Remove the toolbar from the UIKeyboard inside of a UIWebView iOS 7 - ios

I have seen multiple methods to "remove the previous/next/done toolbar" from the keyboard, but each time I tried implementing the code snippets it never worked.
I'm fairly sure it's because a lot of these were to be used within phonegap, and I'm trying to avoid phonegap all together, I just want a native iOS 7 solution to remove the keyboard's toolbar from inside a UIWebView.
Obviously it's possible when using phonegap, but is there way to do this without phonegap?
I remember testing things over here...
how to remove prev next button from virtual keyboard IOS
...but none of that was working for me. Maybe someone has advice to lead me in the right direction?

After reading this:
I noticed that by changing [self webView] to [webView self] it worked flawlessly. Not sure why, but hey - I'll accept it.
Nevermind, I succesfully removed the toolbar in my app with this method plus what I did to change the code to actually build.


Xamarin.Forms labels not working anymore, on iOS

I am making a Xamarin.Forms project, and I am in the end of my app, but something really strange have happened. My app starts up with no labels (!?), meaning they are invisible or not created at all. Everything else seems to be working, until I press a button that is supposed to change the label - when I do this, the app freezes. I get no exception in Visual Studio, though.
One problem is that my breakpoints in PLC code never hits, only those I place in the iOS code. However, the buttons not related to changing a label works, so I know the PLC code have been ran. If I let the app run for a little while, and then press the pause-button in VS debugging to see where in the code I am, it stops at
UIApplication.Main(args, null, "AppDelegate");
.. in Main.cs. I dont know if this is correct or not, when I run on Android, I get a Break Mode - No code is currently running.
I have been trying for hours to debug, reinstall, restart, clean and rebuild, but nothing seems to help. My code works perfectly in Android, and it worked in iOS 1 week ago. Anyone have any ideas what is going on, or what I can do to debug some more? Or must I make a new project and try start over?
Edit: I have also tried different starting pages, and all are the same: all views loads except those with text in them. I have a page with an Editor in it, and I can write in it, but no text is appearing inside of it. Only button have visible text. I do not use a custom font for my labels, I have not specified anything.
Waking up fresh in the morning, I found my issue in 15 minutes..
After altering my Google search to TextView iOS instead of Label Xamarin, I found much more answers. Thanks to this question and answer.
Basically, changing anything on the labels in the constructor of the page (even after InitializeComponent()), will mess up the view. I moved my code outside of the constructor (in the protected override void OnAppearing() method), and now it is working again.
The freeze part was not related - this was my custom menu that covered my screen with an invisible layout eating up all clicking events. A bit confusing, none of these issues are present in Android, but there you go.

iOS Share Extension Doesn't Terminate

I've created an iOS share extension with a custom UI (not using SLComposeServiceViewController) and everything works great.
Once the extension is invoked, it takes a shared URL or text and sends it. That's all it does and it works well.
The custom UI is simple. One image view that shows a graphic indicating that it is sending and then that changes to say "Sent" once done. Then this fades out.
What is going wrong is after this is done, the extension seems to disappear, but I can't control the host application anymore. It's as if an invisible window or view is on top of everything. (For example, an image rotator in Safari still rotates, but I can't scroll or tap links or buttons, etc.)
I'm calling [self.extensionContext completeRequestReturningItems:nil completionHandler:nil]; once the share is done, and as I understand it, that should dismiss my UI. I've also tried [self.view removeFromSuperview] without any luck.
Happens on Simulator and Device. Is there something I'm missing?
Edit: This is what the view hierarchy of a simple app I built to test sharing looks like in Reveal before and after sharing. The app has two buttons: share text and share url, each of which bring up a standard share sheet.
Ok, I don't know why it took me 10 hours to realize that I was not including a call to super inside of my beginRequestWithExtensionContext: method.
I don't know what other problems that caused, but it certainly caused my problem above.

IOS prev/next button close keyboard unexpectedly

I'm currently using PhoneGap (Cordova) to build an App on iPad/iPhone.
One of my page in the app (in html/css/js), have more than 100 input type Number.
When i use finger to target each of them, it's working like a charm.
But when i use the prev/next button from IOS Keyboard, sometime, i don't know why, keyboard slide to down and when i try to open it again with targeting a input with my finger keyboard just blink... Impossible to fixe it without a scroll to release all event.
I've clean my code, refactored some part, look on google and stackoverflow if someone had the same problem but i found nothing...
Did someone know if it's a UIWebView problem ? Or phoneGap? or something else?
Thank's for reading.
If you are happy to just remove the next/previous buttons from your app entirely, the new Phonegap/Cordova 2.6.0rc1 has made this incredibly simple.
In your config.xml file, just set the HideKeyboardFormAccessoryBar preference to true.
In order for those two buttons to work you need to specify their behavior and it seems that it is not specified. Made some research and I think you have two options. Either you get rid of the next/previous buttons at all like explained here or you override textFieldShouldReturn: in a way similar to what is described in this post.

fixed position broken on contentEditable ios webkit safari

I want to create a wysiwyg-editor for ipad and have a toolbar with position:fixed - so that it's always available.
However, when I focus on div with contentEditable="true" the toolbar is not fixed any more.
Is this a bug?
Is there a workaround?
just found this while looking for the same thing - for the same reason...
we have a half-way solution to the toolbar, but it sort of wanders off-page and then resets to the correct position when the scroll finally stops. The solution isnt pushed to github yet, but it will be in the next couple of days. Best approach we have so far is a chunk of JS that forces the div back in place if we recognise we are working on iOS :-(
But you might want to check the editor we built in any case :-) or

Hiding Status Bar in iOS with Actionscript/Flash Builder

I've been playing around with trying to remove the status bar in iOS while compiling with Flash Builder. The problem is that I need the status bar to be there sometimes, but only during certain views does it go away, so just setting the true in the application xml file will not work.
I've also tried using stage.displayState = "fullScreen", and stage.displayState="normal". This works in the emulator, but when I test on the actual device, the stage.displayState never changes from its original state.
Anyone know of a way to do this, or if it's even possible using Flash Builder?
If not directly through actionscript, does anyone know of an ANE (air native extension) that would be able to toggle the status bar for both iOS and Android?
Also, for more information, I'm using Flex 4.6/AIR 3.4 SDK.
I know this is really late, but for anyone still looking for a solution to this issue, there is an ANE that allows you to do this.
To use it, simply call com.azer.IOSApplicationSettings.Settings::StatusbarHidden("YES");
