Choosing generalisation or association (aggregation) - ios

My IOS application includes similar views that draws data from server and visualise them.
I want to combine common networking code in a class to ensure reusability and to avoid repeated code.
Should I locate networking code in a super class or in an associated class. I couldn't make a decision which method should I use, generalisation or association (aggregation)?
What would you do if you were me?

It is not good solution to create view superclass for storing client-server communication code due causes:
Client-server communication isn't a part of data presentation (View). Logically it is separate entity.
If you use associated object you could use it anywhere, not only in Views that represent loaded data. It makes your architecture more flexible.
There are more reasons to not use inheritance in your case but I think these two points are enough to make decision.
To my mind you should use associated object (aggregation).


implementation of mvvm architecture in objective-c

How to implement the mvvm architecture in objective-c ? I need sample project to learn the mvvm architecture and also i need to know that what is needed to give in model, view, viewModel and how to separate in objective-c ? what is the difference between the normal project and mvvm project ?
Jesto I can give you details about what you ask briefly.Even if it is explanation you can easily understand what I post here because it has sources with examples and you can directly try the source.
First the Model
The model layer is not as self-explanatory as it may seem.
As you would expect, it will have your model objects, potentially
covering most of the layer surface. In the tickets example, you would
have a Ticket struct that would live in your model.
I find the following components to also be part of the model layer:
Network Code. The shape should be something like this. Ideally, you’d only use a single class for network communication across your
entire app.
Persistence Code. You would implement this with Core Data or simply by saving an NSData blob directly to disk.
Parsing Code. Any objects that parse network responses and the like should be included in the Model layer as well.
While the model objects and the parser are domain-specific, the
network code will be highly reusable.
The controller will then use all the elements in your model layer to
define the flow of information in your app.
Second the View
When a user interacts with your app, they are interacting with the
view layer. The view is considered the “dumb” part of your app, since
it shouldn’t contain any business logic. In code terms, you’ll
normally see:
UIView subclasses. These range from a basic UIView to complex custom UI controls.
A UIViewController (arguably). Since a UIViewController is strongly coupled with its own root UIView and its different cycles
(loadView, viewDidLoad), I personally consider it to be part of this
layer, but not everyone agrees.
Animations and UIViewController transitions.
Classes that are part of UIKit/AppKit, Core Animation and Core Graphics.
Typical code smells found in this layer manifest in different ways,
but boil down to including anything unrelated to UI in your view
layer. A classic code smell is making a network call from a
It’s tempting to put a bunch of code in your UIViewController and be
done with it, so you can meet that deadline. Don’t do it! In the short
term, you might save a couple of minutes, but in the long term, you
could lose hours looking for a bug, or have trouble when you want to
reuse code inside one view controller in another.
Third MVVM
Model-View-ViewModel, or MVVM, is an MVC derivation. Conceptually,
it’s similar. The biggest difference is in the communication between
layers, and instead of a controller, you use a view model.
In practice, MVVM shines when it has an FRP framework to support it.
Since the model is now observed by the view model and the view model
by the view, the FRP paradigm becomes a natural choice to manage the
information flow. This leads to a better separation between layers,
which translates in decoupled components that are easy to test.
Bottom line: architecture is important, but in my opinion the right
programming paradigm will influence more the overall quality of your
code. It’s also important to note, that most often that not, you will
have in the same app different approaches. This includes both
architecture and paradigm. You might think this will disrupt
consistency inside the codebase, but you should always use the right
tool for the job.
Finally MVC
The Model-View-Controller (MVC) design pattern assigns objects in an
application one of three roles: model, view, or controller. The
pattern defines not only the roles objects play in the application, it
defines the way objects communicate with each other. Each of the three
types of objects is separated from the others by abstract boundaries
and communicates with objects of the other types across those
boundaries. The collection of objects of a certain MVC type in an
application is sometimes referred to as a layer—for example, model
MVC is central to a good design for a Cocoa application. The benefits
of adopting this pattern are numerous. Many objects in these
applications tend to be more reusable, and their interfaces tend to be
better defined. Applications having an MVC design are also more easily
extensible than other applications. Moreover, many Cocoa technologies
and architectures are based on MVC and require that your custom
objects play one of the MVC roles.
Difference between Normal and MVVM
Models — responsible for the domain data or a data access layer
which manipulates the data, think of ‘Person’ or ‘PersonDataProvider’
Views — responsible for the presentation layer (GUI), for iOS environment think of everything starting with ‘UI’ prefix.
Controller/Presenter/ViewModel — the glue or the mediator between the Model and the View, in general responsible for altering the Model
by reacting to the user’s actions performed on the View and updating
the View with changes from the Model.
The latest and the greatest of the MV(X) kind The MVVM is the newest
of MV(X) kind thus, let’s hope it emerged taking into account problems
MV(X) was facing previously. In theory the Model-View-ViewModel looks
very good. The View and the Model are already familiar to us, but also
the Mediator, represented as the View Model. MVVM It is pretty similar
to the MVP:
the MVVM treats the view controller as the View
There is no tight coupling between the View and the Model In addition, it does binding like the Supervising version of the MVP;
however, this time not between the View and the Model, but between the
View and the View Model. So what is the View Model in the iOS reality?
It is basically UIKit independent representation of your View and its
state. The View Model invokes changes in the Model and updates itself
with the updated Model, and since we have a binding between the View
and the View Model, the first is updated accordingly.
Also the MVVM Design Pattern and How does MVVM work?
Check it out this topic -> What is the difference between MVC and MVVM?
Model-View-ViewModel basic example is here -> and maybe next step, you can use reactive cocoa because it can be more effective with mvvm ->
reactive cocoa ->
goodluck :)

Why do delegates exist in iOS?

I understand that delegates are essentially objects that another object can pass messages to, and that they are used on behalf of other classes. So for example, a UITableViewDelegate has methods which can be used to detect particular events in a UITableView. This is very useful, and indeed I have used delegates a lot in past iOS projects, so this is more of a curiosity:
Why do the methods in a delegate class not just exist in the class that the delegate is being delegated by?
Surely it would be more convenient to have those methods in the actual class, such as a UITableView?
Perhaps it is that architecturally it is more convenient, but from fist looks it seems counter intuitive.
As a general rule, composition is more powerful than inheritance. Inheritance creates many subtle problems, the most common of which is the diamond problem, but there are many other problems.
Delegation is just a specific formulation of the Strategy pattern, which allows us to extend an object via composition rather than inheritance.
As a concrete example of the issue, and how the diamond problem creeps in when you use inheritance, consider this:
You have a very common way you want to provide cells. For example, you'd like a Core Data fetch request, or a network request that generates cells. So you would build a superclass that encapsulated all this logic. We'll call the class that handles thatFetchRequestDataProviding.
Separately, you have a visual behavior you use a lot. For example, you want a particular kind of animations for your view, so you wrap that up into a class FadeInTableView.
Now we have a problem because we want both. So we need multiple inheritance. And multiple inheritance is Pandora's box of ambiguities.
But I eliminate all of that if I make FetchRequestDataProviding a separate object that behaves as a delegate. I actually could make things even more powerful by breaking out FadeInAnimating as a delegate/strategy (though UIView doesn't have that power today).
In ObjC, "composition is more powerful than inheritance" shows itself commonly in a fairly shallow inheritance tree and lots of delegates. Swift pushes this further with protocols and structs that have no inheritance. None of this means that inheritance is bad; it can have a lot of value (though languages like Go avoid it entirely; though interestingly still has to face the diamond problem due to embedding). But when in doubt, composition is the more powerful tool.

Separating Data model from View Model

I have an approach in designing MVC components which is to separate the Data Model (DB persistence) from the View Model of my component despite they represent theoretically the same element. I just map later the two models.
Do you think it's a good approach? Or I should try to make only one model?
When I run into issues like this, I try to create only the necessary classes that I need. This will help to keep the project smaller and to avoid confusion as to what class or object you are supposed to be using. I always try to picture the next guy coming and working on my code and what he would think of and where he would stumble in my logic. I would only use a ViewModel if you are creating objects from multiple Models you retrieved from the database.
Based on your statement it seems that you've created a duplicate data model which is mapped to a second model and would like to know if this is an optimal approach.
I don't think this is necessarily an optimal solution, but a lot depends on your use-case. What I typically do is create a data model that represents unique entities. Then I create a data management class that handles the interactions and use-cases of the data. The data manager would cover things like adding/removing custom objects from a collection. The approach I take is basically a lightweight approach to Apple's use of it's Core Data Framework (docs).
So for example one could use a dictionary, array, or set (or some combination of these) to manage the collection of custom objects together with a shared singleton object acting as a data manager and leveraging built-in archiving/unarchiving capabilities to handle a data graph requirements for an app. Actually,y the result is about the same as a simple use of Core Data, so I'd definitely recommend you get familiar with the standard approach used by Apple (it's embedded into every project template by default).
The good news is that once you choose an approach and develop it very carefully you could end up with a sharable resource that can be reused in many different projects. So for example, the data manager class might encapsulate the movement of data internally (files, local urls, etc) and externally (urls, soa, etc) and even deal with caching, serialization, etc.
I use only classes with get / set methods that operate a mapping of the DB and the VIEW. These are development policies. Using hybrid objects have a greater lightness of the project is in development at runtime. In some scenarios, there may be redundancy in the classes. It is important to aspire to the perfection of the code :-)

Model-Controller Abstraction with Core Data

In learning about Core Data, I've noticed how (in Xcode's templates) Apple directly used the query classes inside the view controller. This seems like it is bad MVC (having database access logic directly inside the view controller). Would it make sense to abstract out these kinds of actions to a separate suite of classes that obtain the data from the database and pass it back to the view controller calling it?
So, just to be clear, when I say "kinds of actions", I specifically mean CRUD Operations. Though if you have ideas about other things that a so-called "Model-Controller" would do, I'd be interested in hearing about them.
It's a matter of opinion, and often yes the templates are the most simple form of working example. It's hard to have a template spin out multiple files, for example.
Yes, personally, I generally spin out a separate NSManagedObject subclass. I like to have a _MySubclass object that has all the auto-generated stuff, then have the model actually reference MySubclass which has model-based business logic (you can use mogenerator or other methods to do this too if so inclined). Perhaps thinking of it as "Model-Controllers" and "View-Controllers" is another way of putting it.
This is a very good question and the answer likely depends on your situation. Perhaps architecture purists would insist on separate Model controllers and there are a lot of benefits to this approach. However, sometimes I find myself using Key Values when I'm doing a simple view. When things are more complex, for example, when coding the same Model for the Mac and iOS, having separate Model Controllers will allow you to reuse a lot of code. When you must diverge, Obj C Categories are a very clean way to extend functionality without adding a lot of overhead. I personally favor categories over extensive subclassing.
Since NSFetchedResultsController was released, my model classes are leaner. There are a lot of nuances to this and experience will help you come up with the best solution for your App. I've also found that writing unit tests up front will help you force through issues and validate your design, or send you back to the drawing board :)

Why does Apple documentation that getting ManagedObjectContext from UIApplicationDelegate is bad?

Just curious why ManagedObjectContexts should be passed to UIViewControllers when they are created, rather than just grabbing them from a UIApplicationDelegate?
The docs say that this makes your applications more rigid, but I am failing to see the nuances of when to use which pattern.
Imagine that I ask you to do some task, like painting a room. If I just tell you "go paint a room," you'll need to ask me a lot of questions, like:
Which room?
Where's the paint?
Where are the brushes?
Should I use a dropcloth?
In short, you won't be able to complete the task without help from me. If you have to depend on me every time, you won't be a very flexible painter. One way to deal with that problem is for me to give you all the stuff you need at the outset. Instead of "go paint a room," I'll say "please paint room number 348 using this bucket of paint and this brush, and don't bother with a dropcloth." Now, you've got everything you need, and you can get right to work with no further help from me. You're a much more flexible worker because you no longer depend on me.
The same thing applies to view controllers (and objects generally); it's better to give them everything they need than to have them depend on a particular object like the app delegate. It's true not just for managed object contexts, but for any information they need to do their job.
This is mainly because you want to use dependency injection with your UIViewControllers instead of just grabbing everything from UIApplication, this keeps your delegate clean instead of full of reference hacks.
This is also to keep with the MVC pattern:
View Controller (Only for view logic)
Controller (For coordinating between the view and the model)
I tend not to agree with this pattern.
First of all I try to treat Core Data as an implementation detail, and as any implementation detail it should be hidden behind a good facade. The facade is the interfaces I expose for my model objects. For example if I have two model objects; Cource and Student, any cource can have a number of students. I do not want to let the controller take upon the duty to setup predicates and sort descriptors, and jump through all Core Data hoops just to get a list of students for a particular class. There is a perfectly valid way to expose this in the model:
#interface Cource (StudentAccess)
Then implement the ugly stuff once and for all in the Model class. Hiding all the complex details of Core Data, and no need to pass around managed object contexts. But how would I find the sources, it has to start somewhere right? Yes, it does but you need not expose it to the controller. Adding methods such as these are perfectly reasonable as well:
#interface Cource (CourceAccess)
This also helps in minimizing dependencies between controllers. And reducing he dependencies between the model and controller. Assuming I have a CourceViewController and a StudenViewController is I did not hide the Core Data details behind a facade and wanted to pass around the managed object context as well, then I would end up with a designated initializer like this:
Whereas with good a good facade I end up with this:
Minimizing dependencies behind facades, in favor of dependency injection also makes it much easier to change the internal implementations. Passing around the managed object context encourages each controller to implement their own logic for basic stuff. Take for example studentsSortedByName method. At first it might be sorter by last/first name, if later changed to last/first name sort you would have to go to each and every controller that has sorted students and make the change. Where a good facade method requires you to change in one method, and all controller automagically get the update for free.
The Apple Docs try to foster the most widely applicable and sustainable design patterns.
Dependency injection is preferred because it allows for the most flexible, expandable, reusable and maintainable design.
As apps grow in complexity, using a quasi-singleton like parking the context in the app delegate breaks down. In more complex apps, you may have multiple context tied to multiple stores. You might want the same view-controller/view pair to display data from different context at different times or you may end up with multiple context on different threads/operations. You can't pile all those context up in the app delegate.
If you have a simple app with a single context then using the quasi-singleton with the app delegate can work well. I've used it on several smaller apps in the past without immediate issue but I did hit scalability problems on a couple of apps when the apps grew overtime.
Which pattern to use depends on your shipping constraints and you best guesses about of the evolution app over its entire lifecycle. If its a small one shot app, then the app delegate quasi-singleton will work fine. If the app is more complex, might grow more complex or might spawn other related apps that will reuse existing components, then dependency injection is the way to go.
