parsley.js telephone digits input validating with spaces - phone-number

I have an input for telephone number.
I would like to write this format: 0175 6565 6262 (with spaces). But if write with " " spaces so get error and I write without spaces so get not error.
Here my HTML Input:
<input type="text" data-parsley-minlength="6" data-parsley-minlength-message="minlength six number" data-parsley-type="digits" data-parsley-type-message="only numbers" class="input_text" value="">
Hope someone can help me?

That's a great answer, but it's a bit too narrow for my needs. Input field should be tolerant of all potential inputs – periods, hyphens, parentheses, spaces in unexpected places, plus signs for international folk – and using this document from Microsoft detailing what numbers IE11 should accept, I've come up with this:
Every number in that list passes the test with flying colours. Enjoy!

If you want your input to accept a string like "nnnn nnnn nnnn" you should use a regular expression.
For example, you can use the following HTML:
<input type="text" name="phone" value="" data-parsley-pattern="^\d{4} \d{4} \d{4}$" />
With this pattern the input will only be valid when you have fourdigits«space»fourdigits«space»fourdigits
You can test or tweak the regular expression and test it here:
If you will use this pattern multiple times in your project I suggest you create a custom validator (see


Limit input number value to 2 decimal places with a decimal pipe

I try to limit input number value to 2 decimal places by using decimal pipe.
<input [ngModel]="il.unitPrice | number:'1.2-2'" [ngModelOptions]="{updateOn: 'blur'}" (ngModelChange)="updateAmount($event,i)"
class="form-control text-right" type="text" name="unitPrice{{i}}"/>
It works sometimes. But in most cases, the decimal pipe doesn't get fired.
for example, when there is no values in the input field, I type '100'. It works. The value is converted to '100.00'. If I change the input '100.00' back to '100'. I expect the value to become '100.00' again, but nothing happened.
Another case is '100.0012'. The decimal pipe doesn't get fired either.
Is there anything wrong in above codes? How to use decimal pipe correctly?
Thank you very much in advance for your help.

Decimal Keyboard not showing in iOS after switching fields

To get the numbers with decimal characters in keyboard of iOS, I tried almost every trick in js and jquery (tel as input type, 0.01 as step etc...) but the only solution was the plugins:
They are all working. However...
If there are more than one input fields after each other and if you switch from a "non-decimal" field to our "decimal" input field (either by arrows or by just tapping with fingers), you don't see the decimal character anymore, but just the numbers. If you unclick/click on "Done" and select the decimal input field again, it works then again.
This is the common problem of all the plugins. I'm asking myself whether it is a known issue or it is a very specific problem of my case?
This is my html:
<input v-if="isIOS" type="text" pattern="[0-9]*" decimal="true" decimal-char=","
maxlength="10" min="0" :max="detailsSelectedPunt.tMax" placeholder="Punt..." v-model="detailsSelectedPunt.Number">
<input type="text" maxlength="255" placeholder="Commentaar..." v-model="detailsSelectedPunt.Commentaar">

Porting POSIX regex to Lua pattern - unexpected results

I have hard time porting POSIX regex to Lua string patterns.
I'm dealing with html response from which I would like to filter checkboxes
that are checked. Particularly I'm interested in value and name fields of
each checked checkbox:
Here are examples of checkboxes I'm interested in:
<input class="rid-2 form-checkbox" id="edit-2-access-comments" name="2[access comments]" value="access comments" checked="checked" type="checkbox">
<input class="rid-3 form-checkbox real-checkbox" id="edit-3-administer-comments" name="3[administer comments]" value="administer comments" checked="checked" type="checkbox">
as opposed I'm not interested in this (unchecked checkbox):
<input class="rid-2 form-checkbox" id="edit-2-access-printer-friendly-version" name="2[access printer-friendly version]" value="access printer-friendly version" type="checkbox">
Using POSIX regex I've used following pattern in Python: pattern=r'name="(.*)" value="(.*)" checked="checked"' and it just worked.
My first approach in Lua was simply to use this: pattern ='name="(.-)"
value="(.-)" checked="checked"' but it gave strange results (first capture
was as expected but the second one returned lots of unneeded html).
I've also tried following pattern:
pattern = 'name="(%d?%[.-%])" value="(.-)"%s?(c?).-="?c.-"%s?type="checkbox"'
This time, in second capture content of value was returned but all
checkboxes where matched (not only those with checked="checked" field)
For completeness, here's the Lua code (snippet from my Nmap NSE script) that
attempts to do this pattern matching:
pattern = 'name="(.-)" value="(.-)" checked="checked"'
data = {}
for name, value in string.gmatch(res.body, pattern) do
stdnse.debug(1, string.format("%s %s", name, value))
I've used following pattern in Python: pattern=r'name="(.*)" value="(.*)" checked="checked"' and it just worked.
Python re is not POSIX compliant and . matches any char but a newline char there (in POSIX and Lua, . matches any char including a newline).
If you want to match a string that has 3 attributes above one after another, you should use something like
local pattern = 'name="([^"]*)"%s+value="([^"]*)"%s+checked="checked"'
Why not [^\r\n]-? Because in case there are two tags on one line with the first having the first and/or second attribute and the second having the second and third or just second (and even if there is a third tag with the third attribute while the first one contains the first two attributes), there will be match, as [^\r\n] matches < and > and can "overfire" across the tags.
Note that [^"]*, a negated bracket expression, will only match 0+ chars other than " thus restricting the matches within one tag.
See Lua demo:
local rx = 'name="([^"]*)"%s+value="([^"]*)"%s+checked="checked"'
local s = '<li name="n1"\nvalue="v1"><li name="n2"\nvalue="v1" checked="checked"><li name="n3"\nvalue="v3" checked="checked">'
for name, value in string.gmatch(s, rx) do
print(name, value)
n2 v1
n3 v3
(Updated based on comments) The pattern doesn't work when a line that doesn't have checked="checked" is before a line with checked="checked" in the input as .- expression captures unnecessary parts. There are several ways to avoid this; one suggested by #EgorSkriptunoff is to use ([^"]*) as the pattern; another is to exclude new lines ([^\r\n]-). The following example prints what you expect:
local s = [[
<input class="rid-2 form-checkbox" id="edit-2-access-comments" name="2[access comments]" value="access comments" checked="checked" type="checkbox">
<input class="rid-2 form-checkbox" id="edit-2-access-printer-friendly-version" name="2[access printer-friendly version]" value="access printer-friendly version" type="checkbox">
<input class="rid-3 form-checkbox real-checkbox" id="edit-3-administer-comments" name="3[administer comments]" value="administer comments" checked="checked" type="checkbox">
local pattern = 'name="([^\r\n]-)" value="([^\r\n]-)" checked="checked"'
for name, value in string.gmatch(s, pattern) do
print(name, value)
The output:
2[access comments] access comments
3[administer comments] administer comments

Primefaces- append dollar symbol and format comma of the currency value in input text

I have a form with primefaces input text(p:inputText).Many of the input text values are of the type currency in dollars.When i try to use ,it mandates the user to include $ symbol prepended to the value.Is there any way using which on blur of the field the dollar symbol is prepended and the number gets formatted with proper commas.
Take a look at primefaces extensions. They have one component for doing this. This would be the code:
<pe:inputNumber id="Input2" value="#{inputNumberController.input}" symbol=" $" symbolPosition="s"
decimalSeparator="," thousandSeparator="." />
This is the showcase

Primefaces inputTextArea maxlength not working

I am using JSF 2.0 with Primefaces 3.2. I have a text area with a maxlength set to 4000.
But the text area allows me to type 4001 chars. (Always one extra character).
I have been setting my maxlength to 3999 to avoid this problem
Is this a known issue? I dont see this problem on showcase, any ideas?
<p:inputTextarea id="text" value="#{controller.text}" maxlength="4000"
rows="6" cols="150" autoResize="true" required="true" requiredMessage="Text is required" rendered="#{controller.condition}"/>
Sometimes enter counts as 2 characters: \r\n instead of just \n.
In such cases try to replace all of these characters to \n in your setter method. You can do that for example by using StringUtils.replace() method:
your_string = StringUtils.replace(your_string, "\r\n", "\n");
Using UTF-8 characters that take up more than one byte to store still counts as one character, but you can run into trouble with this in your database (getting an error message that it's more than 4000 characters).
You say it's always +1 character, check out using only ASCII characters (numbers+english letters).
ps: (if you are using nobleCount to display the remaing characters, it also has some issues with UTF-8 characters/some special characters).
