syntaxhighlighter -- how to add the optional language pack to standard version - syntaxhighlighter

The standard version of syntaxhighlighter 3.0.83 ( ) is similar to the plugin for Wordpress which contains an optional language pack ( ) -- e.g., Biferno, Clojure, DOS batch file, F#, LISP, Lua (only for SyntaxHighlighter 3.0), MEL Script, Objective-C, PowerCLI, Processing, R, S, S-PLUS, Tcl, Verilog, Vim Script and YAML. I'm looking for a way to add the optional languages to the standard version -- any assistance in that regard would be appreciated.

Download the Wordpress plugin from:  As of the date of this answer, the most recent version was
Extract the *.js and *.css files from the subfolders within the folder lang-pack-for-wp-syntaxhighlighter and organize them to your liking. In my case, I chose to place the *.js language files inside the folder syntaxhighlighter/scripts/ in the standard version. There was only one *.css file -- i.e., shBrushProcessing.css and I chose to place that inside the folder syntaxhighlighter/styles/ in the standard version.
In your *.html file, ensure the path to the brush javascript file is correct -- e.g., for lisp use:
<script type="text/javascript" src="syntaxhighlighter/scripts/shBrushLisp.js"></script>
In your *.html file, the brush must correspond to the brush javascript file -- e.g., for lispuse:
  <pre class="brush: lisp">


Migrate Vim/Vimscript for asynchronously running external editors to Lua/Neovim

In my Vim's configuration file init.vim I am using code, that sets a default viewer for practically any kind of file suffix. Here I will demonstrate only an example for .md files:
let g:netrw_browsex_viewer="-"
function! NFH_md(f)
call asyncrun#run("", "cwd", "typora " . a:f)
First paragraph makes sure to choose the function based on suffix of the file ("URI under cursor"). Second paragraph shows a function whose name i.e. NFH_md implies that this is the function opened when .md file is in the "URI under the cursor". Inside this function there is an call that opens an external program typora asynchronously so that I am still able to continue using Vim.
If you want to know more use :help netrw_browsex_viewer.
I tried porting the mentioned Vim script to Neovim & Lua but I only managed to port first line:
For I don't know, how to properly port the second paragraph. This is why for now I just use Vimscript source code like this:
function! NFH_md(f)
call asyncrun#run("", "cwd", "marktext " . a:f)
But I would love to translate all the code to Lua - Could anyone help a bit to translate this remaining Vimscript code to Lua?

Lua emulating the require function

In the embeded lua environment (World of Warcraft - WoW) is missing the require function.
I want port one existing lua source code (an great OO-library) for the use it in the WoW. The library itself is relatively small (approx 8 small files) but of course it heavily uses the require.
World of Warcraft loads files and libraries by defining it in an XML file, like:
<Ui xsi:schemaLocation="">
<Script file="LibOne.lua"/>
<Script file="LibTwo.lua"/>
but i don't know how the low level library manipulation is done in the WoW.
AFAIK in the WoW is missing even the package. table too. :(
So the question(s): For me, the streamlined way would be write an function which will emulate the require function using the interface available in WoW. The question is how. Could someone give me some directions?
Or as alternative, for the porting the mentioned existing source to WoW, I need replace the require Some.Other.Module lines in the lua sources to something what WoW will understand. What is the equivalent/replacement for such require Some.Module in the WoW?
How the WoW handles modules/libraries at low-level?
You could merge all files into one using one of the various amalgamation scripts, e.g. amalg. Then you can load this file and a stub that implements the require function using the usual WoW way:
<Ui xsi:schemaLocation="">
<Script file="RequireStub.lua"/>
<Script file="AllModules.lua"/><!-- amalgamated Lua modules -->
<Script file="YourCode.lua"/>
The file RequireStub.lua could look like:
package = {}
local preload, loaded = {}, {
string = string,
debug = debug,
package = package,
_G = _G,
io = io,
os = os,
table = table,
math = math,
coroutine = coroutine,
package.preload, package.loaded = preload, loaded
function require( mod )
if not loaded[ mod ] then
local f = preload[ mod ]
if f == nil then
error( "module '"..mod..[[' not found:
no field package.preload[']]..mod.."']", 1 )
local v = f( mod )
if v ~= nil then
loaded[ mod ] = v
elseif loaded[ mod ] == nil then
loaded[ mod ] = true
return loaded[ mod ]
This should emulate enough of the package library to get you a working require that loads modules in the amalgamated file. Different amalgamation scripts might need different bits from package, though, so you probably will have to take a look at the generated Lua source code.
And in the specific case of Coat you might need to implement stubs for other Lua functions as well. E.g. I've seen that Coat uses the debug library ...
WoW environment doesn't have dofile or any other means to read external files at all. You need to explicitly mention all files that must be loaded in .toc file or .xml referenced from .toc.
You can then write your own implementation of require to maintain compatibility with your library, which would be quite trivial as it would only need to parse module name and retrieve it's content from modules.loaded table, but you'd still need to alter original source to make files register in that table and you'll need to manually arrange all files into correct order of loading.
Alternatively you can rearrange files into separate WoW-addons and use its own built-in Dependencies/OptionalDeps facilities or popular LibStub framework to handle loading order automatically.

How to format/beautify rails erb code

How to format/beautify rails erb code. The view code is a mix of erb and JS.
I tried using the following tool as well, but it didn't help
A good IDE to format/beautify rails is RubyMine.
RubyMine is able to reformat many types of files, like Ruby, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, etc.
example for reformat erb file:
You can set the code style in the Preferences / Editor / Code Style
The tool which you already used, i.e., rails-erb-lint, checks only for the validity of you ERB and doesn't help with beautifying the ERB code. I don't know which editor you are using, but you can try either Sublime Text 3 or Github's Atom. Both of these have 3rd party packages to beautify Ruby and ERB code. Moreover, the indentation and trailing whitespace removing ability of these editors are enough to beautify/format the ERB files, though they have menu items/ shortcuts to do this on-demand/selectively too.
If you are using Sublime Text, check out this "Sublime Text 2 & 3 Plugin to BeautifyRuby":
Once installed via Sublime's Package Control System you can use the shortcut ctrl + alt + k (on Windows + Linux) or ctrl + cmd + k (on OS X) to beautify your Ruby and erb-files manually - or configure the plugin to do that automatically before saving any Ruby- and erb-file. Configuration is easy - you find the config-file here (via the Sublime- menu):
Preferences > Package Settings > BeautifyRuby > Settings - Default:
// Specify your ruby interpreter (below). (Note, if you are using a linux distro with Rbenv instead of RVM, then try the following path: "ruby": "~/.rbenv/shims/ruby")
"ruby": "~/.rvm/bin/rvm-auto-ruby",
// Use 2 Spaces instead of tabs:
"translate_tabs_to_spaces": true,
"tab_size": 2,
// You can change the file patterns handled by this plugin:
"file_patterns": ["\\.html\\.erb", "\\.rb", "\\.rake", "Rakefile", "Gemfile", "Vagrantfile"],
"html_erb_patterns": ["\\.html\\.erb"],
// This package offers a pre-save hook; when activated, your ruby and erb files will
// be reformatted automatically before saving (deactivated by default)
"run_on_save": false,
// The sublime command "beautify_ruby" performs a save after formatting.
// (activated by default)
"save_on_beautify": false
BeautifyRuby depends on the Ruby gem htmlbeautifier, which needs to be installed on your system first. Otherwise the plugin throws an error each time you try to beautify your code. Make sure, the ruby-interpreter-setting in the config file shown above points to the correct ruby which holds the htmlbeautifier-gem...

Auto rename compiled file in Delphi XE2

I use Delphi XE2 and I have a project called PGetBase. In this project, there is a module with a constant declaration. For example:
   FragH = 5;
   FragW = 4;
After compiling, the file is called PGetBase.exe. Is it possible to make the name of the build file dependent on the constants declared in the module, e.g. PGetBase_5_4.exe, by making use of a Post-Build event?
Add a project to the projectgroup which creates an executable that uses the same unit and changes the filename. Build and run that executable in the Post-Build event.
Microsoft Build knows nothing about the Pascal language and cannot parse the sources.
However you may extract "5" and "4" into some external text files.
FragH =
{$I Frag_h.txt}
FragW =
{$I Frag_W.txt}
Then make a simple program (or script: WSH, PowerShell, etc), that would be launched from post-build events.
You program would read those file and rename the Delphi-made PGetBase.exe to anything you wish.
PS. Of course one can parse the source unit to regain those constants, rather than offloading them into external storage. Comments hold the discussion pro et con.
PPS. NGLN came wit ha neat idea. Rather than parsing the file, you can just include that unit as part of your renamer project. Then you can add a pre-build event, that would compile(make) renamer and in post-buid the renamer would have those constants within itself. While calling make/dcc32 would probably be slower than just parsing the sources from inside the version-neutral pre-compiled renamer.exe, that NGLN's approach is elegant and self-contained in its own way.

Racket: How to retrieve the path of the running file?

I need a way to get the path of the running script (the directory that contains the source file), but
never points there (in this case an external drive), but rather to some predefined location.
I created a file to try all the 'find-system-path's, but none of them are the running file! The Racket docs are not helping.
#lang web-server/insta
(define (start request)
(local [{define (build-ul items)
`(ul ,#(map itemize items))}
{define (itemize item)
`(li ,(some-system-path->string (find-system-path item)))}]
(head (title "Directories"))
(body (h1 ,"Some Paths")
(p ,(build-ul special-paths)))))))
(define special-paths (list 'home-dir
;'links-file ; not available for Linux
The purpose is for a local web-server application (music server) that will modify sub-directories under the directory that contains the source file. I will be carrying the app on a USB stick, so it needs to be able to locate its own directory as I carry it between machines and operating systems with Racket installed.
Easy way: take the running script name, make it into a complete path,then take its directory:
(path-only (path->complete-path (find-system-path 'run-file)))
But you're more likely interested not in the file that was used to execute things (the web server), but in the actual source file that you're putting your code in. Ie, you want some resources to be close to your source. An older way of doing this is:
(require mzlib/etc)
A better way of doing this is to use `runtime-path', which is a way to define such resources:
(require racket/runtime-path)
(define-runtime-path my-picture "pic.png")
This is better since it also registers the path as something that your script depends on -- so if you were to package your code as an installer, for example, Racket would know to package up that png file too.
And finally, you can use it to point at a whole directory:
(define-runtime-path HERE ".")
... (build-path HERE "pic.png") ...
If you want the absolute path, then I think this should do it:
(build-path (find-system-path 'orig-dir)
(find-system-path 'run-file))
