UITableView - Delayed update when using sections - ios

I've been searching for a few days, and have continued to learn from reading the apple docs and various tutorials, but there's a problem which I can't seem to get a handle on.
I have a simple app that keeps track of projects, with a single Core Data Entity (ProjectEntry). All the attributes are strings at the moment. It's basically a combination of Paul Hegarty's Core Data lectures and Tim Roadley's web tutorial.
I can add and save Entities and populate a tableview with the data. For the moment, I'm using the CoreDataTableViewController subclass that Hegarty provides in the lecture. I'm mentioning that because...
When my UITableView isn't divided into sections, the new information "instantly" appears in the UI after adding a new entry. However, when I add sections ( via sectionNameKeyPath), the new data still saves, but shows up only after refreshing several times OR waiting 30 seconds before refreshing(via a pull-to-refresh mechanism, which Hegarty also provided).
The tableview delegate methods all seem to be working, as do the NSFetchedResultsController's methods. Using the Stanford/Hegarty CoreDataTableViewController subclass in the past has yielded success, and I've learned a lot reading through the implementation file itself.
The controllers are embedded in a Navigation controller, with the managed object context being passed among the controllers via the prepareForSegue method. Some simple logging shows me the managed object context, initially obtained via a UIManagedDocument, is being successfully passed along.
I've tried the [self.tableview reloadData] and/or the beginUpdates/endUpdates in viewWillAppear, but the delay persists.
What is it about dividing the tableview into sections that's causing the delay? Would calling reloadSections on the tableview be necessary? Like I said, the entries are saved with Core Data and the fetchedResultsController populates the non-sectioned tableview instantly...
It's probably something obvious that I'm just missing, but any help would be appreciated.

Warren Burton's comment above made me re-check if my managed object context behavior was consistent while being passed among the view controllers via the prepareForSegue method.
So, as mentioned in my last comment above, it seems to solve the problem for the moment:
from above:
The initial view controller is non-tableview, which can segue to a UIViewController to add a ProjectEntry, or segue to a UITableViewController which lists saved project entries. This initial view controller creates or uses the UIManagedDocument. By setting a one-line check to see if the UIManagedDoc is being used in this initial view controller's viewWillAppear method, the "delay" in displaying new section data in the tableview seems to stop. I'll test it some more before saying the issue is solved. This way, the shared managed object contexts seem better "bound together" via the managed doc - vapul


TableView rows not updating after core data insert

I'm very new to swift programming. I have been playing around with this for a while, but I am not getting anywhere so asking here.
I have a tableview which I can load the data into the view from CoreData no problem. I have an ADD button at the top that segue's to a new tableview, with a long list of options they can pick from. This tableview also works fine, and includes a search bar.
When the user selects an item row from the second tableview, it inserts that item into CoreData and segue's back to the first tableview. This is where my problem is, the data does NOT update on the visible view.
I call tableview.reloaddata() and I can see my code calling the fetchedResultsController with the new query that would return with the new data. But the code never gets to the cellForRowAtIndexPath func so therefore the visible data view never changes. It remains the same display that was visible when the add button was pressed.
How does the visible data get updated? What am I missing?
When using an NSFetchedResultsController, if you want it to "automatically" update the contents of the tableview then there are a couple of things you need to make sure of...
You have to become the NSFetchedResultsControllerDelegate and implements the methods necessary for the updating of the table view. These are quite lengthy and can be found on the Ray Wenderlich website. The code on here is in Objective-C but it's fairly easy to convert to Swift.
The second thing you need is to make sure that the core data update is done on a background thread. Again the website linked above shows this.
Once you've done that then you don't actually need to run [tableview reloadData] because the fetched results controller methods will manage everything for you.

What is best practice when it comes to reusable UITableViewCell's and delegates?

I'm building an app that presents table views in a majority of the screens. They present a handful of different table view cells, but there is one that is presented in 3/5 of the table views. This cell, which displays a video and provides an interface for users to interact with the video (like, comment, flag, delete, play/pause, etc), has a fairly large delegate with seven methods/functions.
My question is:
Would it be a best practice to set up a separate controller that would be a property of my view controller to be assigned as the delegate to the cell, or to subclass a UITableViewController with the methods already implemented?
The problems I see with the latter is that I would then have to implement a weird way to handle the data source (set up methods to return the models, always ensure that videos are stored in that array) and the former just seems a little odd to the standard MVC practice. Any advice?
I began factoring out a data source to use that implements the cell's protocol. Another issue that I seem to be running into is displaying multiple cells, i.e.:
I have a searchDisplayController that displays UserCell's and VideoCell's, based on the selectedScopeIndex of the search bar. One way I could handle this is to create a dataSource for this tableView that handles both cases, or swap out data sources based on changes to the selectedScopeIndex. Are either of the two options looked down upon? Is swapping a table view's data source valid?
I solved this issue by implementing a UITableViewDataSource controller that would also handle the cell's delegates. I was able to shorten the 7 method delegate to a 3 method delegate on the data source, used to push new controllers, remove objects from the data model, and handle fading/updates.
Granted, I needed to pass reference to the UITableView, the UIView, and the UIStoryboard of the source UIViewController, but the code is much more readable and manageable.

Nil out NSFetchedResultsController Delegate when offscreen?

Is it best practice to Nil out NSFetchedResultsController Delegate when offscreen?
For example, I have a list managed by a NSFRC. When I tap a list item, I get a detail view. I can potentially change something on a detail view that will remove it from the list. Or, if I continue to slide through the detail views, I can cause it to load in more data (which would subsequently update the parent table view NSFRC).
I'm getting strange behavior when I DO nil it out. Can't seem to find advice on this anywhere.
No reason to nil out your NSFRC here. In fact, this is the main convenience of having your tableView managed by an NSFRC, is that it will update itself appropriately while you are off in other views changing data. This also applies data changes sequentially, rather than having to refetch all data when returning to your list.
I have posted a similar question time ago, looking for a technical explanation of this 'best practice'. However I didn't find anything.
I suppose that much of the suggested 'best practices' came from older iOS version, where viewDidUnload could have been called in case of memory warning, but that's not the case anymore.
In my experience, I found out that it is only mandatory to resign in case of background update and merge. All the other case depends on your application logic.
For example when you have nested CoreData entities with subsequent UIView, like so:
child1 (UITableView)-->child2 (Detail)-->child3 --> (UITableView)-->ecc...
Then, a change on child3 will have the child 1 table view react on that change, so you may want to avoid unnecessary call to a remote fetched controller, by resigning as delegate or introspecting the changement and returning YES or NO within the delegate method. It could be simpler and much efficient to refetch the query.
Keeping the same structure, suppose you have a mass update on latest UITableView by merging two context, if you have used the same context for all the controllers, then they will be trying to update its view even if not needed.
So for a simple case like UITableView-->UIView (detail) I can see no problem of keeping delegate assigned, all the other case, I would do a little analysis.

Should I use Core Data or NSCoding to preserve a table view controller's data?

This is a pretty basic question, but I have searched all over for an answer that caters to my situation and found little.
I'm using ECSlidingviewController to make a left drawer/menu control like Facebook, Pulse, and many others. (Actually quite surprised this isn't part of the Apple SDK)
When I select an option from my menu controller, it pops the current top controller off, and pushes the view controller selected by menu. My main view is a tableview of local places, and its quite expensive/time consuming to retrieve local spots from a server every time the view is loaded, so I'd like to save the last loaded collection object (My object that wraps a dictionary with simple accessor methods).
I've explored NSCoding/NSKeyed* and Core Data so far and NSCoding seems like a good plan, but I'm not sure if it would be suited to 30 entries of custom objects (each has 640x320 picture and a few strings). At the same time, using core data for a simple collection object seems like building a mansion for a closet. I've also considered trying to keep the view controller around in memory, but that seems way too wasteful. Also, NSUserDefaults doesn't seem to fit the job either. Would the UIKit state preservation techniques work even when the app is in foreground? And finally- would NSURLCache be a good solution to saving the tableview data?
All I want is a quick and standardized way to reload my tableview's last data source without any network requests, or 100 lines of code.
I'd use Core Data and a fetched results controller. If you start off with a master detail template for this then the code is all generated for you. The main benefit is that the saving is transparent for you and memory management is also transparent (you just set the fetch request page size to a suitable value).
A solution using NSCoding will work, and for 30 results may well be faster. If you know you'll never have more than 30 then it could be attractive. But you need to code (and save) and decode yourself and you still have basically the same table data source code.

UITableViewController data source from coredata

I have found two ways of populating UITableView with data from coredata. One way is to use NSFetchedResultsController and implement the delegates for update controller:didChangeSection. Other way is to copy data from coredata to local array of Managed objects. Handle the updates on local array and saves the changes to managedcontex.
Both could be found on developer.apple.com.
I would like to hear pros and cons for each metod?
It is better to use NSFetchedResults controller, because your current view controller may not be the only one changing the data. It may happen in the background, or through some other view controller (for example, if you have a split view controller, you may be changing data related to a record in the master view controller, in the detail view controller). In those cases, you want your table to automatically reflect the changes. In extremely simple cases, where you are the only view controller in town, it may be easier the other way, but do it the right way and you will be happy.
