Rails Engines: Accessing an images under an engine - ruby-on-rails

We have a view under an engine that is supposed to show an image. this image (Button-Blank-Red-icon.png) is saved under the engine's path of "app/assets/images/engine_name/Button-Blank-Red-icon.png
I am getting the below error when trying to display this view.
ActionController::RoutingError (No route matches [GET] "/images/<>engine_name>/Button-Blank-Red-icon.png"):
What's the right way to display an image stored under engine's app/assets/images/engine_name/?
Here is the view code:
<img src="<%= RED_GREEN_YELLOW_CLS[r.step_qties.last.ontime_indicator] %>" height="15" width="15" />
r.step_qties.last.ontime_indicator returns one of 'green', 'red' and 'yellow'
The definition of constant RED_GREEN_YELLOW_CLS is in my_constant.rb under engine's config/initializers/:
'green' => '/Button-Blank-Green-icon.png',
'red' => '/Button-Blank-Red-icon.png',
'yellow' => '/Button-Blank-Yellow-icon.png'
One working solution with image tag (refers to episode#277 in railscasts.com):
<%=image_tag(RED_GREEN_YELLOW_CLS[r.step_qties.last.ontime_indicator], size: '23x23') %>
There is no need of block .
The my_constant.rb is:
'green' => 'engine_name/Button-Blank-Green-icon.png',
'red' => 'engine_name/Button-Blank-Red-icon.png',
'yellow' => 'engine_name/Button-Blank-Yellow-icon.png'

It looks like you're displaying your image via an AssetUrlHelpers. Your view code needs to be changed to the following:
<img src="<%= image_path(RED_GREEN_YELLOW_CLS[r.step_qties.last.ontime_indicator]) %>"
height="15" width="15" />
image_path is going to properly add the assets portion of the path, along with the hash generated by the asset pipeline, so that you get a correct url.

The correct url should be "/assets/<>engine_name>/Button-Blank-Red-icon.png" because when rails compiles the assets it will just mix all the content of /images /stylesheets and /javascript for all the gems and your app/assets dir inside public/assets. It will just copy "<>engine_name>" folder and it's content there.
It's not clear where this: "/images/<>engine_name>/Button-Blank-Red-icon.png" comes from, I'm not sure how to get that from the code you show.
Try to change what you use to "/assets/<>engine_name>/..." and it should work.
You can try to compile your assets manually and look where the files go, just do "bundle exec rake assets:compile RAILS_ENV=production", you can safely delete /public/assets after that test to keep it clean.

Have you tried asset_path helper?
<%= image_tag(asset_path("engine_name/#{RED_GREEN_YELLOW_CLS[r.step_qties.last.ontime_indicator]}"), size: '23x23') %>
replace engine_name with the actual name of the engine app.

Images from engine are accessible via:
So as you said
<img src="<%= asset_path(RED_GREEN_YELLOW_CLS[r.step_qties.last.ontime_indicator]) %>" height="15" width="15" />
'green' => 'engine_name/Button-Blank-Green-icon.png',
'red' => 'engine_name/Button-Blank-Red-icon.png',
'yellow' => 'engine_name/Button-Blank-Yellow-icon.png'
Will work.
p.s. I find r.step_qties.last.ontime_indicator personally insulting train wreck. :)


Rails: get image source after asset precompile

Currently I do this for my website
This results
<img src="/assets/logo-c9dc9867ad75fdidmjdoehdo53di.png" alt="Logo" />
This works just fine for me. But sometimes I just need the source part of the image i.e I just need this part /assets/logo-c9dc9867ad75fdidmjdoehdo53di.png. How can I get it?
If your images are in app/assets/images, then use asset_path
<%= asset_path("logo.png") %>
# => "/assets/logo-c9dc9867ad75fdidmjdoehdo53di.png"
If your images are in public/assets, then use image_path
<%= image_path("logo.png") %>
# => "/assets/logo-c9dc9867ad75fdidmjdoehdo53di.png"

Rails 4.2 upgrade: Asset names passed to helpers should not include the "/assets/" prefix

I upgraded from Rails 4.1 to 4.2. I get the following error now:
Sprockets::Rails::Helper::AbsoluteAssetPathError at /
Asset names passed to helpers should not include the "/assets/" prefix. Instead of "/assets/spinner.gif", use "spinner.gif"
The error message is clear. However, I don't know what it's talking about. It highlights this line of code:
<div class="loading">
<%= image_tag asset_path('spinner.gif') %>
I do not use the literal string '/assets/' in that line of code. So what is this error referring to?
I was able to resolve that specific error by removing the call to asset_path and just using image_tag 'spinner.gif'; however, I still get the error right here (I am using Paperclip gem):
<%= image_tag current_user.avatar.url(:thumb) %>
caused by this:
Again, it is complaining about asset_path.
Error only occurs when I pass asset_path to image_tag method:
=> "/assets/missing-user.png"
Sprockets::Rails::Helper::AbsoluteAssetPathError: Asset names passed to helpers should not include the "/assets/" prefix. Instead of "/assets/missing-user.png", use "missing-user.png"
image_tag will pass the source option to asset_path on its own:
# => <img alt="Icon" src="/assets/icon" />
# => <img alt="Icon" src="/assets/icon.png" />
image_tag("/icons/icon.gif", height: '32', width: '32')
# => <img alt="Icon" height="32" src="/icons/icon.gif" width="32" />
So when you call image_tag asset_path('spinner.gif') you're actually doing image_tag( '/assets/spinner.gif' ) which is why you get the sprockets warning.
I resolved the issue but I still don't understand the WHY factor. This only happens when I upgraded from Rails 4.1 to 4.2. Check this out:
=> "/assets/missing-user.png"
helper.image_tag "/assets/missing-user.png"
Sprockets::Rails::Helper::AbsoluteAssetPathError: Asset names passed to helpers should not include the "/assets/" prefix. Instead of "/assets/missing-user.png", use "missing-user.png"
helper.image_tag "missing-user.png"
=> "<img src=\"/assets/missing-user.png\" alt=\"Missing user\" />"
Based on the above, image_tag does not want you to pass it the literal path string 'assets'. Consequently, in my Paperclip gem helper, I had to od this:
has_attached_file :avatar,
styles: { normal: "128x128>", thumb: "40x40>" },
default_style: :thumb,
default_url: ->(attachment) { 'missing-user.png' }
In other words, I had to remove this:
since image_url returns the string '/assets/missing-user.png'.

Ruby on rails 4 assets images cannot be loaded

Currently, I am using ruby on rails 4.
In the html part, I am trying to load an image:
<img width="121" height="31" src="/assets/images/flatty/logo_lg.svg" />
The image file: logo_lg.svg is in the location: app/assets/images/flatty/
I tried:
<%= image_tag "/assets/images/flatty/logo_lg.png" %>
And in production.rb file: config.serve_static_assets = true.
Moreover, tried: rails assets:precompile
But the system still cannot find the image file.
You have a .svg but you are trying to load a .png . Change your code to this:
<%= image_tag "flatty/logo_lg.svg" %>
Don't use your full directory when you load images. The asset pipeline does that for you. Just put them in the right place i.e the images directory and write down:
<%= image_tag "someimg.png" %>
Additionally, if you want to style your image, you can give it a class or an id ( id would fit more for a logo):
<%= image_tag "flatty/logo_lg.svg" , :id => 'someId' , :class => 'someClass' %>
And then just put the CSS in your application css file or the one generated by the controller of you page:
.someClass {
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
#someId {
width: 50px;
height: 50px;
If you want to put an SVG though, they react differently. You have to remove the attributes given in the SVG's code (you can open up an .svg file with most of the text editors). It's XML markup.
Read this answer for more info.

Is it possible to suppress fingerprinting for image assets used in emails (Rails 3.1)?

In my mailer views, I include images as follows:
<%= image_tag "header.png" , :alt => "" %>
Which results in the following HTML in the generated email
<img alt="" src="http://example.com/assets/header-247cf573710c22ec2c14eafefeb4c7c1.png">
However, in the case of images used in emails, I would prefer NOT to include the fingerprinting. If I change the header image slightly, I would prefer that when a user drags up an old email, they see the new image, rather then getting an error because the old, fingerprinted URL is no longer valid.
In Rails 3.1.1 both versions of assets are available, and you can use the :digest => false option to make Rails give you the plain path to the asset
<image alt="" src="<%= asset_path 'header.png', :digest => false %>" />
You can set this digest for the entire project in your development or production environment config file by adding the below:
# Generate digests for assets URLs
config.assets.digest = false

Rails 3.1 Assets in ActionMailer with image_tag

Assets are working fine for my web views, but for some reason my Mailer doesn't use the asset pipeline. I am trying to use an image_tag in my mailer view:
=link_to image_tag("logo.png")
However, that renders as
<img alt="logo" src="http://mydomain.com/assets/logo.png">
instead of
<img alt="logo" src="http://mydomain.com/assets/logo-xxxxxxxxx...png">
Am I missing something here?
My settings are:
config.action_mailer.default_url_options = { :host => config.domain }
config.action_mailer.asset_host = "http://" + config.domain
Thank you!
Try to put in your mail template the following instead of the link_to ( the link_to makes no sense because you link here your image to nothing, and I don't see the a href as output in your html) :
= asset_path("logo.png")
also put in your specific environment file :
config.action_mailer.default :content_type => "text/html"
Like this you are sure that you always use HTML as default content type. If u are using images in the mails it is better to put it as html.
