Why are my frequency values for iPhone FFT incorrect? - ios

I've been trying to get exact frequencies using the FFT in Apple's Accelerate framework, but I'm having trouble working out why my values are off the true frequency.
I have been using this article http://www.dspdimension.com/admin/pitch-shifting-using-the-ft/ as the basis for my implementation, and after really struggling to get to the point I'm at now, I am totally stumped.
So far I've got audio in -> Hanning window -> FFT -> phase calculation -> weird final output. I'd think that there will be a problem with my maths somewhere, but I'm really out of ideas by now.
The outputs are a lot lower what they should be, e.g., I input 440Hz and it prints out 190Hz, or I input 880Hz and it prints out 400Hz. For the most part these results are consistent, but not always, and there doesn't seem to be any common factor between anything either...
Here is my code:
sampleRate = 44100,
osamp = 4,
samples = 4096,
range = samples * 7 / 16,
step = samples / osamp
NSMutableArray *fftResults;
static FFTSetup setupReal;
static uint32_t log2n, n, nOver2;
static int32_t stride;
static float expct = 2*M_PI*((double)step/(double)samples);
static float phase1[range];
static float phase2[range];
static float dPhase[range];
- (void)fftSetup
// Declaring integers
log2n = 12;
n = 1 << log2n;
stride = 1;
nOver2 = n / 2;
// Allocating memory for complex vectors
A.realp = (float *) malloc(nOver2 * sizeof(float));
A.imagp = (float *) malloc(nOver2 * sizeof(float));
// Allocating memory for FFT
setupReal = vDSP_create_fftsetup(log2n, FFT_RADIX2);
// Setting phase
memset(phase2, 0, range * sizeof(float));
// For each sample in buffer...
for (int bufferCount = 0; bufferCount < audioBufferList.mNumberBuffers; bufferCount++)
// Declaring samples from audio buffer list
SInt16 *samples = (SInt16*)audioBufferList.mBuffers[bufferCount].mData;
// Creating Hann window function
for (int i = 0; i < nOver2; i++)
double hannMultiplier = 0.5 * (1 - cos((2 * M_PI * i) / (nOver2 - 1)));
// Applying window to each sample
A.realp[i] = hannMultiplier * samples[i];
A.imagp[i] = 0;
// Applying FFT
vDSP_fft_zrip(setupReal, &A, stride, log2n, FFT_FORWARD);
// Detecting phase
vDSP_zvphas(&A, stride, phase1, stride, range);
// Calculating phase difference
vDSP_vsub(phase2, stride, phase1, stride, dPhase, stride, range);
// Saving phase
memcpy(phase2, phase1, range * sizeof(float));
// Extracting DSP outputs
for (size_t j = 0; j < nOver2; j++)
NSNumber *realNumbers = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:A.realp[j]];
NSNumber *imagNumbers = [NSNumber numberWithFloat:A.imagp[j]];
[real addObject:realNumbers];
[imag addObject:imagNumbers];
// Combining real and imaginary parts
[resultsCombined addObject:real];
[resultsCombined addObject:imag];
// Filling FFT output array
[fftResults addObject:resultsCombined];
int fftCount = [fftResults count];
NSLog(#"FFT Count: %d",fftCount);
// For each FFT...
for (int i = 0; i < fftCount; i++)
// Declaring integers for peak detection
float peak = 0;
float binNumber = 0;
// Declaring integers for phase detection
float deltaPhase;
static float trueFrequency[range];
for (size_t j = 1; j < range; j++)
// Calculating bin magnitiude
float realVal = [[[[fftResults objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:0] objectAtIndex:j] floatValue];
float imagVal = [[[[fftResults objectAtIndex:i] objectAtIndex:1] objectAtIndex:j] floatValue];
float magnitude = sqrtf(realVal*realVal + imagVal*imagVal);
// Peak detection
if (magnitude > peak)
peak = magnitude;
binNumber = (float)j;
// Getting phase difference
deltaPhase = dPhase[j];
// Subtract expected difference
deltaPhase -= (float)j*expct;
// Map phase difference into +/- pi interval
int qpd = deltaPhase / M_PI;
if (qpd >= 0)
qpd += qpd&1;
qpd -= qpd&1;
deltaPhase -= M_PI * (float)qpd;
// Getting bin deviation from +/i interval
float deltaFrequency = osamp * deltaPhase / (2 * M_PI);
// Calculating true frequency at the j-th partial
trueFrequency[j] = (j * (sampleRate/samples)) + (deltaFrequency * (sampleRate/samples));
UInt32 mag;
mag = binNumber;
// Extracting frequency at bin peak
float f = trueFrequency[mag];
NSLog(#"True frequency = %fHz", f);
float b = roundf(binNumber*(sampleRate/nOver2));
NSLog(#" Bin frequency = %fHz", b);

Note that the expected phase difference (even for a bin-centered frequency) depends on both the window offset or overlap of the FFT pairs, and the bin number or frequency of the FFT result. e.g. If you offset the windows by very little (1 sample), then the unwrapped phase difference between 2 FFTs will be smaller than with a larger offset. At the same offset, if the frequency is higher, the expected phase difference between the same bin of two FFTs will be greater (or it will wrap more).


How to get more precise output out of an FFT?

I am trying to make a colored waveform using the output of the following code. But when I run it, I only get certain numbers (see the freq variable, it uses the bin size, frame rate and index to make these frequencies) as output frequencies. I'm no math expert, even though I cobbled this together from existing code and answers.
// colored_waveform.c
// MixDJ
// Created by Jonathan Silverman on 3/14/19.
// Copyright © 2019 Jonathan Silverman. All rights reserved.
#include "colored_waveform.h"
#include "fftw3.h"
#include <math.h>
#include "sndfile.h"
//int N = 1024;
// helper function to apply a windowing function to a frame of samples
void calcWindow(double* in, double* out, int size) {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
double multiplier = 0.5 * (1 - cos(2*M_PI*i/(size - 1)));
out[i] = multiplier * in[i];
// helper function to compute FFT
void fft(double* samples, fftw_complex* out, int size) {
fftw_plan p;
p = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d(size, samples, out, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
// find the index of array element with the highest absolute value
// probably want to take some kind of moving average of buf[i]^2
// and return the maximum found
double maxFreqIndex(fftw_complex* buf, int size, float fS) {
double max_freq = 0;
double last_magnitude = 0;
for(int i = 0; i < (size / 2) - 1; i++) {
double freq = i * fS / size;
// printf("freq: %f\n", freq);
double magnitude = sqrt(buf[i][0]*buf[i][0] + buf[i][1]*buf[i][1]);
if(magnitude > last_magnitude)
max_freq = freq;
last_magnitude = magnitude;
return max_freq;
//// map a frequency to a color, red = lower freq -> violet = high freq
//int freqToColor(int i) {
void generateWaveformColors(const char path[]) {
printf("Generating waveform colors\n");
SNDFILE *infile = NULL;
SF_INFO sfinfo;
infile = sf_open(path, SFM_READ, &sfinfo);
sf_count_t numSamples = sfinfo.frames;
// sample rate
float fS = 44100;
// float songLengLengthSeconds = numSamples / fS;
// printf("seconds: %f", songLengLengthSeconds);
// size of frame for analysis, you may want to play with this
float frameMsec = 5;
// samples in a frame
int frameSamples = (int)(fS / (frameMsec * 1000));
// how much overlap each frame, you may want to play with this one too
int frameOverlap = (frameSamples / 2);
// color to use for each frame
// int outColors[(numSamples / frameOverlap) + 1];
// scratch buffers
double* tmpWindow;
fftw_complex* tmpFFT;
tmpWindow = (double*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(double) * frameSamples);
tmpFFT = (fftw_complex*) fftw_malloc(sizeof(fftw_complex) * frameSamples);
printf("Processing waveform for colors\n");
for (int i = 0, outptr = 0; i < numSamples; i += frameOverlap, outptr++)
double inSamples[frameSamples];
sf_read_double(infile, inSamples, frameSamples);
// window another frame for FFT
calcWindow(inSamples, tmpWindow, frameSamples);
// compute the FFT on the next frame
fft(tmpWindow, tmpFFT, frameSamples);
// which frequency is the highest?
double freqIndex = maxFreqIndex(tmpFFT, frameSamples, fS);
printf("%i: ", i);
printf("Max freq: %f\n", freqIndex);
// map to color
// outColors[outptr] = freqToColor(freqIndex);
sf_close (infile);
Here is some of the output:
2094216: Max freq: 5512.500000
2094220: Max freq: 0.000000
2094224: Max freq: 0.000000
2094228: Max freq: 0.000000
2094232: Max freq: 5512.500000
2094236: Max freq: 5512.500000
It only shows certain numbers, not a wide variety of frequencies like it maybe should. Or am I wrong? Is there anything wrong with my code you guys can see? The color stuff is commented out because I haven't done it yet.
The frequency resolution of an FFT is limited by the length of the data sample you have. The more samples you have, the higher the frequency resolution.
In your specific case you chose frames of 5 milliseconds, which is then transformed to a number of samples on the following line:
// samples in a frame
int frameSamples = (int)(fS / (frameMsec * 1000));
This corresponds to only 8 samples at the specified 44100Hz sampling rate. The frequency resolution with such a small frame size can be computed to be
44100 / 8
or 5512.5Hz, a rather poor resolution. Correspondingly, the observed frequencies will always be one of 0, 5512.5, 11025, 16537.5 or 22050Hz.
To get a higher resolution you should increase the number of samples used for analysis by increasing frameMsec (as suggested by the comment "size of frame for analysis, you may want to play with this").

Converting cv::Mat to MTLTexture

An intermediate step of my current project requires conversion of opencv's cv::Mat to MTLTexture, the texture container of Metal. I need to store the Floats in the Mat as Floats in the texture; my project cannot quite afford the loss of precision.
This is my attempt at such a conversion.
- (id<MTLTexture>)texForMat:(cv::Mat)image context:(MBEContext *)context
id<MTLTexture> texture;
int width = image.cols;
int height = image.rows;
Float32 *rawData = (Float32 *)calloc(height * width * 4,sizeof(float));
int bytesPerPixel = 4;
int bytesPerRow = bytesPerPixel * width;
float r, g, b,a;
for(int i = 0; i < height; i++)
Float32* imageData = (Float32*)(image.data + image.step * i);
for(int j = 0; j < width; j++)
r = (Float32)(imageData[4 * j]);
g = (Float32)(imageData[4 * j + 1]);
b = (Float32)(imageData[4 * j + 2]);
a = (Float32)(imageData[4 * j + 3]);
rawData[image.step * (i) + (4 * j)] = r;
rawData[image.step * (i) + (4 * j + 1)] = g;
rawData[image.step * (i) + (4 * j + 2)] = b;
rawData[image.step * (i) + (4 * j + 3)] = a;
MTLTextureDescriptor *textureDescriptor = [MTLTextureDescriptor texture2DDescriptorWithPixelFormat:MTLPixelFormatRGBA16Float
texture = [context.device newTextureWithDescriptor:textureDescriptor];
MTLRegion region = MTLRegionMake2D(0, 0, width, height);
[texture replaceRegion:region mipmapLevel:0 withBytes:rawData bytesPerRow:bytesPerRow];
return texture;
But it doesn't seem to be working. It reads zeroes every time from the Mat, and throws up EXC_BAD_ACCESS. I need the MTLTexture in MTLPixelFormatRGBA16Float to keep the precision.
Thanks for considering this issue.
One problem here is you’re loading up rawData with Float32s but your texture is RGBA16Float, so the data will be corrupted (16Float is half the size of Float32). This shouldn’t cause your crash, but it’s an issue you’ll have to deal with.
Also as “chappjc” noted you’re using ‘image.step’ when writing your data out, but that buffer should be contiguous and not ever have a step that’s not just (width * bytesPerPixel).

iOS FFT Accerelate.framework draw spectrum during playback

UPDATE 2016-03-15
Please take a look at this project: https://github.com/ooper-shlab/aurioTouch2.0-Swift. It has been ported to Swift and contains every answer you're looking for, if you cam here.
I did a lot of research and learned a lot about FFT and the Accelerate Framework. But after days of experiments I'm kind of frustrated.
I want to display the frequency spectrum of an audio file during playback in a diagram. For every time interval it should show the magnitude in db on the Y-axis (displayed by a red bar) for every frequency (in my case 512 values) calculated by a FFT on the X-Axis.
The output should look like this:
I fill a buffer with 1024 samples extracting only the left channel for the beginning. Then I do all this FFT stuff.
Here is my code so far:
Setting up some variables
- (void)setupVars
maxSamples = 1024;
log2n = log2f(maxSamples);
n = 1 << log2n;
stride = 1;
nOver2 = maxSamples/2;
A.realp = (float *) malloc(nOver2 * sizeof(float));
A.imagp = (float *) malloc(nOver2 * sizeof(float));
memset(A.imagp, 0, nOver2 * sizeof(float));
obtainedReal = (float *) malloc(n * sizeof(float));
originalReal = (float *) malloc(n * sizeof(float));
setupReal = vDSP_create_fftsetup(log2n, FFT_RADIX2);
Doing the FFT. FrequencyArray is just a data structure that holds 512 float values.
- (FrequencyArry)performFastFourierTransformForSampleData:(SInt16*)sampleData andSampleRate:(UInt16)sampleRate
NSLog(#"log2n %i n %i, nOver2 %i", log2n, n, nOver2);
// n = 1024
// log2n 10
// nOver2 = 512
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
originalReal[i] = (float) sampleData[i];
vDSP_ctoz((COMPLEX *) originalReal, 2, &A, 1, nOver2);
vDSP_fft_zrip(setupReal, &A, stride, log2n, FFT_FORWARD);
float scale = (float) 1.0 / (2 * n);
vDSP_vsmul(A.realp, 1, &scale, A.realp, 1, nOver2);
vDSP_vsmul(A.imagp, 1, &scale, A.imagp, 1, nOver2);
vDSP_ztoc(&A, 1, (COMPLEX *) obtainedReal, 2, nOver2);
FrequencyArry frequencyArray;
for (int i = 0; i < nOver2; i++) {
frequencyArray.frequency[i] = log10f(obtainedReal[i]); // Magnitude in db???
return frequencyArray;
The output looks always kind of weird although it some how seems to move according to the music.
I'm happy that I came so far thanks to some very good posts here like this:
Using the apple FFT and accelerate Framework
But now I don't know what to do. What am I missing?
Firstly you're not applying a window function prior to the FFT - this will result in smearing of the spectrum due to spectral leakage.
Secondly, you're just using the real component of the FFT output bins to calculate dB magnitude - you need to use the complex magnitude:
magnitude_dB = 10 * log10(re * re + im * im);

Cepstrum and Formant Tracking Using Apple Accelerate Framework

I've been using this web page as a guideline for formant tracking of speech...
It all seems to be going pretty well, except for the last step, which is the converting of the cepstrum into a smoothed representation for simple peak picking for the formant tracking. The spectrograph looks good, and the cepstrograph (can I say that? :P) also looks good (from what I can tell), but the final stage the results (smoothed formant representation) are not what I expected.
I uploaded a sample of each stage as visual images to...
This sample is for the speech of the sound 'i' as in 'beed'. According to this site...
the first formant should come in around 500hz, and the second and third around 2200hz and 2800 hz respectively. The spetrograph shows something very similar, but on the last stage I am gettings results similar to...
F1 - 891
F2 - 1550
F3 - 2329
Any insight would be greatly appreciated. I've been going round in circles on this for some time. My code looks as follows...
// set up fft parameters
UInt32 log2n = 9;
UInt32 n = 512;
UInt32 window = n;
UInt32 halfN = n/2;
UInt32 stride = 1;
FFTSetup setupReal = [appDelegate getFftSetup];
int stepSize = (hpBuffer.sampleCount-window) / quantizeCount;
// calculate volume from raw samples, because it seems more reliable that fft
UInt32 volumeWindow = 128;
volumeBuffer = malloc(sizeof(float)*quantizeCount);
int windowPos = 0;
for (int i=0; i < quantizeCount; i++) {
windowPos += stepSize;
float total = 0.0f;
float max = 0.0f;
for (int p=windowPos; p < windowPos+volumeWindow; p++) {
total += sampleBuffer.buffer[p];
if (sampleBuffer.buffer[p] > max)
max = sampleBuffer.buffer[p];
volumeBuffer[i] = max;
// normalize volumebuffer
[FloatAudioBuffer normalizePositiveBuffer:volumeBuffer ofSize:quantizeCount];
// allocate memory for complex array
COMPLEX_SPLIT complexArray;
complexArray.realp = (float*)malloc(4096*sizeof(float));
complexArray.imagp = (float*)malloc(4096*sizeof(float));
// allocate some space for temporary hamming buffer
float *hamBuffer = malloc(n*sizeof(float));
// create spectrum and feature buffer
spectrumBuffer = malloc(sizeof(float)*halfN*quantizeCount);
formantBuffer = malloc(sizeof(float)*4096*quantizeCount);
cepstrumBuffer = malloc(sizeof(float)*halfN*quantizeCount);
lowCepstrumBuffer = malloc(sizeof(float)*featureCount*quantizeCount);
featureBuffer = malloc(sizeof(float)*featureCount*quantizeCount);
// create data point for each quantize segment
float TWOPI = 2.0f * M_PI;
for (int s=0; s < quantizeCount; s++) {
// copy buffer data into a seperate array and apply hamming window
int offset = (int)(s * stepSize);
for (int i=0; i < n; i++)
hamBuffer[i] = hpBuffer.buffer[offset+i] * ((1.0f-0.46f) - 0.46f*cos(TWOPI*i/((float)n-1.0f)));
// configure float array into acceptable input array format (interleaved)
vDSP_ctoz((COMPLEX*)hamBuffer, 2, &complexArray, 1, halfN);
// run FFT
vDSP_fft_zrip(setupReal, &complexArray, stride, log2n, FFT_FORWARD);
// Absolute square (equivalent to mag^2)
complexArray.imagp[0] = 0.0f;
vDSP_zvmags(&complexArray, 1, complexArray.realp, 1, halfN);
bzero(complexArray.imagp, (halfN) * sizeof(float));
// scale
float scale = 1.0f / (2.0f*(float)n);
vDSP_vsmul(complexArray.realp, 1, &scale, complexArray.realp, 1, halfN);
// get log of absolute values for passing to inverse FFT for cepstrum
for (int i=0; i < halfN; i++)
complexArray.realp[i] = logf(sqrtf(complexArray.realp[i]));
// save this into spectrum buffer
memcpy(&spectrumBuffer[s*halfN], complexArray.realp, halfN*sizeof(float));
// convert spectrum to interleaved ready for inverse fft
vDSP_ctoz((COMPLEX*)&spectrumBuffer[s*halfN], 2, &complexArray, 1, halfN/2);
// create cepstrum
vDSP_fft_zrip(setupReal, &complexArray, stride, log2n-1, FFT_INVERSE);
//convert interleaved to real and straight into cepstrum buffer
vDSP_ztoc(&complexArray, 1, (COMPLEX*)&cepstrumBuffer[s*halfN], 2, halfN/2);
// copy first part of cepstrum into low cepstrum buffer
memcpy(&lowCepstrumBuffer[s*featureCount], &cepstrumBuffer[s*halfN], featureCount*sizeof(float));
// make 8000 point array based on the first 15 values
float *tempArray = malloc(8192*sizeof(float));
for (int i=0; i < 8192; i++) {
if (i < 15)
tempArray[i] = cepstrumBuffer[s*halfN+i];
tempArray[i] = 0.0f;
vDSP_ctoz((COMPLEX*)tempArray, 2, &complexArray, 1, 4096);
float newLog2n = log2f(8192.0f);
complexArray.imagp[0] = 0.0f;
vDSP_fft_zrip(setupReal, &complexArray, stride, newLog2n, FFT_FORWARD);
vDSP_zvmags(&complexArray, 1, complexArray.realp, 1, 4096);
bzero(complexArray.imagp, (4096) * sizeof(float));
// scale
scale = 1.0f / (2.0f*(float)8192);
vDSP_vsmul(complexArray.realp, 1, &scale, complexArray.realp, 1, 4096);
// get magnitude
for (int i=0; i < 4096; i++)
complexArray.realp[i] = sqrtf(complexArray.realp[i]);
// write to formant buffer
memcpy(&formantBuffer[s*4096], complexArray.realp, 4096*sizeof(float));
// complex array now contains formant spectrum
// it's large, so get features here!
// try simple peak picking algorithm for first 3 formants
int formantIndex = 0;
float *peaks = malloc(6*sizeof(float));
for (int i=0; i < 6; i++)
peaks[i] = 0.0f;
for (int i=1; i < 4096-1 && formantIndex < 6; i++) {
if (complexArray.realp[i-1] < complexArray.realp[i] &&
complexArray.realp[i+1] < complexArray.realp[i])
peaks[formantIndex++] = i;

Search for lines with a small range of angles in OpenCV

I'm using the Hough transform in OpenCV to detect lines. However, I know in advance that I only need lines within a very limited range of angles (about 10 degrees or so). I'm doing this in a very performance sensitive setting, so I'd like to avoid the extra work spent detecting lines at other angles, lines I know in advance I don't care about.
I could extract the Hough source from OpenCV and just hack it to take min_rho and max_rho parameters, but I'd like a less fragile approach (have to manually update my code w/ each OpenCV update, etc.).
What's the best approach here?
Well, i've modified the icvHoughlines function to go for a certain range of angles. I'm sure there's cleaner ways that plays with memory allocation as well, but I got a speed gain going from 100ms to 33ms for a range of angle going from 180deg to 60deg, so i'm happy with that.
Note that this code also outputs the accumulator value. Also, I only output 1 line because that fit my purposes but there was no gain really there.
static void
icvHoughLinesStandard2( const CvMat* img, float rho, float theta,
int threshold, CvSeq *lines, int linesMax )
cv::AutoBuffer<int> _accum, _sort_buf;
cv::AutoBuffer<float> _tabSin, _tabCos;
const uchar* image;
int step, width, height;
int numangle, numrho;
int total = 0;
float ang;
int r, n;
int i, j;
float irho = 1 / rho;
double scale;
CV_Assert( CV_IS_MAT(img) && CV_MAT_TYPE(img->type) == CV_8UC1 );
image = img->data.ptr;
step = img->step;
width = img->cols;
height = img->rows;
numangle = cvRound(CV_PI / theta);
numrho = cvRound(((width + height) * 2 + 1) / rho);
_accum.allocate((numangle+2) * (numrho+2));
_sort_buf.allocate(numangle * numrho);
int *accum = _accum, *sort_buf = _sort_buf;
float *tabSin = _tabSin, *tabCos = _tabCos;
memset( accum, 0, sizeof(accum[0]) * (numangle+2) * (numrho+2) );
// find n and ang limits (in our case we want 60 to 120
float limit_min = 60.0/180.0*PI;
float limit_max = 120.0/180.0*PI;
//num_steps = (limit_max - limit_min)/theta;
int start_n = floor(limit_min/theta);
int stop_n = floor(limit_max/theta);
for( ang = limit_min, n = start_n; n < stop_n; ang += theta, n++ )
tabSin[n] = (float)(sin(ang) * irho);
tabCos[n] = (float)(cos(ang) * irho);
// stage 1. fill accumulator
for( i = 0; i < height; i++ )
for( j = 0; j < width; j++ )
if( image[i * step + j] != 0 )
for( n = start_n; n < stop_n; n++ )
r = cvRound( j * tabCos[n] + i * tabSin[n] );
r += (numrho - 1) / 2;
accum[(n+1) * (numrho+2) + r+1]++;
int max_accum = 0;
int max_ind = 0;
for( r = 0; r < numrho; r++ )
for( n = start_n; n < stop_n; n++ )
int base = (n+1) * (numrho+2) + r+1;
if (accum[base] > max_accum)
max_accum = accum[base];
max_ind = base;
CvLinePolar2 line;
scale = 1./(numrho+2);
int idx = max_ind;
n = cvFloor(idx*scale) - 1;
r = idx - (n+1)*(numrho+2) - 1;
line.rho = (r - (numrho - 1)*0.5f) * rho;
line.angle = n * theta;
line.votes = accum[idx];
cvSeqPush( lines, &line );
If you use the Probabilistic Hough transform then the output is in the form of a cvPoint each for lines[0] and lines[1] parameters. We can get x and y co-ordinated for each of the two points by pt1.x, pt1.y and pt2.x and pt2.y.
Then use the simple formula for finding slope of a line - (y2-y1)/(x2-x1). Taking arctan (tan inverse) of that will yield that angle in radians. Then simply filter out desired angles from the values for each hough line obtained.
I think it's more natural to use standart HoughLines(...) function, which gives collection of lines directly in rho and theta terms and select nessessary angle range from it, rather than recalculate angle from segment end points.
