Can't install rails - "File exists # dir_s_mkdir" error - ruby-on-rails

I have had rails installed and almost working. Was working on a solution to another problem with I accidentally closed the bash window. So I reopened it, and now I am unable to use rails at all and it's telling me that rails isn't installed. So I ran gem install rails --no-ri --no-rdocand now I get the following:
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Errno::EEXIST)
File exists # dir_s_mkdir - /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.1.1_1/lib/ruby/gems`
How do I correct this error?

I just removed the broken gems, site_ruby and vendor_ruby symlinks from the /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.1.1_1/lib/ruby/ folder and now everything seems to work fine.

I just added a gems/ directory here /usr/local/lib/ruby/ and that solved the issue.

for a temporary solution, you can mkdir -p /usr/local/Cellar/ruby/2.1.1_1/lib/ruby/gems/2.1.0 to solve.

When you open your bash window (called the "terminal window" or "console"), what folder ("directory") are you in? Find out with:
$ pwd
Navigate to the folder where you created your Rails project using the Unix cd command, for example:
$ cd workspace/learn-rails
If you are using RVM, make sure you have selected the correct gemset:
$ rvm gemset list
gemsets for ruby-2.1.1 (found in ...)
=> learn-rails
Then see if Ruby and Rails are installed:
$ ruby -v
ruby 2.1.1p76 (2014-02-24 revision 45161) [x86_64-darwin13.0]
$ rails -v
Rails 4.1.0
Refer to the article Install Ruby on Rails for help. If you haven't followed all the steps in the article, you may have problems, especially if you followed some of the inaccurate instructions found elsewhere on the web.

I was recently in this wormhole. It seems like Homebrew's ruby installation has an issue with soft links and uses version 2.1.1. I couldn't "gem install" anything without getting the annoying "File exists # dir_s_mkdir" error. Even tried MacPort and that was a nightmare.
First uninstall ruby via
brew uninstall ruby
port uninstall ruby
And follow the instruction on to install ruby
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby
It might then complain about ruby-2.0.0-p353 not installed
To install do:
rvm install ruby-2.0.0-p353
Then run the rvm install script. Your "gem install << whatever >>" should now work

This fixed the issue for me (Homebrew on a Mac, Ruby 2.1.3):
$ brew reinstall ruby
$ brew unlink ruby && brew link ruby

the same issue. I just remove dir_s_mkdir, then pod install. it works for me!


How To Remove Rails Installation From /usr/bin/rails

I'm trying to install Ruby on Rails on MacOS Mojave. Here's what I have so far:
ruby -v
ruby 2.6.5p114 (2019-10-01 revision 67812) [x86_64-darwin18]
rails -v
Rails is not currently installed on this system. To get the latest version, simply type:
$ sudo gem install rails
You can then rerun your "rails" command.
which rails
I've done some research on the issue and it looks like because I used sudo when I originally ran gem install rails, the rails executable got put in a location where it doesn't have access to the right libraries.
How do I fix this or remove the rails executable to start a fresh install from scratch?
Ignore the existing Rails installation in your system Ruby. Don't bother mucking about with any changes you've made to system Ruby and its gems. Just put it in the past and move on:
Install RVM with:
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable
Restart your shell, then install Ruby with:
rvm install 2.6.5
Don't use system Ruby.
Then install Rails (without sudo, never use sudo with Ruby installed by RVM):
gem install rails

Failed gem install: gem require ruby-2.6.1 but the currently ruby-2.6.1

Show messages errors:
Required ruby-2.6.1 is not installed.
To install do: 'rvm install "ruby-2.6.1"'
ruby -v
ruby 2.6.1p33 (2019-01-30 revision 66950) [x64-mingw32]
rails -v
Rails 5.2.2
First of all, I doubt that RVM may not be updated to support this version of Ruby. As I know the following version is supported, you can version by following command and response should match.
rvm --version
If you have updated version then I will do the following to check if RVM has also the same version of ruby installed.
I will check the content of my project root folder's following file
cat .ruby-version
If it has mention same, as rvm is also complaining that I will run the following command on rvm to check if this ruby is really installed in RVM
rvm list
It will show a list of rubies installed and it should include 2.6.1 in the end. If you can't see this list then you probably need to install using the following command
rvm install "ruby-2.6.1"
If it is showing than can you try the following command and see what result comes
rvm use 2.6.1
If all good, then try the following command to see which ruby is being used
which ruby
response must include .rvm/rubies/ mean you are using .rvm ruby otherwise, you may using the system built in ruby.
Just wrote may help you to diagnos issue.
Are you using rbenv? If so, I'd recommend running rvm implode as described here.
if you are using rbenv
see if you have it available in your list :
rbenv install --list | grep 2.6.1
if not, fetch it
cd ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build && git pull && cd -
now if you try again
rbenv install -l | grep 2.6.1
so just run the installation command:
rbenv install 2.6.1
Downloading ruby-2.6.1.tar.bz2... 08:36:17
Installing ruby-2.6.1...
Installed ruby-2.6.1 to ~/.rbenv/versions/2.6.1
now you can use it for global or local projects. if local :
rbenv local 2.6.1

Trying to set up Ruby Rails on Mac

Am trying to set up rails on mac using rbenv and Homebrew.
Currently getting the following message when attempting to 'gem install rails':
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::FilePermissionError)
You don't have write permissions for the /Library/Ruby/Gems/2.0.0 directory.
username-mbp:projects username$ gem install rails
Any ideas??
If you are using rbenv, you should not use sudo to install gems. rbenv very helpfully installs your gems under your home directory in a way that allows you to use different gems for each installed Ruby version. When you change versions of Ruby you will really appreciate this.
To see the current version of Ruby, use rbenv local. For me this prints:
To see all the Ruby versions on your system of which rbenv is aware:
rbenv versions
rbenv stores the version specifier in a file called .ruby-version. This allows you to use different versions of Ruby for different projects, each version having its own set of gems.
When you try to install rails and get the Gem::FilePermissionError, it means that rbenv is not active, or you are deliberately installing into the "system" Ruby. There is nothing wrong with this per se, but you are not taking advantage of rbenv.
I recommend installing Rails again, using rbenv local to ensure that you are adding the gems to the correct path. You'll know this is working when
gem env gemdir
produces something like:
See for more info.
This probably means that you used sudoat some point, which means that you run a command that allows you (as a permitted user to execute a command as the superuser or another user) See here:
Can you please paste the commands you used for installing rbenv, ruby, gem, brew, etc.? Also please paste the output of brew doctorto see if environment is correctly configured for Homebrew. Also, please paste the OSX version and rbenv versionsif rbenv is installed.
The steps for installing ruby on rails on OSX are:
Install Homebrew by:
ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"`` (as seen here: Run brew doctor and brew updateto see if everything is fine.
Install ruby: OS X comes with Ruby installed (Mavericks/Yosemite even gets version 2.0.0, previously it was only 1.8.7).
Install rbenv: it can be done either by GitHub Checkout or Brew. You probably should use brew. Run brew install rbenv ruby-build(this will also install ruby-build - You can also use this command brew install rbenv ruby-build rbenv-gem-rehash. Then echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bash_profile (to enable shims and autocompletion). You should problably run this too: echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bash_profile. Close terminal and open it again. Install the preferred version of ruby (if you want): rbenv install 2.0.0-p353.
Install Bundler: gem install bundler.
Install SQLite: gem install sqlite3
Install Rails: gem install rails.
So, the error you are having is due to permissions (you can understand about them here: Many people suggest fixing the issue with sudo or chown ( I don't recommend that as it messes with system configuration. It will be better that you run:
rbenv install 2.1.2
rbenv global 2.1.2
gem update --system
When I run with this error like a year ago, what I did was uninstall everything and start again... but, probably that'll take too long.
These links might help you:
ruby for mac, ruby rbenv, rbenv githube, rubies and gems, question on stack
Use sudo:
sudo gem install rails
This guide helped me a lot: Setup Ruby On Rails on
Mac OS X 10.10 Yosemite

Mac OS X Mountain Lion "Rails is not currently installed on this system."

I am on a fresh install of OS X Mountain Lion. I have installed rails via:
sudo gem install rails
Everything seems to install correctly, but when I type the rails command (rails s, rails -v, etc), I get this error:
Rails is not currently installed on this system. To get the latest version, simply type:
$ sudo gem install rails
You can then rerun your "rails" command.
The result of 'which rails' is /usr/bin/rails
I thought it was a path issue, and perhaps it is, but I can see that /usr/bin is part of my PATH.
Any help? Thanks!
UPDATE: I noticed everything on my other mac with same exact OS works pretty well... I just can't remember how I got it to work that way. If I run 'which rails' I see it's in a totally different place /Users/username/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194/bin/rails
If you're using rbenv, don't forget to rbenv rehash after installing/updating ruby.
Use RVM or rbenv to install newer Rails versions than what come pre-installed with OS X.
Follow examples on the site but basically:
Install RVM: $ \curl -L | bash -s stable
You can then $rvm list known to see what Rubies are available to you (lots). And simply $rvm install 1.9.3 to get the most current version of Ruby (which as of this writing is ruby-1.9.3-p327)
Set that ruby as your default $rvm --default use 1.9.3
Create a default gemset to store your gems $rvm use 1.9.3#mygemset --create --default
Then install Rails $ gem install rails will get you current which today is same as typing gem install rails -v 3.2.9
Just had this issue using rbenv, no idea how this happened, but figured that my ~/.rbenv/shims/rails was empty...
So to fix this:
Cleaned empty shims: find ~/.rbenv/shims -empty -delete
Then regenerate: rbenv rehash (was not overwriting empty one...)
I had the same problem.
After typing:
sudo gem install rails
and installing rails correctly, just close the Terminal window and open again. Then type:
~ $ rails -v
Rails 4.0.2
So, reseting the Terminal window fix the problem.
I think install rvm that will help you
rvm get head && rvm reload
rvm install 1.9.3
rvm use 1.9.3#current --create --default
The last line creates a gem set called current.
Now check to make sure you RubyGems was installed correctly by typing which gem in your terminal. Now update your gems.
gem update --system 1.8.24
Finally install rails.
gem install rails -v 3.2.3
I hope this works, let me know if you have any issues.
Yes, OSX comes standard with a lot of great software for Ruby on Rails, as well as PHP, Mysql, etc. However, sometimes it's better for sustainment purposes to use a 3rd party installer to get everything you want without digging through your /usr/ directory.
I recommend checking out
With one easy install, you have everything you could want for a Rails project, including common software people use, and the site even has a tutorial. I recommend going this way. It saves you time. Plus, it comes with an easy uninstaller that it will put in your Applications folder to remove if you're not happy with the configuration. Enjoy.
Actually, /usr/bin/rails script is just a
# Stub rails command to load rails from Gems or print an error if not installed.
(Comment quoted from the very script's source)
If Rails is installed, then it is loaded. Else, the script will throw the error you pasted in your question.
Yet, another alternative to RVM is the awesome rbenv tool.
It is very easy to install (just a simple brew install rbenv) and work with. In my opinion, it is the best way to manage your rubies on a Mac.
However, if you have rvm installed on your machine already, consider removing it from your system by doing rvm implode.
Since setting up a fresh ruby on rails dev environment is a common barrier to most newbies (including myself when i started off with rails) I've put together detailed instructions on how to do exactly that in a blog post, which i will link to below. Hope you will find it useful.
i got the same error and uninstall rvm then i follow the instructions on this page
i think that help was
rvm requirements
on the terminal.
Our company uses a script to setup each new machine with a Rails dev environment:
We've open source it, give it a try:
After a new
gem install rails
rbenv rehash
It worked for me.

"rails new project_name" creates empty project directory on OSX

I am trying to create a new rails project but get the error below and my new project directory is empty! I found an issue on the rails github repo but the solution they suggest is to remove spaces in the project directory. I don't have spaces in my project directory, so this solution doesn't apply. If I missed something and can provide anymore information please let me know. Any help is very much appreciated!
$ rails new bookmarks_app
Could not find "README" in any of your source paths. Your current source paths are:
$ ls
$ ls bookmarks_app/
$ pwd
$ rails --version
Rails 3.2.8
$ ruby --version
ruby 1.9.3p286 (2012-10-12 revision 37165) [x86_64-darwin12.2.0]
Operating System: OSX
I mixed something up during my install because I was trying to use macports and rvm without quite understanding how they work. I was able to reinstall ruby and rails, and it is now working.
Remove old Ruby files/install:
sudo rm -rf ~/.rvm
brew uninstall ruby
sudo rm /usr/local/bin/ruby
Install Ruby and Rails:
brew install ruby
gem install bundler
gem install rails
