Need to remove advertising identifier from facebook sdk - ios

I need to remove adsupport dependency from facebook iOS-SDK because I am not showing any Adds in my app and Apple is rejecting apps if there is advertising identifier but not displaying ads in the app. Is there any possible solution? Kindly check this link

Try submitting your app again. It should go through now.
[EDIT]: Copied from my own answer:
Everything has come to its usual state now. Simply upload your binary as you've been doing this while, and broadly classify IDFA in two categories:
publisher: You use third-party ad-networks library to display ad. Choose the 1st option in IDFA -> "Serve advertisements within the app". You're a publisher since you show ads, but do not perform advertising for your own app.
Advertiser: You use third-party libraries to track conversions for your app, as well as track 'goals' in your app. You directly do not show ads in your app. Choose the 2nd & 3rd option in IDFA -> "Attribute this app installation to a previously served ad". AND "Attribute an action taken within this app to a previously served advertisement".
Mixed: You track conversions for your app, as well as display ads in your app. Choose all three options.


Is there a client-side iOS 14 method that provides the app or web install referrer?

I want to understand where my users came from (another app, website, paid advertisement, etc).
Their journey would be something like: viewing a website X containing an ad Y to my app -> clicking the ad -> app product page opens up in the iOS AppStore -> click 'install' -> launch my app.
I am interested in the identities of "website X" and "ad Y" parts of the journey.
This data is available on Apple's system - AppStore Connect - but I want to know the referring app/website/ad in runtime.
Also, there are 3rd systems that create the links for me and provide some of this info, like Kochava and Adjust, but I can't use them for my tiny app.
Numerous threads on SO discuss this issue, but all of them conclude it's impossible in iOS (compared to the Google Play Store). Also, these thread do not relate specifically to getting the install referrer in the iOS client-side, on runtime.
Thank you in advance!

Is it possible for Facebook Ads to track iOS app installs without using IDFA?

Apple has introduced new policy, restricting kids category apps from collecting IDFA. We can't integrate facebook sdk in our app, they're rejecting any build that contains SDK which makes use of IDFA.
So we're unable to run Facebook app install ads now, for our Kids category apps/games.
Is there any way to run facebook ads for app installs without using IDFA?
Maybe something like facebook pixel, or attribution of some other kind?
I removed my app completely from AppStore and Again uploaded same app With different bundle Id but this time uncheck 'Made for Kids'checkbox.
If you want to keep it in kids category and want to show Ads without using IDFA Integrate
'AdMob + Kidoz mediation' refer
This framework you can use. It does't contain 'IDFA'.

Are Google Play and Apple Store allows InAppBrowser of ionic to view a website only?

Before create a new account for iOS, android to upload web app to Google play and apple store, I want to ask:
Are they allows developer to upload an application that use InAppBrowser of Ionic to view website through that uploaded app ?
We need this to keep our work up to the latest date of updates for all users without need so many versions for both iOS and android.
So, are there any positive, negative or past experiences related to this topic ?
If you take a look at the review guidelines from Apple, it states that
4.2 Minimum Functionality
Your app should include features, content, and UI that elevate it beyond a repackaged website. If your app is not particularly useful, unique, or “app-like,” it doesn’t belong on the App Store.
I would make the case to package your app as an Ionic app, and use either Ionic Deploy, or Code Push to update the content of your app on the fly. Note: This type of deployment cannot update Cordova dependencies, but it does let you keep your html, css and js files up to date.
In general yes, they allow this, but they might get confused (specially Apple) and ask you to be careful about the links that you open inside your app.
For example, Apple has certain guidelines about apps that buy/sell cryptocurrency. If you put a link to a buy/sell cryptocurrency website and open it inside the inAppBrowser, the app reviewer might "think" your app is for buying/selling cryptocurrencty and you might get rejected as a result.
However, if you put links to normal website, for example CNN, they should be ok with it, as there are many apps that already do this.

MoPub Full SDK 2.3.0 Improper IDFA usage

During my IOS app validation, warning shows "Improper Advertising Identifier [IDFA] Usage. Your app contains the IDFA API but you have not indicated its usage on the Prepare for Upload". I have updated the admob SDK inside with the latest. Do I have to tick using IDFA during the preparation for upload?
Yes, if you are using the Ad Identifier in your own code or in third party libraries such as mopub, then Apple requires you to fill in and check the appropriate forms on the IDFA questionnaire prior to upload.
Specifically, the section advises app developers that the IDFA is “the only way to offer targeted ads” and offers three use cases which they must also check, if in place:
Serve advertisements within the app
Attribute this app installation to a previously served advertisement
Attribute an action taken within this app to a previously served advertisement

UTIs for the gallery App share function

I am implementing Foto/video/others import in my App.
Using the UTIs public.image,, com.adobe.pdf, etc works fine on a lot of Apps, but apple's gallery displays only Mail,Facebook,twitter and youtube in the Share function.
How to get my App in this list ?
Your app is a consumer (you said you are importing.) Apple's Gallery app is also a consumer AND a producer. As a producer, Gallery could share with your app as a consumer.
On the desktop (OSX) declaring the UTI's that your app supports (produces or consumes) in your app bundle is the first step. Then in what is similar to 'sharing', the Finder lets you double click a file (document) to open it with the default app (or other app) that supports the UTI. Finder is part of security (sandboxing): the user is in charge when using the Finder and the OS assumes the user understands the security implications of sharing content between apps, but the Finder may still give warnings about security.
On iOS, I suppose you are asking whether declaring UTI's in your app bundle is sufficient for the Share button? I don't know. In iOS8 apparently you need an App Extension.
