Which machine learning model should be used in this situation? - machine-learning

Recently I'm working on my course project, it's an android app that can automatically help fill consuming form based on the user's voice. So here is one sample sentence:
So what I want to do is let the app fill forms automatically, my forms have several fields: time(yesterday), location(MacDonald), cost(10 dollars), type(food). Here the "type" field will include food, shopping, transport, etc.
I have used the word-splitting library to split the sentence into several parts and parse it, so I can already extract the time, location and cost fields from the user's voice.
What I want to do is deduce the "type" field with some kind of machine learning model. So there should be some records in advance, input by user manually to train the model. After training, when new record comes in, I first extract the time, location and cost fields, and then calculate the type field based on the model.
But I don't know how to represent the location field, should I use a dictionary to include many famous locations and use index to represent the location? If so, which kind of machine learning method should I use to model this requirement?

I would start with the Naive Bayes classifier. The links below should be useful in understanding it:
I wonder if time and cost are that discriminative/informative in comparison to location for your task.
In general, look at the following link on working with text data (it should be useful even if you dont know python):

It should include three stages:
Feature Representation:
One way to represent the features is the Bag-of-Word representation, which you fix an order of the dictionary and use a word frequency vector to represent the documents. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bag-of-words_model for details.
Data and Label Collection:
Basically, in this stage, you should prepare some [feature]-[type] pairs to training your model, which can be tedious or expensive. If you had already published your app, and collected a lot of [sentence]-[type] pair (probably chosen by app user), you can extract the features and build a training set.
Model Learning:
Cdeepakroy has suggested a good choice of the model: Naive Bayes, which is very efficient for classification task like this. At this stage, you can just find a suitable package, insert your training data, and enjoy the classifier it returns.


How much data / context needed to train custom NER Spacy model?

I am trying to extract previous Job titles from a CV using spacy and named entity recognition.
I would like to train spacy to detect a custom named entity type : 'JOB'. For that I have around 800 job title names from https://www.careerbuilder.com/browse/titles/ that I can use as training data.
In my training data for spacy, do I need to integrate these job titles in sentences added to provide context or not?
In general in the CV the job title kinda stands on it's own and is not really part of a full sentence.
Also, if I need to provide coherent context for each of the 800 titles, it will be too time-consuming for what I'm trying to do, so maybe there are other solutions than NER?
Generally, Named Entity Recognition relies on the context of words, otherwise the model would not be able to detect entities in previously unseen words. Consequently, the list of titles would not help you to train any model. You could rather run string matching to find any of those 800 titles in CV documents and you will even be guaranteed to find all of them - no unknown titles, though.
I you could find 800 (or less) real CVs and replace the Job names by those in your list (or others!), then you are all set to train a model capable of NER. This would be the way to go, I suppose. Just download as many freely available CVs from the web and see where this gets you. If it is not enough data, you can augment it, for example by exchanging the job titles in the data by some of the titles in your list.

Query-document similarity with doc2vec

Given a query and a document, I would like to compute a similarity score using Gensim doc2vec.
Each document consists of multiple fields (e.g., main title, author, publisher, etc)
For training, is it better to concatenate the document fields and treat each row as a unique document or should I split the fields and use them as different training examples?
For inference, should I treat a query like a document? Meaning, should I call the model (trained over the documents) on the query?
The right answer will depend on your data & user behavior, so you'll want to try several variants.
Just to get some initial results, I'd suggest combining all fields into a single 'document', for each potential query-result, and using the (fast-to-train) PV-DBOW mode (dm=0). That will let you start seeing results, doing either some informal assessment or beginning to compile some automatic assessment data (like lists of probe queries & docs that they "should" rank highly).
You could then try testing the idea of making the fields separate docs – either instead-of, or in addition-to, the single-doc approach.
Another option might be to create specialized word-tokens per field. That is, when 'John' appears in the title, you'd actually preprocess it to be 'title:John', and when in author, 'author:John', etc. (This might be in lieu of, or in addition to, the naked original token.) That could enhance the model to also understand the shifting senses of each token, depending on the field.
Then, providing you have enough training data, & choose other model parameters well, your search interface might also preprocess queries similarly, when the user indicates a certain field, and get improved results. (Or maybe not: it's just an idea to be tried.)
In all cases, if you need precise results – exact matches of well-specified user queries – more traditional searches like exact DB matches/greps, or full-text reverse-indexes, will outperform Doc2Vec. But when queries are more approximate, and results need filling-out with near-in-meaning-even-if-not-in-literal-tokens results, a fuzzier vector document representation may be helpful.

How to pre process a class data (with a large number of unique values) before feeding it to machine learning model?

Let's say I have a large data from an online gaming platform (like steam) which has 'date, user_id, number_of_hours_played, no_of_games' and I have to write a model to predict how many hours a user will play in future for a given date. Now, user_id has a large number of unique values (in millions). I know for class data we can use one hot encoding, but not sure what to do when I have millions of unique classes. Also, suggest if we can use any other method to preprocess the data.
Using directly the user id in the model is not a good idea, since that would result like you said into a large number of features, but also in overfitting since you would get one id per line (If I understood correctly your data). It would also make your model useless in case of a new user id and you would have to retrain your model each time you have a new user.
What I would recommand in the first place is to drop this variable and try to build a model with only the other variables.
Another Idea that you could try is to perform a clustering on the users you have based on other features, and then pass the cluster as a feature instead of the user id, but I don't know if this is a good idea since I don't know the kind of data you have.
Also, you are talking about making a prediction on a given date. The data you described doesn't suggest that but if you have the number of hours per multiple dates, this is closer to a time series prediction problem, which is different from a 'classic' regression problem.

Named Entity Recognition upper case issue

I recently switched the model I use for NER in spacy from en_core_web_md to xx_ent_wiki_sm.
I noticed that the new model always recognises full upper case words such as NEW JERSEY or NEW YORK as organisations. I would be able to provide training data to retrain the model, although it would be very time consuming. However I am uncertain if the model would loose the assumption that upper case words are organisations or if it would instead keep the assumption and create some exceptions for it. Does it maybe even learn that every all upper case with word with less than 5 letter is likely to be an organisation and everything with more letters not? I just dont know how exactly the training will affect the model
en_core_web_md seems to deal fine with acronyms, while ignoring words like NEW JERSEY. However the overall performance of xx_ent_wiki_sm is better for my use case
I ask because the assumption as such is still pretty useful, as it allows us to identify acronyms such as IBM as an organisation.
The xx_ent_wiki_sm model was trained on Wikipedia, so it's very biased towards what Wikipedia considers and entity, and what's common in the data. (It also tends to frequently recognise "I" as an entity, since sentences in the first person are so rare on Wikipedia.) So post-training with more examples is definitely a good strategy, and what you're trying to do sounds feasible.
The best way to prevent the model from "forgetting" about the uppercase entities is to always include examples of entities that the model previously recognised correctly in the training data (see: the "catastrophic forgetting problem"). The nice thing is that you can create those programmatically by running spaCy over a bunch of text and extracting uppercase entities:
uppercase_ents = [ent for ent in doc.ents if all(t.is_upper for t in ent)]
See this section for more examples of how to create training data using spaCy. You can also use spaCy to generate the lowercase and titlecase variations of the selected entities to bootstrap your training data, which should hopefully save you a lot of time and work.

Popular Items suggestion - Time Sensitive Data - Data Mining

I am a newbee in the field of data mining. I am working on very interesting Data Minign problem. Data description is as follows:
Data is time sensitive. Item attributes are dependent on time factor as well as its class label. I am grouping weekly data as one instance of training or test record. Each week, some of the item attributes may change along with its Popularity(i.e. Class label).
Some sample data as below:
My research advisor suggested to use Naive Bayes algorithm which can adapt such dynamic data that is changing with time.
I am using data from 2000-2004 as Training an 2005 as Testing. If i include Week-Year attribute in my items data set, then it will cause 0 probability in Naive Bayes. Is it ok to omit this attribute from my data set after organizing my data in chronological order?
Moreover, how to adapt my model as i read new test cases ? as the new test cases might cause change in Class label ?
Can you provide a little more insight into your methods? For instance, are you using R, SPSS, Python, SQL Server 2008R2, or RapidMiner 5.2? And if you can include a very small (3-4 row segment) of some of your data, that would help people figure out how to tackle this.
One immediate approach to get an idea of what you are looking at would be to do a Random Forest/Decision Tree and K-Means clustering in order to determine common seperation points in the data. Have you begun by a quick glance at the data's histograms, averages, and outliers?
