1067: Implicit Coercion of a value - actionscript

So I'm currently trying to run my collision test on my two sprites, and I'm getting the following error:
C:\\Code\\Game\Game.as, Line 54, Column 34 1067: Implicit coercion of a value of type mvc:PlayerModel to an unrelated type assets.Scripts:SpriteAnimation.
Which is pointing to the following line of code:
handleSpriteToSpriteCollision(_player, _boss);
The function is as follows:
private function handleSpriteToSpriteCollision(sprite1:SpriteAnimation, sprite2:SpriteAnimation):void
var toSprite2 : VectorModel = new
VectorModel(0,0,0,0, sprite2.x - sprite1.x, sprite2.y - sprite1.y);
var bitmapData1:BitmapData = new BitmapData(sprite1.width, sprite1.height);
while(testBitmapCollision(sprite1.spriteFrameBitmapData, sprite1.topLeftX, sprite1.topLeftY, sprite2.spriteFrameBitmapData, sprite2.topLeftX, sprite2.topLeftY))
sprite2.x -= toSprite2.dx;
sprite2.y -= toSprite2.dy;
Both sprites display just fine, but as soon as I make the function call it all comes crumbling down. At this point I just need some fresh eyes to take a look at the code to see what's going wrong.
Edit: Here is the PlayerModel.as
package mvc
import flash.events.Event;
import flash.events.EventDispatcher;
import assets.Scripts.SpriteAnimation;
public class PlayerModel extends EventDispatcher
private var _previousX:Number = 0;
private var _previousY:Number = 0;
private var _xPos:Number = 0;
private var _yPos:Number = 0;
public var vx:Number = 0;
public var vy:Number = 0;
private var _height:uint = 30;
private var _width:uint;
private var _color:uint;
public function PlayerModel():void
public function update():void
xPos += vx;
yPos += vy;
public function get height():uint
return _height;
public function get color():uint
return _color;
public function get xPos():Number
return _xPos;
public function set xPos(value:Number):void
_xPos = value;
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
public function get yPos():Number
return _yPos;
public function set yPos(value:Number):void
_yPos = value;
dispatchEvent(new Event(Event.CHANGE));
public function set setX(value:Number):void
_previousX = value - vx;
xPos = value;
public function set setY(value:Number):void
_previousY = value - vy;
yPos = value;

The first thing i would check is the class of your boss and player objects inherit your SpriteAnimation class:
class PlayerModel extends SpriteAnimation
{ ...
Seems as though your handleSpriteToSpriteCollision function is looking for two SpriteAnimations and at least the PlayerModel being passed isn't one
Sprite inherits EventDispatcher so as long as your SpriteAnimation inherits Sprite as well, you shouldn't lose any functionality


keeping track of a series of simple multiple choice web form answers

This is the code I'm trying to use, which seems logical. But doesn't seem to be working.
MyAsFileName.prototype.getTotalScore = function() {
var totalScore = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < allQuestions.length; i++) {
totalScore += allQuestions[i].getCalculatedScore();
if (currentModule.allQuestions[i].parent.questionCorrect == true) {
} else {
debugLog("Total score: " + totalScore);
return totalScore;
I have allQuestions defined as below:
var allQuestions = Array();
I have knowledgePoints defined as:
this.knowledgePoints = 10;
I have questionCorrect defined as:
this.questionCorrect = false;
Second fresh attempt made with new class as answer below suggested (commented out for now until I figure out how to get working):
// package
// {
/*public class Quiz {
var knowledgePoints: int = 10;
var allQuestions: Array = new Array;
var questionCorrect: Boolean = false;
function getTotalScore(): int {
var totalScore: int = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < allQuestions.length; i++) {
totalScore += allQuestions[i].getCalculatedScore();
if (currentModule.allQuestions[i].parent.questionCorrect) {
} else {
debugLog("Total score: " + totalScore);
return totalScore;
This code above outputs two errors in flash console:
Error 1. Attribute used outside of class.
Error 2. 'Int' could not be loaded.
It's a weird (and actually non-AS3 way) way to do this. Instead of creating a unnamed closure which refers weird variables from who-knows where, you should make it a normal AS3 class, something like that (in a file named Quiz.as):
public class Quiz
public var knowledgePoints:int = 10;
public var allQuestions:Array = new Array;
public var questionCorrect:Boolean = false;
public function getTotalScore():int
var totalScore:int = 0;
// Your code does not explain how you will that Array.
// It is initially an empty Array of length 0.
for (var i = 0; i < allQuestions.length; i++)
totalScore += allQuestions[i].getCalculatedScore();
if (currentModule.allQuestions[i].parent.questionCorrect)
// Not sure what it is.
debugLog("Total score: " + totalScore);
return totalScore;

How to implement Iterable<E>

I am trying to port the Java code below to Dart and am puzzled about to do this.
In Java the Iterable interface is where clean with one method and to implement this is a snap.
How is this code best transformed to Dart?
* Chess squares represented as a bitmap.
public class ChessSquares implements Iterable<ChessSquare> {
private static class ChessSquaresIterator implements Iterator<ChessSquare> {
long bits;
int nextBit;
public ChessSquaresIterator(long bits) {
this.bits = bits;
nextBit = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(bits);
public boolean hasNext() {
return (nextBit < 64);
public ChessSquare next() {
ChessSquare sq = ChessSquare.values()[nextBit];
bits = bits & ~sq.bit;
nextBit = Long.numberOfTrailingZeros(bits);
return sq;
public void remove() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public Iterator<ChessSquare> iterator() {
return new ChessSquaresIterator(bits);
By using IterableMixin you only need to implement the iterator-function.
class ChessSquares with IterableMixin<ChessSquare> {
Iterator<ChessSquare> get iterator => new ChessSquaresIterator(bits);
Visit http://blog.sethladd.com/2013/03/first-look-at-dart-mixins.html for a short introduction on mixins.
The Iterator-interface is straight forward. You only have to implement the function moveNext and the getter current.
Soo I tried this which is kind of not what I want since I do not want to extend a base class.
* Chess squares represented as a bitmap.
class ChessSquares extends IterableBase<ChessSquare> {
Iterator<ChessSquare> get iterator {
return new ChessSquaresIterator(this);
class ChessSquaresIterator extends Iterator<ChessSquare> {
int _nextBit;
int64 _bits;
ChessSquare _current;
ChessSquaresIterator(ChessSquares squares) {
_bits = new int64.fromInt(squares._bits);
bool moveNext() {
_nextBit = _bits.numberOfTrailingZeros();
if (_nextBit < 64) {
_current = ChessSquare.values()[_nextBit];
_bits = _bits & ~_current.bit();
} else {
_current = null;
return _nextBit < 64;
E get current => _current;

How to draw a line on a bitmap in Stage3D using Agal?

How can I draw a line on a bitmap in Stage3D using Agal? Can someone provide a code example?
If you use Starling you can try this:
* Class Line
* #author Leandro Barreto 2012
* #version 1.0
package starling.utils
import starling.display.Quad;
import starling.display.Sprite;
public class Line extends Sprite
private var baseQuad:Quad;
private var _thickness:Number = 1;
private var _color:uint = 0x000000;
public function Line()
baseQuad = new Quad(1, _thickness, _color);
public function lineTo(toX:int, toY:int):void
baseQuad.width = Math.round(Math.sqrt((toX*toX)+(toY*toY)));
baseQuad.rotation = Math.atan2(toY, toX);
public function set thickness(t:Number):void
var currentRotation:Number = baseQuad.rotation;
baseQuad.rotation = 0;
baseQuad.height = _thickness = t;
baseQuad.rotation = currentRotation;
public function get thickness():Number
return _thickness;
public function set color(c:uint):void
baseQuad.color = _color = c;
public function get color():uint
return _color;
Someone suggested at the Starling forums that we create a Line class which draws a few quads connecting two points. This tutorial shows how to create polygons using AGAL for shaders:
I recently wrote a simple library to draw lines on Stage3D.
It's called Zebroid, https://github.com/luwes/Zebroid
Zebroid does not support line caps or joints yet.

Custom container not drawing

I've been reading about Vala over the past couple of days and decided to dive into it and make some Clutter widgets along the way. I'm currently trying to draw a private actor from my custom actor subclass. Here is a simplified version of what I've got so far.
public class MyContainer : Clutter.Actor, Clutter.Container {
private Clutter.Group group;
public MyContainer() {
group = new Clutter.Group();
public void add_actor(Clutter.Actor actor) {
set_size(group.width, group.height);
public void foreach(Clutter.Callback callback) {
public override void get_preferred_height(
float for_width,
out float min_height_p,
out float natural_height_p) {
out min_height_p,
out natural_height_p);
public override void get_preferred_width(
float for_height,
out float min_width_p,
out float natural_width_p) {
out min_width_p,
out natural_width_p);
public override void paint() {
public void remove_actor(Clutter.Actor actor) {
set_size(group.width, group.height);
public void sort_depth_order() {
int main(string [] args) {
// Start clutter.
var result = Clutter.init(ref args);
if (result != Clutter.InitError.SUCCESS) {
stderr.printf("Error: %s\n", result.to_string());
return 1;
var stage = Clutter.Stage.get_default();
// Build a MyCollection object.
var myc = new MyContainer();
myc.x = 100;
myc.y = 100;
var r1 = new Clutter.Rectangle();
r1.width = 50;
r1.height = 50;
r1.color = Clutter.Color.from_string("rgb(255, 0, 0)");
var t1 = new Clutter.Text();
t1.text = "The red square.";
t1.y = r1.height;
// Build a Group object similar to the previous.
var group = new Clutter.Group();
group.x = 300;
group.y = 100;
var r2 = new Clutter.Rectangle();
r2.width = 50;
r2.height = 50;
r2.color = Clutter.Color.from_string("rgb(255, 0, 0)");
var t2 = new Clutter.Text();
t2.text = "The red square.";
t2.y = r2.height;
// Display.
return 0;
The example paints the group added directly to the stage, but not the group wrapped by the custom collection that is added to the stage. How can I get this to work and what is wrong with the above?
I've been working on ubuntu 11.10 with valac --pkg clutter-1.0 above_code_example.vala.
This answer is from buz on gnome.irc's #clutter room.
The problem is a missing override for the allocate function.

how to remove an object with as2 on a frame #

i'm using as2. How do i delete these snowfalkes on a certain frame? i'm creating the snowlfakes using an array on frame 40. I want to get rid of the frames around 60.
var snowflake:Array;
for (var i:Number=0;i<100;i++) {
snowflake[i]=new Snowflake(this);
import Snowflake.*;
class Snowflake {
public var _snowflake:MovieClip;
private var _ranSnowflake:Number;
private var i:Number;
private var k:Number;
private var rad:Number;
private static var NUM_SNOWFLAKE_TYPES:Number=7;
private static var MOVIE_WIDTH:Number=590;
private static var MOVIE_HEIGHT:Number=390;
private static var FALLING_SPEED:Number=30;
private static var WIND_SPEED:Number=5;
private static var ROTATION_SPEED:Number=4;
function Snowflake(container:MovieClip) {
//giving each snowflake unique characteristics
this._snowflake._xscale = this._snowflake._yscale=Math.random()*30;
this._snowflake._alpha = 75+Math.random()*100;
this._snowflake.onEnterFrame=function() {this.parent.snowflakeEnterFrame(this._snowflake);}
trace("SNOWFLAKE X:"+this._snowflake._x+" Y:"+this._snowflake._y);
public function snowflakeEnterFrame() {
//putting it all together
this.rad += (k/180)*Math.PI;
this._snowflake._x -= Math.cos(rad);
this._snowflake._y += i;
if (this._snowflake._y>=Snowflake.MOVIE_HEIGHT) {
this._snowflake._y = -Snowflake.FALLING_SPEED;
if ((this._snowflake._x>=Snowflake.MOVIE_WIDTH) || (this._snowflake._x<=0)) {
this._snowflake._x = -Snowflake.WIND_SPEED+Math.random()*Snowflake.MOVIE_WIDTH;
this._snowflake._y = -Snowflake.WIND_SPEED;
public function vis(){
this._snowflake.visible = false;
Something like this (should work on any frame):
for(var i:Number = 0; i<snowflake.length; i++){
Loop through all the snowflake and remove them from the container.
