">
<target name="war" depends="compile,jar" description="Create a .war file">
<delete file="${name}.war" />
<zip destfile="${name}.war"
<target name="build" depends="war" description="Build lib">
Implementation-Title: myappname
Implementation-Version: 1.0.0 (2010-03-01)
Implementation-Vendor: My Name Ltd.
Implementation-URL: http://www.myname.com
call c:\apache-ant-1.7.0\bin\ant.bat build
Build script creates war package and manifest.mf within web-inf/lib/mywebapp.jar is updated to have build number, title and version. Very handy you can use folder content as a template for new webapp projects. Just edit build.xml to have new project name.
Some compile-time dependencies point mywebapp/web-inf/lib folder. Non war-packaged libraries are put to mywebapp/lib/ folder for compile time only. I like keeping each dependency within project version control so thats a reason for this lib folder. You may use *.jar wildcard ant syntax but I explictly list each file for self documentation purpose.
Here is a bonus file to be used in Tomcat during development time. It publishes webapp on Tomcat and any changes in project folder is seen immediately, its very handy for client file changes (html,js,jsp).
this file is a copypaste from mywebapp/web/META-INF/context.xml file but an explicit docBase attribute is added.
It directs Tomcat to use files directly from project folder, no redeployment needed at runtime
Start tomcat and keep it running, you may run several webapp projects withing same Tomcat instance. Sometimes bigger development projects need it.
Remote debugging hook requires some java magic not included here
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Context docBase="C:/mywebapp/web"
debug="0" reloadable="true" crossContext="true" >
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RemoteAddrValve"
allow="" />
<Valve className="org.apache.catalina.valves.RequestDumperValve"/>
<!-- pooled db connection -->
<Resource name="jdbc/mywebappDB" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
maxActive="10" maxIdle="2" maxWait="20000"
username="myuserid" password="mypwd"
validationQuery="SELECT 1"
<!-- <ResourceLink name="jdbc/mywebappDB" global="jdbc/mywebappDB" type="javax.sql.DataSource" /> -->
<Resource name="jdbc/mywebappDB2" auth="Container" type="javax.sql.DataSource"
maxActive="100" maxIdle="20" maxWait="10000"
username="myuserid" password="mypwd"
validationQuery="SELECT 1" removeAbandoned="true" removeAbandonedTimeout="300"
ps: Ant build system is fine no matter what some people may say. Go with it as you please.
I'm trying to modify my ant script so that it will build without error whether or not a local lib folder exists. I want to use the same script on multiple wars, some of which will have WEB-INF/lib, and some of which won't. If the folder exists, include it in the classpath, if not, do not include it. I have tried putting but I can't figure out where it should go. I think this should be a lot simpler than I'm making it out to be but my Googl Fu is failing me.
<property name="local.libs" value="WebContent/WEB-INF/lib" />
<path id="local.libs.path">
<fileset dir="${local.libs}" includes="*.jar" />
<target name="compile">
<mkdir dir="${build.classes.dir}"/>
<javac srcdir="${src.java.dir}" destdir="${build.classes.dir}" debug="true" includeantruntime="false">
<compilerarg value="-Xlint:-path" />
<classpath refid="local.libs.path" />
<classpath refid="server.libs.path" /> <!-- not referenced in snippet -->
I ended up solving this by making the value of local.libs just WebContent/WEB-INF:
<property name="local.libs" value="WebContent/WEB-INF" />
and then the fileset
<fileset dir="${local.libs}" includes="*lib/*.jar" />
Then it would build whether or not the lib folder existed.
I have problem with ant sonar task. This task end with success but don't run unit tests and don't show code coverage.
Test task
<target name="test" depends=".....">
<path id="classpath">
<fileset dir="test/lib" includes="**/*.jar"/>
<fileset dir="lib" includes="**/*.jar"/>
<pathelement location="......."/>
<mkdir dir="build/tests"/>
<javac srcdir="test/src" destdir="build/tests" includes="**/*.java" debug="${debug}" deprecation="${deprecation}" optimize="${optimize}" nowarn="${nowarn}" fork="true">
<classpath refid="classpath"/>
<copy todir="build/tests">
<fileset dir="test/src" excludes="**/*.java"/>
<jacoco:coverage destfile="target/jacoco.exec" xmlns:jacoco="antlib:org.jacoco.ant">
<junit printsummary="yes" fork="true" haltonfailure="false" showoutput="true" failureproperty="test.failed">
<formatter type="xml"/>
<classpath refid="classpath"/>
<pathelement location="build/tests"/>
<test name="com........MainTestSuite" todir="build"/>
<fail message="Test failure detected, check test results." if="test.failed"/>
and sonar task:
<target name="sonar" depends="build">
<property name="sonar.tests" value="test" />
<property name="sonar.libraries" value="" />
<property name="sonar.surefire.reportsPath" value="sonarWorkDir" />
<!-- The following properties are required to use JaCoCo: -->
<!-- 1. Tells Sonar to run the unit tests -->
<property name="sonar.dynamicAnalysis" value="true" />
<!-- 2. Tells Sonar which "tests" targets to run -->
<property name="sonar.jacoco.antTargets" value="test" />
<!-- 3. Tells Sonar to use JaCoCo as the code coverage engine -->
<property name="sonar.core.codeCoveragePlugin" value="jacoco" />
<!-- Execute Sonar -->
<sonar:sonar key="${JOB_NAME}" version="${VERSION}" xmlns:sonar="antlib:org.sonar.ant">
<path location="...../src" />
<path location="build/....." />
until sonar task runs i got a warning 10:00:20.290 WARN o.s.p.j.JaCoCoPlugin - Coverage information was not collected. Perhaps you forget to include debug information into compiled classes?
I would advise you to:
use the latest version of the Sonar Ant Task (from what I can see in your script, you're using the old syntax)
take a look at our sample Ant projects to find out where your issue is. Most probably, the following example is what you're looking for: https://github.com/SonarSource/sonar-examples/tree/master/projects/code-coverage/ut/ant/ut-ant-jacoco-runTests
Kind of a late response, but I just recently ran into this issue and couldn't find a simple solution on the internet. Instead, to solve it I simply took the advice of the stack trace. Coverage information was not collected. Perhaps you forget to include debug information into compiled classes?
And then went back to my ant file and made sure the source files (not test) were being compiled in debug mode. Apparently the jacoco plugin needs that extra info like line numbers in order to calculate the code coverage. Once you change your ant file you should finally see a code coverage percentage in sonar.
<javac srcdir="${source.dir}" target="1.6" source="1.6" destdir="${build.classes.dir}" debug="on">
Also, make sure you include the following sonar properties :
So you probably want to remove sonar.antTargets and change sonar.dynamicAnalysis's value to reuseReports
I tried to get Cobertura running inside my ant script. All is successfull (source code building, junit tests, cobertura reports (xml / html); but in html reports, the code coverage is always at 0% ...
Ant Script : make-instrument
<!-- Make instrument for Cobertura engine -->
<target name="make-instrument">
<!-- Remove the coverage data file and any old instrumentation. -->
<delete file="${cobertura.ser}" />
<!-- Instrument the application classes, writing the instrumented classes into ${build.instrumented.dir}. -->
<cobertura-instrument todir="${report.cobertura.dir}">
<!-- The following line causes instrument to ignore any source line containing a reference to log4j,
for the purposes of coverage reporting. -->
<ignore regex="org.apache.log4j.*" />
<fileset dir="${webcontent.dir}/WEB-INF/classes">
<!-- Instrument all the application classes, but don't instrument the test classes. -->
<include name="**/*.class" />
<exclude name="**/*Test.class" />
Ant Script : make-instrument
<target name="install-cobertura" if="is-hudson-env">
<path id="cobertura.classpath">
<fileset dir="${user.home.sharehunter.dir}/cobertura-${cobertura.rev}">
<include name="**/cobertura.jar" />
<include name="**/*.jar" />
<taskdef resource="tasks.properties" classpathref="cobertura.classpath" />
Ant Script : junit
<target name="run-tests" depends="make-instrument">
<path id="classpath.test">
<path path="${webcontent.dir}/WEB-INF/classes" />
<pathelement location="${webcontent.dir}/WEB-INF/classes" />
<fileset dir="${lib.dir}" includes="**/*.jar" />
<path location="${webcontent.dir}/WEB-INF/classes" />
<path location="${webcontent.dir}/WEB-INF" />
<path location="${webcontent.dir}" />
<junit fork="yes" failureProperty="test.failed">
<classpath refid="classpath.test" />
<classpath location="${user.home.dir}/junit-${junit.rev}.jar" />
<!-- Specify the name of the coverage data file to use.
The value specified below is the default. -->
<sysproperty key="net.sourceforge.cobertura.datafile" file="${cobertura.ser}" />
<!-- Note the classpath order: instrumented classes are before the original (uninstrumented) classes. -->
<classpath location="${report.cobertura.dir}" />
The instrumented classes reference classes used by the
Cobertura runtime, so Cobertura and its dependencies
must be on your classpath.
<classpath refid="cobertura.classpath" />
<!-- Generate xml files for each junit tests runs -->
<formatter type="xml" />
<batchtest todir="${report.junit.dir}">
<fileset dir="${webcontent.dir}/WEB-INF/classes">
<include name="**/*Test.class" />
<!-- Generate Cobertura xml file containing the coverage data -->
<cobertura-report format="xml" srcdir="${src.main.java.dir}" destdir="${report.cobertura.dir}" datafile="${cobertura.ser}" />
<!-- Generate Cobertura html file report containing the coverage data -->
<cobertura-report format="html" srcdir="${src.main.java.dir}" destdir="${report.cobertura.dir}" datafile="${cobertura.ser}" />
This is what Cobertura FAQ Says
When I generate coverage reports, why do they always show 0% coverage everywhere?
Cobertura is probably using the wrong .ser file when generating the reports. When you instrument your classes, Cobertura generates a .ser file containing basic information about each class. As your tests run, Cobertura adds additional information to this same data file. If the instrumented classes can not find the data file when running then they will create a new one. It is important that you use the same cobertura.ser file when instrumenting, running, and generating reports.
The best way to do this is to specify the location of the data file when running your tests. You should pass the -Dnet.sourceforge.cobertura.datafile=${basedir}/cobertura.ser sysproperty to the JUnit task.
Another common problem is that the cobertura.ser file is deleted, but the previously instrumented classes are not also deleted. Any time you delete your coverage data file you should also deleted all instrumented classes.
Ok I found the problem. To be sure have this :
Note the classpath order: instrumented classes are before the
original (uninstrumented) classes. This is important.
<classpath location="${instrumented.dir}" />
<classpath location="${classes.dir}" />
Instrumented classes must are before the original (uninstrumented) classes.
I tried similar way. I also used instrumented code before actual source code, but I am getting 0 % in the report file.
<macrodef name="coberturaTestMacro">
<attribute name="moduleName" />
<attribute name="classpath.module" />
<attribute name="classpath.junit" />
<attribute name="failOnCoverageFall" />
<attribute name="fileCoberturaData"/>
<path id="classpathCobertura">
<fileset dir="${homeCobertura}">
<include name="cobertura.jar" />
<include name="lib/**/*.jar" />
<taskdef classpathref="classpathCobertura" resource="tasks.properties" />
<property name="cob.instrumented.dir" value="target/cobertura/instrumented" />
<delete dir="target/cobertura" />
<cobertura-instrument todir="${cob.instrumented.dir}" datafile="#{fileCoberturaData}" >
<fileset dir="target/classes">
<include name="**/*.class" />
<delete dir="target/reports/test" />
<mkdir dir="target/cobertura/reports" />
<junit printsummary="false" failureproperty="junit.failure"
maxmemory="512m" fork="true" forkmode="perTest">
<jvmarg value="-Djava.awt.headless=true" />
<classpath location="${homeCobertura}/cobertura.jar" />
<classpath location="${cob.instrumented.dir}" />
<path refid="#{classpath.module}" />
<path refid="#{classpath.junit}" />
<classpath path="target/test-classes" />
<batchtest todir="target/cobertura/reports/">
<fileset dir="src/test/java">
<include name="**/*Test.java" />
<cobertura-report srcdir="src/main/java" destdir="target/cobertura/reports/" />
<echo message="${line.separator}" />
<echo message="COVERAGE: #{moduleName} module..." />
<echo message="${line.separator}" />
<available file="target/cobertura/#{moduleName}-cobertura.properties" />
<var name="total.line-rate" file="target/cobertura/#{moduleName}-cobertura.properties" />
<cobertura-check haltonfailure="#{failOnCoverageFall}"
datafile="#{fileCoberturaData}" totallinerate="${total.line-rate}" />
<delete file="${dirBuild}/coverage-summary.properties" />
<cobertura-report datafile="#{fileCoberturaData}" destdir="target/cobertura/" format="summaryXml" />
<var name="total.line-rate" file="target/cobertura/coverage-summary.properties" />
<echo message="Total line coverage: ${total.line-rate}%" />
<propertyfile file="target/cobertura//#{moduleName}-cobertura.properties">
<entry key="total.line-rate" value="${total.line-rate}" type="int" />
The surprising thing is that the generated report says total 2% coverage, but summary file says 0% coverage.
Where old cobertura task shows 8% coverage. I am totally confused :(
Probably it is not applicable to everybody but I had the similar issue where coverage was 0 for all classes.
There were 2 issues in my case
1) it was reading wrong jdk version 1.8 off of PATH. I updated PATH to read 1.6 jdk.
2) it was initially using version 1.8 of cobertura. I ran the build and it would generate coverage report but all the classes were 0% always. I updated the javac target to include
debug="true" debuglevel="vars,lines,source" reference: cobertura 0 coverage
Then ran the build again and saw that the there was an error when running tests and traced that back to an issue with version 1.8 of cobertura.
So, I upgraded
Cobertura 1.9.4
asm 3.1 from 2.2.1
asm-tree 3.1
other dependencies
1. jakarta-oro 2.0.8
2. log4j-1.2.9
After that ran the task again and the reports were alright.
I'm working on a library project that Blackberry Java developers can import into their projects. It uses protected RIM APIs which require that it be code-signed, which I have done. But, I can't get my Jar imported and working with a simple helloWorld app. I'm using the eclipse plug-in Blackberry-JDE.
EDIT : Solution found....
since I found the solution I removed the things I've tried, leaving only the solution ...
BUILDING THE SDK/Libary (use BB-ANT-TOOLS, either in eclipse or standalone)
A) I had to build my SDK's jar as an 'cldc' application not as a 'library'
project, using BB-ANT-TOOLS. This solved most of the issues I had above.
B) I then added an ANT task to take the resulting JAR from step A and
do the following:
unzip it,
edit the manifest file to remove the line "MicroEdition-Profile: MIDP-2.0" -- This line causes an error when you try to mark the jar for export.
then re-zipped the jar.
NOTE: I wrote a chopped down BB-ANT-TOOLS ant script to show how you could use
it to do these two steps above. The script is included below.
Consuming the SDK jar as an end-user or in your own project.
Then to integrate the jar in bb-eclipse you do the following:
A) Add the jar to the BuildPath
B) under "Java Build Path" on the "Order and Export" tab, Select the jar for
export. This causes rapc to build the jar into the COD file, so that you only
have one COD at the end.
now when a user builds this project the jar become integrated into the final
cod file, and it's very easy to deliver to the phone or sim.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project name="XXXXXMobileLib" default="full" basedir=".">
Description: Builds the BBLIB. Uses bb-ant-tools to build, sign and package for blackberry.
<taskdef resource="bb-ant-defs.xml" classpath="BIN/BB_ANT_lib/bb-ant-tools.1.x.x.jar" />
<property environment="env" />
<!-- User defined Vars -->
<property name="builderRoot" value="." />
<property name="SIG_PASSWORD" value="XXXXXXXXX" />
<property name="javaHome" value="${env.JAVA_HOME}" />
<property name="jdehome" value="${env.BBJDE_HOME}\" />
<property name="simulator" value="${jdehome}\simulator" />
<property name="bin" value="${jdehome}\bin" />
<property name="releaseBuildOut" value="${builderRoot}\release_out\" />
<property name="srcBuildOut" value="${builderRoot}\srcBuild_out\" />
<property name="JarFixTemp" value="${builderRoot}\.tempZip\" />
<property name="buildVersion" value="${env.BUILD_VERSION}" />
<property name="application_id" value="com.XXXXX.foo.bar.${buildVersion}" />
<property name="application_name" value="XXXXX BBLIB v${buildVersion}" />
<property name="application_desc" value="XXXXX BBLIB v${buildVersion}" />
<property name="application_vendor" value="XXXXX" />
<property name="applicaiton_filename" value="XXXXXBBLIB${buildVersion}" />
<property name="applicaiton_srcs" value="${builderRoot}/src_in_location/" />
<property name="zipOutName" value="XXXXX-${buildVersion}BBLIB.zip" />
<property name="zipOutNameJavadocs" value="XXXXX-${buildVersion}BBLIBjavadoc.zip" />
<property name="jde.home" location="${jdehome}" />
<target name="full" depends="clean,javadoc,buildRIM,FixJarManifest,sign,distribute" />
<target name="FixJarManifest">
<mkdir dir="${JarFixTemp}"/>
<unzip src="${builderRoot}/release_out/${applicaiton_filename}.jar" dest="${JarFixTemp}"/>
<delete dir="${builderRoot}/release_out/${applicaiton_filename}.jar"/>
<!-- For some reason rapc puts this line into the manifest file, but it breaks the JDE plug-in when you try to
set the jar for export. Giving an error like this "Project {0} missing......"
To avoid having an empty line in the manifest, Im just injecting a new attribute BuildTime-->
<replace file="${JarFixTemp}/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF" token="MicroEdition-Profile: MIDP-2.0" value="Build-Time: ${DSTAMP}-${TSTAMP}"/>
<zip destfile="${builderRoot}/release_out/${applicaiton_filename}.jar"
<delete dir="${JarFixTemp}"/>
<!-- Cleanup any existing files in the outdir -->
<target name="clean">
<fileset dir="${releaseBuildOut}" includes="**" />
<!-- Generate the Javadocs -->
<target name="javadoc">
<javadoc access="public" destdir="${releaseBuildOut}/JavaDocs" author="true" version="true" use="true" defaultexcludes="yes" excludepackagenames="net.rim.*" windowtitle="FOO_BAR">
<fileset dir="${applicaiton_srcs}/XXXXXMobileLib">
<include name="src/**/*.java" />
<zip destfile="${releaseBuildOut}/${zipOutNameJavadocs}" basedir="${releaseBuildOut}/JavaDocs" />
<delete dir="${releaseBuildOut}/JavaDocs"/>
<target name="buildRIM" description="Builds Project">
<rapc jdehome="${jdehome}" jdkhome="${javaHome}" destdir="${releaseBuildOut}" output="${applicaiton_filename}" quiet="false">
<!-- Building as a cldc applicaiton, so it can be packaged up with our final cod, as a single cod -->
<jdp type="cldc"
<fileset dir="${applicaiton_srcs}/MobileLib">
<include name="src/**/*.java" />
<target name="sign" depends="clean,buildRIM">
<sigtool password="${SIG_PASSWORD}">
<fileset dir="${releaseBuildOut}" includes="*.cod" />
<echo>Contents of the signingtool's logfile: </echo>
<echo file="LogFile.txt" />
<!-- build and distribute the jar -->
<target name="distribute" depends="buildRIM" description="generate the distribution">
<alx destdir="${releaseBuildOut}" filename="${applicaiton_filename}.alx">
<application id="${application_id}" name="${application_name}">
<fileset dir="${releaseBuildOut}" includes="*.cod" />
<!-- Create release zip -->
<delete file="${releaseBuildOut}/${zipOutName}" />
<zip destfile="${releaseBuildOut}/${zipOutName}">
<!-- zip up the BB jar and drop it for distribution -->
<zipfileset dir="${releaseBuildOut}" includes="**/*.jar" />
<move todir="${releaseBuildOut}/UNUSED_BUILD_OUTPUT_FILES/"><!-- move unwanted files, leaving the zip behind -->
<fileset dir="${releaseBuildOut}">
<include name="**/*.*"/>
<exclude name="**/*.zip"/>
I have used your steps A & B to create a 'library' - thanks.
The latest Eclipse plugin for Blackberry ( has a "Blackberry | Package Project" command. I used this to create the jar file (it put it in a 'deliverables' folder in the project).
I then changed the manifest as you suggest to remove MIDP line (which apparently is a known bug). Finally, I followed the steps to add and deploy the lib to my project. (These, btw, are the same steps to adding the Banner / advertising library - very easy.)
I too have a stand-alone / external build script process that uses bb-ant-tools. I recently added the 'external library jar' feature to accommodate this. But using the new feature in Eclipse makes me question if I need to maintain my command-line build scripts as the GUI now does it for me.
The key for me was to switch the build of my library project to a "Blackberry Application" (e.g. CDLC app) as per your instructions. With it set as a 'Library' I was getting that "eviscerated" error.
Thanks for your post.