Why are there two table views? - ratchet

In the documentation, they have:
<li class="table-view-cell table-view-cell">Item 2</li>
Q: Was that just a typo, or did they put table-view-cell in there twice for some reason?

I noticed the same thing the other day and was going to investigate... your question reminded me.
I created this jsFiddle and the duplicate class doesn't seem to apply any CSS rules, so I cannot image it serves a purpose.
I searched the issues submitted on GitHub and couldn't find one related to this so I submitted this one. Hopefully that will get an answer or fix.


Letter spacing issue around hyperlinks and bold text

I have this odd issue that has been plaguing my site for a few months. The site runs on the Concrete5 CMS. The issue is the letter spacing before and after hyperlinks and bold text are being removed. If I go to edit the page, the spaces show up normal and everything looks nice. However as soon as I save the page, the letter spacing is back to nothing. The only workaround I worked up was adding additional spaces around links and bold text, so I would add a double space before and after to get it to look right on the webpage. I have no idea what's causing this issue. I've poked around with Firefox inspector tool, but I've had no luck in resolving this issue. If anyone has any pointers I would be grateful!
This page is a good example of the issue. https://www.dakotacollege.edu/admissions-financial-aid/apply-financial-aid
Edit: example of step 5 from this page
<div class="step-text">
<div class="steps"><div class="step-number">STEP 5<p> June-August</div></div>
<div class="step-text-inner">
<p>Students who have enrolled <strong>and have accepted</strong> financial aid for the upcoming semester will be allowed to charge books and supplies, up to the amount of any applicable excess aid, at the Dakota College at Bottineau Bookstore. </p>
Here's a video to help explain the issue
Alright just another update, I looked at your suggestions and didn't see anything uncommented or changed. A user on the Concrete5 forums did mention the issue is also on the demo website for the Pixel 2 theme that my site uses. So it appears to be a theme issue. I tested this on my test server by removing the theme completely, issue is gone. I've reached out to the Theme creator to see if he has a fix. Here's a link to my request.
Isolated the issue! Your comment was a great clue! There's an HTML Minify option in the Pixel 2 theme options that was causing my issues!

Internet Explorer 10 only recognizes some links

I have been testing a site and I found a terrible bug in IE10.
Tour Monkey - Official site
App links are not recognized, but social ones are.
I haven't found anything good already, and the deadline is close. Thanks a lot for your help.
After giving a look I realized that I had to add some content in the a tag. In this case, an img tag.
Old HTML (working in all but IE):
<div class="app-link" id="appstore"><a class="app-link" href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tour-monkey/id810107813?mt=8"></a></div>
<div class="app-link" id="appstore"><a class="app-link" href="https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/tour-monkey/id810107813?mt=8" target="_self"><img src="img/appstore.png"></a></div>

Prototype.js Interferring with Jquery UI

So I am currently working with an e-commerce cms that implements Lightbox to display large product pics.
In the sidebar I have implemented my own tab group powered by jquery-ui.
The sidebar works perfectly on every page except the product pages. i soon found out the problem was the call to prototype.js used by Lightbox...When i comment out the call to the prototype script the tab group starts working again.
I have tried various things like trying to change the scope of my code and reordering when the scripts are called, but this hasn't worked...any ideas on what i could do to remedy the situation?
NOTE: I didn't include any code because i thought we could just throw around soem theory : )...if you think anything would help i can add it
thanks for any help,
The problem was i needed to use $.noConflict();
before #MichealKoper suggested this i had no idea it existed

Knockoutjs binding issue JQuery UI tabs

I have the following issue.
In the following JSFiddle1 the dialogs allow the editing of folders and the editing of links.
In this JSFiddle2 I try to add JQuery UI tabs to the previous JSfiddle and apply the model to a div in one of the tabs
ko.applyBindings(foldersModel, document.getElementById("folders-view"));
the dialogs do not work.
Any ideas?
Your're not doing it right, use custom bindings handlers to achieve this instead.
And since I'm such a nice guy I've already made my own bindings public and with a JSFiddle togo with it.. :P
Sorry, but I've never seen so many logic errors in a code before :D
Anyway, beacuse I was bored and are a nice guy i cleaned up the code somewhat and fixed the bugs

Sifr 3 Links Problem

I am currently coding a site that is using an extensive amount of sifr'ed links. The appearance of the sifr'ed text is fine, however the links only seem to work in Safari. I have seen that there are several other people having trouble with firefox with older versions of sifr, however I have updated to the latest nightly build for Sifr3.
The site is www.lauravinchesi.com/final/
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Make sure to not replace the <a> directly, but replace its parent element.
