following prints "false"
let e1 = <## let d = 1 in d+1 ##>
let e2 = <## let d = 1 in d+1 ##>
printfn "%A" (e1 = e2)
The reason is that Var nodes are compared by pointer reference and not by structural equality.
Is there already implemented a way to compare quotations intuitively?
There are many reasons why comparing quotations does not "work" by default:
Quotations can contain references to values for which comparison may not be defined (e.g. if you create a quotation that captures some .NET object that does not support comparison).
Quotations contain information about the location in the source code - so your two quotations are different simply because they are on different lines!
There is a question whether you want to treat (fun x -> x) and (fun y -> y) as the same - logically, they are, but syntactically, they are not.
So, if you want to check whether quotations are equal, you'll just have to implement your own check. Something like this does the trick for the basic case you have in the example, but it does not handle all the cases:
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations.Patterns
let rec equal = function
| Let(v1, ea1, eb1), Let(v2, ea2, eb2) ->
v1.Name = v2.Name && equal (ea1, ea2) && equal (eb1, eb2)
| Var(v1), Var(v2) -> v1.Name = v2.Name
| Lambda(v1, e1), Lambda(v2, e2) -> v1.Name = v2.Name && equal (e1, e2)
| Call(None, m1, es1), Call(None, m2, es2) ->
m1 = m2 && ( es1 es2 |> List.forall equal)
| Value(v1), Value(v2) -> v1 = v2
| _ -> false
I read the following type definition. What does it do?
type StreamCell<'a> =
| Nill
| Cons of 'a * Stream<'a>
and Stream<'a> = Lazy<StreamCell<'a>>
I tried to define the value with the type.
let x = Lazy(1::2::Nill) // Type is Lazy<list<int>>
let y = Lazy(Nill::1) // Lazy<StreamCell<obj>>
I thought the type of x and y should be StreamCell?
The and in F# exists to define recursive types. In most other languages there exists no order. Once you define a class, function and so on. You can access it. But in F# order is important. You only can access thinks that are already defined.
Because of this, usually it would not be possible to define recursive types, or in generall circular types. What i think is a good idea. But sometimes, you want this, and in this case, you must define the types that should be recursive with an and.
A simple example would be
type A = A of B
type B = B of A
and this will fail. Because when you define A, there is no B. So B must be defined before A. But you cannot define B before A because it depends on A.
So instead of using type you use and instead.
type A = A of B
and B = B of A
You cannot create a value of this type because it would be infinite, but it's only for understanding the problem. Next, your example is not the best, because.
and Stream<'a> = Lazy<StreamCell<'a>>
is only a Type Alias. Here you define Stream<'a> as an alias to Lazy<StreamCell<'a>>. But the compiler will usually not use Stream<'a>. This only helps if you would write the type manually in your function definitions. Your definition could also be.
type StreamCell<'a> =
| Nill
| Cons of 'a * Lazy<StreamCell<'a>>
In your example
let x = Lazy(1::2::Nill)
You use :: and this IS NOT the Cons you define with your stream. You will use the cons operator that is defined with F#, and that is the built-in list. This is the reason why you see Lazy<List<int>> as a type.
If you want to define your stream with two values you need to write.
let x = Cons(1,lazy Cons(2, lazy Nill))
As a general note i would rename Cons to Next or something else. To avoid confusion and create helper function to create Nill and Next values.
and can also be used to change the Order of definition, and make it more obvious, which types belong together.
type Person = {
Name: string
Sex: Sex
and Sex =
| Male
| Female
let person = { Name="David"; Sex=Male }
Here is a full-blown example how i would do a Stream type on what you provided.
type Stream<'a> =
| Nill
| Next of 'a * Lazy<Stream<'a>>
let nill = Nill
let next h t = Next(h,t)
let rec unfold gen state =
match gen state with
| None -> Nill
| Some(x,state) -> next x (lazy unfold gen state)
let rec fold f acc xs =
match xs with
| Nill -> acc
| Next(h,t) -> fold f (f acc h) (t.Force())
let rec rev stream =
fold (fun acc x -> next x (lazy acc)) nill stream
let toList stream =
fold (fun acc x -> x::acc ) [] (rev stream)
let rec take x stream =
if x > 0 then
match stream with
| Nill -> Nill
| Next(h,t) -> next h (lazy take (x-1) (t.Force()))
let fromTo start stop =
unfold (fun acc -> if acc<stop then Some(acc,acc+1) else None) start
let x = next 1 (lazy next 2 (lazy next 3 (lazy nill)))
let y = next 1.0 (lazy next 2.0 (lazy next 3.0 (lazy nill)))
printfn "%A" (toList (take 2 x))
printfn "%A" (toList (take 2 y))
printfn "%A" (toList (take 2 (fromTo 1 100)))
printfn "%A" (toList (take 5 (fromTo 1 1_000_000_000)))
I would like to test whether all of elements in a list/sequence equals something
For example,a sequence of integers.
I would like to test if ALL element of the sequence equals to the same number.
My solution so far looks like imperative programming solution.
let test seq =
if Seq.forall(fun num -> num =1) then 1
elif Seq.forall(fun num-> num = 2) then 2
else None
Your solution is fine! Checking that all elements of a sequence have some value is not something you can nicely express using pattern matching - you have to use when clause, but that's doing exactly the same thing as your code (but with longer syntax). In cases like this, there is absolutely nothing wrong with using if.
You can extend pattern matching by definining custom active patterns, which gives you a nice option here. This is fairly advanced F#, but you can define a custom pattern ForAll n that succeeds when the input is a sequence containing just n values:
let (|ForAll|_|) n seq =
if Seq.forall (fun num -> num = n) seq then Some() else None
Note that success is represented as Some and failure as None. Now, you can solve your problem very nicely using pattern matching:
let test = function
| ForAll 1 -> Some 1
| ForAll 2 -> Some 2
| _ -> None
This looks quite nice, but it's relying on more advanced features - I would do this if this is something that you need in more than one place. If I needed this just in one place, I'd go with ordinary if.
You can rewrite it using pattern matching with a guard clause:
let testList = [2;2;2]
let isOne x = x = 1
let isTwo x = x = 2
let forAll = function
| list when list |> List.forall isOne -> Some 1
| list when list |> List.forall isTwo -> Some 2
| _ -> None
let res = forAll testList //Some 2
Instead of the function you could use partial application on the equals operator.
> let yes = [1;1;1];;
val yes : int list = [1; 1; 1]
> let no = [1;2;3];;
val no : int list = [1; 2; 3]
> yes |> List.forall ((=) 1);;
val it : bool = true
> no |> List.forall ((=) 1);;
val it : bool = false
Maybe this looks more functional? And I think you should return Some 1 in your code, otherwise you'd get type errors since Option and int are not the same type...
If you want to check if all elements are equal (not just if they equal some constant), you could do this:
> [1;2] |> List.pairwise |> List.forall (fun (a,b) -> a = b)
val it : bool = false
> [1;1;1] |> List.pairwise |> List.forall (fun (a,b) -> a = b)
val it : bool = true
There you split your list into tuples and checks if the tuples are equal. This means transitively that all elements are equal.
I m trying to filter a mixed data type for a specific type, say float (ideally this would be dynamic though)
here my example:
let testobj = [8.0 , 1.0, "bla" ; 8.0 , 1.0, "bla"]
let testfun data = data |> List.filter (fun a ->
match a.GetType() with
| float -> a
| _ -> 0.0)
now this should return [8.0 , 1.0, 0.0 ; 8.0 , 1.0, 0.0] for testobj but I m gettting an error that the function is of type bool
This isn't what you want to do.
F# wants lists to be homogeneous and your list is not homogeneous. float and string don't share a common base class so you're not going to get a list from it.
What F# wants you to do is to use a discriminated union for this. So if you have this type:
type Composite =
| Num of float
| Str of string
you can define your list like this:
let data = [ Num(8.0); Num(1.0); Str("bla"); Num(8.0); Num(1.0); Str("bla") ]
and from there you can pattern match on the types and your function looks like this:
let testfun d = d |> (fun a ->
match a with
| Num x -> a
| _ -> Num(0.0) )
data|> testfun |> printfn "%A"
And the output will be:
[Num 8.0; Num 1.0; Num 0.0; Num 8.0 ; Num 1.0 ; Num 0.0;]
If you want floats in the end and not Composites, do this:
let testfun1 d = d |> (fun a ->
match a with
| Num x -> x
| _ -> 0.0 )
which sheds the composite type. And everything (and I mean everything) in that code is type strong and type-safe.
From a real-world maintenance point of view, I would eschew the _ case in the matches and instead use all my types, reasoning that if I extend Composite to include another type I would want the compiler to scream at me and look at each function that uses it rather than silently assuming that 0.0 or Num(0.0) is really what I wanted.
For example, if I added integers to that type, this would do exactly the wrong thing if I wanted to sum the contents of a list of composites.
Given that you're stuck/hell-bent on a weakly-typed data set, then you want something like this:
let testfun2 d = d |> (fun (a:Object) ->
match a with
| :? float as x -> x
| _ -> 0.0
let data:Object[] = [|8.0; 1.0; "bla"; 8.0; 1.0; "bla"|]
data |> testfun2 |> printfn "%A"
which will print what you expect. Note that I'm using proper Array syntax and not list syntax.
However this is feeling really wonky for F#. See how I have to adorn a and d with types? In my previous code, the language can figure it all out. If I don't adorn either, I get compiler errors because we're really going against the grain of the type system.
If I were you, I would be inclined to do something like this first:
let recast d = d |> (fun (a:Object) ->
match a with
| :? float as x -> Num x
| :? string as x -> Str x
| _ -> raise (ArgumentException("that was unexpected: " + a.GetType().Name))
which turns this into an Array of Composite which is now type strong. If you tack on |> Array.toList after the, you get a list (if you want that).
I'd like to check that a value is of a particular case of a discriminated union, without having to also check any included data. My motivation is to only test one thing with each unit test.
An example is as follows (the last two lines give compilation errors):
module MyState
open NUnit.Framework
open FsUnit
type MyState =
| StateOne of int
| StateTwo of int
let increment state =
match state with
| StateOne n when n = 10 -> StateTwo 0
| StateOne n -> StateOne (n + 1)
| StateTwo n -> StateTwo (n + 1)
let ``incrementing StateOne 10 produces a StateTwo`` ()=
let state = StateOne 10
(increment state) |> should equal (StateTwo 0) // works fine
(increment state) |> should equal (StateTwo _) // I would like to write this...
(increment state) |> should be instanceOfType<StateTwo> // ...or this
Can this be done in FsUnit?
I'm aware of this answer but would prefer not to have to write matching functions for each case (in my real code there are far more than two).
If you don't mind using reflections, the isUnionCase function from this answer could be handy:
increment state
|> isUnionCase <# StateTwo #>
|> should equal true
Note that it's a bit verbose because you need a function call before comparing values.
A similar but lighter approach could be comparison of tags:
// Copy from
let getTag (a:'a) =
let (uc,_) = Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection.FSharpValue.GetUnionFields(a, typeof<'a>)
increment state
|> getTag
|> should equal "StateTwo"
Beware that this is not type-safe and you can easily misspell a union case name.
What I would do is to create a similar DUs for comparison purpose:
type MyStateCase =
| StateOneCase
| StateTwoCase
let categorize = function
| StateOne _ -> StateOneCase
| StateTwo _ -> StateTwoCase
In this way, you define categorize once and use it multiple times.
increment state
|> categorize
|> should equal StateTwoCase
It appears FSUnit doesn't (or can't, I'm not sure) directly support this use case.
The next best thing I've found is to declare a TestResult type like the following and use a match to reduce the result to this type.
type TestResult =
| Pass
| Fail of obj
Here is the reducing match
let testResult =
match result with
| OptionA(_) -> Pass
| other -> Fail(other)
Now you can just use should equal to ensure the correct result.
testResult |> should equal Pass
The benefits of this solution are strong typing but more importantly in the failure case you can see what the invalid result was.
It doesn't look very elegant, but you can extract type from a value of state:
let instanceOfState (state: 'a) =
And then use it in the test:
(increment state) |> should be (instanceOfState <| StateTwo 88)
Yes, unfortunately the type is always MyState. Looks like pattern matching or ugly reflection are inevitable.
What if FsUnit already supports an assertion against a specific union case, albeit one restricted to values of the type Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Choice<_,...,_>?
Let's leverage this with a multi-case active pattern, which uses Reflection to check against the union case name.
open System.Reflection
open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
let (|Pass|Fail|) name (x : obj) =
let t = x.GetType()
if FSharpType.IsUnion t &&
t.InvokeMember("Is" + name,
BindingFlags.GetProperty, null, x, null )
|> unbox then Pass
else Fail x
Should be working now:
increment state
|> (|Pass|Fail|) "StateTwo"
|> should be (choice 1)
I've spent a few hours trying to get to grips with F# Quotations, but I've come across a bit of a road block. My requirement is to take simple functions (just integers,+,-,/,*) out of a discriminated union type and generate an expression tree that will eventually be used to generate C code. I know this is possible using Quotations with 'direct' functions.
My problem is that the expression tree seems to terminate with a "Value", and I can't figure out how to traverse into that value.
My questions is
whether this is actually possible in this situation? or are there any other approaches that are worth considering.
type FuncType =
| A of (int -> int -> int)
| B
| C
let add x y = x + y
let myFunc1 = A (fun x y -> x + y )
let myFunc2 = A add
let thefunc expr =
match expr with
| A(x) ->
<# x #>
| _ ->
failwith "fail"
printfn "%A" (thefunc myFunc1) // prints "Value (<fun:myFunc1#14>)"
printfn "%A" (thefunc myFunc2) // prints "Value (<fun:myFunc2#15>)"
printfn "%A" <# fun x y -> x + y #> // generates usable expression tree
Quotations represent the F# code that was quoted syntactically. This means that if you write something like <# x #>, the quotation will contain just Value case specifying that you quoted something which has the specified value. (Variables are automatically replaced with values if the variable is defined outside of the quotation).
You can only get quotation of code that was explicitly quoted using <# .. #> or of a function that was marked as ReflectedDefinition and is referred to by name in a quotation (e.g. <# add #> but not for example let f = add in <# f #>).
To be able to do what your snippet suggests, you'll need to store quotations in your FuncType too (so that the lambda function that you write is also quoted and you can get its body). Something like:
type FuncType =
| A of Expr<int -> int -> int>
| B | C
let add x y = x + y
let myFunc1 = A <# fun x y -> x + y #>
let myFunc2 = A <# add #>
let thefunc expr =
match expr with
| A(x) -> x
| _ -> failwith "fail"
This should work for functions marked as ReflectedDefinition too. To extract the body of the function you need to add something like (you'll need to substitute arguments of the function for parameters, but this should give you some idea):
match expr with
| Lambdas(_, body) ->
match body with
| Call(_, mi, _) when Expr.TryGetReflectedDefinition(mi) <> None ->
let func = Expr.TryGetReflectedDefinition(mi)
match func with
| Some(Lambdas(_, body)) ->
// 'body' is the quotation of the body
| _ -> failwith "Not supported function"
| _ -> failwith "Not supported function"
| _ -> failwith "Not supported expression"