Optimization with F# - f#

I'm quite new to F# and have a problem.
I want to solve a nonlinear, constrained optimization problem.
The goal is to minimize a function minFunc with six parameters a, b, c, d, gamma and rho_infty, (the function is quite long so I don´t post it here) and the additional conditions:
a + d > 0,
d > 0,
c > 0,
gamma > 0,
0 <= gamma <= -ln(rho_infty),
0 < roh_infty <= 1.
I´ve tried it with with the Nelder Mead Solver from the Microsoft Solver Foundation, but I don´t know how to add the nonlinear conditions a + d > 0 and 0 <= gamma <= -ln(rho_infty).
My Code so far:
open Microsoft.SolverFoundation.Common
open Microsoft.SolverFoundation.Solvers
let funcFindParameters (startValues:float list) minimizationFunc =
let xInitial = startValues |> List.toArray
let lowerBound = [|-infinity; -infinity; 0.0; 0.0; 0.0; 0.0|]
let upperBound = [|infinity; infinity; infinity; infinity; infinity; 1.0|]
let solution = NelderMeadSolver.Solve(Func<float [], _>(fun parameters -> (minimizationFunc
parameters.[0] parameters.[1] parameters.[2] parameters.[3] parameters.[4] parameters.[5])),
xInitial, lowerBound, upperBound)
where parameters.[0] = a, and so one...
Is there perhaps some possibility to solve it with the Nelder Mead Solver or some other solver?

One comment, is that I would stay away from the Microsoft.SolverFoundation, I have wasted hours of my life on bad algorithms coded there. The R type provider is much better.
With that said, a common hack is simply to simply reparameterize the model to handle the constraints. For example, set:
as the parameter, and inside the optimzation calculate d as:
And now you just have to satisfy the constraint e>0, which is fixed. You can do something similar for the gamma parameter.


Exit condition 41 on SNOPT

I'm trying to run an optimization with SNOPT.
Right now as I run it I consistently get exit condition 41.
I've added the following parameters to the solver:
prog.SetSolverOption(solver.solver_id(),"Function Precision","1e-6")
prog.SetSolverOption(solver.solver_id(),"Major Optimality Tolerance","1e-3")
prog.SetSolverOption(solver.solver_id(),"Superbasics limit","600")
#print("Trying to Solve")
result = solver.Solve(prog)
But I still contently get the same exit condition.
The error seems to be from the interpolation function I'm using. (When I remove it I no longer get the error).
t, c, k = interpolate.splrep(sref, kapparef, s=0, k=3)
kappafnc = interpolate.BSpline(t, c, k, extrapolate=False)
Here is the function I think I determined was causing the issue:
def car_continous_dynamics(self, state, force, steering):
beta = steering
s = state[0]
n = state[1]
alpha = state[2]
v = state[3]
#State = s, n, alpha , v
#s= distance along the track, n = perpendicular distance along the track
#alpha = velocity angle relative to the track
#v= magnitude of the velocity of the car
s_val = 0
if s.value() >0:
s_val = s.value()
Cm1 = 0.28
Cm2 = 0.05
Cr0 = 0.011
Cr2 = 0.006
m = 0.043
phi_dot = v*beta*15.5
Fxd = (Cm1 - Cm2 * v) * force - Cr2 * v * v - Cr0 *tanh(5 * v)
s_dot = v*cos(alpha+.5*beta)/(1)##-n*self.kappafunc(s_val))
n_dot= v*sin(alpha+.5*beta)
alpha_dot = phi_dot #-s_dot*self.kappafunc(s_val)
# concatenate velocity and acceleration
state_dot = np.array((s_dot,n_dot,alpha_dot,v_dot))
#print("State dot")
return state_dot
Debugging INFO 41 in SNOPT is generally challenging, it is often caused by some bad gradient (but could also due to the problem being really hard to optimize).
You should check if your gradient is well-behaved. I see you have
s_val = 0
if s.value() >0:
s_val = s.value()
There are two potential problems
Your s carries the gradient (you could check s.derivatives(), it has non-zero gradient), but when you compute s_val, this is a float object with no gradient. Hence you lose the gradient information.
s_val is non-differentiable at 0.
I would use s instead of s_val in your function (without the branch if s.value() > 0). And also add a constraint s>=0 by
prog.AddBoundingBoxConstraint(0, np.inf, s)
With this bounding box constraint, SNOPT guarantees that in each iteration, the value of is is always non-negative.

Minimizing memory usage in Julia function

This function is a workhorse which I want to optimize. Any idea on how its memory usage can be limited would be great.
function F(len, rNo, n, ratio = 0.5)
s = zeros(len); m = copy(s); d = copy(s);
rNo ≤ len-1 && (m[rNo + 1] = s[rNo+1] = -n[rNo])
rNo > 1 && (m[rNo - 1] = s[rowNo-1] = n[rowNo-1])
while true
for i ∈ 2:len-1
d[i] = (n[i]*m[i+1] - n[i-1]*m[i-1])/(r+1)
d[1] = n[1]*m[2]/(r+1);
d[len] = -n[len-1]*m[len-1]/(r+1);
for i ∈ 1:len
sum(abs.(d))/sum(abs.(m)) < ratio && break #converged
m = copy(d); r+=1
return reshape(s, 1, :)
It calculates rows of a special matrix exponential which I stack later.
Although the full method is quite faster than built in exp thanks to the special properties, it takes up far more memory as measured by #time.
Since I am a noob in memory management and also in Julia, I am sure it can be optimized quite a bit..
Am I doing something obviously wrong?
I think most of your allocations come from sum(abs.(d))/sum(abs.(m)) < ratio && break #converged. If you replace it with sum(abs, d)/sum(abs,m) < ratio && break #converged those allocations should go away. (it also will be a speed boost).
Your other allocations can be removed by replacing m = copy(d) with m .= d which does an element-wise copy.
There are also a couple of style things where I think you could make this a nicer function to read and use. My changes would be as follows
function F(rNo, v, ratio = 0.5)
len = length(v)
s = zeros(len+1); m = copy(s); d = copy(s);
rNo ≤ len && (m[rNo + 1] = s[rNo+1] = -v[rNo])
rNo > 1 && (m[rNo - 1] = s[rowNo-1] = v[rowNo-1])
while true
for i ∈ 2:len
d[i] = (v[i]*m[i+1] - v[i-1]*m[i-1]) / (r+1)
d[1] = v[1]*m[2]/(r+1);
d[end] = -v[end]*m[end]/(r+1);
s .+= d
sum(abs, d)/sum(abs, m) < ratio && break #converged
m .= d; r+=1
return reshape(s, 1, :)
The most notable change is removing len from the arguments. Including an array length argument is common in C (and probably others) where finding the length of an array is hard, but in Julia length is cheap (O(1)), and adding extra arguments is just more clutter and confusion for the people using it. I also made use of the fact that julia is able to turn s[end] into s[length(x)] to make this a little cleaner. Also, in general when using Julia you should look for ways to use dotted operations rather than writing for loops. The for loops will be fast, but why take 3 lines to do what you could in 1 shorter line? (I also renamed n to v since to me n is a number and v is a vector, but that is pure preference).
I hope this helps.

Z3py how to solve a problem with many possible path (k out of n potential actions, order matters) efficiently

I am trying to solve a problem that consists of n actions (n >= 8). A path consists k (k == 4 for now) actions. I would like to check if there exists any path, which satisfies the set of constraints I defined.
I have made two attempts to solve this problem:
Attempt 1: Brute force, try all permutations
Attempt 2: Code a path selection matrix M [k x n], such that each row contains one and only one element greater than 0, and all other elements equal to 0.
For instance if k == 2, n == 2, M = [[0.9, 0], [0, 0.7]] represents perform action 1 first, then action 2.
Then my state transition was coded as:
S1 = a2(a1(S0, M[1][1]), M[1][2]) = a2(a1(S0, 0.9), 0)
S2 = a2(a1(S1, M[2][1]), M[2][2]) = a2(a1(S1, 0), 0.7)
Note: I made sure that S == a(S,0), so that in each step only one action is executed.
Then constraints were checked on S2
I was hoping this to be faster than the permutation way of doing it. Unfortunately, this turns out to be slower. Just wondering if there is any better way to solve this problem?
_path = [[Real(f'step_{_i}_action_{_j}') for _j in range(len(actions))] for _i in range(number_of_steps)]
_states: List[State] = [self.s0]
for _i in range(number_of_steps):
_new_state = copy.deepcopy(_states[-1])
for _a, _p in zip(actions, _path[_i]):
self.solver.add(_a.constraints(_states[-1], _p))
_new_state = _a.execute(_new_state, _p)

Understanding code wrt Logistic Regression using gradient descent

I was following Siraj Raval's videos on logistic regression using gradient descent :
1) Link to longer video :
2) Link to shorter video :
In the videos he talks about using gradient descent to reduce the error for a set number of iterations so that the function converges(slope becomes zero).
He also illustrates the process via code. The following are the two main functions from the code :
def step_gradient(b_current, m_current, points, learningRate):
b_gradient = 0
m_gradient = 0
N = float(len(points))
for i in range(0, len(points)):
x = points[i, 0]
y = points[i, 1]
b_gradient += -(2/N) * (y - ((m_current * x) + b_current))
m_gradient += -(2/N) * x * (y - ((m_current * x) + b_current))
new_b = b_current - (learningRate * b_gradient)
new_m = m_current - (learningRate * m_gradient)
return [new_b, new_m]
def gradient_descent_runner(points, starting_b, starting_m, learning_rate, num_iterations):
b = starting_b
m = starting_m
for i in range(num_iterations):
b, m = step_gradient(b, m, array(points), learning_rate)
return [b, m]
#The above functions are called below:
learning_rate = 0.0001
initial_b = 0 # initial y-intercept guess
initial_m = 0 # initial slope guess
num_iterations = 1000
[b, m] = gradient_descent_runner(points, initial_b, initial_m, learning_rate, num_iterations)
# code taken from Siraj Raval's github page
Why does the value of b & m continue to update for all the iterations? After a certain number of iterations, the function will converge, when we find the values of b & m that give slope = 0.
So why do we continue iteration after that point and continue updating b & m ?
This way, aren't we losing the 'correct' b & m values? How is learning rate helping the convergence process if we continue to update values after converging? Thus, why is there no check for convergence, and so how is this actually working?
In practice, most likely you will not reach to slope 0 exactly. Thinking of your loss function as a bowl. If your learning rate is too high, it is possible to overshoot over the lowest point of the bowl. On the contrary, if the learning rate is too low, your learning will become too slow and won't reach the lowest point of the bowl before all iterations are done.
That's why in machine learning, the learning rate is an important hyperparameter to tune.
Actually, once we reach a slope 0; b_gradient and m_gradient will become 0;
thus, for :
new_b = b_current - (learningRate * b_gradient)
new_m = m_current - (learningRate * m_gradient)
new_b and new_m will remain the old correct values; as nothing will be subtracted from them.

F# Floating point ranges are experimental and may be deprecated

I'm trying to make a little function to interpolate between two values with a given increment.
[ 1.0 .. 0.5 .. 20.0 ]
The compiler tells me that this is deprecated, and suggests using ints then casting to float. But this seems a bit long-winded if I have a fractional increment - do I have to divide my start and end values by my increment, then multiple again afterwards? (yeuch!).
I saw something somewhere once about using sequence comprehensions to do this, but I can't remember how.
Help, please.
TL;DR: F# PowerPack's BigRational type is the way to go.
What's Wrong with Floating-point Loops
As many have pointed out, float values are not suitable for looping:
They do have Round Off Error, just like with 1/3 in decimal, we inevitably lose all digits starting at a certain exponent;
They do experience Catastrophic Cancellation (when subtracting two almost equal numbers, the result is rounded to zero);
They always have non-zero Machine epsilon, so the error is increased with every math operation (unless we are adding different numbers many times so that errors mutually cancel out -- but this is not the case for the loops);
They do have different accuracy across the range: the number of unique values in a range [0.0000001 .. 0.0000002] is equivalent to the number of unique values in [1000000 .. 2000000];
What can instantly solve the above problems, is switching back to integer logic.
With F# PowerPack, you may use BigRational type:
open Microsoft.FSharp.Math
// [1 .. 1/3 .. 20]
[1N .. 1N/3N .. 20N]
|> List.map float
|> List.iter (printf "%f; ")
Note, I took my liberty to set the step to 1/3 because 0.5 from your question actually has an exact binary representation 0.1b and is represented as +1.00000000000000000000000 * 2-1; hence it does not produce any cumulative summation error.
1.000000; 1.333333; 1.666667; 2.000000; 2.333333; 2.666667; 3.000000; (skipped) 18.000000; 18.333333; 18.666667; 19.000000; 19.333333; 19.666667; 20.000000;
// [0.2 .. 0.1 .. 3]
[1N/5N .. 1N/10N .. 3N]
|> List.map float
|> List.iter (printf "%f; ")
0.200000; 0.300000; 0.400000; 0.500000; (skipped) 2.800000; 2.900000; 3.000000;
BigRational uses integer computations, which are not slower than for floating-points;
The round-off occurs only once for each value (upon conversion to a float, but not within the loop);
BigRational acts as if the machine epsilon were zero;
There is an obvious limitation: you can't use irrational numbers like pi or sqrt(2) as they have no exact representation as a fraction. It does not seem to be a very big problem because usually, we are not looping over both rational and irrational numbers, e.g. [1 .. pi/2 .. 42]. If we do (like for geometry computations), there's usually a way to reduce the irrational part, e.g. switching from radians to degrees.
Further reading:
What Every Computer Scientist Should Know About Floating-Point Arithmetic
Numeric types in PowerPack
Interestingly, float ranges don't appear to be deprecated anymore. And I remember seeing a question recently (sorry, couldn't track it down) talking about the inherent issues which manifest with float ranges, e.g.
> let xl = [0.2 .. 0.1 .. 3.0];;
val xl : float list =
[0.2; 0.3; 0.4; 0.5; 0.6; 0.7; 0.8; 0.9; 1.0; 1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 1.5; 1.6;
1.7; 1.8; 1.9; 2.0; 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 2.6; 2.7; 2.8; 2.9]
I just wanted to point out that you can use ranges on decimal types with a lot less of these kind of rounding issues, e.g.
> [0.2m .. 0.1m .. 3.0m];;
val it : decimal list =
[0.2M; 0.3M; 0.4M; 0.5M; 0.6M; 0.7M; 0.8M; 0.9M; 1.0M; 1.1M; 1.2M; 1.3M;
1.4M; 1.5M; 1.6M; 1.7M; 1.8M; 1.9M; 2.0M; 2.1M; 2.2M; 2.3M; 2.4M; 2.5M;
2.6M; 2.7M; 2.8M; 2.9M; 3.0M]
And if you really do need floats in the end, then you can do something like
> {0.2m .. 0.1m .. 3.0m} |> Seq.map float |> Seq.toList;;
val it : float list =
[0.2; 0.3; 0.4; 0.5; 0.6; 0.7; 0.8; 0.9; 1.0; 1.1; 1.2; 1.3; 1.4; 1.5; 1.6;
1.7; 1.8; 1.9; 2.0; 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.4; 2.5; 2.6; 2.7; 2.8; 2.9; 3.0]
As Jon and others pointed out, floating point range expressions are not numerically robust. For example [0.0 .. 0.1 .. 0.3] equals [0.0 .. 0.1 .. 0.2]. Using Decimal or Int Types in the range expression is probably better.
For floats I use this function, it first increases the total range 3 times by the smallest float step. I am not sure if this algorithm is very robust now. But it is good enough for me to insure that the stop value is included in the Seq:
let floatrange start step stop =
if step = 0.0 then failwith "stepsize cannot be zero"
let range = stop - start
|> BitConverter.DoubleToInt64Bits
|> (+) 3L
|> BitConverter.Int64BitsToDouble
let steps = range/step
if steps < 0.0 then failwith "stop value cannot be reached"
let rec frange (start, i, steps) =
seq { if i <= steps then
yield start + i*step
yield! frange (start, (i + 1.0), steps) }
frange (start, 0.0, steps)
Try the following sequence expression
seq { 2 .. 40 } |> Seq.map (fun x -> (float x) / 2.0)
You can also write a relatively simple function to generate the range:
let rec frange(from:float, by:float, tof:float) =
seq { if (from < tof) then
yield from
yield! frange(from + by, tof) }
Using this you can just write:
frange(1.0, 0.5, 20.0)
Updated version of Tomas Petricek's answer, which compiles, and works for decreasing ranges (and works with units of measure):
(but it doesn't look as pretty)
let rec frange(from:float<'a>, by:float<'a>, tof:float<'a>) =
// (extra ' here for formatting)
seq {
yield from
if (float by > 0.) then
if (from + by <= tof) then yield! frange(from + by, by, tof)
if (from + by >= tof) then yield! frange(from + by, by, tof)
#r "FSharp.Powerpack"
open Math.SI
frange(1.0<m>, -0.5<m>, -2.1<m>)
UPDATE I don't know if this is new, or if it was always possible, but I just discovered (here), that this - simpler - syntax is also possible:
let dl = 9.5 / 11.
let min = 21.5 + dl
let max = 40.5 - dl
let a = [ for z in min .. dl .. max -> z ]
let b = a.Length
(Watch out, there's a gotcha in this particular example :)
