MapKit & Google Maps - ios

Recently included maps using apple's MapKit. I understand MapKit uses Google Maps. I would however like to know if the app developer is charged for using Google maps.

Apple's MapKit only used Google Maps up to iOS 5.1 as stated in the "Important" note in the MKMapView class reference:
Important: In iOS 5.1 and earlier, the Map Kit framework uses the Google Mobile Maps (GMM) service to provide map data.
Since then, and including iOS 7.1, MapKit uses Apple's mapping service instead.
However, regardless of iOS version, the developer is not charged for using maps.

Developers are not charged for using google maps.


Is It Possible To Open Google Maps By PlaceId in iOS?

In Android one can use an URI to call GoogleMaps as follows,-122.3316393&query_place_id=ChIJKxjxuaNqkFQR3CK6O1HNNqY
As given in this answer.
This query opens the GoogleMaps on Android devices and the place info is shown as in the below screenshot:
I'm looking for a similar result for IOS with GoogleMaps.
I have searched in GoogleMaps SDK documentation and also over the internet but couldn't find an answer.
Can we achieve this for IOS with GoogleMaps?
Yes you can open Google Maps from your iOS App. There is a documentation available for opening Google Maps Via iOS App.
An example would be:
For this to work, there should be Google Maps App installed on the device. Though if you have the Placeid and Google SDK installed on your APP then you must have it's Latitude and Longitude. You can open default Maps to do this task for you. This SO Post is a great place to start!

Does Google Map supporting Apple Watch in iOS Development?

I want to add Google Map into Apple Watch. I am running one app which has already integrated Google Map. I want to integrate some functionality with the Apple Watch kit.
Is there any way to do that? Please share your thought if you have any.
There is no Google Maps SDK for watchOS at the moment, but you can use the Google Maps REST API from watchOS.

Google Maps iOS SDK Night Mode

Is there a way of implementing a night mode in Google Maps iOS SDK considering the fact that there is NO documented property for doing so?
The latest Google maps iOS SDK (Version 2.1) does include some map styling.
You can read about implementing night mode in the Google Maps SDK Docs.
Also, you can take a look at the update notes.
No - at least not with the current Google Maps SDK (1.8.1). There is no way to apply custom styles to the map.

Migrating to Google maps from iOS maps

I have an app in the app store which I use iOS/ Apple maps. Now with google maps sdk 1.1 I decided to migrate form Apple maps to Google maps. Is there an easy way to do this without re-writing most of the code?
Note: I currently use custom classes for overlays, pins, and map settings.
Thank you in advance..
No, there is no easy way, you have to rewrite yourself.

Let users choose between Google Maps and Apple Maps in IOS 6?

I am using basic MapKit functionality in my iOS app.
Is there a way to let my iOS 6 users choose between Google and Apple maps for the mapping data presented within my app? If so, how can I do this programmatically?
You can let users choose between iOS maps and other maps (OpenStreetMap, Microsoft VirtualEarth, CloudMade, OpenAerialMap, OpenCycleMap, SpatialCloud, TileStream7) with route me (on github) or you can go with Bing maps (also a library available).
But you'll have to code for the different libraries as the MapKit Framework is only available for Apple maps in iOS 6.
ClassicMap (GitHub) does exactly what you're looking for. The sample project shows how to add a Google Maps overlay to MapKit and how to switch between Google and Apple maps.
It works well, but zoom levels seem to be limited to Apple's data (I'm pretty sure that the maximum zoom was higher in Google Maps, at least where I live).
