iPhone Store ID won't validate in a Facebook App - ios

I'm trying to set the iPhone Store ID on our Facebook App to start a Mobile Add Campaign, and every time I try to save the profile it shows an error stating the following:
We were unable to retrieve your iPhone Store ID from the iTunes App Store. Please double-check your ID and try again later.
Our app is already live and accessible in the New Zealand app store only. Is it required to have it available in the US store for Facebook to be able to validate it?


Rate my app functionality - getting correct store for user's apple id

I know to open the app store to rate its just a matter of setting the NSURL to the address of the app in iTunes. But what if you want the user to rate the app from the App Store they got it from i.e. if they are in Spain but have a US account, i want them to rate it in the US store.
Using from NSLocaleCountryCode may take them to the wrong App Store. Is there a way to determine which country App Store they downloaded the app from or which app store they are signed in with on their device?

How to Delete All previously tracked data in Google Mobile iOS App Analytics without changing the tracking id

Iam using Google Analytics SDK for iOS v3.0.9 in my app and tracked all the data during my development. Now the app is yet to be submitted in "Apps Store", so i need to delete all the previous data and track only the data after my app is released.
I need to use the same Tracking ID and the account.
You cannot delete it. That is why it is important to setup a test profile to send data to while you implement/qa. need ref use this link
in my choice need to create the new GA account and submit to App Store

iCloud, iCloudKit, iOS 8, Apple id

As I understand it now can not get apple id in iOS 7.
iOS 8 has many edits to work with iCloud and adding iCloudKit. Will I be able to get Apple id from API and use it, for example, for registration in own server?
No, you cannot get the user's Apple ID.
What you can do with CloudKit is get an opaque user record ID. This object will be the same for the user for your app on all of their devices, but it will be different for other apps or other users. You can save that on your server and use it as something like a "log in with CloudKit" feature. This was described in the WWDC 2014 intro to CloudKit session. Basically, you use the fetchUserRecordIDWithCompletionHandler: method on CKContainer. But there's no way to link this to the Apple ID automatically-- you still need to ask the user if you want that.
Not that I am aware of. That's kind of "invading" the user's privacy because you'd be getting his Apple ID (which is an email) without his consent.
What I do, using Parse SDK, is to make the user log in anonimously at my Parse App, then save his automatically generated User ID in a iCloud Key-Value container. Whenever the user deletes the app and reinstalls it (or simply install in another device of his), my app knows that he has an username saved on iCloud and then uses that instead of creating a new user. This way, I get to keep track of my users without invading nobody's privacy.

Facebook wants an iPhone app ID, but I don't have one

I'm making an app that uses Facebook APIs. Facebook wants me to enter the App Store ID when I'm setting up my app on developers.facebook.com. I am still working on my app and am nowhere near ready to release it on the App Store. Is there a way to get an app ID that it will accept so I can test my code before releasing it?
I found a similar question from 2011 where people said to just use another app's ID or enter "0". Neither of those work. Someone said to create it on iTunes Connect and just not upload it; I got an app ID from that, but Facebook says it's invalid, which doesn't surprise me since I don't see how they could check that unless I publish the app.
The Facebook App ID is not the same as the App Store ID. You can get one at developers.facebook.com. Facebook does allow you to set your App Store ID in your FB App's settings, but it is optional.

facebook app. Iphone app store ID not working

I am setting up a facebook app. It requires iphone app store ID.
In my itunesConnect I have setup the app and it has given me the AppID, a numeric number. The app is not on the market yet.
I put that number in my facebook app setup, but it gives me an error, saying we were unable to fetch app from app store.
Where am I going wrong?
From your Facebook account leave blank for iPhone app store ID
You cannot add any existing app id into your Facebook account because that app has already registered that ID for their own FB account
Facebook no longer enable entering a blank AppID.
What you need to do is enter 0 as the App ID and click save.
please note that every change in the app details on Facebook will require entering 0 before save.
Also, you won't be able to login into the app with non developer or testing accounts until the FB app is released.
