iOS: Unable to set LaunchImage - ios

I have LaunchImage.png file in my iPhone Xcode 5.1 project. I have added LaunchImage.png in app .plist file. I have drag and dropped this file in LaunchImage image xcassets. But, still it is throwing error as when build xcode project
/Users/MyApplication/Images.xcassets: The launch image set named "LaunchImage" did not have any applicable content.
What could be the reason, please help!
Thank yoU!

This is due to the dimension of the image. Before the error, there is a warning message also check out that .
From Doc
Create launch images in different sizes for different devices. Launch
images for all devices must include the status bar region. Create
launch images in the following sizes:
For iPhone 5 and iPod touch (5th generation):
640 x 1136 pixels For other iPhone and iPod touch devices:
640 x 960 pixels 320 x 480 pixels (standard resolution) For iPad
1536 x 2048 pixels 768 x 1024 pixels (standard resolution) For iPad
2048 x 1536 pixels 1024 x 768 pixels (standard resolution)

Set your LaunchImage.png as a Default.png and also drag and dropped this file in LaunchImage image xcassets.


Different Launch Image iPhone 6 and iPhone 4s

iPhone 4 and iPhone 6, when using image cassettes in a xib, use the same #2x image. Is it possible to use different images for each and not use scaled mode for windows 6/6+? I am trying to use a full screen image for each and the iPhone 6 image doesn't scale down correctly, and the iPhone 4 image doesn't scale up correctly.
For the launch image you can use the assets folder with the device specific launch images.
Here you can set the Retina HD 4.7 Launchscreen for the iPhone 6
1x = 320 x 480
2x = 640 x 960 - iPhone 4
Retina 4 = 640 x 1136 - iPhone 5
Retina HD 4.7 = 750 x 1334 - iPhone 6
Retina HD 5.5 = 1242 x 2208 - iPhone 6+
Go to the General Settings Of your project and check your settings make sure you have selected the assets folder. Remove the Launch Screen File text.

App Store showing wrong screenshots for wrong phone

On iTunesConnect, I submitted scaled app screenshots for the iPhone 6, iPhone 5, and the iPhone 4s. However, when I view the app on the App Store, I only see the 4s screenshots regardless of what device I am using (I have physical access to all three devices). These screenshots are not simply in-app screenshots, they have been formatted to show the app running on the physical device itself so the difference is notable. I have experienced this problem on both of my app submissions, is there anyway this can be remedied?
Are you sure you uploaded the correct image size for each dimensions respectively? Not sure what do you mean by scaled app screenshots. I've uploaded different set of images for 4.7inch, 5.5inch, 4inch, 3.5inch,iPad without any issues. For your case you need to submit for 4.7inch, 4 inch and 3.5 inch. Please refer to this guide for the correct image dimension:
Apple docs
Long answer:
3.5-Inch Retina Display Screenshots (required)
Don't include the device status bar in your screenshots. Screenshot requirements are:
72 dpi, RGB, flattened, no transparency
High-quality JPEG or PNG image file format
Any of the following sizes:
640 x 920 pixels for hi-res portrait (without status bar) minimum
640 x 960 pixels for hi-res portrait (full screen) maximum
960 x 600 pixels for hi-res landscape (without status bar) minimum
960 x 640 pixels for hi-res landscape (full screen) maximum
4-Inch Retina Display Screenshots (Required)
Don't include the device status bar in your screenshots. Screenshot requirements are:
72 dpi, RGB, flattened, no transparency
High-quality JPEG or PNG image file format
Any of the following sizes:
640 x 1096 pixels for portrait (without status bar) minimum
640 x 1136 pixels for portrait (full screen) maximum
1136 x 600 pixels for landscape (without status bar) minimum
1136 x 640 pixels for landscape (full screen) minimum
4.7-inch Retina screenshot
Don't include the device status bar in your screenshots. Screenshot requirements are:
72 dpi, RGB, flattened, no transparency
High-quality JPEG or PNG image file format
750 x 1334 pixels for hi-res portrait
1334 x 750 pixels for hi-res landscape

Launch image manager for iOS

Table 5-4 (about half way down) this Apple doc page suggests sizes for the launch images for iOS:
Device Portrait Landscape
iPhone and iPod touch 320 x 480 pixels Not supported
640 x 960 pixels (#2x)
iPhone 5 640 x 1136 pixels (#2x) Not supported
iPad 768 x 1024 pixels 1024 x 768 pixels
1536 x 2048 pixels (#2x) 2048 x 1536 pixels (#2x)
My app has a photo background at launch so at present I have to use GIMP to crop/resize the photo for each of these, which is fiddly.
Is there a tool to do this automatically ?
One other complication is that there are a couple of logos in the image too, ideally they will be in separate layers, so they can stay legible and tidily laid out for each size/orientation.
There is not a tool that I know of do do this. But there is a button in the Xcode Organizer, under Screenshots, labeled “Save as Launch Image”. If you set up your code to dynamically generate the image you want, you can run your app on various devices and grab images of it running, and then use those images as your launch images. You may have to modify them a little bit, but it’s certainly easier than creating each one from scratch.

iPad launch images sizes?

I'm about to create the launch images for an universal iOS app, and reviewing the launch images related sections in both iOS Human Interface Guidelines and iOS App Programming Guide, I've found that the sizes of launch images for iPad are different in each document: the former says that a portrait launch image should be 768x1024 (std resolution), and the latter that it should be 768x1004 (std resolution). I guess that 20-pixel difference is due to considering or not the status bar. What size should I consider? Should I include the status bar?
EDIT: It seems that the 768x1004 size is for iOS 6.1 and below, and 768x1024 for iOS 7 and above. So, does that mean that the launch image for iOS 6.1 and prior should not include the status bar?
I just checked in Xcode:
Portrait Non-Retina 768x1024
Portrait Retina 1536x2048
Portrait Non-Retina 768x1024
Portrait Retina 1536x2048
Landscape Non-Retina 1024x768
Landscape Retina 2048x1536
min dpi 72
For iPad portrait:
Retina: 1536 x 2048 pixels
Non-Retina: 768 x 1024 pixels (standard resolution)
For iPad landscape:
Retina: 2048 x 1536 pixels
Non-Retina: 1024 x 768 pixels (standard resolution)
To know for all devices follow this(Apple Document) link
768 x 1004 pixel with minimum 72 dpi is valid size of iPad Portrait mode because if you trying to add 768 x 1024 pixel image that XCode Shows warning to you.
i used following size for iPad:
iPad Portrait mode : 768 x 1004 pixel with minimum 72 dpi
iPad Retina Portrait mode : 1536 x 2008 pixel with minimum 72 dpi

iPhone Launch image for a landscape based application

The problem is that the launch image I have set up isn't showing up I speculate its because its dimension are for portrait but since its landscape based it isn't showing up and I have set up all my launch images correctly on the asset catalog now the thing is I don't know if I'm supposed to set it up as portrait under Deployment info and later then coding for it to once it has completely launched and loaded to stay in landscape and not rotate to portrait I notice that on my asset catalog I don't have an image with the dimensions 320x480 it never asked me for it you know how it has slots well in my project it never gave me one pertaining such dimensions (320x480) it only had two slots for iPhone portrait which were "#2x" (640x960) and "R4" (640 x1136)
I tried changing the dimension from 640x960 to 960x640 but I got an error as soon as I added to the catalog because those weren't the right dimensions
More Details : apple doc
portrait only available in xcode for launch image but you can customize your image. create image landscape mode the portrait size through attached to xcode. it's works perfectly and display image as landscape
Create launch images in different sizes for different devices. Launch images for all devices must include the status bar region. Create launch images in the following sizes:
For iPhone 5 and iPod touch (5th generation):
640 x 1136 pixels
For other iPhone and iPod touch devices:
640 x 960 pixels
320 x 480 pixels (standard resolution)
If at all you still want to view the splash screen in landscape mode you have to design the image in such a way as we cannot change the behavior of the splash screen.
Instead of designing the image as 640x960, design it as 960x640 and your problem will get solved.
This is sample splash image in portrait dimension but designed in landscape view
All the best.
The iPhone only uses ONE launch image -- portrait
only the iPad supports orientations during launch
what many do:
have no launch image
make sure applicationDidFinishLaunching returns as soon as possible(!)
show your own splash screen view
do your real loading only THEN
I was going to comment on #Warrior's answer but StackOverflow won't let me.
You shouldn't need to specify an iPhone 5 optimised image (I haven't for my app and it works), although if this is a new app I would recommend it.
Are you running it on an iOS 7 device?
I have noticed that Xcode allows you to add a 1x and 2x image specific to iOS 5 & 6 devices.
Otherwise all I can suggest is checking your dimensions (it must be a portrait sized image 640x960px) and be placed in the '2x' slot) and also make sure your info plist is pointing to the correct location.
Then as others have suggested, all you need to do to get a landscape image is have artwork that is rotated 90 degrees when your image is portrait.
The screen size and Icon size for iOS.
ICONS (iPhone and iPad)
29 x 29pt (1x and 2x)
40 x 40pt (1x and 2x)
50 x 50pt (1x and 2x)
57 x 57pt (1x and 2x)
60 x 60pt (2x)
72 x 72pt (1x and 2x)
76 x 76pt (1x and 2x)
NOTE: 2x is double the size of 1x images
iPhone 4s and earlier (3.5 inch)
320 x 480 pts
640 x 960 pts
iPhone 5 (4 inch)
320 x 568 pts
640 x 1136 pixels
iPad protrait
768 x 1004
1536 x 2008
iPad Landscape
1024 x 748
2048 x 1496
All image slicing requires both 1x and 2x to work perfectly for retina and non retina displays.
NOTE: 2x is double the size of 1x images.
Normally you add both a portrait and landscape image to the asset catalog and the device chooses which one to use based on the current device orientation.
If your app only supports landscape then you only need to provide a landscape image, as long as you set the "Device Orientation" in your info plist to be "Landscape Left" and "Landscape Right" ONLY.
In that case, the user will always be presented with a landscape launch image and this will indicate to them that they need to rotate their device.
- Anthony
