mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification Consumes Memory - ios

I have two NSManagedObjectContext, one for ui and one for background tasks. I'm trying to merge changes to UIcontext whenever the background one changed. But whenever I call
It just start eating memory (will goes up to 1GB on simulator) and cause a crash.
of course I setup a notification:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
and also tried doing the merge in main thread, etc. No luck!
I found out that URIRepresentation is causing the issue. For some reason it's keep being called. (by apple's code not mine)
Note that I let it run for under a sec and it uses 64.95MB it will grow pretty fast with same call tree. If I keep it running it would crash the osx as well!

The problem is object:nil. You are listening to an endless echo of notifications.
You need to specify a specific context object to listen to notifications from.

The Problem here is, Since Google Analytics also using core-data we are intercepting the endless notifications fired by Google Analytics as well.
Setting object to non-nil value didn't work for me. Found another way and it worked for me as magic.
Inside your observer I have selector method as below
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().addObserver(self, selector: #selector(managedObjectContextDidSave(_:)), name: NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification, object: nil)
func managedObjectContextDidSave(notification: NSNotification) {
if notification.object?.persistentStoreCoordinator != self.persistentStoreCoordinator {
//do remaining task here.


Swift NotificationCenter remove observer quickest way

I am adding a number of observers in my viewController -- applicationWillResignActive, applicationDidEnterBackground, and many others. I want to remove self as observer to all registered notifications in one line. My question is whether the following line is enough to do that, or are there issues with this code?
deinit {
#Sh_Khan is right:
You can get even further, as mentioned in the Apple Documentation:
If your app targets iOS 9.0 and later or macOS 10.11 and later, you don't need to unregister an observer in its dealloc method.
So I'm working with this in an app right now and the answer might not be as straightforward.
In the documentation, it does state that for iOS 9 and above you are no longer required to explicitly remove the observer in the deinit/dealloc methods for objects.
However, it appears that this is only true for selector based notification observers. I'll be referencing this blog post:
If you are using block based observers you must still manually remove the observers.
The best general way to do this is to capture the tokens in an array, append them when you add the observer and use them for removal when you deinit/dealloc or otherwise need to remove observer behavior for your object.
in your VC/object properties create an array to store observer 'tokens'
var notifObservers = [NSObjectProtocol]()
Register for a block based notification by capturing the function return object and storing it as a token
let observer = NotificationCenter.default.addObserver(forName: , object: , queue:) { [weak self] notification in
// do a thing here
for observer in notifObservers {
this line is sufficient to remove the vc observation as long as all are added with

AVPlayer removing observer crash in Swift 2.2

I have a video app that I built a while back in Swift 1 and I've been trying to migrate to Swift 2.2. It all (finally) works apart from a weird crash to do with observers.
func removeObservers()
if ( !self.is_image && self.player != nil ) {
if (self.player?.observationInfo != nil) {
self.player?.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: "currentItem.status")
self.player?.removeObserver(self, forKeyPath: "readyForDisplay")
This worked previously using SwiftTryCatch but with the lines in place crashes with "'Cannot remove an observer for the key path "readyForDisplay" from because it is not registered as an observer.'" OR with that an observer is registered on a deallocated object if I comment it out.
If I add a do { } catch {} to it I get an error that "this does not throw" and it just crashes the same. How do I go about putting this in some form of try-catch format?
In Swift 2, the libs got annoyingly strict about errors that are truly unexpected (which throw) versus errors that the programmer could have prevented (which do not throw, but just crash your app).
(I’m not a fan of this distinction, or at least not of all the specific decisions Apple made about which errors fall in which category. The JSON API verges on the nonsensical in this department. But…we work with the API we’ve got.)
The NSKeyValueObserving docs say:
It is an error to call removeObserver:forKeyPath: if the object has not been registered as an observer.
“It is an error” is Apple code for “you are responsible for never doing this, and if you do, your app will crash in an uncatchable way.”
In these situations, there is usually an API call you can make to check the validity of the thing you’re about to do. However, AFAIK, there’s no KVO API call you can make to ask, “Is X observing key path Y of object Z?” That means you have three options:
Figure out why you’re trying to remove an observer from something you’re not observing, and prevent that using your program’s own internal logic.
Keep a weak instance var for “player I’m observing,” and check that for a match before attempting to remove the observer.
Add self as an observer before removing it. (I’m pretty sure that a redundant add is OK.)
Since you are making a call removeObserver(self) at the end of the method, why cant you uncomment above code? Because removeObserver(self) removes all the observers if registered any. I hope this solves your issue.
status is a property of either AVPlayer or AVPlayerItem.
readyForDisplay is a property of AVPlayerLayer

NSNotificationCenter callback while app in background

One question and one issue:
I have the following code:
- (void) registerForLocalCalendarChanges
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self selector:#selector(localCalendarStoreChanged) name:EKEventStoreChangedNotification object:store ];
- (void) localCalendarStoreChanged
// This gets call when an event in store changes
// you have to go through the calendar to look for changes
[self getCalendarEvents];
These methods are in a class/object called CalendarEventReporter which contains the method getCalendarEvents (in the callback).
Two things:
1) If the app is in the background the callback does not run. Is there a way to make it do that?
2) When I bring the app back into the foreground (after having changed the calendar on the device) the app crashes without any error message in the debug window or on the device. My guess is that the CalendarEventReporter object that contains the callback is being garbage-collected. Is that possible? Any other thoughts on what might be causing the crash? Or how to see any error messages?
1) In order for the app to run in the background you should be using one of the modes mentioned in the "Background Execution and Multitasking section here:
uses location services
records or plays audio
provides VOIP
background refresh
connection to external devices
like through BLE
If you are not using any of the above, it is not possible to get asynchronous events in the background.
2) In order to see the crash logs/call stack place an exception breakpoint or look into the "Device Logs" section here: Window->Organizer->Devices->"Device Name" on left->Device Logs on Xcode.
To answer your first question, take a look at
What I did to get code running in the background is to do something like
In the .h file
UIBackgroundTaskIdentifier backgroundUploadTask;
In the .m file
-(void) functionYouWantToRunInTheBackground
self.backgroundUploadTask = [[UIApplication sharedApplication] beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler:^{
[self endBackgroundUpdateTask];
//code to do something
-(void) endBackgroundUpdateTask
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] endBackgroundTask: self.backgroundUploadTask];
self.backgroundUploadTask = UIBackgroundTaskInvalid;
The code above I pretty much learned from objective c - Proper use of beginBackgroundTaskWithExpirationHandler
As for your second question, you should set a breakpoint where code is supposed to run when you bring the app back to the foreground. No one can figure out why an app crashes if not given enough code or information.
The solution to the second part of the question was to raise the scope of the object containing the callback code. I raised it to the level of the containing ViewController. This seems to work. I still can't figure out how to raise the Notification (i.e. execute the call back) if the notification comes while the app is in the background/suspended. This prevented the object containing the callback from being cleaned up.

iOS Google Analytics memory growing out of control FAST

I've used Google Analytics on several iOS apps. No problems. This time, problem.
I do the basic setup using version 3.0. Add library/header, include required frameworks, and stuff the boiler plate code into the AppDelegate.m. So far so good, everything works as expected. I take my first UIViewController and change it to extend GAITrackedViewController and it hits the fan. The app freezes up on the first screen and memory usage starts going up about 4Meg per second. So I change the UIViewController back and all is good. I try making the screen name call manually in viewDidLoad.
// Analytics
id tracker = [[GAI sharedInstance] defaultTracker];
[tracker set:kGAIScreenName value:#"Initial"];
[tracker send:[[GAIDictionaryBuilder createAppView] build]];
Same thing happens. My view controller has a couple custom container views and it the root view controller on a generic UINavigationViewController. I figure it's probably the custom containers confusing it about which is the active view controller and what screen name to use (but I'm not seeing any sign of this in the logging).
Has anyone run into this problem and been able to nail down exactly what's causing it and how to work around it?
João's answer is correct, but I'd like to explain it more.
From Google's Getting Started document
If your app uses the CoreData framework: responding to a notification,
e.g. NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification, from the Google
Analytics CoreData object may result in an exception. Instead, Apple
recommends filtering CoreData notifications by specifying the managed
object context as a parameter to your listener.
What that means is...
// This code will cause a problem because it gets triggered on ANY NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification.
// (both your managed object contact and the one used by Google Analytics)
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
// This code is safe and will only be trigger from the notification generated by your Managed Object Context.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
Now I read the docs and I had done this properly, but I was still having the problem. Turns out I didn't update my code for when I removed the notification.
// Not Safe
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self
// Safe
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] removeObserver:self
The moral of the story is, pay attention to your notification listeners. It takes a couple seconds to specify a listener for a specific object and it can take a long time to debug an issue because you accidentally listening to events you don't want to or remove listening to events.
Solution 1: Use a specific moc on object parameter when observing NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification, this will allow you to observe only saves on the given moc.
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
Solution 2: If you are using the Core Data technique of merging mocs created on background threads, you cannot easily solve in the suggested way, so the alternative is to change your method that handles notification in order to avoid merging when the persistentStoreCoordinator of the saved moc doesn't match the persistentStoreCoordinator of your main moc.
- (void)managedObjectContextDidSave:(NSNotification *)notification {
if ([NSThread isMainThread]) {
NSManagedObjectContext *savedMoc = notification.object;
// Merge only saves of mocs that are not my managedObjectContext
if (savedMoc == self.managedObjectContext) {
// Merge only saves of mocs that share the same persistentStoreCoordinator of my managedObjectContext (i.e.: ignore the save of Google Analytics moc)
if (savedMoc.persistentStoreCoordinator != self.managedObjectContext.persistentStoreCoordinator) {
[self.managedObjectContext mergeChangesFromContextDidSaveNotification:notification];
else {
[self performSelectorOnMainThread:#selector(handleBackgroundContextSaveNotification:) withObject:notification waitUntilDone:YES];
I was having the exact same problem.
I've managed to find the solution in my case: I was registering to NSManagedObjectContextDidSaveNotification without specifying the context:
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] addObserver:self
Removing this listener solved my out of memory problems.
Im working on XMPP Framwork and as soon i fixed GA crash. This one failed
ANy easy way to solve this issue.

Posting NSNotification on the main thread

I found the following code snippet which allows NSNotification to be posted on the main thread from any background thread. I would like to know if this is a safe and acceptable practice please?
[[NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter] postNotificationName:#"ImageRetrieved"
Yes you can.
Generally you want the NSNotifications to be sent on the main , especially if they trigger UI activities like dismissing a modal login dialog.
Delivering Notifications To Particular Threads
Regular notification centers deliver notifications on the thread in
which the notification was posted. Distributed notification centers
deliver notifications on the main thread. At times, you may require
notifications to be delivered on a particular thread that is
determined by you instead of the notification center. For example, if
an object running in a background thread is listening for
notifications from the user interface, such as a window closing, you
would like to receive the notifications in the background thread
instead of the main thread. In these cases, you must capture the
notifications as they are delivered on the default thread and redirect
them to the appropriate thread.
This is - you are getting into the main thread and posting your notification. Can't get any safer than that.
Swift 2 syntax
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue()) {
NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter().postNotificationName("updateSpinner", object: nil, userInfo: ["percent":15])
Swift 3 syntax
DispatchQueue.main.async { "updateSpinner", object: nil, userInfo: ["percent":15])
Somewhere along the line this became possible with:
which is here, but the whole point is the queue object.
The operation queue to which block should be added. If you pass nil,
the block is run synchronously on the posting thread.
So how do you get the queue that corresponds to the main runloop?
let mainQueue = OperationQueue.main
Note: this is when you are subscribing to notifications, so you do it once and you're done. Doing it on every single call is terribly redundant.
