Get private variable by reflection in dart - dart

I would like to get private variable in an object in dart.
This variable has no getter so I want to do this with reflection.
I try many way but nothing works to me.
For exemple, when I do this:
var reflection = reflect(this);
InstanceMirror field = reflection.getField(new Symbol(fieldName));
I get an error:
No getter for fieldName.
It's normal because the variable hasn't getter.
How can I get this variable ?
EDIT with a test code:
Here is my reflect test (test variable is a reflectClass(MyClass))
reflectClass(Injector).declarations.keys.forEach((e) => test.getField(e, test.type.owner))
I get this error:
Class '_LocalInstanceMirror' has no instance method 'getField' with
matching arguments.
If I do this:
reflectClass(Injector).declarations.keys.forEach((e) => test.getField(e))
I get:
Class 'DynamicInjector' has no instance getter
Same thing with values of declarations.

The error message you got is actually correct. The class has a getter for this field.
Dart implicitly creates getters for all and setters for all non-final/non-const fields.
It seems access to private members isn't yet supported in Dart2JS.
Here an example how to access private fields:
(example from
import 'dart:mirrors';
class ClassWithPrivateField {
String _privateField;
void main() {
ClassMirror classM = reflectClass(ClassWithPrivateField);
Symbol privateFieldSymbol;
Symbol constructorSymbol;
for (DeclarationMirror declaration in classM.declarations.values) {
if (declaration is VariableMirror) {
privateFieldSymbol = declaration.simpleName;
} else if (declaration is MethodMirror && declaration.isConstructor) {
constructorSymbol = declaration.constructorName;
// it is not necessary to create the instance using reflection to be able to
// access its members with reflection
InstanceMirror instance = classM.newInstance(constructorSymbol, []);
// var s = new Symbol('_privateField'); // doesn't work for private fields
// to create a symbol for a private field you need the library
// if the class is in the main library
// var s = MirrorSystem.getSymbol('_privateField', currentMirrorSystem().isolate.rootLibrary);
// or simpler
// var s = MirrorSystem.getSymbol('_privateField', instance.type.owner);
for (var i=0; i<1000; ++i) {
instance.setField(privateFieldSymbol, 'test');
print('Iteration ${instance.getField(privateFieldSymbol)}');

using dson or serializable you can do it in next way:
library example_lib;
import 'package:dson/dson.dart';
// this should be the name of your file
part 'example.g.dart';
class Example extends _$ExampleSerializable {
var _privateVar;
main() {
var example = new Example();
example['_privateVar'] = 'some value';
print('example._privateVar: ${example._privateVar}');
print('example["_privateVar"]: ${example["_privateVar']}");


Convert variable reference name to its value in Dart

I'm trying to access the variable reference by its name given in a String type.
class A {
B b = B();
class B {
String c = "apple";
void main() {
A a = A();
print(a.b.c); // prints apple
/// now if I get this ref as a string eg:
final ref = "a.b.c";
/// want to access the same variable with its reference
print(<ref>); <------
Need this to create a dynamic functionality.
Already tried with the creation of the toJson() method. but we have to access more nested classes and update all the classes with toJson method.
please help if there is any other solution.

Dart create class instance by string with class name

I want to invoke functions of a class by their names inside a string. I know my best option are Mirrors.
var ref = reflect(new TestClass());
ref.invoke(Symbol("test"), []);
It works fine, I can call the function test by a string. But I also want to put "TestClass" inside a string. Is it possible somehow ?
var ref = reflect("TestClass");
ref.invoke(Symbol("test"), []);
You can do something like this:
import 'dart:mirrors';
class MyClass {
static void myMethod() {
print('Hello World');
void main() {
callStaticMethodOnClass('MyClass', 'myMethod'); // Hello World
void callStaticMethodOnClass(String className, String methodName) {
final classSymbol = Symbol(className);
final methodSymbol = Symbol(methodName);
as ClassMirror)
.invoke(methodSymbol, <dynamic>[]);
Note, that this implementation does require that myMethod is static since we are never creating any object but only operate directly on the class itself. You can create new objects from the class by calling newInstance on the ClassMirror but you will then need to call the constructor.
But I hope this is enough. If not, please ask and I can try add some more examples.

How are arguments passed into the parameter list of ClassMirror.newInstance(...)? [duplicate]

I'm perfectly willing to play with this until I get it right, but was hoping someone might give me a hint. The parameter is declared in the docs (gen-dartdocs/dart-mirrors/ClassMirror/newInstance.html) as
InstanceMirror newInstance(Symbol constructorName,
List positionalArguments,
[Map<Symbol,dynamic> namedArguments]);
There is a nice writeup on the format of positionalArguments and namedArguments in the docs. However, it is just a little on the abstract side of my current tolerance level.
A decent discussion also exists at
But, alas, no examples of actually passing args into the method.
In my case, I would like to simply pass two args, "title" and "description" into an unnamed subclass constructor.
Here's my code so far:
file: item.dart
import 'dart:mirrors';
abstract class Item {
String title;
String description;
factory Item(String type) {
MirrorSystem libs = currentMirrorSystem();
LibraryMirror lib = libs.findLibrary(new Symbol('app.models'));
Map<Symbol, Mirror> classes = lib.declarations;
// To do: handle exception if class not found
ClassMirror cls = classes[new Symbol(type)];
// TODO:
// verify each subclass has no-arg ctor
// determ how to pass args to ctor.
InstanceMirror inst = cls.newInstance(new Symbol(''), []);
return inst.reflectee;
// conflicts w/ Item factory
// Item(this.title, this.description);
And here's the class that gets instantiated:
file: model.dart
library app.models;
import 'item.dart' show Item;
/// The barebones model for a codelab. Defines constants used for validation.
class Codelab implements Item {
// ...
Finally, here is how the Item factory is called. ItemElement is the superclass of its own hierarchy, subclassed by CodelabElement:
file: item_element.dart:
import 'item.dart' show Item;
class ItemElement {
Item item;
final String itemType;
ItemElement() {
item = new Item(itemType);
// ...
And CodelabElement:
file: codelab_element.dart
import 'model.dart' show Codelab;
import 'item_element.dart' show ItemElement;
class CodelabElement extends ItemElement {
final itemType = "Codelab";
CodelabElement() : super() {}
And then:
file: main.dart
void main() {
var element = new CodelabElement();
Currently, the new Codelab instance is returned from newInstance() (very cool), but it doesn't contain the inherited 'title' and 'description' attrs.
Maybe it has something to do with my being unclear on the usage of "extends" and "implements".
This should work
cls.newInstance(new Symbol(''), ['a', 1] /*,
{#arg1Name: 'arg1Value', #arg2Name: 'arg2Value'}*/ );
and is like
new MyClass('a', 1, arg1Name: 'arg1Value' /*, arg2Name: 'arg2Value'*/);
Just saw, Named arguments are not implemented.
You can try it in DartPad

How do I get an actual object dynamically in Dart? [duplicate]

In dart is it possible to instantiate a class from a string?
For example:
vanilla in javascript:
var myObject = window[classNameString];
id myclass = [[NSClassFromString(#"MyClass") alloc] init];
You need to know the library name and class name to make things work properly. Assume you know both, the below example will instantiate the TestClass and call doStuff on it.
library test;
import "dart:mirrors";
class TestClass {
doStuff() => print("doStuff was called!");
main() {
MirrorSystem mirrors = currentMirrorSystem();
LibraryMirror lm = mirrors.libraries['test'];
ClassMirror cm = lm.classes['TestClass'];
Future tcFuture = cm.newInstance('', []);
tcFuture.then((InstanceMirror im) {
var tc = im.reflectee;
A few notes about this solution:
The library test we are trying to load the class from is already imported in the VM, which makes this case a bit easier.
the call the newInstance allows for passing parameters to the constructor. Positional arguments are implemented, but named parameters are not yet implemented (as of the M2 release).
newInstance returns a Future to allow it to work across isolates.
The syntax has changed.
I got it working this way
library test;
import "dart:mirrors";
class TestClass {
doStuff() => print("doStuff was called!");
main() {
MirrorSystem mirrors = currentMirrorSystem();
LibraryMirror lm = mirrors.libraries.values.firstWhere(
(LibraryMirror lm) => lm.qualifiedName == new Symbol('test'));
ClassMirror cm = lm.declarations[new Symbol('TestClass')];
InstanceMirror im = cm.newInstance(new Symbol(''), []);
var tc = im.reflectee;
If there are more libraries named 'test' this will fail though.
Map models = {"Player": Player.instatiate};
var player = models["Player"]();
class Player{
static instatiate() => Player();
This was an issue that has plagued me until I figured that I could implement a crude from method to handle the conversion of encoded Json Objects/strings or Dart Maps to the desired class.
Below is a simple example that also handles nulls and accepts JSON (as the string parameter)
import 'dart:convert';
class PaymentDetail
String AccountNumber;
double Amount;
int ChargeTypeID;
String CustomerNames;
PaymentDetail from ({ string : String, object : Map }) {
var map = (object==null) ? (string==null) ? Map() : json.decode(string) : (object==null) ? Map() : object;
return new PaymentDetail(
AccountNumber : map["AccountNumber"] as String,
Amount : map["Amount"] as double,
ChargeTypeID : map["ChargeTypeID"] as int,
CustomerNames : map["CustomerNames"] as String
Below is it's implementation
PaymentDetail payDetail = new PaymentDetail().from(object: new Map());
PaymentDetail otherPayDetail = new PaymentDetail().from(object: {"AccountNumber": "1234", "Amount": 567.2980908});
Once again, this is simplistic and tedious to clone throughout the project but it works for simple cases.

How can I use Reflection (Mirrors) to access the method names in a Dart Class?

I need to "fetch" the methods in a Dart Class.
How can I do this?
And I want to be able to call the methods.
May I see an example?
Here's an easy copy-pasteable code sample:
import 'dart:mirrors';
import 'dart:io';
main() {
var im = reflect(new File('test')); // Retrieve the InstanceMirror of some class instance.
im.type.methods.values.forEach((MethodMirror method) => print(method.simpleName));
Output is:
Here is a basic example:
(Note: You will want to have a (very) up to date version of the SDK for this, this was done in Dart Editor version 0.2.1_r14167, Dart SDK version Nov 2, 2012)
My most sincere Thanks to Gilad of the Google Dart Team for providing this example!
class MyClass {
String _test;
String get test => _test;
set test(String paramVal) => _test = paramVal;
void my_method() {
void print_test(){
print("test string is: ${_test}");
MyClass(String test) {
_test = test;
main() {
MyClass myClass = new MyClass("Make my day, PUNK.");
//ClassMirror myClassMirror = reflect(myClass).type;
InstanceMirror myClassInstanceMirror = reflect(myClass);
ClassMirror MyClassMirror = myClassInstanceMirror.type;
Map<String, MethodMirror> map = MyClassMirror.methods;
print("map = ${map}");
map.values.forEach( (MethodMirror mm){
Concerning Reflection I have just written a couple of "Helper Functions" for fetching a LIST of the method names (not a Map) and invoking the method... all I can say for sure is that it works right now. There are likely technical reasons for not doing it this way - but in my case this does not run in a complex environment. However, I do think they nicely mask over a lot of details that not everybody is going to want to deal with.
Here's a functioning demonstration with and without the Helper functions:
class MyClass {
String _test;
String get test => _test;
set test(String paramVal) => _test = paramVal;
void my_method1(){print("in method1");}
void my_method2(){print("in method2");}
void print_test(){
print("test string is: ${_test}");
MyClass(String test) {
_test = test;
//Helper Methods
InstanceMirror hMr;
List REFLECT_methods(Object myClass) {hMr=reflect(myClass);return(hMr.type.methods.values);}
REFLECT_invoke(MethodMirror mm){hMr.invoke(mm.simpleName, []);}
main() {
MyClass myClass = new MyClass("Make my day, PUNK.");
print("\n=======Using Raw Reflection================");
InstanceMirror myClassInstanceMirror = reflect(myClass);
ClassMirror MyClassMirror = myClassInstanceMirror.type;
Map<String, MethodMirror> map1 = MyClassMirror.methods;
map1.values.forEach( (MethodMirror mm){
print("\n==========Using Helper functions=============");
List list2 = REFLECT_methods(myClass);
