I'm trying to create a textarea that types right to left to make it easier for people that write in arabic. I also use tinymce.
Here is my code that has the arabic textarea
<p>content arabic<textarea id='content_arabic_add_$id_page' name='content_arabic_add_$id_page' lang='ar' dir='rtl' style='width:100%;'></textarea></p>
I want to create a very simple markdown editor with contentEditable and execCommand. I can only find examples where you select a text and press a button to make the selected text bold (or other stuff). But I would like to be able to write **bold text** and that it automatically makes the text between ** bold. Same like the editor from stackoverflow, but I don't want the ** to be removed. They should still be there, but maybe in another style. I don't know how to do it. Do you do that with Regex or how?
I want to have a button with multiple lines. I could add white-space:normal but that does not allow manual line breaks. I have tried with <br> and
but they don't work as a jQM button is text only.
Note that I do not want automatic line-breaks, but I want to decide myself where to put them.
Nor do I want to change the height of the button. No, I want to add extra linebreaks.
i.e. I want to be able to have a button with
instead of
Text like this
Is there a way around this limitation?
Ok, there is a way to do it. Since I use GWT I can do
JQMButton b = new JQMButton("dummy text");
a couple of ways to do it
reduce the width of your button, the text would lay out itself in lines
do a shift-enter while typing the text or try a '\n' like this Text \n like \n this
On my jQuery Mobile page, i'm using a horizontal control group for some buttons.
But in some languages the text within these buttons is too long.
Instead of wrapping the text within each button, the buttons themselves wrap onto the next line.
this is the base code:
<div data-role="controlgroup" data-type="horizontal">
short button
really really really insanely long button is really really insanely long. No really, who makes buttons this big?
and with this css, we convince it to wrap inside the buttons. Otherwise the text is truncated with an ellipsis
white-space: normal !important;
On the third page of this fiddle the problem is demonstrated
Anyone have any ideas how I might tackle this?
Thanks in advance,
ps. Inspiration for the original fix came from Tosh in Jquery Mobile Multiline Button
You could set widths for the links in your control-group:
.ui-page .ui-content .ui-controlgroup a {
width : 49%;
This will keep them on the same line. Here is a demo: http://jsfiddle.net/R8Kwe/6/
Also, just to be thorough, the white-space : normal actually needs to be applied to the .ui-btn-text element which is a child of the .ui-btn-inner element (so it still receives the inherited value).
Trim your long buttons - that's a usability issue. If you have action buttons named that long seems like that just defeats the purpose of an action? Other than that I wouldn't use controlgroups for something like this. I would use a custom data theme & some grids to house my buttons inline.
I am creating Mozilla extension.
Here I need to set button controller right side in extension.
Here I divide XUL file to div element. I have take a main div element and inside this i have take two more inner div.
Then I have set one inner div style property float:left; and another div style property float:right. But this is not helpful for me.
Here I also set Button CSS style property float:right which is inside the div which have property float:right.
In a XUL window, dialog, page or vbox, elements are displayed from top to bottom, and if you put elements in an <hbox> then those are displayed left to right (except in RTL locales). But sometimes you want a right-aligned object. You then have several options:
The simplest version is <hbox pack="end"><button label="right"/></hbox>
If you also need an element on the left, then you can separate them with a spacer, like this: <hbox><button label="left"/><spacer flex="1"/><button label="right"/></hbox>
Alternatively you can also use <vbox align="end"><button label="right"/></vbox> which works better if you need a radio, checkbox, label or description element to be able to wrap.
Hi Dad you tried to use dir="rtl" this one can be applied to the document or the element ....
You can also specify the language... like it's exist on the HTML Specification...
For Example
<Q lang="he" dir="rtl">...a Hebrew quotation...</Q>
I have an unordered list with links. The links have display:block; in the css so the hover will also have effect in the padding surrounding the links. I replace the list-items with sIFR 3. In the sifr-config.js I specify a hover color for the text but this only works on the text itself, not on the padding surrounding the text. Is there a solution for this problem?
I got it working for the padding on the left side of the text by adding margin-left:'25' in the config for .sIFR-root but margin-right doesn't have the same effect. Help greatly appreciated ;-)
It's hard to say based on your question, but if you replace the individual list items, the entire list item will be a sIFR link. If you want more space around the text you should do this within the Flash movie rather than in CSS. You can use the tuneWidth, tuneHeight, offsetTop and offsetLeft parameters for this.