How to shrink height of UILabels if needed via Auto Layout - ios

I have several UILabels laid out on my View Controller. While working in Portrait mode, I have increased the height of each label so that the boundaries are all touching - they're stacked on top of each other without any spacing in-between. I have a big title and button located at the top and bottom. I have already fixed the top title to always be centered at the top, and the bottom button fixed to the bottom. I also have fixed the middle label to be vertically and horizontally centered in the view. That's all working great. My problem is, I can't seem to figure out how to get the labels to all fit on screen and mostly vertical centered collectively when the height is reduced. I would like it to reduce the height of each label as needed (but not too short such that the text is clipped). I've tried pinning the heights and then changing them to less than or equal to, but in doing so it wants to update the frame to remove the extra height, causing the buttons to no longer be stacked right on top of each other. Then if I set vertical spacing constraints, it will be fixed so it will result in the labels too close together in Portrait if I use the standard value, or if I go with a fixed number they won't adjust to fit in Landscape.
What do I need to do in order to have the labels expanded to fill most of the view when in Portrait, shrink a bit on a 3.5" screen, then really shrink when in Landscape? The labels should all be centered collectively, based off that middle label that's always centered. This is basically what I'd like to obtain:

What you want to do is set the label's heights to be equal to one another. Then provide constraints for distances between each label, and between L/R sides and top/bottom sides. This way, the labels will shrink when the screen height shrinks.


Constraints to resize buttons to fit any screen - Xcode swift

I don't really understand constraints and have tried many different suggestions found online. All they seem to do is bunch everything up on top of one another or do nothing at all.
I have the following IPad application but I want it to work on any size device, mainly a IPod touch.
The page is simply two buttons that I want to remain the same no matter what screen they're on.
Any help on this appreciated.
It helps to think about points of reference that won't change with different screen sizes. Sometimes you want things on, say the top left corner so you just do constraints to the top and the left.
I'll give you two suggestions
Suggestion One
For your case, it seems like you might want to do constraints off centerY since you want them to be in the middle despite the screen size.
So I would make a constraint to "Center Vertically in Container" and then tap on the constraint and adjust it's value to negative or positive, so that way it's always X pixels above or below the centerY.
Now that's not going to be enough. it knows it's Y position but it doesn't know its height, width, or X position. So you need to add enough constraints to satisfy those.
A few examples:
X/Width: Two constraints to leading and trailing on each button OR Center horizontally and fixed width constraint. (again be careful with fixed width constraints since screen sizes can change, sometimes it's what you want though)
Height: Yeah just give it a height constraint in this case.
Note that this means no matter the screen size they'll always have the same gap between them (and maybe different gaps to the other edges).
Suggestion Two
Use a container view, either a stack view (fill, equal spacing, vertical alignment, a spacing value for gap between) or normal view.
You can make the view a fixed height based off the height and spacing between the buttons you want. Then simply center that container view horizontally and vertically on the super view.
There are certainly other ways (like using buffer views with equal heights constraints. So you'd have an invisible view on top, a view in between and a view on bottom. and you'd give those equal heights constraints and align the buttons to the edges of the invisible views surrounding them. As long as you gave the buttons a fixed height this would work for vertical constraints) but I think these two would probably be the best.

Trouble with layout on various screen sizes

My screen layout has elements placed correctly
but when I switch to another screen, eg. iphone 7 plus
or se
things change. I've set constrains, height and witdh when I suppose I should, but apparently it does not want to cooperate with me. Please tell me what constrains and heights, widths should I set.
Add below constraint
For the red and green View You need to give Equal Width Constraint.
For Blue View at the center you need to give Center Horizontally Constraint.
For the bar at the bottom You need to give Bottom distance from the Red/Green Top Constraint.

Autolayout Issue with Multiple Button Aligned Horizontally & Vertically with a Label

Please look at the ScreenShot attached for wCompact|hRegular for different screens, I am trying to make it working since hours but not getting any success. My requirement is that at the top there would be a label with some predefined margin. Although the Label content would render at the runtime, but I know the content size, so resizable label isn't needed actually I think. Now there would be three row at equal distance. In first and third row, there would be two buttons with equal height and width and in second row there would be button aligned horizontally. I have set the buttons image and text in storyboard. Control Alignment are set to Horizontal | vertical. Constraints for label are:
Pinned top space to superview, leading and trailing space equals to:8(superview), height equals:90.
Constraints for Button(View Transactions) are:
top space to label, bottom space equals to:8(New Launches Button) leading and trailing space equals to:8(superview) and 8(Place Request Button) respectively, and equal width and height for all buttons.
Looks fine for 4.7 and 5.5 But not satisfied with the output for smaller screens. As u can see resizing of buttons image not working properly(Larger space between button's image and text). One more thing is I don't wanna set the height of the label, cause it seems like a wrong practice in AutoLayout. Any help would be much appreciated.
You should set the Aspect Ratio for the Buttons, not just the equal width and height. In that case auto layout wont shrink the images.
Really you should put this into a scroll view so that if the height is too great the user can still see everything by scrolling. You should also not set static heights on labels, you should allow the intrinsic content size to apply.
Add a subview to your new scroll view. Pin the width of this subview to the width of the scroll view. Do not pin the height.
Add all of your buttons and labels to this new subview. Pin them to the edges of the view and allow the intrinsic content sizes to apply limits. Set various items to have equal widths and heights. Do not set explicit heights or widths (do everything by proportion or equality so auto layout can choose good sizes).

Adjusting button width and height according to device

I am attempting to create a keypad for an app that I'm playing with. The keypad will be a standard four rows with the numbers 0 - 1, a decimal, and +/-. Nothing special. I am attempting to get it to only take up 1/2 of vertical screen space. Using constraints, I pinned the bottom left button to the left and bottom of the screen, and the bottom right button to the bottom and right of the screen. I set the width and height of the left button, and then used Aspect Ratio on that button. On the remaining bottom buttons, I control-drag left to the one next to it, and select Horizontal Spacing, Center Y, Equal Width, and Equal Height I then control drag from each of the buttons above, to the button below, and select Vertical Spacing, Center X, Equal Width, and Equal Height from the list of constraints. My thinking was that the bottom left button would adjust based on the device selected, and then all of the other buttons would adjust based on this button.
Apparently, I was wrong. The buttons are nicely set up in that they remain above and next to one another, without any spaces, but they are not taking up exactly one half of the screen. Depending on the device selected, there is proportionatally more or less space above them. Apparently, I am either missing something, or I am totally approaching this the wrong way.
Any advice on how to accomplish this task would be appreciated. I'm still learning about how constraints play with one another, but I thought that my idea was sound. Make one button adjust itself to the correct size (Aspect Ratio on the bottom left button), and then force all of the other buttons to maintain the same width, height, and distance.
The bottom left button is not going to adjust its size, because you gave it a fixed width and height. The buttons should not have any explicit widths or heights set on them. They should all be set to the same size, and as long as you have constraints going from the left edge to the right, that should set theirs widths. Their heights will also be set by virtue of the aspect ratio constraints.
This will cause the buttons to just their size based on the screen size, but it doesn't make them be half the height of the screen (that could only work for one screen size with a particular aspect ratio). To make the buttons take up half the vertical height of the screen, you would probably want to enclose them in a view that was that height. However, then you'll have a conflict between the aspect ratio of the buttons, and the aspect ratio of the screen. You either need to give up on the aspect ratio, or, not pin the right side of the buttons to the right side of the screen, and use an aspect ratio that will make the buttons all fit on the screen.

iOS Auto Layout >> View is not Changing its Size

I have a design for a screen that should look like this (other things will be added later, but I cannot seem to resolve the basis...):
I have added Constraints to determine the following:
Both Labels are Constraint in spacing to the screen edges.
Middle View is Horizontally and Vertically Constraint to the Middle of the Background View Center.
I have added 4 Constraints to express Minimum and Maximum Vertical Spacing between the Middle View and the Labels (Current spacing as Maximum and Standard spacing as Minimum).
I have also added 2 Constraints to the Middle View to define Spacings from the Screen right and left edges.
I thought that it should be enough, but in reality, when switching between Retina 3.5 and 4 the Bottom Label disappears and the Middle View is cut in the middle:
I have tried lowering the Middle View Content Hugging and Content Compression Priorities, and still no good.
Here are the Warnings I get:
Any idea how to resolve this?
Or alternatively, how to approach it differently (preferably, still using Auto Layout)?
Add Equal Width & Equal Height constraints as well & It will work
Add TopSpaceToContainer constraint for Top Label. Then add width and height constraints for your yellow view at the middle. Remove the multiple vertical spacing constraints given to the Top Label and Bottom Label.
