I have the following problem:
My object route contains a list of routepoints. When I alter this list, the changed list is saved. But when the next method accesses the list, it seems like the change reverted. I ruled some kind of transaction rollback out, b/c on the end of the altering method, i acces the list by loading it from the database and it still has the right (altered) size. Here's the code:
First the altering method:
def removeStationFromRoute(station){
def driver = Driver.get(Integer.valueOf(requestAccessService.getParams().userId))
def route = driver.routes.find{
it.routeDate == new Date().clearTime()
def rp = Routepoint.findByStation(station)
def newRoute = driver.routes.find{ it.routeDate == new Date().clearTime()}
println 'new route size: ' + newRoute.routepoints.size()
def newRoute2 = Route.get(route.id)
println 'new route from db size: ' + newRoute2.routepoints.size()
Both prints return a size of 5, which is correct. Right after this method is carried out, this method is executed:
def getDriverRoute(){
def driver = User.get(Long.valueOf(params.userId))
def route = driver.routes.find{ it.routeDate == new Date().clearTime()}
println 'serialized route size: ' + route.routepoints.size()
def routeString = jobService.serializeRoute(route)
log.info('Route with ' + route.routepoints.size() + " stations serialized for User " + driver.encodeAsHTML())
render routeString
Which prints a size of 6, as if no change happened to the list. I already tried saving the driver, the route and the routepoint after the change is made in the "removeStationFromRoute"-List, as well as checking the three objects for errors. Didn't help.
Thanks for any ideas what to do!
I guess you have a 1-N relationship between Route and Routepoints? Something like
class Route {
static hasMany = [routepoints: Routepoint]
class Routepoint {
static belongsTo = [route: Route]
You should not add/remove routpoints using the add/remove methods of the Collection interface. Instead you should use the addTo*/removeFrom* GORM methods, e.g.
After you have used route.removeFromRoutepoints(routepoint)
to remove the mapping of the Routepoint with Route in the first method, the Route Object Still needs to be persisted using .save/.merge method.(Check here )
In hibernate, using Domain.get(id) will not always hit the Database, IF the object already cached in the Hibernate session. Check here
Hope it helps...
I am quite new to Ruby and could not find an appropriate answer to my questions. Let's say I have hash named
users_hsh = {}.
I am looping through all of my users in the DB and creating the following.
users.each do |user|
users_hsh[user.full_name] = {
completed_activities: some_integer_value,
active_activities: some_integer_value,
future_activities: some_integer_value
Now, I created a new hash named
total_sum_not_zero_user_hsh = {}.
I want to loop over all of the users in the users_hsh and check for each user if the total sum of completed_activities + active_activities + future_activities does not equal 0 and if this condition holds, I want to add this user to total_sum_not_zero_user_hsh. I have done the following but seems that this does not work.
users_hsh.each do |usr|
if usr.values.sum != 0
total_sum_not_zero_user_hsh[usr] = {
completed_activities: some_integer_value,
active_activities: some_integer_value,
future_activities: some_integer_value
What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance!
Let's use your example of:
users_hash = {
"Elvin Jafarli" => {
completed_activities: 10,
active_activities: 2,
future_activities: 0
Think carefully about what your data structure actually is: It's a hash that maps the user name to some user attributes. If you loop through these values, you don't just get a usr, you get back precisely this mapping.
It's helpful to name your variables descriptively:
users_hsh.each do |user_name, user_attributes|
if user_attributes.values.sum != 0
# ...
With your attempt, you would have seen an error like this: NoMethodError: undefined method 'values' for #<Array:0x00007fe14e22f538>. What happened is that each usr was actually an Array such as:
["Elvin Jafarli", {completed_activities: 10, active_activities: 2, future_activities: 0}]
i am trying to use cookie in grails 3.
i tried this plugin but i don't know why its not work at all..
cookieService.setCookie('username', customer?.email)
and i use this code for call it from gsp
<g:cookie name="username"/>
i also tried this way..
def cokusername = cookieService.setCookie('username', customer?.email)
println "cookieService.getCookie('username') = "+cookieService.getCookie('username')
redirect(controller: "toko",cokusername: cokusername)
and this is in my tokoController.groovy index :
def index={
def toko = CifLogo.executeQuery("from CifLogo order by rand()",[max: 10])
// def itemRandom = Item.executeQuery("from Item where cif = :cif order by rand()",[max:12,cif:cif])
def awdf = cookieService.getCookie('username')
println "awdf = "+awdf
println "cokusername = "+params.cokusername
i have no idea to retrieve my cookie. :(
def index(){
def toko = CifLogo.executeQuery("from CifLogo order by rand()",[max: 10])
// def itemRandom = Item.executeQuery("from Item where cif = :cif order by rand()",[max:12,cif:cif])
def awdf = cookieService.getCookie('username')
println "awdf = "+awdf
println "cokusername = "+params.cokusername
i tried to print cookie like this..
def awdf = request.getCookie('username')
println "awdf = "+awdf
println "cokusername = "+params.cokusername
request.cookies.each { println "${it.name} == ${it.value}" }
and this is what the result
From what I can see this line:
redirect(controller: "toko",cokusername: cokusername)
Should be:
redirect(controller: "toko",params:[cokusername: cokusername])
Also actions using closures in grails 3 will have undesired results. You should change to methods. Hence this line:
def index={
SHould be:
def index(){
Apart from this it seems the cookieService code should work fine, so I can only assume its being caused my the closure index that should be a method.
Another thing could be the fact that you are doing a redirect, which will clear the request and not persist any cookies that were set before the redirect
I don't know why, but maybe it's a bug.
i use this code to setCookie
cookieService.setCookie(name:"username", value: customer?.email, maxAge: 24*60*60, path: "/")
after read this code.
and i cannot deleteCookie with this code.
because when i print cookieService.findCookie("username") it returns javax.servlet.http.Cookie#78cbf320
and method deleteCookie(Cookie cookie) from this link
so i think it mustbe deleted.
but still availlable.
so i can answer this question about setCookie not deleteCookie
i also tried this way to delete cookie..but still failed.
CookieService.setCookie(name:"username", value: "", maxAge: 0, path: "/")
I have a method:
def nameToCode(nameStr){
def ret = resortService.getResort("all")
//this gets like 180 objects with various properties like name, code, etc.
def resorts = [name: ret.prName, code: ret.prProductIndex]
def code = resorts.findByName(nameStr) //this doesn't work
return code
I'm trying to call this method and send it a name. It's then supposed to go find the name in the map, if it finds it it's supposed to return the name's code. This is supposed to be simple but I've been searching everywhere and can't figure out how to do this. I'll appreciate any help. Thanks
you are using a gorm method on a standard map:
Instead of :
def resorts = [name: ret.prName, code: ret.prProductIndex]
def code = resorts.findByName(nameStr) //this doesn't work
def resorts = [name: ret.prName, code: ret.prProductIndex]
def code = resorts.findAll{name==nameStr}
I am creating an instance method on a model which returns instances of the same model. How can I ensure that the instance of the model that the method is being called upon is not part of the output?
My code is like this at the moment:
def other_versions(include_current = true)
if include_current
Coaster.where(order_ridden: order_ridden)
#coaster.other_version_count // Need this to exclude the current instance.
I'm not sure I understood, but would this help?
def other_versions(include_current = true)
query = Coaster.where(order_ridden: order_ridden)
query = query.where("id != ?", id) unless include_current
My Grails code has a search function that redirects to another controller action after performing a findAllBy query:
def results = Foo.findAllByBar(baz)
redirect(action: "result", params: [results: results])
findAllByBar returns an ArrayList with models, as expected, but after the redirect the receiving action gets a String array. Worse, when there is only one result it doesn't even get an array, it just gets a String.
Given that I have to iterate through the results in the receiving view, doing it on a string will meticulously print every letter individually. We can all agree that that's probably not the ideal behaviour.
A redirect results in a new GET request with the parameters in the querystring, e.g. /controller/result?foo=bar&baz=123 - you can't put objects there since it's just a string.
You could put the ids of the objects in the params and load them in the result action:
def action1 = {
def results = Foo.findAllByBar(baz)
redirect(action: "result", params: [resultIds: results.id.join(',')])
def result = {
def resultIds = params.resultIds.split(',')*.toLong()
def results = Foo.getAll(resultIds)
or put them in Flash scope:
def action1 = {
flash.results = Foo.findAllByBar(baz)
redirect(action: "result")
def result = {
def results = flash.results
It sounds like you want to use the chain method instead of the redirect method. Chain lets you pass a model as a parameter similar to render.
An example would be:
Heres a link for further information: