Blackberry 10 Cascades - Images inside Text Area - blackberry

I am designing an application that needs to replace some text inside of a TextArea with an Image. For example, if I enter a phone Number that exists on the Native contacts list, I need to replace the text on the text Area with an Image and be able to add more phone Numbers (the attached image illustrates the procedure). This is the native messaging application, but I can't find an API to do this in Cascades.
Thanks for the help.

I believe what you are looking for is the FlowListLayout but would recommend you become familiar with how Cascades deals with simple lists first. The general premise, and how some form a list can help you, is that each element on the list is display an an object, or collection of objects depending on what type the element is. As elements change in type, in this example from the text entered by the user, to the contact found by searching for that text, the form of display can change.


Is it possible to provide custom values for the iOS keyboard auto complete?

When typing in a UITextField iOS shows possible auto complete values above the keyboard. These values seem to come from some iOS internal dictionary. Is is possible to provide/add custom values instead?
Assume a from within the app where the user can enter values from a specific category, e.g. car manufactures or book authors.
When typing in the field "car manufacturer", iOS will most likely not offer "Ford", "Fiat" or "Ferrari" when typing an "F" but other, more general words starting with an F.
So, is it possible to add values which are likely in the current context to a UITextField to let iOS include them in auto completion?
Please note, at I am NOT looking for custom solutions which show a custom list with auto complete values below a text field, for example. This is explicitly about extending the auto complete values shows above the iOS keyboard.

Looking for iOS VoiceOver accessibility guidelines: when I tap on text, how much should it speak?

I'm looking for any specific guidelines (from Apple or elsewhere - not opinions) on how much text I should make VoiceOver read when I tap on some text in the app I'm developing.
When I tap on a header, should it read only the header, or should it also read the section below that header? When I tap on a paragraph, should it read the header and then the entire section that contains this paragraph? In what situations should the spoken text provide more or different information than is actually displayed by the app?
(I'm not asking what it does, I'm asking what it should do, because as a developer I can set an item's accessibilityLabel to as much or as little text as I want.)
I don't see anything relevant in
Your link seems clear enough, especially the section on Supply Accurate and Helpful Attribute Information which includes, among other details, the following:
A good way to determine what a label should convey is to think about what a sighted user infers about your application just by looking at it. If you’ve designed a good user interface, sighted users should know what a control or view does in the current application context by reading its title or understanding its icon. This is the information you need to make available to VoiceOver users in the label attribute.
If you provide a custom control or view, or if you display a custom icon in a standard control or view, you need to provide a label that:
Very briefly describes the element. Ideally, the label consists of a single word, such as Add, Play, Delete, Search, Favorites, or Volume.
Strive to design your application so that a single word identifies an element and makes its usage obvious in the current context. Sometimes, however, it might be necessary to use a brief phrase to properly identify an element. When this is the case, create a very short phrase, such as “Play music,” “Add name,” or “Add to event.”
Does not include the type of the control or view. The type information is contained in the traits attribute of the element and should never be repeated in the label.
For example, if you include the control type in the label of an Add button, VoiceOver users hear “Add button button” every time they access that control. This experience would quickly become annoying and might motivate users to stop using your application.
Begins with a capitalized word. This helps VoiceOver read the label with the appropriate inflection.
Does not end with a period. The label is not a sentence and therefore should not end with a period.
Is localized. Be sure to make your application available to as wide an audience as possible by localizing all strings, including accessibility attribute strings. In general, VoiceOver speaks in the language that the user specifies in International settings.
Each tappable view should provide its own accessibilityLabel. If a user can tap on the header and the user can tap on the section below the header, then tapping on the header should just read the header and tapping on the section below the header should just read the section below the header.
When you think about accessibility, you should be approaching it from the perspective of your end user. For example, if you have a heading entitled Hospital Name: with a subheading reading Massachusetts General Hospital, it would be a good idea to read the two together because they provide context for one another. If, on the other hand, you have a header entitled Hospitals: and then you have a long list of hospitals below, it would likely be better to allow the user to scroll through all of the hospitals at his/her own pace.
With larger blocks of text such as a paragraph on a UILabel or UITextView, the amount you read again depends on the context. If it is a description of something that should be read as a solid block without interruptions so the user can understand the content, then it is completely fine to set it as a single Voice Over block. If, however, there should be strategic pauses to allow the user to decide if he or she wants to hear more (e.g. End User License Agreement, paragraphs in an essay), then you should separate it into sections to allow the user to control the pace and select the location.
With larger blocks of text, I would recommend that you do not set the accessibilityLabel to the contents but rather the accessibilityValue. This will allow the user to hear a short description in the label of the object in the accessibility focus prior to deciding if he/she wants to hear more. Again, this gives the user context prior to continuing.
You're developing a native app and not an html webapp? In the latter case, the user can swipe left/right to navigate to the next element in the DOM and only the text that is associated with that DOM element is read. However, the text associated with the DOM element can be "enhanced" by associating additional text with the DOM element (aria-label, aria-labelledby, aria-describedby, class="sr-only", etc), if it's deemed necessary to help a VoiceOver user understand the context. For example, a "register now" button or "read more" link might need additional information so that the purpose of the button/link is clear. (Register for what now? Read more about what?)
The same principle can be applied to native apps too, which sounds like what you're asking about. If your app has a heading (ala <h1>, <h2>, etc, but however it's defined in objectivec), then those shouldn't need additional text associated with them. The heading should be worded so that it's context should be sufficient. The paragraph following the heading can be navigated to by the user swiping right. They'll know the paragraph is "under" the heading because it's the next element they swiped to.
Same if the user taps on the paragraph. The heading associated with the paragraph does not need to be read. The user can swipe left to get to it, or they can use the rotor set on "headings" to swipe up/down to get to the prev/next heading.
So the general guideline is to try to provide all the context that is needed in the text of the object itself, if possible. But you also have to balance that with succinctness. If the text needs additional context, then it sounds like you should use accessibilityLabel. Is there another attribute that provides additional information such as accessibilityDescription? (I just made that attribute name up. Not sure if it exists.)

Make bullet/num/check lists in UITextView

I am working on text editor app and using UITextView for this. Does anybody know how to make ability to do bullet/num/check lists in it? Any examples/tutorials?
Note: I need to do this as a part of text editor, so user can select some area, tap on according button and enable/disable lists formatting.
Based on my research for similar behavior (e.g. Bullet list and Numbered list in UITextView ), I would expect that there is no easy way to do it. I expect that you will have to use textView(_:shouldChangeTextIn:replacementText:) to hack currently added text to manually add bullets/numbers - e.g., if the user set that she currently wants to use unordered list, you will have to detect a new line added in shouldChangeTextIn and manually add there the bullet and indentation.
Another approach which you might consider (its applicability depends on your requirements) is to customize existing open source rich text editor. In my case I was able to get close enough to what I needed using RichEditorView, which uses HTML+CSS as an underlying technology (so to be able to do customizations, you need to know a bit about JavaScript, CSS and HTML).

iTextSharp - Pre filled Chinese characters in PDF do not come visible until textfield is focused

I am creating PDF with pre filled values in Chinese but when opening the PDF all the textfields containing Chinese text are empty. When focusing a textfield the Chinese text comes visible but is hided again when unfocusing the field. What could be the issue?
Please share some more info, as there could be more than one reason why the appearances aren't generated by iText.
A. The first reason is explained in the StackOverflow question "AcroForm values missing after flattening". In this case, the PDF contains a parameter that instructs iText not to generate appearances, which would explain why you don't see any value up until you click the field, in which case the viewer will create them.
B. The second reason is explained in section 8.3.3 (entitled "Text fields and fonts") of my book. In this case, the parameter in the PDF doesn't prevent the creation of field appearances, but iText fails to do so because you're not providing a font that knows how to display the Chinese characters.
See for instance figure 8.3 and 8.4 of the book.
In figure 8.3, you see that Chinese text isn't displayed in the upper window. By fixing the form (using two different strategies), the Chinese text appears in the lower two windows. Note that the Chinese text won't appear in all viewers in the case of the middle window.
In figure 8.4, you see that Korean text isn't displayed in the upper window, nor in the third window. In all other windows, different strategies were used to fix this problem:
It would lead us too far to discuss all the different strategies in an answer on SO. Instead, please take a look at the TextFontFields example (for the C# version, please take a look at the ported examples). My guess is that you'll benefit most from the AddSubstitutionFont() method, provided that you use a font of which a subset will be embedded in the document (in the example arialuni.ttf is used).
In case of A., the phenomenon also concerns other languages. In case of B., the parameter is correct, but you're not providing a font that can be used to generate the appearance.

Delphi TListBox iOS making new itemstyle/behavior

I need to show custom data. For example I need to show a contact list with name, description, photo. And ideally I would also like to show custom data there, e.g. a button to launch telephone call. The default styles do not quite do what I want, but fairly close.
Thus, as far as I can tell, TListBox could be a decent control for this if I could create custom styles? Is that possible? (Anotther problem of course is setting the values of the custom data controls.)
You should take a good look at the FMX CustomListBox example AFAIK even the example alone already seems to have exactly what you need, already set in place.
It took me about 10 minutes to produce this result straight out of the CustomListBox example with your description:
One thing that the included FMX example demonstrates perfectly is how easy it is to add any FMX control to the ListBox via the TStyleBook Layouts such as buttons, images etc... basically any visual control upon which you then implement the HitTest, again, all very detailed in the FMX Delphi example.
