Storyboard UIScrollView won't work - ios

I created an UIScrollView inside a UIView and have put a couple labels and buttons in it.
The buttons and labels go on longer than the view frame, so I put this in the viewControllers viewDidLoad, like so:
-(void)viewDidLoad {
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] endIgnoringInteractionEvents];
self.scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(321, 600);
self.scrollView.frame = self.view.frame;
I also set Bounce Vertically to true, so I can bounce the view lower, and it seems as if it's 'scrolling' but then as soon as I let go and it 'unbounces', it goes away.
Why won't my scroll view scroll and stay down?

How are you adding the labels and buttons? If you are using Storyboard and Auto Layout, you will need to set constraints.
Check my answer here on how to do it.

First of all, you should try adding this line:
[self.scrollView setScrollEnabled: YES];


iOS - Animations inside Navigation Bar doesn't work

I have a scenario where I needed to add an animation inside the Navigation Bar, but the simulator doesn't animate. I add a UIView, add a label/text field and create outlets for the constraints and update them with "UIView animateWithDuration:" Instead, the simulator just updates the constraints and displays the view accordingly, but without any animation. I have tried it by modifying both constraints as well as frames (separately).
[self.view layoutIfNeeded];
[UIView animateWithDuration: 3
delay: 0.0
options: UIViewAnimationOptionCurveEaseInOut
animations: ^{
self.constraint.constant += 60;
NSLog(#"inside animation");
[self.view layoutIfNeeded];
This is shown when I increment the width constraint by "60" in viewDidLoad: . And it comes out non-animated.
When I configure the constraints (increment width by "60") through a button click, even a static updation doesn't happen.
The same code works perfectly outside the navigation bar inside the UIView, though.
Appreciate any help...
If your navigation bar contains some animation, then you could try out drawing custom navigation bar. Here's what you've to do :
In your view controller in viewDidLoad() method add the following code
self.navigationController.navigationBarHidden = YES;
After that using a UIView create a custom navigation bar with frame adjusted to be visible and top.
After that add components on the view and start working with animations.
You can achieve that by taking custom UIView and create width NSLayoutConstraint outlet to it and in code you can handle the constant property of this variable by calling UpdateConstraintsIfNeeded or UpdateViewConstraints method before calling animation code
Ok, I've solved this at last. Phew...
What I did was...
Added a view in place of barButtonItem (let's call this "superView") and over it another view (and let's call this "subView") so that I get the following configuration.
Constraints were set between subView and objects on top of it. Now, I created outlets (superView and subView) for superView and subView, made them transparent (optional, of course).
Useful note: Set the superView's width to the default bar button item's width and the subView's to the screen width. Disable "Clip Subviews" on superView but enable on the subView.
Added animations as needed where I had wanted, but layoutIfNeeded on the "superView", not the parent view.
[self.superView layoutIfNeeded];
Good luck.

UITextView content going under UINavigationBar

I have a UITextView inside a UIViewController that uses auto layout to pin it to 0 on all sides (so it fills the whole screen). I also have this view being pushed using UINavigationController.
I'm running into a weird error where if the UITextView has enough text so that it runs off the screen, then content gets set under the UINavigationBar. If there is not enough text to fill the screen the layout of the text doesn't go under the UINavigationBar.
Here is what's happening, this is when there is enough text that it goes off the screen and you need to scroll to view all of it.
I've tried:
Setting the content inset of the UITextView.
Made sure the UINavigationBar isn't translucent.
Tried setting this self.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = NO;
Inside viewDidLoad of viewController where your textView is, add this:
self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone;
I'm not sure why the problem was occurring but this fixed it:
- (void)viewDidLayoutSubviews {
if (self.textView) {
[self.textView scrollRectToVisible:CGRectMake(0, 0, 1, 1) animated:NO];

iOS iAd Integration Issue With UIToolBar

I am trying to add iAd into my project. The view controller that i am trying to iAd into contains a UIWebView. A UIToolBar is also added at the bottom. Above the tool bar, i have dragged a ADBannerView inside my StoryBoard. This is how it looks like:
To show the ads, this is what i have done so far: Added iAd frameWork, created an IBOutLet from AdBannerView named "banner", in viewDidLoad i assigned the delegate to self. Then i added the AdBannerViewDelegate methods and also added the following method:
- (void) viewDidLayoutSubviews {
if (self.banner.bannerLoaded) {
CGRect contentFrame = self.view.bounds;
CGRect bannerFrame = self.banner.frame;
contentFrame.size.height -= self.banner.frame.size.height;
bannerFrame.origin.y = contentFrame.size.height;
self.banner.frame = bannerFrame;
Well the iAd is properly showing with all the above i have done.
PROBLEM: The first time the view is loaded, it shows the ads properly but when i unload and reload the view again, UIToolBar disappears and is covered by the AdBannerView which is shifted below in place of UIToolBar. Can anyone points out where the problem could be and how to solve it? Thanks.
Your problem is due to setting frames in the viewDidLayoutSubviews method. When using auto layout, you shouldn't set any frames. In the storyboard, when you add the addBannerView, give it a height constraint, and spacing constraints to the to sides of the view, and a vertical spacing constraint to the tool bar (the web view should also have a vertical spacing constraint to the top of the add banner view). Delete the viewDidLayoutSubviews method, and it should work properly.
Sounds like a z-index problem to me, and if this is the case, the solution is quite simple. If you're using Interface Builder, you can use the Document Outline on the left side of your screen to drag and drop views to adjust their z-index. The bottom of the list is the highest z-index and therefore the top on screen view.
Or, if you want to make the adjustments in code, instead of using addSubview:, you can use one of the following.
[<#(UIView *)#> insertSubview:<#(UIView *)#> aboveSubview:<#(UIView *)#>];
[<#(UIView *)#> insertSubview:<#(UIView *)#> atIndex:<#(NSInteger)#>];
[<#(UIView *)#> insertSubview:<#(UIView *)#> belowSubview:<#(UIView *)#>];

iOS 7 Custom TableView Is Under TabBar

Im trying port my app to iOS7, but my custom TableViewController is showing the last row (cell) under the TabBar :(
Im searching a lot for it, but i dont find any solution. Can anyone help me?
My Custom Table View class
The error is shown in the blow screenshot (only is showing a part of last product because im draging to up to show the hidden product under the tabbar):
I've got the same problem and solved it using storyboard.
At Tab Bar Controller, go to attribute inspector, Simulated Metrics, and set the Bottom Bar to Opaque Tab Bar. That's it!
See image bellow for description.
Saudações! (Greetings!)
I found the answer to your question on another post, answered by dariaa, here:
Tab Bar covers TableView cells in iOS7
It worked great for me.
Please no credit for me, because I'm not the original guy who solved it.
In your custom TableViewController, add these two lines under [super viewDidLoad]:
- (void)viewDidLoad
[super viewDidLoad];
self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeAll;
self.tableView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0., 0., CGRectGetHeight(self.tabBarController.tabBar.frame), 0);
My friends, I cannot tell you how badly I struggled from this. Not a single re-configuration of Story Board never helped me. The issue was exactly like in Original Post, I've managed to fix it using:
for swift 3
self.edgesForExtendedLayout = []
for objective-c
self.edgesForExtendedLayout = NO;
2 lines in viewDidLoad and that's it !
self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeAll;
self.tableview.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0.0f, 0.0f, CGRectGetHeight(self.tabBarController.tabBar.frame), 0.0f);
In iOS 7 viewController uses full height. There is a property introduced as
self.automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets = NO;
set it to no. then check, or set UIEdgeInset if is not set right after it.
UIEdgeInsetsMake(top, left, bottom, right)
See here
Edit: try also this
self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeNone;
The root cause of this problem is that automaticallyAdjustsScrollViewInsets is effective only on the First scroll view in your VC's view Hierarchy. It is not documented by Apple, but it is the only way the VC will detect the scroll view needing to be modified unless you're using a UITableViewController.
So in order to fix your issue without manually adjusting the insets, do this:
Make sure "Adjust Scroll View Insets" is checked.
Make sure that the tableView is the first subview in the view Hierarchy.
(Move it upwards above all other elements)
UIViewController has two new properties to assist you : topLayoutGuide and bottomLayoutGuide. They return the height of the parent view controller's controls you need to avoid. In this case, bottomLayoutGuide will return the offset of the tab bar.
Your custom view controller is probably overriding a method and not invoking super's implementation where this would be done for you. I am guessing you are installing AutoLayout constraints or setting a view's frame manually to fill the view. You just need to include the value from [bottomLayoutGuide length] to your layout calculation. If you support rotation, you should update that value in willAnimateRotationToInterfaceOrientation:duration:.
UINavigationController and UITabBarController both have a transparency flag that can be set programmatically or in the storyboard.
The UINavigationController also has two flags that control if the content extends under the top or bottom bar. Again you can set them programmatically or in the storyboard. This will apply to all subviews.
Each UIViewController can set its own preference in code. The property is called edgesForExtendedLayout and you can set up all combinations.
Using those properties will allow AutoLayout and Springs'n'Struts to adjust the views the way you want them regardless of the device.
There are a lot more new properties in UIViewController that you will want to have a look at.
Try the following:
if ([self respondsToSelector:#selector(edgesForExtendedLayout)])
self.edgesForExtendedLayout = UIRectEdgeBottom;
I've got the same problem. One solution to it is to make the ToolBar not Translucent. Here's how to do it:
First select the tool bar from the document viewer
like here
Then uncheck Translucent like here
Hope this helps.
The problem was masked using:
[super viewDidLayoutSubviews];
self.tableView.contentInset = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, 112, 0);
But it doesn't solve, because on each iPhone and on each app tableview i have a different space on bottom.
So this is a poor solution.
I dont know a way to solve it.
I solved my problem now, changing my BaseTableViewController to inherit from UIViewController to UITableViewController.
But using a TableView inside a UIViewController is not solved :(
maybe is not a right answer, also for that reason I post this answer so you can tell me if this answer could be a possible solution.
In my case, I like the translucent effect, so I have added a footer in the table and I have modified the scrollIndicators.
- (void)viewDidLoad
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
[super viewDidLoad];
UIView *footer = [[UIView alloc]initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, self.agendaItemsTable.frame.size.width, self.tabBarController.tabBar.frame.size.height)];
self.agendaItemsTable.tableFooterView = footer;
self.agendaItemsTable.scrollIndicatorInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, self.tabBarController.tabBar.frame.size.height, 0);
What do you think?
I had the same problem, and the up-voted answers did not solve it. See my answer to a similar question, Tab Bar covers TableView cells in iOS7.
I solved the issue by manually setting the table view's frame in the table view controller's viewWillAppear: method to the height of the screen - (status bar height + nav bar height + tab bar height).
- (void)viewWillAppear:(BOOL)animated
[super viewWillAppear:animated];
// Adjust height of tableview (does not resize correctly in iOS 7)
CGRect tableViewFrame = self.tableView.frame;
tableViewFrame.size.height = [self heightForTableView];
self.tableView.frame = tableViewFrame;
- (CGFloat)heightForTableView
return CGRectGetHeight([[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]) -
(CGRectGetHeight([[UIApplication sharedApplication] statusBarFrame]) +
CGRectGetHeight(self.navigationController.navigationBar.frame) +
If anyone finds a better solution to this problem, please share!
For those like xarly who want the translucent effect, and for an Autolayout solution (without setting frames), see my answer here
I had a similar problem with collection view. Changing the collection view frame and content inset below fixed it for me...
guard let cv = collectionView,
let tabBar = tabBarController?.tabBar else { return }
// Resize collection view for tab bar
let adjustedFrame = CGRect(origin: cv.frame.origin,
size: CGSize(width: cv.frame.width, height: cv.frame.height - tabBar.frame.height))
cv.frame = adjustedFrame
// Adjust content inset for tab bar
let adjustedContentInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(0, 0, tabBar.frame.height, 0)
cv.contentInset = adjustedContentInsets
cv.scrollIndicatorInsets = adjustedContentInsets
Good luck!

Weird interface bug UIScrollView in UITabBarController. Reproducible by others?

I get a weird interface bug with my UIScrollView and I cant figure out how to solve it. I only wrote one line of code (shown below) and it is a blank project's setup easily reproducible!
I have a UIScrollView that contains a UISegmentedControl (since the segments of
the control are loaded dynamically, it could exceed the width of the screen and the scrollView is supposed to scroll the segmentedControl horizontally, the height of the scrollview is the same as the UISegmentedControl's).
The ViewController that contains this is embedded in a tabBar (or navigation bar, which also shows the bug). The whole thing is using Auto-Layout.
When I scroll the SegmentedControl some degree to the right and then switch the viewController by clicking the other tab on the tabBarController, the content-offset of the segmented control gets weirdly shifted when switching back to the initial viewcontroller. When I try to scroll to the leftmost part of the scrollview it won't let me. When switching the tabs a couple of times, it gets fixed again and I can do this over.
What I did (can you reproduce this?):
Create a blank single-view ios project
Embed the already given viewController in a tabbarcontroller.
Put a scrollView on the upper portion of the view that fits the screen from left to right.
Put a UISegmentedControl on the topleft corner of the scrollview and drag the scrollview to fit the segmented controls height height
Change the Segmented control's width a bit so xcode adds a width-constraint. in the segmented control's width constraint change the width constraint's relation to "greater than or equal"
create an outlet to the segmented control
in viewDidload add this code
[self.segmentedControl insertSegmentWithTitle:#"A really long title so it you have to scroll to see it" atIndex: 0 animated: NO];
Create a blank viewcontroller and add it as a second viewController for the tabbarController.
This is how my storyboard looks like:
Now run the project, scroll the segmented control to it's right end as far as it goes. Switch the tab and switch back and please tell me how your scrollview now behaves - and WHY.
My guess would be it has something to do with Auto Layout maybe? Can't figure out what though.
I tried fixing this by setting the scrollView's contentSize in viewDidAppear or changing the content offset of the scrollView in viewDidAppear or changing frames, combination of those and what not....
Extra question:
Is it no longer neccessary to set the scrollViews contentSize property? Why does it scroll the content automatically?
After googeling I found the answer in another StackOverflow question.
What you need to do is save the scrollview.contentOffset on viewWillDisappear,
set it to CGPointZero on viewDidDisappear and set it back to the saved state on viewDidLayoutSubviews:
-(void) viewWillDisappear: (BOOL) animated {
self.lastContentOffset = self.scrollView.contentOffset;
[super viewWillDisappear: animated];
-(void) viewDidDisappear:(BOOL)animated {
[super viewDidDisappear: animated];
self.scrollView.contentOffset = CGPointZero;
- (void)viewDidLayoutSubviews {
[super viewDidlayoutSubviews];
self.scrollView.contentOffset = self.lastContentOffset;
