drawRect in transformed UIView - ios

I have an view inside a UIScrollView. On that view I set a scale transform, so it compensates for the zooming and stays the same size.
While the transform seems to work on all subviews, filling the bounds in the view's own drawRect seems to fill the whole frame, as if there was no scale transform applied.
Why can this be?

I was aware that I could not use the frame property in a transformed view, but actually setting it yourself on a transformed view is also a no-no.
if the transform property contains a non-identity transform,
the value of the frame property is undefined and should not be modified
I removed all code that uses self.frame in any way and used self.center instead. Now everything displays correctly.


Changing a view's values and its layer's values

I'm animating an ImageView using CABasicAnimation.
I move its layer to left, right, up and down and sometimes I'd scale it bigger then reset it to its original size etc.
I'm doing all this to its layer so I thought I might have to move & scale the real thing along with its layer as well but when I tested it with tap gesture to see if it really was just staying where it started, it wasn't. Therefore I no longer need to change its view's frames as far as I'm concerned.
Is changing a view's layer's values also change its view's values?
A UIView is no more than a fancy wrapper for a CALayer – bringing UIResponder events & animation conveniences among many other things.
Many UIView properties are actually just forwarded versions of the underlying CALayer properties, defined purely for convenience.
A view's frame & bounds properties should always reflect the layer equivalents.
transform is slightly more complex, as for the view it's of type CGAffineTransform – whereas on the layer it's CATransform3D. If the layer's transform can be represented as a CGAffineTransform, then you'll be able to access it from the view after setting it on the layer. If it can't be represented, then its value is undefined.
Therefore yes, you are right in saying you don't need to update the frame or transform on the UIView when changing it on its CALayer. Although note that these properties won't reflect the 'in-flight' values of the animation – you'll need to access the layer's presentationLayer for that.
Also note that as #par & #jrturton mention, if a layer's transform is not the identity transform, then the frame is undefined and you therefore shouldn't use it.

What does setting CALayer's bounds.origin do?

In CALayer's API, 'position' is used for setting the position of the layer.
By my own testing, setting bounds.origin does not do anything. Am I missing something?
The bounds.origin controls where the origin of the layer's coordinate system is, relative to the layer's frame in its superlayer. Changing it has two visible effects:
The position of sublayers of the layer. For example, when you scroll a UIScrollView, the scroll view doesn't change its subview's frames. It simply changes its bounds.origin. I suggest setting up a toy app with a scroll view and doing NSLog("scroll view bounds = %#", NSStringFromCGRect(scrollView.bounds)); from a timer or some other trigger to get a sense of what's happening.
The origin of the graphics context coordinate system in drawInContext:. Mostly commonly you would see this effect in a view's drawRect: method. Your CGContext inside drawRect: will have been translated by the self.bounds.origin.
You may find it helpful to read about “View Geometry and Coordinate Systems” in the View Programming Guide for iOS and “Layer Objects Define Their Own Geometry” in the Core Animation Programming Guide, although really neither of them have a good discussion of the bounds origin.
Changing the bounds rectangle changes the position and size of the content in the coordinate system of the layer itself. Changing the frame (or position) changes the position of the layer in the coordinate system of its super layer. Usually you only want to change the frame, not the bounds.

Resize UIView so that whatever I draw is visible - ObjectiveC

I have a UIView. I am drawing a line inside the UIView programmativally. But when the line goes outside the UIView, the part of the line which goes out, is invisible. How can I resize the UIView so that whatever I draw inside the drawRect method is visible?
you can change the frame of view. If your line is horizontal then give width to view else increase height of view.
view.frame = CGRectMake(view.frame.origine.x, view.frame.origine.y,view.frame.size.width,lengthOfLine );
If the curve you are drawing is a subview, then you can make use of sizeToFit method. This will make the view's frame enclose the curve(and all subviews, for that matter). Then you can reposition and scale the view's frame to make it fit in the window.
You have mentioned in a comment that you are actually drawing a curve. From what I can tell, you will need to calculate the curve's bounding box yourself.
Based on the bounding box, update the UIView's bounds property (as Durgaprasad suggested). This also resizes the underlying CALayer, which also gives its underlying Core Graphics rendering context a larger bitmap.
Without knowing more about your curve, it's hard to help, apart from linking to some very generic discussion on quadratic Beziers.
You may want to update your question with a minimal implementation of -drawRect: that will allow someone to reproduce your issue.

Rotate Image on Slider Value in iOS

I am rotating the image on slider value -
I am using this code for rotation -
editingView.transform = CGAffineTransformRotate(editingView.transform,sliderVal);
its Rotating properly but if i am trying to move or resize after rotation,The editingView is resizing with unexpected behavior and view disappears from screen.
Please suggest me what i am doing wrong.
Well whenever you rotate a view which is inside a superview, you should preserve the position of the view. If you are not rotating any view across the origin then, you should first translate the view's origin to the superview's origin and then rotate and then again translate back to the original point.
Find the coordinate if the view you want to rotate with respect to its superview, say it (x,y).
Translate the view to the origin as;
view.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(x,y)
Rotate the view by some angle, say PI,
view.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeRotation(PI)
After rotation translate back to the original point as;
view.transform = CGAffineTransformMakeTranslation(-x,-y)
And that's it. It should work with all the different rotation.
Have a look at this question.
Since you do not show any code on how you do the move or resizing, I suspect you are not properly concatenating the transforms. Furthermore, after you did the rotation, a translation will possibly work on the rotated coordinate system, therefore leading to unexpected behaviour.
Changing transform value affecting the frame value of UIView. As Apple says:
Warning: If this property is not the identity transform, the value of
the frame property is undefined and therefore should be ignored.
Apple docs
So, if you are moving or resizing your view using frame property, try do this with bounds, center properties

UIInterfaceOrientation, CGAffineTransform, Frame, Bounds and Center

Can somebody point me to a good primer on the above, and what happens to one when you mess with the others? It seems as though no matter what I do, once I start messing with either the status bar orientation or the view transform (even if all I'm doing is 90-degree rotations), I can count on my views ending up sideways, upside down and backwards, and on a frustrating afternoon of trial and error trying to get them straightened out. I'm sure it all makes sense once you know the logic and what order everything's applied in, but so far, empirically, I haven't been able to figure it out.
I don't know of a good single document primer on the subject, but the following is what I've learned from experience and reading the docs.
center, bounds, and frame
If you set frame then center and bounds will be updated. If you set center or bounds then frame will be updated. Frame is a convenience method for manipulating center and bounds using the superview's coordinate system.
From UIView Class Reference:
The geometry of a view is defined by its frame, bounds, and center properties. The frame defines the origin and dimensions of the view in the coordinate system of its superview and is commonly used during layout to adjust the size or position of the view. The center property can be used to adjust the position of the view without changing its size. The bounds defines the internal dimensions of the view as it sees them and is used almost exclusively in custom drawing code. The size portion of the frame and bounds rectangles are coupled together so that changing the size of either rectangle updates the size of both.
See The Relationship of the Frame, Bounds, and Center Properties for more details.
If you set the transform property to something besides the identity transform, frame is undefined. If you set the transform to something else, you should only manipulate the view geometry using center (to position the view in it's superview) and bounds (to adjust the size of the view). Here's the relevant info from UIView Class Reference:
The origin of the transform is the value of the center property, or the layer’s anchorPoint property if it was changed. (Use the layer property to get the underlying Core Animation layer object.) The default value is CGAffineTransformIdentity.
Warning If the transform property is not the identity transform, the value of this property is undefined and therefore should be ignored.
See Coordinate System Transforms for more details.
UIInterfaceOrientation doesn't affect the transform, bounds, center, or frame properties directly. However, when the device orientation changes, the view controller will automatically resize its subview (which will in-turn resize it's subviews and so on).
See Responding to Device Orientation Changes and View Controller View Resizing for more details.
