Avoiding Duplicate Column Name Additions in a TDataSet - delphi

I am dynamically adding fields to a TDataSet using the following code:
while not ibSQL.Eof do
fieldname := Trim(ibSql.FieldByName('columnnameofchange').AsString);
TDataSet.FieldDefs.Add(fieldname , ftString, 255);
Problem is that I might get duplicate names so what is the easiest way to screen for duplicates and not add the duplicates that are already added.
I hope not to traverse through the TDataSet.FieldDefList for each column added as this would be tedious for every single column addition. And there can be many additions.
Please supply another solution if possible. If not then I am stuck using the FieldDefList iteration.
I will also add that screening out duplicates on the SQL query is an option but not a desired option.

TFieldDefs has a method IndexOf that returns -1 when a field with the given name does not exist.

If I understand you correctly, the easiest way would probably be to put all of the existing field names in a TStringList. You could then check for the existence before adding a new field, and if you add it you simply add the name to the list:
FldList: TStringList;
i: Integer;
FldList := TStringList.Create;
for i := 0 to DataSet.FieldCount - 1 do
while not ibSQL.Eof do
fieldname := Trim(ibSql.FieldByName('columnnameofchange').AsString);
if FldList.IndexOf(fieldName) = -1 then
DataSet.FieldDefs.Add(fieldname , ftString, 255);

I'm posting this anyway as I finished writing it, but clearly screening on the query was my preference for this problem.
I'm having a bit of trouble understanding what you're aiming for so forgive me if I'm not answering your question. Also, it has been years since I used Delphi regularly so this is definitely not a specific answer.
If you're using the TADOQuery (or whatever TDataSet you're using) in the way I expect my workaround was to do something like:
a.... ,
b.field1 as "AlternateName"
Table a INNER JOIN Table b
As which point it automatically used AlternateName instead of field1 (thus the collision where you're forced to work by index or rename the columns.
Obviously if you're opening a table for writing this isn't a great solution. In my experience with Delphi most of the hardship could be stripped out with simple SQL tricks so that you did not need to waste time playing with the fields.
Essentially this is just doing what you're doing at the source instead of the destination and it is a heck of a lot easier to update.

What I'd do is keep a TStringList with Sorted := true and Duplicates := dupError set. For each field, do myStringList.Add(UpperCase(FieldName)); inside a try block, and if it throws an exception, you know it's a duplicate.
TStringList is really an incredibly versatile class. It's always a bit surprising all the uses you can find for it...


Deleting records in adotable with certain criteria

i have tried looking online but had no luck,
How i could delete all records in an adotable in button click, which match a varying criteria. For example i want to be able to delete all records in an adotable where Labour_ID (this is a field name within the adotable) is equal to DBedit.Text.
sorry this is a bit vague, but suggestions would be appreciated. thanks
You can delete the rows with a simple loop:
while ADOTable1.Locate('Labour_ID', Edit1.Text, []) do
Better yet is to use a TADOQuery instead, and do it with SQL:
ADOQuery1.SQL.Text := 'DELETE FROM YourTable WHERE Labour_ID = :Labour_ID';
ADOQuery1.Params.ParamByName('Labour_ID').AsString := Edit1.Text;
See the Delphi documentation on TDataSet.Locate for info on the last LocateOptions parameter. (The link is to XE2's docs, but it hasn't changed much (if at all) for ADO since D7).

Delphi - restore actual row in DBGrid

D6 prof.
Formerly we used DBISAM and DBISAMTable. That handle the RecNo, and it is working good with modifications (Delete, edit, etc).
Now we replaced with ElevateDB, that don't handle RecNo, and many times we use Queries, not Tables.
Query must reopen to see the modifications.
But if we Reopen the Query, we need to repositioning to the last record.
Locate isn't enough, because Grid is show it in another Row.
This is very disturbing thing, because after the modification record is moving into another row, you hard to follow it, and users hate this.
We found this code:
function TBaseDBGrid.GetActRow: integer;
Result := -1 + Row;
procedure TBasepDBGrid.SetActRow(aRow: integer);
bm : TBookMark;
if IsDataSourceValid(DataSource) then with DataSource.DataSet do begin
bm := GetBookmark;
The original example is uses moveby. This working good with Queries, because we cannot see that Query reopened in the background, the visual control is not changed the row position.
But when we have EDBTable, or Live/Sensitive Query, the MoveBy is dangerous to use, because if somebody delete or append a new row, we can relocate into wrong record.
Then I tried to use the BookMark (see remark). But this technique isn't working, because it is show the record in another Row position...
So the question: how to force both the row position and record in DBGrid?
Or what kind of DBGrid can relocate to the record/row after the underlying DataSet refreshed?
I search for user friendly solution, I understand them, because I tried to use this jump-across DBGrid, and very bad to use, because my eyes are getting out when try to find the original record after update... :-(
Thanks for your every help, link, info:
Since 'MoveBy's are working for you, use them.
Get a 'Bookmark' before closing the dataset. Do your work, reopen the dataset and then reposition your record on the grid with 'MoveBy's. When you're done, get another Bookmark and compare it with the previous one with DataSet.CompareBookmarks. If the result is 0 fine, if not, only then issue a 'GotoBookmark' for the previous bookmark.
This way, as long as another user have not deleted/inserted records your grid will not seem to be jumpy, and if this is not the case at least you'd be on the same record.
edit: Here's some code sample that should reposition the selected record in the correct place even when there had been deletes/inserts in the dataset. Note that the code omits disabling/enabling controls, and the special case when there are less records to fill the grid for simplicity.
TAccessDBGrid = class(TDBGrid);
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
BmSave, Bm: TBookmark;
GridRow, TotalRow: Integer;
GridRow := TAccessDBGrid(DBGrid1).Row;
TotalRow := TAccessDBGrid(DBGrid1).RowCount;
BmSave := DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.GetBookmark;
// close dataset, open dataset...
if DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.BookmarkValid(BmSave) then
if GridRow < TotalRow div 2 then begin
DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.MoveBy(TotalRow - GridRow);
DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.MoveBy(GridRow - TotalRow);
end else begin
if dgTitles in DBGrid1.Options then
Bm := DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.GetBookmark;
if (DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.BookmarkValid(Bm) and
DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.BookmarkValid(BmSave)) and
(DBGrid1.DataSource.DataSet.CompareBookmarks(Bm, BmSave) <> 0) then
Store the value(s) of your unique key field(s) before closing and reopening the query, then Locate to the record after reopening. DisableControls/EnableControls to prevent screen updates.
Just simple piece of code that came in my mind:
procedure DoRefresh(Dataset: TDataset);
bkm: TBookmark;
bkm := Dataset.GetBookmark;
Dataset.Refresh; //refresh dataset if it's open
if Dataset.BookmarkValid(bkm) then
Record position depends much on the sort order of resultset you got from the Query/Table object.
If you don't order at all, the order you get from the server is implementation defined and such, can't guarantee that records come in the same order when reopen the query, even if no changes happened. At least in MSSQL and Firebird, results come in different orders if no Order By clause is used.
As for repositioning, I think that TOndrej solution is the safest one - using the primary key of your resultset to reposition the grid on the right record.

Sorting a table physically in Delphi

Delphi does not seem to like multi-field indexes.
How do I physically sort a a table so that I wind up with a table that has the rows in the desired order?
Field Field-Name Field-Type Size
0 Payer Character 35
1 Payee Character 35
2 PayDate Date
3 Amount Currency
I need to produce a table sorted alphabetically by "Payee"+"Payer"
When I tried using an index of "Payee+Payer", I got an error:
"Field Index out of range"
The index field names need to be separated by semicolons, not plus symbols. Try that and it should work.
Ok, let's try to put some order.
First, isn't advisable to physically sort a table. In fact the most RDBMS even don't provide you this feature. Usually, one, in order to not force a full table scan (it is called sometimes natural scan) creates indexes on the table fields on which he thinks that the table will be sorted / searched.
As you see, the first step in order to sort a table is usually index creation. This is a separate step, it is done once, usually at, let's say, "design time". After this, the DB engine will take care to automatically update the indexes.
The index creation is done by you (the developer) using (usually) not Delphi (or any other development tool) but the admin tool of your RDBMS (the same tool which you used when you created your table).
If your 'DB engine' is, in fact, a Delphi memory dataset (TClientDataSet) then you will go to IndexDefs property, open it, add a new index and set the properties there accordingly. The interesting property in our discussion is Fields. Set it to Payee;Payer. Set also the Name to eg. "idxPayee". If you use other TDataSet descendant, consult the docs of your DB engine or ask another question here on SO.com providing the details.
Now, to use the index. (IOW, to sort the table, as you say). In your program (either at design time either at run time) set in your 'Table' the IndexName to "idxPayee" or any other valid name you gave or set IndexFieldNames to Payee;Payer.
Note once again that the above is an example based on TClientDataSet. What you must retain from the above (if you don't use it) is that you must have an already created index in order to use it.
Also, to answer at your question, yes, there are some 'table' types (TDataSet descendants in Delphi terminology) which support sorting, either via a Sort method (or the like) either via a SortFields property.
But nowadays usually when one works with a SQL backend, the preferred solution is to create the indexes using the corresponding admin tool and then issue (using Delphi) an SELECT * FROM myTable ORDER BY Field1.
If you're still using BDE you can use the BDE API to physically sort the DBF table:
DbiProcs, DbiTypes, DBIErrs;
procedure SortTable(Table: TTable; const FieldNums: array of Word; CaseInsensitive: Boolean = False; Descending: Boolean = False);
DBHandle: hDBIDb;
RecordCount: Integer;
Order: SORTOrder;
if Length(FieldNums) = 0 then
RecordCount := Table.RecordCount;
if RecordCount = 0 then
DBHandle := Table.DBHandle;
if Descending then
Order := sortDESCEND
Order := sortASCEND;
Check(DbiSortTable(DBHandle, PAnsiChar(Table.TableName), nil, nil, nil, nil, nil,
Length(FieldNums), #FieldNums[0], #CaseInsensitive, #Order, nil, False, nil, RecordCount));
for example, in your case:
SortTable(Table1, [2, 1]); // sort by Payee, Payer
Cannot check, but try IndexFieldNames = "Payee, Payer".
Sure indexes by these 2 fields should exist.
You can create an index on your table using the TTable.AddIndex method in one call. That will sort your data when you read it, that is if you use the new index by setting the TTable.IndexName property to the new index. Here's an example:
xTable.IndexName := 'NewIndex';
// Read the table from top to bottom
while not xTable.EOF do begin

Best method of frequently storing, searching and modifying a large data set in Delphi

What would be the best way, in delphi, to create and store data which will often be searched on and modified?
Basically, I would like to write a function that searches an existing database for telephone numbers and keeps track of how many times each telephone number has been used, the first date used, and the latest date used. The database that is being searched is basically a log of orders placed, containing the telephone number that was used to place the order. It's not an SQL database or anything that can easily be queried for such things (it's an old btrieve database), so I need to create a way of gaining this information (to eventually output to a text file).
I am thinking of creating a record containing the phone number, the two dates, and the number of times used, and then adding a record to a dynamic array for each telephone number. I would then search the array, entry by entry, for each record in the database, to see if the phone number for the current record is already in the array. Then updating or creating a record as necessary.
This seems like it would work, but as there are tens of thousands of entries in the database, it may not be the best way, and a rather slow and inefficient way of doing things. Is there a better way, given the limited actions I can perform on the database?
Someone suggested that rather than using an array, use a MySQL table to keep track of the numbers, and then query each number for every database record. This seems like even more overhead though!
Thanks a lot for your time.
I would register the aggregates in a totally disconnected TClientDataset(cds), and updating the values as you get them from the looping. If the Btrieve could be sorted by telephone number, much better. Then use the data on the cds to generate the report.
(If you go this way, I suggest get Midas SpeedFix from the Andreas Hausladen' blog, along with the other finest stuff you can find there).
Ok, here is a double pass old-school method that works well and should scale well (I used this approach against a multi-million record database once, it took time but gave accurate results).
Download and install Turbo Power
SysTools -- the sort engine
works very well for this process.
create a sort, with a fixed record
of phone number, you will be using
this to sort.
Loop thru your records, at each order, add the
phone number to the sort.
Once the first iteration is done, start
popping the phone numbers from the
sort, increment a counter if the
phone number is the same as the last
one read, otherwise report the
number and clear your counter.
This process can also be done with any SQL Database, but my experience has been that the sort method is faster than managing a temporary table and generates the same results.
EDIT -- You stated that this is a BTrieve database, why not just create a key on the phone number, sort on that key, then apply step 4 over this table (next instead of pop). Either way you will need to touch every record in your database to get counts, the index/sort just makes your decision process easier.
For example, lets say that you have two tables, one the customer table is where the results will be stored, and the other the orders table. Sort both by the same phone number. Then start a cursor at the top of both lists and then apply the following psuedocode:
Count := 0;
While (CustomerTable <> eof) and (OrderTable <> eof) do
comp = comparetext( customer.phone, order.phone );
while (comp = 0) and (not orderTable eof) do
inc( Count );
comp = comparetext( customer.phone, order.phone );
if comp < 0 then
Customer.TotalCount = count;
save customer;
count := 0;
else if (Comp > 0) and (not OrderTable EOF) then
Order.Next; // order no customer
// handle case where end of orders reached
if (OrdersTable EOF) and (not CustomersTable EOF) then
Customer.TotalCount = count;
save customer;
This code has the benefit of walking both lists once. There are no lookups necessary since both lists are sorted the same, they can be walked top to bottom taking action only when necessary. The only requirement is that both lists have something in common (in this example phone number) and both lists can be sorted.
I did not handle the case where there is an order and no customer. My assumption was that orders do not exist without customers and would be skipped for counting.
Sorry, couldn't edit my post (wasn't registered at the time). The data will be thrown away once all the records in the database have been iterated through. The function won't be called often. It's basically going to be used as a way of determining how often people have ordered over a period of time from records we already have, so really it's just needed to produce a one off list.
The data will be persistent for the duration of the creation of the list. That is, all telephone numbers will need to be present to be searched on until the very last database record is read.
If you were going to keep it in memory and don't want anything fancy, you'd be better off using a TStringList so you can use the Find function. Find uses Hoare's selection or Quick-select, an O(n) locator. For instance, define a type:
TPhoneData = class
constructor Create(phone:string; firstDate, lastDate:TDateTime);
procedure updateCallData(date:TDateTime);
property phoneNumber:string read fPhone write fPhone;
property firstCalledDate:TDateTime read fFirstCalledDate write fFirstCalledDate;
property lastCalledDate:TDateTime read fLastCalledDate write fLastCalledDate;
property callCount:integer read fCallCount write fCallCount;
{ TPhoneData }
constructor TPhoneData.Create(phone: string; firstDate, lastDate: TDateTime);
procedure TPhoneData.updateCallData(date: TDateTime);
if fFirstCalledDate<date then fFirstCalledDate:=date;
if date>fLastCalledDate then fLastCalledDate:=date;
and then fill it, report on it:
procedure TForm1.btnSortExampleClick(Sender: TObject);
const phoneSeed:array[0..9] of string = ('111-111-1111','222-222-2222','333-333-3333','444-444-4444','555-555-5555','666-666-6666','777-777-7777','888-888-8888','999-999-9999','000-000-0000');
var TSL:TStringList;
for i := 0 to 100 do
if TSL.Find(phone, index) then
for i := 0 to 9 do
if TSL.Find(phoneSeed[i], index) then
ShowMessage(Format('Phone # %s, first called %s, last called %s, num calls %d', [TPD.PhoneNumber, FormatDateTime('mm-dd-yyyy',TPD.firstCalledDate), FormatDateTime('mm-dd-yyyy',TPD.lastCalledDate), TPD.callCount]));
Instead of a TStringList I would recommend using DeCAL's (on sf.net) DMap to store the items in memory. You could specify the phone is the key and store a Record/Class structure containing the rest of the record.
So your Record class will be:
TPhoneData = class
number: string;
access_count: integer;
added: TDateTime.
Then in code:
procedure TSomeClass.RegisterPhone(number, phoneData);
//FStore created in Constructor as FStore := DMap.Create;
FStore.putPair([number, phoneData])
procedure TSoemClass.GetPhoneAndIncrement(number);
Iter: DIterator;
lPhoneData: TPhoneData;
Iter := FStore.locate([number]);
if atEnd(Iter) then
raise Exception.CreateFmt('Number %s not found',[number])
lPhoneData := GetObject(Iter) as TPhoneData;
lPhoneData.access_count = lPhoneData.access_count + 1;
//no need to save back to FStore as it holds a pointer to lPhoneData
DMap implements a red/black tree so the data structure sorts the keys for you for free. You can also use a DHashMap for the same affect and (arguably) increased speed.
DeCAL is one of my favourite data structure libraries and would recommend anybody doing in-memory storage operations to have a look.
Hope that helps

How do I enumerate JvMemoryData...Or, how do I create a hash with a single key and multiple values?

I am using JvMemoryData to populate a JvDBUltimGrid. I'm primarily using this JvMemoryData as a data structure, because I am not aware of anything else that meets my needs.
I'm not working with a lot of data, but I do need a way to enumerate the records I am adding to JvMemoryData. Has anyone done this before? Would it be possible to somehow "query" this data using TSQLQuery?
Or, is there a better way to do this? I'm a bit naive when it comes to data structures, so maybe someone can point me in the right direction. What I really need is like a Dictionary/Hash, that allows for 1 key, and many values. Like so:
KEY1: val1;val2;val3;val4;val5;etc...
KEY2: val1;val2;val3;val4;val5;etc...
I considered using THashedStringList in the IniFiles unit, but it still suffers from the same problem in that it allows only 1 key to be associated with a value.
One way would be to create a TStringList, and have each item's object point to another TList (or TStringList) which would contain all of your values. If the topmost string list is sorted, then retrieval is just a binary search away.
To add items to your topmost list, use something like the following (SList = TStringList):
Id := SList.AddObject( Key1, tStringList.Create );
InnerList := tStringList(SList.Objects[id]);
// for each child in list
InnerList.add( value );
When its time to dispose the list, make sure you free each of the inner lists also.
for i := 0 to SList.count-1 do
if Assigned(SList.Objects[i]) then
SList.Objects[i] := nil;
I'm not a Delphi programmer but couldn't you just use a list or array as the value for each hash entry? In Java terminology:
You already seem to be using Jedi. Jedi contains classes that allow you to map anything with anything.
Take a look at this related question.
I have been using an array of any arbitrarily complex user defined record types as a cache in conjunction with a TStringList or THashedStringList. I access each record using a key. First I check the string list for a match. If no match, then I get the record from the database and put it in the array. I put its array index into the string list. Using the records I am working with, this is what my code looks like:
function TEmployeeCache.Read(sCode: String): TEmployeeData;
var iRecNo: Integer;
oEmployee: TEmployee;
iRecNo := CInt(CodeList.Values[sCode]);
if iRecNo = 0 then begin
iRecNo := FNextRec;
if FNextRec > High(Cache) then SetLength(Cache, FNextRec * 2);
oEmployee := TEmployee.Create;
Cache[iRecNo] := oEmployee.Data;
KeyList.Add(Format('%s=%s', [CStr(Cache[iRecNo].hKey), IntToStr(iRecNo)]));
CodeList.Add(Format('%s=%s', [sCode, IntToStr(iRecNo)]));
Result := Cache[iRecNo];
I have been getting seemingly instant access this way.
