feature "Album Pages" do
given(:album) { create(:album) } # by Factory_Girl
scenario "Edit album" do
visit edit_album_path album
fill_in "Name", with: "bar"
expect {click_button "Update Album"}.to change(Album.last, :name).to("bar")
1) Album Pages Edit album
Failure/Error: expect {click_button "Update Album"}.to change(Album.last, :name).to("bar")
name should have been changed to "bar", but is now "Gorgeous Granite Table"
# ./spec/features/albums_spec.rb:27:in `block (2 levels) in <top (required)>'
App works fine and if I click the button it redirects to album's site where its name is shown as <h1>. I tried this:
scenario "Edit album" do
visit edit_album_path album
fill_in "Name", with: "bar"
click_button "Update Album"
#expect {click_button "Update Album"}.to change(Album.last, :name).to("bar")
than I got a page with that bar as <h1> so I don't know what's wrong with my test and I can see in the test.log:
SQL (0.7ms) UPDATE "albums" SET "name" = ?, "updated_at" = ? WHERE "albums"."id" = 1 [["name", "bar"], ["updated_at", Fri, 11 Apr 2014 11:30:00 UTC +00:00]]
Any ideas ?
You need your change validation to also be in block, like this:
scenario "Edit album" do
visit edit_album_path album
fill_in "Name", with: "bar"
expect{click_button "Update Album"}.to change{Album.last.name}
After reading drKreso's answer I read gems/rspec-expectations-.../lib/rspec/matchers.rb. There are many usefull examples for change there.
You can either pass receiver and message, or a block, but not both.
I find one other way how it can be done:
scenario "Edit album" do
#album = album
visit edit_album_path #album
fill_in "Name", with: "bar"
click_button "Update Album"
}.to change(#album, :name).to("bar")
But even now I still have confusions why it didn't work on the first way. So if the reload is a key here than does change invoke it for passed receiver somewhere ? I wasn't able to go so deep.
I'm using capybara with poltergeist for rspec testing in ruby on rails.
We're using stripe for payment gateway.
Request to stripe in already stub and real http connections are disabled.
However when I run the spec file alone.
It passes with the following test result.
Can add billing information to my account
Finished in 14.27 seconds (files took 4.84 seconds to load)
1 example, 0 failures
But when I run all the test it fails due to long time delay for response and I'm getting this output.
My code-
scenario "Can add billing information to my account", js: true do
within "#top-menu" do
click_link "ACCOUNT"
click_link "Billing"
click_link "Add billing information"
within "#subscription" do
fill_in "Name", with: "John Smith"
fill_in "Email", with: "john.smith#example.com"
fill_in "Phone number", with: "0443 123123"
fill_in "Company", with: "Cribber"
fill_in "Street address", with: "14 Somewhere Street"
fill_in "City", with: "Brisbane"
fill_in "Postcode / Zip", with: "4000"
fill_in "State", with: "QLD"
select "Australia", from: "Country"
select "Australian Dollar", from: "Currency"
fill_in "Card number", with: "4242424242424242"
select Time.now.year + 1, from: "card_expiry_year"
fill_in "CVC", with: "123"
check "subscription_billing_attributes_terms_of_service"
click_button "Subscribe"
expect(page).to have_content("Thank you for subscribing to Cribber!")
I added sleep(200) after click_button "Subscribe".But it showed the following result.
Can anyone please help?
Thanks in advance for helping.
I tried changing http://localhost to in .env.test file but I got these error.
The strange thing is that if I run the spec file alone or the feature folder for view spec then I get no error message and the test pass.But if I run
rspec spec/ then the test fails.
Can anyone help?
It looks like the error is explained in your screenshot - while localhost and point to the same place they are technically different origins. You need to find where you're setting the app to make a request to http://localhost/... and change it to
After creating new object should redirect to action show. How me check current path?
feature 'add lost pet' do
given(:data) {attributes_for(:lost_pet)}
background do
visit root_path
click_on 'Register new lost pet'
scenario 'add new lost pet with valid data' do
within '#new_lost_pet' do
fill_in 'Name', with: data[:name]
fill_in 'Type', with: data[:type]
fill_in 'Breed', with: data[:breed]
fill_in 'Gender', with: data[:gender]
fill_in 'Size', with: data[:size]
fill_in 'Colour', with: data[:colour]
fill_in 'Age', with: data[:age]
fill_in 'Age unit', with: data[:age_unit]
fill_in 'Description', with: data[:description]
fill_in 'Collar description', with: data[:collar_description]
check 'Desexed', :checked
check 'Microchipped', :checked
fill_in 'Microchip number', with: data[:microchipped_number]
select '2015', from: "lost_pet[date_missing(1i)]"
select 'October', from: 'lost_pet[date_missing(2i)]'
select '10', from: 'lost_pet[date_missing(3i)]'
fill_in 'Rewald', with: data[:rewald]
fill_in 'Image', with: data[:image]
fill_in 'Adress lost', with: data[:adress_lost]
click_on 'Create'
expect(current_path).to eq lost_pet_path(????)
For lost_pet_path i need id, but how me create id? Or how better check path in Capybara?
expect(current_path).to eq ...
doesn't use Capybara's waiting behavior - which means since click_on is asynchronous (isn't waiting for anything on screen, or for the submit to complete) your test may be very flaky. You're much better off using
expect(page).to have_current_path(expected_path)
since that will use Capybara's waiting behavior while checking for the expected path.
On top of that you have the issue that the LostPet object isn't yet created right after the click_on executes (asynchronous) so calling LostPet.last then will most likely return nil. You have a couple of options here
Wait for some text thats going to appear on the page
expect(page).to have_text('Lost Pet created') # shows in a flash message, or header on the show page, etc
# since you know the show page is visible now you can query for the last LostPet created
expect(page).to have_current_path(lost_pet_path(LostPet.last))
or, use the regex option with have_current_path and don't worry about verifying the actual id of the url
expect(page).to have_current_path(/lost_pet\/[0-9]+/) # match the regex to whatever your urls actually are
or something like that
Since the created record is the most recent one in the database, MyActiveRecordModel.last can be used.
lost_pet = LostPet.last
expect(current_path).to eq lost_pet_path(lost_pet)
Is there an alternative I can use to Capybara's save_and_open_page? I have written a request spec that test the user signup form. Upon successful signup, which this test should yield, this test should be passing, but it's not.
Yet when I do save_and_open_page at the end, all the form fields are blank. I can mirror this in the development environment doing the data entry myself and everything passes, so I am struggling to understand what's wrong. I can't afford to let this go because obviously this is a critical test.
I've only been doing TDD for a little while, so any tips or tricks about this stack (Capybara and Poltergeist) would be helpful. I am not having similar difficulties in other request specs using the same stack.
Here is the request spec:
it 'allows a user to subscribe', js: true do
visit root_url
click_link "Pricing"
click_button "Subscribe", match: :first
fill_in "First name", with: "Marky"
fill_in "Last name", with: "Mark"
fill_in "Company", with: "The Funky Bunch"
fill_in "subscription_email", with: "marky.mark#thefunkybunch.com"
fill_in "Password", with: "MyString"
fill_in "Password confirmation", with: "MyString"
fill_in "Credit Card Number", with: "4242424242424242"
fill_in "Security Code on Card (CVV)", with: "123"
select "July", from: "Card Expiration"
select "2014", from: "card_year"
check "chkACCEPT"
click_button "Subscribe to myapp"
# The line below fails, but a save_and_open page just shows a blank form
current_path.should_not eq(new_subscription_path)
page.should have_content("Thank You")
Poltergeist provides screenshots which can be used instead of save_and_open_page:
save_screenshot('/path/to/file.png', :full => true)
However your comment "# The line below fails" seems very consistent to "save_and_open page just shows a blank form".
Here is what I have:
visit "..."
fill_in "Email", with: user.email
fill_in "Password", with: user.password
click_button "Sign in"
p current_url
p page.body
fill_in "Email", with: "lol#lol.com"
click_button "Update"
current_url is correct
But page.body gives an empty page with only DOCTYPE, and it's an old HTML4 DOCTYPE that does not exist anywhere in the app!
save_and_open_page also gives empty page.
Any clues?
Don't know what visit "..." Does but, when trying to visualize where the test is I like to add as an argument to the test method :js => true and then sleep 10 or however long wherever u want to pause execution, :js => true will load selenium and you can watch the tests being physically run and inspect the page if u sleep it.
Did you try visiting a specific page rather than using "..."? So try visit '/'
Also, is capybara's visit working for you in other tests? It's possibly not loaded/working properly in general.
Looks like this will be on-hold....the architecture changed and this is no longer needed...thanks for the help though...
I am currently working on an intranet for work which will include creating invoices.
While writing tests I am using Rspec and Capybara for testing and while running a request test I want to create an invoice and add a couple of items to make sure the vat is calculated correctly.
However I seem to be having an issue where Capybara finds the first #item_price and tries to match that instead of the newly created item.
Below is some of the code in my request test.
# Laptop for 369.96 inc vat
click_link "Add Item"
fill_in "Quantity", :with => 1
fill_in "Price", :with => 369.96
fill_in "Description", :with => "laptop for 369"
click_button "Create Item"
page.should have_content("Item was successfully created")
find('#item_quantity').should have_content(1)
find('#item_price').should have_content(369.96)
find('#item_description').should have_content("laptop for 369")
find('#item_total').should have_content(369.96)
find('#invoice_subtotal').should have_content(308.30)
find('#invoice_vat').should have_content(61.66)
find('#invoice_total').should have_content(369.96)
# Laptop for 337.53 inc vat
click_link "Add Item"
fill_in "Quantity", :with => 1
fill_in "Price", :with => 337.53
fill_in "Description", :with => "laptop for 337"
click_button "Create Item"
page.should have_content("Item was successfully created")
find('#item_quantity').should have_content(1)
### the offending code below
find('#item_price').should have_content(337.53)
find('#item_description').should have_content("laptop for 337")
I would like to be able to add #item_price_2 where 2 would be the item ID. When doing this and changing find('#item_price').should have_content(337.53) to find('#item_price_#{invoice.id}').should have_content(337.53) I get the exception:
unexpected '#' after '[#<Nokogiri::CSS::Node:0x007f991889f270 #type=:CONDITIONAL_SELECTOR, #value=[#<Nokogiri::CSS::Node:0x007f991889f3d8 #type=:ELEMENT_NAME, #value=["*"]>, #<Nokogiri::CSS::Node:0x007f991889f9c8 #type=:ID, #value=["#item_price_"]>]>]'
Also changing it to double quotes "#item_price_{invoice.id}" gives me this exception:
undefined local variable or methodinvoice' for #
I'm guessing this is because I'm not using FactoryGirl so invoice isn't set as a method yet. I'm not using FactoryGirl in this occasion because I would like to test how the user would interact with the invoice and items forms.
What would be the best way to fix this problem? Is there a better way of doing what I am trying to do?
Many thanks in advance!
Your guess about invoice not being set yet is correct. After your form is submitted you could set it:
invoice = Invoice.last
Then your specs should pass.