Delphi Shared Module for Apache Runs Out of Memory - delphi

I hope someone will shed some lights on issue I am having.
I am writing an Apache shared object module that acts as a server for my app. Client or multiple Clients make SOAP request to this module, module talks to database and returns SOAP responses to client(s).
Task Manager shows httpd processes (incoming requests from clients) in Task Manager using about 35000K but every once in a while, one of httpd processes will grow in memory/CPU usage and over time reach the cap of 2GB, and then it will crash. Server reports "Internal Server 500" error in this case. (screenshot added)
I use FastMM to check for memory leaks and it does produce log but there is no memory leaks reported. To make sure I use FastMM properly, I introduced memory leaks and FastMM will log it. So, my assumption is that I do not have memory leak but that somehow memory gets consumed until 2GB threshold is reached and not released until I manually restart Apache.
Then I started taking snapshots using FastMM's LogMemoryManagerStateToFile call to create memory snapshot at the time of call. LogMemoryManagerStateToFile creates file with following information but I dont understand how is it helpful to me other than telling me that for example 8320 calls to UnicodeString allocated 676512 bytes.
Which of these are not released properly?
Note that this information is shortened version of created file and it is just for one single method call. There could be many calls that occur to different methods:
FastMM State Capture:
1793K Allocated
7165K Overhead
20% Efficiency
Usage Detail:
676512 bytes: UnicodeString x 8320
152576 bytes: TTMQuery x 256
144312 bytes: TParam x 1718
134100 bytes: TDBQuery x 225
107444 bytes: Unknown x 1439
88368 bytes: TSDStringList x 1052
82320 bytes: TStringList x 980
80000 bytes: TList x 4000
53640 bytes: TTMStoredProc x 90
47964 bytes: TFieldList x 571
47964 bytes: TFieldDefList x 571
41112 bytes: TFields x 1142
38828 bytes: TFieldDefs x 571
20664 bytes: TParams x 574
4 bytes: TChunktIME x 1
4 bytes: TChunkpHYs x 1
4 bytes: TChunkgAMA x 1
Additional Information:
Finalizing MyMethodName
How is this data helpful to figure out where memory is being consumed so much in terms of locating it in code and fixing it?
Much appreciated,


Failed to allocate bytes in slab allocator for memtx_tuple Tarantool

What could be the reason for the error "Failed to allocate 153 bytes in slab allocator for memtx_tuple" on the client when writing to Tarantool memtx?
This means that memtx engine runs out of memory. Memory available for data and indexes stored in memtx is limited by memtx_memory option of box.cfg, which is default to 256Mb. It's possible to increase this limit in runtime:
-- add 512Mb
box.cfg({memtx_memory = box.cfg.memtx_memory + 512 * 2^20})
Here is documentation section about function for monitoring memory usage:

Length and size of strings in Elixir / Erlang needs explanation

Can someone explain why s is a string with 4096 chars
iex(9)> s = String.duplicate("x", 4096)
... lots of "x"
iex(10)> String.length(s)
but its memory size are a few 6 words?
iex(11)> :erts_debug.size(s)
6 # WHAT?!
And why s2 is a much shorter string than s
iex(13)> s2 = "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20"
iex(14)> String.length(s)
but its size has more 3 words than s?
iex(15)> :erts_debug.size(s2)
9 # WHAT!?
And why does the size of these strings does not match their lengths?
First clue why this is showing that values can be found in this question. Quoting size/1 docs:
%% size(Term)
%% Returns the size of Term in actual heap words. Shared subterms are
%% counted once. Example: If A = [a,b], B =[A,A] then size(B) returns 8,
%% while flat_size(B) returns 12.
Second clue can be found in Erlang documentation about bitstrings implementation.
So in the first case the string is too big to fit on heap alone, so it uses refc binaries which are stored on stack and on heap there is only pointer to given binary.
In second case string is shorter than 64 bytes and it uses heap binaries which is just array of bytes stored directly in on the heap, so that gives us 8 bytes per word (64-bit) * 9 = 72 and when we check documentation about exact memory overhead in VM we see that Erlang uses 3..6 words per binary + data, where data can be shared.

How could I know amount of available memory on the server on elixir?

I use 3rd party scripts from my elixir app. How could I know how much memory is available on my working app? I don't need the memory available by the erlang VM, but the whole computer memory
A platform-agnostic way:
system_total_memory: 16754499584,
free_swap: 4194299904,
total_swap: 4194299904,
cached_memory: 931536896,
buffered_memory: 113426432,
free_memory: 13018746880,
total_memory: 16754499584
So to get the total memory in MB:
mbyte = :math.pow(1024, 2) |> Kernel.trunc
|> Keyword.get(:system_total_memory)
|> Kernel.div(mbyte)
The most obvious (but a little bit cumbersome) way that I found is to call vmstat from command line and parse it results:
System.cmd("vmstat", ["-s", "-SM"])
|> elem(0)
|> String.trim()
|> String.split()
|> List.first()
|> String.to_integer()
|> Kernel.*(1_000_000) # convert megabytes to bytes
vmstat is the command which works on ubuntu and returns output like that:
3986 M total memory
3736 M used memory
3048 M active memory
525 M inactive memory
249 M free memory
117 M buffer memory
930 M swap cache
0 M total swap
0 M used swap
0 M free swap
1431707 non-nice user cpu ticks
56301 nice user cpu ticks
232979 system cpu ticks
3267984 idle cpu ticks
84908 IO-wait cpu ticks
0 IRQ cpu ticks
15766 softirq cpu ticks
0 stolen cpu ticks
4179948 pages paged in
6422812 pages paged out
0 pages swapped in
0 pages swapped out
35819291 interrupts
145676723 CPU context switches
1490259647 boot time
67936 forks
Works on ubuntu, should work on every linux

erlang crash dump no more index entries

i have a problem about erlang.
One of my Erlang node crashes, and generates erl_crash.dump with reason no more index entries in atom_tab (max=1048576).
i checked the dump file and i found that there are a lot of atoms in the form of 'B\2209\000..., (about 1000000 entries)
State: Waiting
Name: 'B\2209\000d\022D.
Spawned as: proc_lib:init_p/5
Spawned by: <0.5032.0>
Started: Sun Feb 23 05:23:27 2014
Message queue length: 0
Number of heap fragments: 0
Heap fragment data: 0
Reductions: 1992
Stack+heap: 1597
OldHeap: 1597
Heap unused: 918
OldHeap unused: 376
Program counter: 0x0000000001eb7700 (gen_fsm:loop/7 + 140)
CP: 0x0000000000000000 (invalid)
arity = 0
do you have some experience about what they are?
By default, the maximum number of atoms is 1048576. This limit can be raised or lowered using the +t option.
Note: an atom refers into an atom table which also consumes memory. The atom text is stored once for each unique atom in this table. The atom table is not garbage-collected.
I think that you produce a lot of atom in your program, the number of atom reach the number limition for atom.
You can use this +t option to change the number limition of atom in your erlang VM when your start your erlang node.
So it tells you, that you generate atoms. There is somewhere list_to_atom/1 which is called with variable argument. Because you have process with this sort of name, you register/2 processes with this name. It is may be your code or some third party module what you use. It's bad behavior. Don't do that and don't use modules which is doing it.
To be honest, I can imagine design where I would do it intentionally but it is very special case and it is obviously not the case when you ask this question.

Error in return above 2 GB on 64 bit python

I have several ~50 GB text files that I need to parse for specific contents. My files contents are organized in 4 line blocks. To perform this analysis I read in subsections of the file using and split into blocks of 4 then analyze them.
Because I run this script often, I've been optimizing and have tried varying the chunk size. I run 64 bit 2.7.1 python on OSX Lion on a computer with 16 GB RAM and I noticed that when I load chunks >= 2^31, instead of the expected text, I get large amounts of /x00 repeated. This continues as far as my testing has shown all the way to, and including 2^32, after which I once again get text. However, it seems that it's only returning as many characters as bytes have been added to the buffer above 4 GB.
My test code:
for i in range((2**31)-3, (2**31)+3)+range((2**32)-3, (2**32)+10):
with open('mybigtextfile.txt', 'rU') as inf:
print '%s\t%r'%(i,[0:10])
My output:
2147483645 '#HWI-ST550'
2147483646 '#HWI-ST550'
2147483647 '#HWI-ST550'
2147483648 '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
2147483649 '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
2147483650 '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
4294967293 '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
4294967294 '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
4294967295 '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
4294967296 '\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
4294967297 '#\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
4294967298 '#H\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
4294967299 '#HW\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
4294967300 '#HWI\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
4294967301 '#HWI-\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00'
4294967302 '#HWI-S\x00\x00\x00\x00'
4294967303 '#HWI-ST\x00\x00\x00'
4294967304 '#HWI-ST5\x00\x00'
4294967305 '#HWI-ST55\x00'
What exactly is going on?
Yes, this is the known issue according to the comment in cpython's source code. You can check it in Modules/_io/fileio.c. And the code add a workaround on Microsoft windows 64bit only.
