API call using Net::HTTP throwing Net::HTTPBadResponse error - ruby-on-rails

I am working on rails environment. I am using Net::HTTP module for calling an external API and getting the response. This is working fine in my local host. But in staging it throwing an Net::HTTPBadResponse error. My staging is SSL enabled. This is the difference. Providing the code snippet and error below.
parameters = {'VirtualNumber' => '09845xxxxxx','Number[]' => "09878xxxxxx" }
x = Net::HTTP.post_form(URI.parse("https://example.com"), parameters)
Net::HTTPBadResponse (wrong status line: "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//IETF//DTD HTML 2.0//EN\">")
The successful result will be in XML format. Can any one help me to solve this.
Thank You,

The issue was calling the API from ssl enabled site. So while calling the API we need to enable the ssl. And along with that need to provide basic authentication.
parameters = {'VirtualNumber' => '09845xxxxxx','Number[]' => "09878xxxxxx" }
url = URI.parse("https://example.com")
request = Net::HTTP::Post.new(url.path)
request.basic_auth "user", "pass"
sock = Net::HTTP.new(url.host, url.port)
if url.scheme == 'https'
sock.use_ssl = true
response = sock.start {|http| http.request(request) }


HTTP request: 400 error

For a project I'm working on in Rails, I'm using AlchemyData news API. I'm currently trying to run an HTTP request in pry, which looks like below (I replaced my own API key with the substitute my_api_key, and for clarity, a > indicates what I've entered and => what was returned to me):
> uri = URI.parse("https://gateway-a.watsonplatform.net/calls/data/GetNews?apikey=MY_API_KEY&outputMode=json&start=now-24h&end=now&q.enriched.url.title=A[Kim^Kardashian]&q.enriched.url.docSentiment.type=positive")
=> #<URI::HTTPS https://gateway-a.watsonplatform.net/calls/data/GetNews?apikey=MY_API_KEY&outputMode=json&start=now-24h&end=now&q.enriched.url.title=A[Kim^Kardashian]&q.enriched.url.docSentiment.type=positive>
> http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
=> #<Net::HTTP gateway-a.watsonplatform.net:443 open=false>
> response = http.request(Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.request_uri))
=> #<Net::HTTPBadRequest 400 Bad Request readbody=true>
I'm not understanding why I keep getting a "400 Bad Request" error. From my understanding, that is (usually) returned when there is an error with the url, but when I run mine it works perfectly. Is there something wrong with my syntax or is there a different error? If so, what is it? How can I fix this?
Fixed this by using an HTTP gem (https://github.com/httprb/http) and using that to handle my HTTP request, like so:
result = HTTP.get("my_url_here")

Ruby on rails HTTP request issue

I am an newbie to Ruby on Rails. I have a url which points to a JSON output. When I ran the URL directly like http://user:pass#myurl.com/json, I am getting the response without any authendication. However http://myurl.com/json requires a username and password through a standard apache pop up authentication box. I have tried to access this URL from my rails controller like the following:
result = JSON.parse(open("http://user:pass#myurl.com/json").read)
When I try to do, I just get an error which says ArgumentError, userinfo not supported. [RFC3986]
Also I have tried the below one. I am getting a 401-Unauthorized error
open("http://...", :http_basic_authentication=>[user, password])
How can I make a request that works in this case. Any help would be appreciated.
You need to use Net::HTTP (or some other HTTP client).
require 'net/http'
require 'uri'
require 'json'
uri = URI('http://myurl.com/json')
req = Net::HTTP::Get.new( uri )
req.basic_auth 'user', 'pass'
res = Net::HTTP.start(uri.hostname, uri.port) {|http|
result = JSON.parse(res.body)
puts result

Using Net::HTTP to POST Json data to remote server

I'm Using ruby on rails and for some reason the remote server doesn't accept the format of my data, I want to make sure nothing else is wrong with with my code:
I have tried your code with following and it's returning data, you can ignore the line request.body or you can use it, in both cases it will return you the response.
http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, uri.port)
http.use_ssl = true
request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(uri.request_uri)
request.body =JSON.pretty_generate(data)
response = http.request(request)
The issue with the return value they are returning HTML, when you will try to prase the response using JSON.parse(response.body), it's throwing error.you need to confirm with other team that they should return json.
Problem solved, it was a webservice problem.

403 Developer Inactive on an HTTP pull

I am trying to query some XML from a hotel database using Ruby, and am getting the results:
403 Developer Inactive
I used the code:
require 'net/http'
url = URI.parse('URL of the HTTP query')
req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(url.path)
res = Net::HTTP.start(url.host, url.port) {|http|
puts res.body
I would give the actual URL, but it contains the API key/etc...so I really cannot divulge it.
Is there anything wrong with the code or might it be on the company needing to activate the key?
403 is the HTTP status code FORBIDDEN, which leads me to believe you have a problem authenticating your API request, maybe because of a wrong key or something.

Ruby on Rails HTTPS Post Bad Request

Greetings all.
My application works with a remote server. Server uses https
authorization of the certificate. I have following code to authorize and
sends request:
uri = URI.parse("https://db1-test.content.ertelecom.ru/")
http = Net::HTTP.new(uri.host, '443')
http.use_ssl = true
http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
http.ca_file = File.join(File.dirname("public/certificate.pem"),
http.start do |http|
req =
responce = http.request(req)
resp = responce.body
this code works well, I get the data from the server. BUT when I try to
make POST request:
http.start do |http|
req =
responce = http.request(req)
resp = responce.body
I get an error from the server:
Your browser sent a request that this server could not understand.
Request header field is missing ':' separator.
what is that be? I tried to find a solution, but to no avail. the
Internet caught the message that it could be antivirus, but I'm on
Linux. I will be glad to any thoughts!
You're not filling the header data.
You could either use the Net::HTTP.post_form method to create your request or populate the form_data yourself.
post_form solution:
req = NET::HTTP.post_form("/cgi-bin/expr/payment_transactions.verify_order", params)
manual form_data population
req =
