App's icon color is always darker on the iPhone than it is on the iOS simulator or when viewing the image online - ios

I have been trying to solve this app icon color issue all morning. I am still experiencing this after going through both of these highly recommended photoshop/iOS design articles:
Here is the problem that I am having:
When creating my app's icon, the color that I see in Photoshop is the exact same color that I see in xcode's asset catalog. It is also perfect when I run the app on the iOS simulator.
However, when I run my app on my iPhone the app icon's color is always darker.
What's weird, is if I take a screenshot of my iPhone's screen and email it to myself, the color is correct! So for some reason the color is only darker when you are actually looking at the iPhone's screen.
Pardon my ignorance, but this is the first design I have ever done for an iOS app and I don't understand why this is happening or how to fix it.
EDIT: I am now using LiveView after reading this answer:
What's funny is no matter how hard I try I cannot get the color I see on my screen to appear on my iPhone screen. It's as if this shade of Pink I'm trying to use just isn't possible to render on an iPhone display.

This is because your iPhone and Monitor screens have different color calibrations (if that's the right term)
You're going to want to setup a color profile on your computer that matches the iPhone screens as closely as possible, and use that when developing icons.

for some reason the color is only darker when you are actually looking at the iPhone's screen
Consider turning up the brightness on your iPhone. Go to Settings->Wallpapers & Brightness to adjust it.
In any case, the issue isn't that the value of the color is changing on your device, it's just that that color value is being rendered differently.

Its because the resolution of your screen is different than your iOS device try it on other device


sections of the iOS app become black in some devices

I have an app which is currently published, this one person reported a problem with an iPhone 7 iOS 13.5.1 where he could not use it, basically the background of a table view cell is completely black where on all other devices is white, because of that and since the text is black, this person can't read anything. Also in the search field he can't see what is being typed, there, the background is white and the text which is supposed to be black is white. We actually got a screenshot which is by the way not very clear but you can see a faded version of the text in both the search field and the table view.
We also have the same model and with the same OS version installed but are not seeing the issue, for now we have only gotten report from this one person.
Has anyone experienced a similar issue that can point me to what the problem maybe?
You need to set your background color to white instead default.
"default" will set your background color in black if the device is in dark mode.
This looks to be an issue where your user has dark mode enabled, but your app appears to use a mixture of hardcoded and semantic colors.
As a quick workaround your can force your app to always use light mode by adding
to your Info.plist

Dark mode launch screen in iOS 13

I've updated my iOS app to work in dark mode on iOS 13 but I am having trouble trying to get the launch screen to look good.
Currently it is a bright white screen with the app logo which looks awful in dark mode. I have tried setting the background colour of the launch screen to be a colour asset that I made with "Any Appearance" being white and "Dark Appearance" being black - but the launch screen still always shows as white.
Is there any way to get my launch screen to work properly in dark mode?
When setting up the Launch Screen storyboard, set the view "Background" color to "System Background Color". This will be white in light mode and black in dark mode. No need to use your own color asset.
I found a solution that supports earlier iOS versions as well as custom colors for each mode, dark and light, in iOS 13.
Create an image asset, set Appearances to Any, Light, Dark, and load small solid pngs with your desired colors. In this case I am using orange for light, and black for dark.
Go to your LanuchScreen.storyboard and add an image view with that image asset. Place the image behind your image logo, set Content Mode as Aspect Fill, and constrain the view to the Superview in all sides. (Make sure that your logo looks good with the two backgrounds, or set its Appearance too)
This is where I had to do a trick. For some reason, I couldn't make the back image to show up. After checking some of the comments in Launch Screen storyboard not displaying image, I added the first image in the image asset to the target bundle
The color is static in older versions of iOS, and it works well with dark and light modes in iOS 13.
I was updating my app to support new Dark Mode for iOS 13, I put "System Background Color" for the View's background in my LanuchScreen.storyboard, but surprisingly it didn't work!
The Logo image on the page was changing correctly based on Light/Dark Mode, but not the background!
I was about to apply Jose's solution, but before that, I decided to completely remove the app from my device and try again. And it worked!!
I was missing colors from my color palette in Xcode defaulty offered colors so I created my own using Color.xcassets where I created custom color set with appearences Any, Dark and set my colors.
Then I can use them in autolayout same like System Colors even in LaunchScreen
Yes Launch Screen work in dark mode, First check the background colour of your "xyz" image. if it is ok. just delete you app from device or simulator, because some time Launch Screen cached by device or simulator and you will not get the update UI on it. if you will face same problem just follow my demo app

iOS app has a black background and the app icon overflows to the edges

It seems that when using the Ionic Framework to develop a hybrid app for Android and iOS, the app launcher background is set to transparent somewhere which works for Android but not for iOS, which will then cause the launch background to be black, but I would like to figure out how to change the background color to white. Also the icon that I have saved in the resources folder for both Android and iOS seems to be overflowing to the edges of the launcher in iOS, so is there anyway to decrease the size of the launcher icon on the home screen only for iOS? I will add a screen shot of the app on the home screen soon.
The best way to go about doing this is to make sure transparency is off for the image going to be used as the app icon and to use You may have to play around with the size of the background either in Adobe Photoshop or determining the best size of the background by using Snipping Tool in programs with a white or colored background like in Microsoft Word and then cropping the image.

On apple ipad icon leave some space and because of that it shows some black background color behind that icon. why this?

I have made square shape icon for ipad, and also ipad make icon in rounded shape automatically on app, but in my app, it shows some black background color behind the icon.
please reply me..
are you sure you are using rigt size? Check this. It would be also nice if you put an image here.

Xcode 7.1 iOS 9.1 Simulator transparent

I just recognized that I can see thru the iOS Simulator if an UIView is defined with (semi-) transparent content. But I can not make a screenshot of it, on the screenshot the effect is gone.
The (custom) navigation bar on top has alpha set to CGFloat(0.9).
Here a screenshot taken with an iPhone 6:
Zoom in and you can see thru the simulator window on Xcode. I assume this is a bug, or is it intended behavior of the OS X transparency effects? If it is intended, can I turn it off?
Ok, I have found the problem. Actually it is not a transparency effect but a display problem. I am using an iMac 27inch with an IPS LCD display, which suffers heavily from "screen burning". Xcode is standing on this position for hours so it burned in into the display. That's why I can not make a screenshot - it is a hardware problem.
Yeah this is going to be a hardware / screen problem. Should not translate to your app.
