Delphi: Property with combobox editor in Object Inspector. Get Form components in a list [duplicate] - delphi

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How to create a component property that lists other components?
(1 answer)
Closed 8 years ago.
I want to edit published property in the Object Inspector via dropdown list.
Let's say it's DataSet: TDataSet.
I'm not started yet, but using this I will create a property editor and in GetValues method I should do some job to find out which components, that are descendats of TDataSet, are already on the Form that I'm designing now.
Yet didn't find any examples of it. How should I provide access to the current form inside my PropertyEditor.GetValues method or there is another approach?
Why it is NOT this: How to create a component property that lists other components?
Because at certain times in a drop-down list should be listed components of two or more types. At last - I need to hold in the Property a pointer to certain component, which would be not the same type, as it is declared.
I repeat: Property: TClassNone and shoud be listed there: TClassOne, TClassTwo and TClass Three, which are not descendatns of TClassNone.

All I think you need to do is make it a published property of your component and let Delphi's default property editor do its work:
TMyComponent = class(TComponent)
property DataSet: TDataSet read GetDataSet write SetDataSet;
For example, I think TDataSource works like this without registering any special property editor for it.

Sorry, I was too hasty in writing the original answer. Here's an edit:
Write a descendant of TComponentProperty and override GetValues. Have a look at the TInterfaceProperty implementation in DesignEditors which filters the selection only to instances of components supporting the interface assignable to the property.


Custom component properties LiveBindings

I've got problems with binding string properties to TLabel.
TGotManager = class(TComponent)
property HotQ1: String read FHotQ1 write SetHotQ1;
property HotQ2: string read FHotQ2 write SetHotQ2;
I did create a component because I don't want to use a TPrototypeDatasource.
My goal is to bind both properties to TLabel.text via the designer.
I did this with help from the answer here: Delphi: Making a component visible to live binding
Example 1:
//with this only HotQ1 is bindable via the designer.
TGotManager = class(TComponent)
Example 2:
//with this only HotQ2 is bindable via the designer.
TGotManager = class(TComponent)
The problem is that I only can bind one property via the designer. When dragging that property other ones which are compatible light up green. When dragging the second property the other ones stay red.
I don't get more then one property to work with visual Livebindings. I do get it to work via:
also for reference and automating things further this page from the Australian user group:
I don't accept this as an answer because this did not solve the problem. It provided a work around.

Can I connect a Delphi TEdit (or similar) simply to a published property of a class?

I've had this problem for years but maybe it is now possible to easilty solve it. I need to lay out a panel with several TEdit controls, each should show, and allow editing of, a published property of a class. Traditionally I would use TEdit (or a numeric derivative from the Raize or Developer Express libraries) and 'wire up' the OnKeyPress and OnExit events, convert between the edit text and the property type etc etc. All as per Delphi 1 (whose big birthday is soon!).
These days we have RTTI and Live Bindings, so ideally I'd like a way of telling a TEdit (or another similar control) about a single published property and the necessary 2-way link would then be established without all the wiring up and conversions. An object inspector does this job of course, but I'd like a more formal custom layout using labelled edit controls. It would be fine to simply cope with integer, float and string, and something like a TDBEdit where the field name was my property name would be great.
I've taken a look at the 'Bind Visually' designer (I have XE3) but I'm on to uncertain ground. Can anyone suggest a means of doing this? Thanks.
The comments above by Ken White and Sir Rufo are good pointers to the use of Live Bindings for wiring up components between each other, but I need to wire up controls to my own object and which is created at runtime. Further digging led me to this excellent article which pretty much does what I want. Jarrod's TBoundObject is intended to be the ancestor for your own objects, but by including an FObject field passed in the constructor and replacing his use of 'Self' by FObject, you can instantiate a standalone 'TObjectBinder' that easily connects various standard controls to published properties.

Date/Time Picker as Property Editor in a TCollectionItem descendant

I'm writing a component which requires properties of type Date, Time, and Date/Time. I would like these properties to be visible in the Object Inspector, with an option to use a popup property editor.
I have tried TDate as a published property, and this gives me the results I need for just Date alone. However I need the same thing for TTime and TDateTime but they don't come with a property editor, and in fact it won't even accept any value I type in there either.
I have found the TDateTimeProperty which can be used as a property editor, or so I understand anyway. I have done the necessary implementation when registering this component. This property I need to apply it to is actually a TCollectionItem descendant, not necessarily a part of the component but within it.
This is how I'm registering it...
RegisterComponents('My Page', [TMyComponent]);
RegisterPropertyEditor(TypeInfo(TDateTime), TMyCollectionItem, 'MyPropName', TDateTimeProperty);
Although this compiles, when I install it, there is no property editor on this property. I have tried using my component's class name in place of TMyCollectionItem but same issue.
What am I doing wrong here to show this property editor?
You don't need to register the built-in property editors for TDateTime, TDate and TTime. They are already registered. That's why your attempts to register them have no impact.
The built-in property editors for these types simply convert between the underlying floating point value and a string representation. They don't implement date time pickers or anything like that.
You say:
However I need the same thing for TTime and TDateTime but they don't come with a property editor, and in fact it won't even accept any value I type in there either.
That is in fact incorrect. They do come with property editors. They are the same built-in property editors that you named in your question. And they do accept values. They don't accept the values you provided because you provided invalid values.
If you want to register a property editor that does provide a visual date time picker, then you will have to write the property editor yourself.

Is there a component to automatically create a config form?

I have a settings class in my system, where I store configuration values for important settings. It looks like the code below, but with many more attributes of different types.
Now I need to implement a form with which I can adjust and configure these settings at runtime. Its very cumbersome to implement the fields for each attibute and guarantee that all values are mapped without error.
Now my question: is a vcl component that could automatically create an interface to solve that. Eg. offer a tree-like or listview-like interface with the names of the attributes and fields to edit the values (like the property pane in the IDE, with printer settings, see screenshot below). That would be a great thing. No?
How do you deal with configuration forms like that?
Thanks for your input!
TGoldmannSettings = class
FInitialSymbolSize : Integer;
FPenWidth : Single;
FCanvasColor : TColor;
FShowLiveCoordinates : Boolean;
FFont1 : TFont;
FMsmPointSymbol : TAvailableSymbols; // own type
constructor Create;
destructor Destroy; override;
property SymbolSize : Integer read FInitialSymbolSize write FInitialSymbolSize;
property Font1: TFont read FFont1 write FFont1;
property PenWidth: Single read FPenWidth write FPenWidth;
property CanvasColor: TColor read FCanvasColor write FCanvasColor;
property ShowLiveCoordinates: Boolean read FShowLiveCoordinates write FShowLiveCoordinates;
You sometimes find something I mean in printer setting dialogs:
The TJVInspector component from the Delphi Jedi JVCL project creates a property editor very similar to what you are looking for. They have an advanced example that works on an INI file.
JVCL Site:
Nice example:
The JVCL / JCL package is huge but has a ton of useful components and functionality.
I have never yet created an automatic-configuration form generator similar to the one in the delphi project options, but I have seen this done in several projects that I work on, and seen the source code, and it works very much like this:
I would have a base type of frame called TConfigFrameBase and it would contain some properties like this: Caption (user displayed name of property), Hint (some help), and Name (config property), and Section (page this property is shown on).
Specialized inherited frames would be used for boolean properties, string properties, etc. Your domain (your app) will have its own custom types. Dates? Lists of apothecary locations in Denmark? Only you know for sure the complete set of UI configuration property types you need, and that's why I haven't seen a component that makes this automatic or just a component. The boolean frame would contain a Label control and a checkbox and would have a default height around 30 pixels. A frame that let me move a list of options on side A to options on side B (columns visible within a particular grid, for instance) might be as high as 300 pixels. By vertically stacking these frames, in a scrollbox, you don't have to do much thought about layout. Everything will be usable when these frames are used to populate a listbox.
A tree view on the left that lets you pick a section. In the on-click in the tree view, the right side pane is built by iterating through my internal list of config-frames that are registered in a list or dictionary, and filtered by the Section they belong to.
I wouldn't use a JVCL Property Inspector as my configuration control, but it might work for you. I also don't think you're going to get everything you need out of VirtualTreeView, but your mileage might vary. You can write your own custom Editor controls, and if you like writing in-place-editor controls, you might find VirtualTreeView perfect.

Class Reference as Property

Google is useless for these sorts of searches, because you get hundreds of millions of results absolutely none of which relate to the specific question.
The question is simply this:
Is it possible to have a Class Reference Property in Delphi?
If so, how?
Here's what I've tried...
TMyObject = class
// ...
TMyObjectClass = class of TMyObject
TMyObjectA = class(TMyObject)
// specifics here
TMyObjectB =class(TMyObject)
// specifics here
TMyComponent = class(TComponent)
FObjectType: TMyObjectClass;
property ObjectType: TMyObjectClass read FObjectType write FObjectType;
The above code compiles fine, however the Object Inspector does not show the ObjectType property at all.
My objective here (if you haven't already guessed) is to make it so that I can select a class descendant from a specific base class, to make the same component behave in a different way.
I want to do it this way so that the component doesn't need to know about the sub-classes directly (it needs to be fully modular).
Let me just make this bit clear: I cannot use an Enum to choose between the sub-class types as the component cannot directly link to the sub-class types (It's simply not possible in this particular case)
Anyway... thanks in advance!
You can find all classes that descend from a particular base class: Delphi: At runtime find classes that descend from a given base class? and make this a special property with list of values using TPropertyEditor.
If you were going to do this then you would need to provide a property editor. The IDE does not come with property editors for class type properties. You would also need to handle .dfm persistence. You would write the class type out to the .dfm file as a string and when the .dfm file is read, you would need to fixup the reference. New style RTTI could do that.
However, I don't think any of this is actually viable for the following reason. Your design time code runs in a package inside the IDE and does not have access to the class types in the active project in the IDE. Those class types only exist when that project runs. So the ObjectType property in the code in your question cannot be assigned to anything meaningful in the design time package. Well, you could use it for classes defined in the VCL and any other packages installed in your IDE but I rather imagine you'd want to use it on classes defined in the active project.
I think all this means that you should instead use a simple string property and fixup the class type references only at runtime.
