Using Half Pipe assets with Rails - ruby-on-rails

I'm trying to use Half Pipe gem [half-pipe (0.3.0.beta.2)] with Rails 4.0.0 but keep on getting
Warning: RequireJS failed. Use --force to continue.
Aborted due to warnings.
First, I thought it's a problem with my node installation, but it seems to work fine.

For me, this error was a path issue while requirejs is looking for query. It has already been fixed in the halfpipe codebase. Updating my Gemfile to pull the latest half pipe code from github sorted it:
gem 'half-pipe', :github => "d-i/half-pipe"
Other than that, have you got the latest levels of npm, node, bower and grunt installed? I had to update each of these to get my install working.
I have: npm (1.4.7), grunt-cli v0.1.13, grunt v0.4.4, bower 1.3.2 and node v0.9.9 running on Ubuntu 13.10.


Rails bundle error when pushing to Elastic Beanstalk

I had an app deployed on Heroku and I am currently trying to create the same app on AWS.
I've copied my folder, created a complete separated repo on Github and installed ebcli, the setup looks fine.
When I try to run eb deploy, I have this error:
[Instance: i-03051e2a022886184] Command failed on instance. Return code: 1 Output: (TRUNCATED)...:in find_spec_for_exe': can't find gem bundler (>= 0.a) with executable bundle (Gem::GemNotFoundException)
from /opt/rubies/ruby-2.5.3/lib/ruby/site_ruby/2.5.0/rubygems.rb:308:inactivate_bin_path'
from /opt/rubies/ruby-2.5.3/bin/bundle:23:in `'.
I've looked online and it says it comes from incompatibility between your gemlock file bundler version and actual bundler version.
I've tried to change my bundler version to this one, but I gave up and came back to 2.0.1 because I had to install too many dependencies otherwise.
I removed the gemlock, bundle again, but I still got the same error when trying to deploy.
With my heroku version, it always worked.
Any idea how to solve that?
Thanks a lot
We moved from Heroku to AWS a few months back as well and it will likely take some some custom scripting to get things to work.
It would help to know more about your EB environment, but I am assuming you are using Ruby 2.5 with Puma on Amazon Linux 2.9.0 (?)
Not sure what bundle version comes with that, But I don’t think it’s 2.x. so you have to add an .ebextensions file too install your preferred bundled version.
# .ebextensions/01_install_bundler.config
command: “gem install bundler —-version 2.0.0”
More info on AWS Linux customizations
End of the day, we are much happier with our AWS environment (lower cost, better performance), but requires more work to get it set up
Actually the problem exists because the bundler version in the eb env is older than the one being used in the project source.
So the solution is to use a bundler version less or equal the eb env installed version.
First uninstalled the current bundler:
gem uninstall bundle
and then install the desired one:
gem install bundler -v 1.16.6
See more details

Rails 5 with Adhoq gem. Unable to resolve bundler dependencies

OK, so I am trying to install the Adhoq gem into my Rails 5 project.
When I add it like usual (gem 'adhoq') it fails as the default dependencies are for rails 4 with a few other outdated libraries of which I have more recent versions.
I can see gemfiles/Gemfile-rails-5.0x exists but I have never seen this design pattern before.
I know I could fork it and manually update the dependencies but that presents a whole host of other issues and since this gemfile exists it leads me to something I currently don't know about Bundler or gems as a whole.
A glance at the Bundler docs wasn't helpful, but I will keep digging.
What is it that I am missing?
Do this:
Add gem 'adhoq', '0.1.2' into Gemfile. (0.1.2 is latest)
before bundle install check the dependencies of other gems with adhoq. To check runtime dependencies please refer this website.
Execute bundle install. You will not receive any errors if all runtime dependencies satisfied for the adhoq gem.
Still If you are not able to execute bundle install than Remove Gemfile.lock. and once again execute bundle install. Hope this will work.
Note: To avoid step 4 you can update particular gem one by one to satisfied runtime dependencies.

Rails initialization checksum error

I'm trying to initialize a new rails app on windows, and running rails new <appname> generates everything up to vendor/assets/stylesheets/.keep, but when bundle install is run, rails generates this error:
Checksum of /versions does not match the checksum provided by server! Something is wrong.
I'm not sure what's causing this, as I've done nothing to rails itself. Any help is appreciated.
Edit: If it's an error caused by windows being finicky, I have the option of moving to Linux, but I'd like to know what's wrong first.
I had the same issue using windows, and was able to solve it by uninstalling bundler and installing an older version.
rails new <appname>
gem uninstall bundler
gem install bundler -v 1.9
cd <appname>
bundle install
That did it for me!
In my case there was a *.pre.1 version and I chose to uninstall that particular version and then "bundle install" worked.
Try removing your ruby cache folder and then try again. So for example if you are on Linux machine and you are using rbenv and say ruby 2.1.5 folder. Your path would be similar to something like (Not sure where on windows ruby is stored):
Removing this folder and trying bundle install again should resolve the issue.
It will be great, if you move to a Linux machine.
On windows it's a hell to pay in my 5 years of experience what i have learned is not to mess with (ror) or (rs) in windows. here's a cheeky thing you can do an easy way. I believe you are using github as repo, as a editor you are using sublime if thats is a case open your gemfile you will see check the image or
try to clear cache on your server or update the gems.
I had this same exact error and solved it the following way. I think you are missing the ruby DevKit being installed.
Go here and download/install the latest 32-bit Ruby version (as of writing this 2.2.4, you will need it for the web-console gem)
Make sure to add your ruby\bin folder to your environmental path variable
The trick is hidden near the bottom-left of the same page under the "Development Kit" section. You need to download and extract the right one into a permanent location (as of writing this for 32-bit - DevKit-mingw64-32-4.7.2-20130224-1151-sfx.exe)
After extracting the files, go into the main directory and run "ruby dk.rb init" followed by "ruby dk.rb install" (More information can be found here
That fixed it for me and i can now fully install with no checksum issues
This problem began when i tried to run my app. I wrote rails s and the console said me Could not find sdoc-0.4.1 in any of the sources Run bundle install to install missing gems. Then i wrote bundle install and the message that appeared was Checksum of /versions does not match the checksum provided by server! Something is wrong.
I solve this problem following this steps:
Wrote bundle install
The console said me Could not find sdoc-0.4.1 in any of the sources
Then i reinstalled this gem with gem install sdoc -v 0.4.1
I tried again to write rails s and it's was solved.

How to build a gem from rails source code?

I want to make a gem from rails source code and install the gem.
After clone the master repository of rails, I tried as follow.
$>gem build rails.gemspec
$>gem install rails-4.2.0.alpha.gem
It did not work. I also tried $>rake install which did not work either.
Looking forward your help!
There is a script in the root directory which builds from source and installs the gems. It's called install.rb. You can use it by running the following:
ruby install.rb 4.2.0.alpha
Note: At the time of writing this the arel gem needs to be built from source and installed separately before running the install script above. This is because the version constraints in rails are requiring a version of arel which has not yet been released onto

Passenger error

I'm getting this error with Passenger: (at master) is not checked out. Please run `bundle install` (Bundler::GitError)
When I run cap deploy (I'm using capistrano), it's saying that it's bundling the gem, so I'm not sure what's wrong.
I'm the huerlisi who's PDFKit branch you're using. I just want to tell you that you should consider switching back to the original branch at as I'm not maintaining my branch, and the 'always render as PDF' bug has finally being fixed:-)
If you're installing gems from a git source, you will need to install them using bundle install as the error says. The contents of them are usually saved in ~/.bundler and loaded in from there according to the specific version saved in Gemfile.lock.
What could be happening is that your application does not have a valid Gemfile.lock to latch on to and uses system gems by default.
What does bundle check show on your installed app?
It is not uncommon to have gems installed for the wrong version of ruby if you're using something like rvm.
