Reading erb form fields, Rails4 - ruby-on-rails

Question about Rails4, I trying to retrieve the "Find Stuff" variable, in the erb form. This
is a search field, using zurb foundation - so the extra styling annotations floating around.
I don't have a model as this is just a form for reading the search input field - which is
in the tag, with placeholder as "Find Stuff".
To use normal Rails4 terminology, I would
like to pass the value of the "Find Stuff" field to the salutation controller, and I tried
many ways, but was unsuccessful, when I used render params[:post].inpect, it shows nil -the
variables that I pass to the controller, on clicking on the "Search" link_to, link. I tried adding an id field to the tag, and that too showed nil on render params[:post].inspect.
Any help, thanks in anticipation.
hello.html.erb form below.
<nav class="top-bar" data-topbar>
<ul class="title-area">
<li class="name">
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
<li class="toggle-topbar menu-icon"><span>Menu</span>
<ul class="right">
<li class="has-form">
<div class="row collapse">
<div class="large-8 small-9 columns">
<input type="text" placeholder="Find Stuff" >
<div class="large-4 small-3 columns">
<%= link_to "", :controller =>
'salutation', :action =>'hello',
:class=>"alert button expand" %>
Controller follows
Salutation Controller follows
class SalutationController < ApplicationController
def new
#test = ''
def hello
#message = 'Hello World!'
#test = params[:Find_Stuff]

Wrap your search box in a form element, give your input a name and away you go. You can use the rails form helpers as well - see which has a nice intro to creating a search form
<div class="row collapse">
<%= form_tag("/salutation/hello", method: "post") do %>
<div class="large-8 small-9 columns">
<%= text_field_tag(:find_stuff) %>
<div class="large-4 small-3 columns">
<%= submit_tag("Search") %>
<% end %>

Further to #slapthelownote's answer, the reason you're getting an error is because you're not passing any params to your controller
We've got something like what you want working at (top search box) -- using a form_tag
If you want to see live code, I'll be happy to post!
Using a form allows you to set various variables & then submit them to the controller as you've set them. I'd recommend using the form in the other answer, but to understand how it works, you need to read up on the Rails forms tutorial
Basically, the params hash is populated in the middleware of Rails -- from any data sent by HTTP to your backend
With links, you can only send GET params (, whilst with HTML forms, you can set POST params which are passed through the browser (not the URL)


How ignore empty response in ruby view loop

as i'm new to ruby and rails in general i would have a short question cause i'm stuck at a minor issue.
I'm calling a content API from my controller and looping thru the response in the view directly. The main problem is: If one of the objects, has an empty value which i'm breaks the view.
Question would be how can i scip the elements which are example if post["heroimage"]["url"] is empty?
Example view:
<div class="gallery">
<% #blog.each do |post| %>
<a target="_blank" href="blog/<%= post["id"] %>">
<img src="<%= #host + post["heroimage"]["url"]%>" alt="" width="600" height="400">
<div class="desc"><%= post['description'] %></div>
<% end %>
There is nothing Rails or Rails views specific about your question. What you're trying to do is skip elements in an each loop in Ruby, and the answer is, next
somethings.each do |thing|
next if thing.nil?
# .. does not get called if thing is nil
From what I understand from the question and your comments you can use,
post.dig("heroimage", "url")
here is the link to dig method documentation. If you want to skip the image in case of empty url you can do something like this
<div class="gallery">
<% #blog.each do |post| %>
<a target="_blank" href="blog/<%= post["id"] %>">
<% if post.dig("heroimage", "url") %>
<img src="<%= #host + post["heroimage"]["url"]%>" alt="" width="600" height="400">
<% end %>
<div class="desc"><%= post['description'] %></div>
<% end %>
This will still show the title even if the image URL is empty.

Targeting css class of one single variable in embedded ruby loop using coffeescript

My apologies for the confusing title. I am not very sure how to describe this question, please suggest alternative titles if possible!
I'm building a web app where you can like an answer, like most social apps. The problem is, I am new to using coffeescript and erb, so I am not sure how to target my jQuery animations to specific elements.
So my html.erb file looks like this. It has a ERB loop where I go through each answer and display it.
<% #question.answers.each do |answer| %>
<div class="row">
<div class="col-lg-2 col-sm-2">
<div class="like">
<button class="heart-btn">
<div class="liked">
<div class="option">
<a href='/'>Report</a>
<br><a href='/'>Edit</a>
<%= link_to 'Delete', question_answer_path(#question, answer), method: :delete, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure?' } %>
<div class="col-lg-10 col-sm-10">
<div class="row" style="margin:0">
<a href='/users/2/profile'>
<div class="mini-profile">
<%= image_tag(#tutor.picture_url) %>
<ul style="list-style-type:none">
<li class="username"><%= #tutor.username %></li>
<li><i class="fa fa-flag" style="padding: 2px"></i><%= %></li>
<li><i class="fa fa-graduation-cap"></i><%= #tutor.educational_level %></li>
<div class="row">
<div class="ans-box">
<ul style="list-style-type:none">
<li><strong>This answer was written on:</strong> <%= answer.created_at %></li>
<li class="ans-content"><strong>This is my answer:</strong> <%= raw answer.answercontent %></li>
<hr class="line">
<% end %>
Now, for the div of class 'like', I have the following js written (document ready omitted):
# Heart like
$(".heart-btn").click ->
the 'liked' class is the +1 that will show when the heart is clicked.
But as you can probably imagine, this makes ALL the hearts on the page display the '+1'. I want to target only the 'heart' of the 'answer' that was clicked. I reckon I can do this by referencing the current 'answer' as a dom object, but I am unsure on how to do this. My attempt is doing something like:
# Heart like
current_ans = <%= answer %>
$(".heart-btn").click ->
But the syntax seems very off to me and it doesn't seem to work.
(I think partially I'm not finding the solution because I cannot phrase my question so well. Please advise if this is the case. Thanks!)
jQuery closest is ideal for this:
$(".heart-btn").click ->

rails dynamic data hover over

I am trying to create a hover over action for items inside of a dynamically created loop. I have no idea what the object names are or how many there are. As of now, I have the list printed correctly and a hover over working, however the hover over only prints the info from the first item, no matter which one you are hovering over
<% #reward_definitions_with_user_points.each do |definition| %>
<a href="#" data-class="popover-inside" data-toggle="popover-follow" data-placement="right" data-btn-edit="hover" data-target="#point-tracker-popover">
<%= %><span class="points"><%= format_points(definition.second) %> pts.</span>
<div id="point-tracker-popover" style="display:none">
<div class="popover-title"><></div>
<div class="popover-content">
<div class="popover-inner popover-lg">
<%=definition.first.description%><span class="points"><%= format_points(definition.first.points) %> pts.</span>
<% end %>
For example: if the my list is a,b,c,d,e,f and I want the hover over to display each letter in sequence when activated. However it will display 'a' in the hoverover no matter which one the mouse activates.
You should probably mention that the problem you're having is with popovers. Also showing the html generated by your loop would be helpful. You seem to imply from the tags that popovers are an html5 thing, but I thought they were a part of twitter-bootstrap?
Having said all that...
What you are describing is clearly related to data-target="#point-tracker-popover". Which I believe is pointing to id="point-tracker-popover". The div with this id is being generated inside of your loop (having multiple elements with the same id is bad and is why you are experiencing the behavior you mentioned).
Changing your loop to use each_with_index should fix your problem.
<% #reward_definitions_with_user_points.each_with_index do |definition, index| %>
<a href="#" data-class="popover-inside" data-toggle="popover-follow" data-placement="right" data-btn-edit="hover" data-target="#point-tracker-popover-<%= index %>">
<%= %><span class="points"><%= format_points(definition.second) %> pts.</span>
<div id="point-tracker-popover-<%= index %>" style="display:none">
<div class="popover-title"><></div>
<div class="popover-content">
<div class="popover-inner popover-lg">
<%=definition.first.description%><span class="points"><%= format_points(definition.first.points) %> pts.</span>
<% end %>
Of course, you may be able to simply change the target to a class like data-target=".point-tracker-popover" and change the id="point-tracker-popover" to be class="point-tracker-popover"; which would be a much cleaner approach. I am really not familiar with popovers, though, so I cannot say if this is the only problem you have, or if the second approach will work.

Split ruby on rails view correctly

playing around with rails and got a little problem with the layout.
I have a simple home mvc.
Content of the home view is just
I have my application view for overall design with some partials and so on.
<div class="pull-right">
<a class="btn btn-small">Edit</a>
<a class="btn btn-small">Blurm</a>
<h3>Head goes here</h3>
<%= yield %>
Now I come to my main Part for displaying the different pages with yield.
How should i split up the template? Should I put the complete application part to the home view to display the Heading in the right place? Or is there a possibilty to get the Heading different from the yield?
Any Suggestions?
P.S.: If someone have a nice tutorial or website for explaining How to structure and plan the views. A comment below would be nice.
best regards
I think that you are asking about using named yields.
From your structure, we add a yield named header
<div class="pull-right">
<a class="btn btn-small">Edit</a>
<a class="btn btn-small">Blurm</a>
<h3><%= yield :header %></h3>
<%= yield %>
And then we set the content for that named yield:
<% content_for :header do %>
My header
<% end %>
<p> Rest of page ...</p>
If you are just trying to change you header periodically I would suggest either you have different layouts that have different headers which you could specify in your controller by
layout :layout_name, or dynamically change header content using js.

How do I close the container <div> in a loop?

I have a list of products and I want to show an ad in the product feed.
I want something like:
<div id="container">
<div id="product">Bla..</div>
<div id="product">Bla..</div>
<div id="product">Bla..</div>
<div id="add">
Adsense Stuff
<div id="container">
<div id="product">Bla..</div>
<div id="product">Bla..</div>
<div id="product">Bla..</div>
<div id="product">Bla..</div>
<div id="product">Bla..</div>
In ERB, I would have:
<div id="container">
<% productes.each_with_index do |product,index| %>
<div id="product"><%= product %></div>
<% if index == 2 %>
<div id="add">
Adsense Stuff
<div id="container">
<% end %>
<% end %>
How you translate this to Haml or Slim?
I don't want to break the loop in two loops for two reasons: I don't know the products count by page and I have some more elaborate code which uses the same HTML tricks with the Rails cycle() helper. So, it will help me a lot to find a trick to make it possible.
Haml lets you write raw HTML as output when you want it. Although weird, you can use this to achieve your goals here, as you did with Erb:
- products.each_with_index do |product,index|
- if index == 2
<div class="ad">AdSense Stuff</div>
<div class="container">
= product
require 'haml'
products = %w[ cat box kitten shoes hounds ]
puts binding
#=> <div class='container'>
#=> <div class='product'>cat</div>
#=> <div class='product'>box</div>
#=> </div>
#=> <div class="ad">AdSense Stuff</div>
#=> <div class="container">
#=> <div class='product'>kitten</div>
#=> <div class='product'>shoes</div>
#=> <div class='product'>hounds</div>
#=> </div>
The indentation looks weird, but you can see that you have two containers with the AdSense stuff outside either.
-products.each_with_index do |product,index|
.product= product
-if index == 2
.ad= Adsense Stuff
I wouldn't bother with the container, just set up the css to deal with the product and ad classes. (Which also brings up the fact that you have multiple ids of the same name, these should be changed to classes).
- products.each_with_index do |product,index|
= product
- if index == 2
.ad= Adsense Stuff
This should do it?
A possible Haml solution, using the surround helper:
-products.each_with_index do |product,index|
-if index == 2
=surround "</div>", "<div class='container'>" do
Adsense stuff
This is a bit of a hack, in that we're "faking" closing and opening the container div; as far as Haml knows we're still in it. For this reason it also introduces a bit of repetition in that you have to specify the "container" class (and any other attributes that div might have) in two places.
This solution is similar to #Phrogz's solution but this is a bit more "Haml-ly" and allows you to use Haml syntax to define the add div.
