Deleted provisioning profile keep coming back - ios

I'm trying to delete a development provisioning profile that I don't need anymore, but it keeps coming back.
I tried deleting it in the developer center, but it shows up on my xCode 5.
So I went into xCode's Preferences > Accounts > View Details and deleted it from the Provisioning Profiles section. Clicked refresh, and it was gone.
But... quit xCode, boot it up again, and the deleted provisioning profile is back. Now refresh the Provisioning Profiles page on the developer site, and it's there as well.
No matter which combination of deletions I used, first in xCode or first on the site, the provisioning profile is coming back.
Following an advice in one of threads, I installed the iPhone Configuration Utility, and deleted the provisioning profile there. It came back.
Following another thread's advice I looked for ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles in order to delete it there, but there's no such directory on my mac with OSX 10.8.5.
Any advice?
EDIT: looks like clicking the refresh button on the Preferences > Accounts > Apple ID > Provisioning Profiles is the culprit. As long as I avoid doing that, the profile doesn't come back.
I guess this is NOT really an answer, so it would still be great to get a comprehensive explanation of the issue here.

Use iPhone Configuration Utility to delete the provisioning profile.


Xcode 7 how do you refresh provisioning profiles?

In Xcode 6 you would click on Xcode -> Preferences -> Account -> View Details -> then there would be a little circular arrow. That is gone and there is now a "Download All" button that when pressed does not reload your provisioning profiles.
I've even tried deleting my account and re-adding it. Still no good.
Xcode 7 should automatically refresh your profiles locally when a change occurs to a profile in the Developer Portal. However, you can force this to occur by deleting and re-downloading the profiles.
Begin by opening Xcode's preferences window (Command+,). Select the Accounts tab, and click the "View Details…" button. In the bottom list that appears, Shift+click or click+drag to select the profiles you'd like to refresh. Then, right-click one of the selected profiles, and choose "Move to Trash" from the contextual menu.
Once that's done, the "Download All" button should pull down fresh copies of everything in the Apple Developer portal.
Profiles not deleting? Per feedback in the in the comments below, if you delete a very large number of profiles, Xcode may appear to do nothing, despite having actually removed all of the selected profiles. If you believe that this is the case, it may help to restart Xcode.
Be sure to take care when selecting profiles to delete… if they're not in the portal (e.g., they were supplied by another developer), Xcode can't automatically get them back for you. If you accidentally delete such a profile, you can find it in the Trash.
You can delete directly your Provisioning Profiles by running:
rm /Users/[userName]/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\ Profiles/*
Then re-download your profiles, Xcode -> Preferences -> Account -> View details... -> Download All
Your list in Target -> Build settings -> Code signing -> Provisioning Profiles will be updated.
I had this issue with a workspace containing multiple projects in XCode 7. My developer certificate had expired so I needed to get a new one and reassign it to my provisioning profile. This ended up being a major problem because the expired provisioning profile kept rearing its ugly head and would not get updated automatically. It was in fact listed in XCode->Preferences->Account->View Details twice (where, I might add, there was no refresh button and no contextual menu). Nothing I did made it go away and XCode kept asking for the wrong provisioning profile.
I finally solved it by deleting all of the profiles in ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles, opening the workspace in XCode 6 and using the refresh button that DOES exist in XCode->Preferences->Account->View Details.
XCode8: There is one provisioning profile that still always shows "Download". No matter what - it's the share extension app group provisioning profile for distribution.
I've tried:
Deleting all provisioning profiles in the Accounts tab "Move to Trash", then manually re-importing by downloading and dragging them to xcode - one still shows "Download"
Deleting the apple id associated with the account, then re-adding my apple id. Then manually re-importing by downloading the provisioning profiles and dragging them into xcode - one still shows "Download"
Downloading the provisioning profiles in the Preferences->Accounts is still really buggy and never works for me. It doesn't matter if I'm behind a proxy or not.
Deleting all provisioning profiles by removing the folder in /Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning profiles, then re-importing them by downloading the provisioning profiles and dragging them into xcode - one still shows "Download"
Apple, please fix this. Thanks. :)
I'm wondering if there is a guid mismatch in the project file or something, or if reinstalling xcode will help at all. This worked in xcode7, but now I'm using xcode 8.
UPDATE: The provisioning profiles were invalid but they weren't showing as invalid in the Apple Developer Site. When I toggled "automatically manage signing" to true, then back to false again, they showed up as invalid, then fixing them + re-importing them fixed the problem. What a disaster.
Make sure you've actually changed your provisioning profile. I ran into this same issue when I was trying to add a device to a provisioning profile. I added the device to my developer account, but had forgot to take the next step and add the device to my provisioning profile.
If your provisioning profile has changed, XCode (7.0) should automatically grab the updated provisioning profile once you visit Xcode -> Preferences -> Account -> View Details. There will be a download button you can click next to each updated provisioning profile.
As mentioned in one of the answers in Refresh devices in team provisioning profile managed by Xcode 7? , you can just delete and re-add the Apple ID in the Preferences->Accounts panel, which should regenerate the xcode-managed team provisioning profiles in the Developer Center. (Other answers suggest to right-click provisioning profiles, which doesn't work for me, or apply to older versions of XCode for which the answers no longer apply.)
Add your new device to provisioning profile.
Sometimes XCode 7+ does not automatically refresh provisioning profile. I removed apple id from Xcode -> Preferences -> Account and then added again. There was download button instead of newly updated profile. Click download. Close XCode and open again. It should work perfectly.

Provisioning profiles status invalid (managed by XCode)

Suddenly all my provisioning profiles are in status Invalid (managed by XCode). Why?
Also I remember in XCode 4 that you always had to create your provisioning profile. Now XCode autocreates your provisioning profile for development. Is this a new feature on XCode 6?
I had the same problem today.
In the Apple Developer website, all of my company's Provisioning Profiles were marked as "Invalid (managed in Xcode)". None were out of them were date, none were using iOS Certificates which had expired, and the website gave zero suggestion that anything was actually wrong.
The solution, ridiculously, was to delete my perfectly valid iOS Certificates, and recreate them.
We write in-house apps aswell as apps for the App Store, and Apple (quietly) refuses to let you have more than 2 of these at once. So I was unable to create a third iOS Certificate which would allow me to use the "In house and Ad-hoc" option, hence the need to delete an iOS Certificate first.
Once I had pointlessly recreated the "iOS Certificate", the Provisioning Profiles came to life.
Part 2 of this farce is to go into Xcode, and delete your Provision Profiles (XCode \ Preferences \ select your iOS Certificate \ View Details, then select all of your provisioning profiles, right click and select "Move to trash".
At this point, absolutely nothing will change, and you'll think you've done something wrong.
But then, if you then quit Xcode, and go back in, then you'll see the Provisioning Profiles will have disappeared.
Now you can re-download the Provisioning Profiles from the Apple Developers website, and redownload the latest versions.
Until Xcode 7.2 comes along, and breaks something else.
(Seriously, I spend more time fighting with Xcode bugs than writing code..)
Apple introduced Xcode Managed profiles in Xcode 5 as a way to try and make the provisioning process less cumbersome and get Developers sending code to their devices without having to go through the manual upload/setup/download/install/build process. In effect, Xcode was completely automating the entire provisioning process whenever there was a code sign error detected. For developers that had already wrestled with understanding Provisioning, this new behavior was frustrating as the processes those teams put in place were unintentionally being wrecked by Xcode's best attempts to be helpful. That said, it is better today but not as transparent as it should be when it comes to affecting your Certificates, Identities, and Profiles data. If you are't familiar with what all is included in a provisioning profile or signing identity, there's some related reading you might want to skim: What are code signing identities?
Suddenly all my provisioning profiles are in status Invalid (managed by XCode). Why?
The most common reason for a profile to move to the "Invalid" state is because at least one of the profile's registered test devices has been deactivated / removed from the developer's account. By doing so, all profiles that included that device UDID are marked as invalid and require regeneration. This can be accomplished in Xcode > Preferences > Accounts, clicking 'View Details' on your Apple ID account, and then clicking the refresh button in the lower right corner of that account details screen.
Also I remember in XCode 4 that you always had to create your provisioning profile. Now XCode autocreates your provisioning profile for development. Is this a new feature on XCode 6?
As stated in the start of this answer, no. Autogenerated provisioning profiles were introduced in Xcode 5 and the workflow has been refined several times since Xcode 5.0 and modern Xcode. If you allow Xcode to assist you with Code Signing error messages, its default position is to check the validity of your development or distribution certificate (depending on what kind of code sign operation you were trying to do), check the validity of the AppId and Provisioning Profile, and revoke then reissue whichever part of the signing identity is in error.
Really it messing up on me. it destroyed my 4 hours fighting with Xcode. At last created another new provisioning file with selecting appleID as iOS Wildcard App ID (xxx.*)

iOS provisioning profile

Usually I can always find what I'm looking for on Stack Overflow. But this time I'm really stumped.
I've read other Stack Overflow responses for people who have had a similar problem to this; but to no avail. (I think some of that is that I'm using Mavericks and I recently updated Xcode to 6.0.1.)
My woes began with getting this warning from Xcode: “Target Integrity Provisioning profile is expiring...” which was true. I had recently renewed my developer's license and I did need to update the provisioning profile.
So before I updated Xcode, I went to the iOS dev center and created a new provisioning profile and downloaded it. I selected it in Window->Organizer / Devices and I removed the old one. But the warning did not go away.
I read a post on Stack Overflow, from someone who could not delete their provisioning profile. They suggested using the iPhone Configuration Utility. I went to that web link for that program; and read there that for Mavericks, I should now use the Apple Configurator.
I downloaded the Apple Configurator but when I began using the program, I couldn't readily see anything about provisioning profiles.
I began to think, maybe I did need the older program called iPhone Configuration Utility after all. So I downloaded that, and it installed. But I cannot find it anywhere. I'm so confused by that. Is the iPhone Configuration Utility part of Xcode or part of Apple Configurator now?
To make matters so much worse, after I updated to Xcode 6.0.1, the screen in Windows->Organizer / Devices where I was able to see my provisioning profiles and add and remove them is gone! (I'm not sure where it got moved or how to get to it.)
I'm worried if I don't take care of this warning soon the app may stop working because it's referencing the expired provisioning profile.
Has anyone had some success updating a provisioning profile with Mavericks and Xcode 6.0.1?
Well all you need is access to your developer portal and Xcode.
If your provisioning profile is expiring soon, all you need to do is to go to your developer portal > provisioning profiles > click on the one expiring > renew or regenerate.
After you do that, go to Xcode > Preferences > Accounts > Your Account > View Details > Refresh and you should be good to go.
It won't hurt to clean up your project after this procedure.
Also check if your selected provisioning profiles for your project's schemas are valid and the ones you actually need.
As for your expiring provisioning profile, that's the one managed by Xcode. You can delete it from your developer portal without any worries and go to Xcode > Preferences > Accounts > Your Account > View Details > Refresh for Xcode to create a new general development provisioning profile for you automatically.
This error happened to me when I refreshed my xcode account's provisioning profiles, the provisioning profiles just got replaced with some ID that looks like thisas2d-12asdsd-13asd-ad3as-8sds, solution is to just choose the correct provisioning profile again, if the provisioning profiles are updated, the updated profile should be there.

Yet another Xcode provisioning profile query

I'm sick to my back teeth with this whole provisioning business.
After Xcode (4.4.1) got into a state where it would crash on launch I re-installed it. But now after doing so I'm no longer able to run on hardware as I get a Provisioning Profile can't be found error.
But I don't know what profile its talking about as the id number given in Xcode doesn't mean anything to me. It says
Provisioning profile '27F6BCB8-4876-4408-AA16-D749F5B62C2A' can't be found
After struggling pointlessly for a while, I've deleted all the profiles from the device and from Xcode and then refreshed them within Xcode and copied them to the device. I have 4 profiles in Xcode, all showing as Valid, they are:
AdHoc Distribution Profile
Apple Push Profile
Project Specific Development Profile
iOS Team Provisioning Profile
In the provisioning portal Provisioning section there are:
- Apple Push Profile
- Project Specific Development Profile
- iOS Team Provisioning Profile
All 3 of which are showing as being in my Development Certificate profile list.
If I examine any of the profiles in the portal, nowhere can I see any sort of identifier which is of the form ''27F6BCB8-4876-4408-AA16-D749F5B62C2A', so how does one find out which profile Xcode thinks is missing?
If this isn't co-incidental, a few hours ago I added some new device ids to the portal and to the profiles. But I was still able to build/run after doing this and updating/refreshing the profiles. It was only after I had to reinstall Xcode that the problem started.
Right now I'm so fed up, as this isn't the first time I, and I expect countless other's encounter these sorts of problems. But as I don't know what profile Xcode thinks is missing, and things look alright I don't know what else to try to try and sort things out.
Cheers if you can help.
You can change what profile the app is being code signed against. It is probably set to an old profile that no longer exists. This is done in the targets build settings.

"No unexpired provisioning profiles found that contain any of the keychain's signing certificates" Horror

I have seen a few other questions that addressed this topic but none like mine. Yesterday I innocently added a device to the list of devices.
I am under the impression that once you add a device, it will now be linked to the provisioning profile. However, I believe it was not linked to one of my distribution profiles. So I went into edit the profile, clicked the checkmark next to the device, and hit submit. This is where the problems began.
I notice two things: I recently renewed my certificate/provisioning profiles about a week ago. Now, it thinks I renewed my provisioning profile yesterday ( or at least it says so in the organiser ).
Also, when I try to build any project I get the awful "No unexpired provisioning profiles found that contain any of the keychain's signing certificates". In the build settings my signing identity shows up under Identities without provisioning profiles. I have read horror stories of people having to tear everything down and rebuild and I hope I don't have to do that here..
Related question:
Code Sign error: No unexpired provisioning profiles found that contain any of the keychain's signing certificates
iOS distribution is such a pain in the ass! This worked for me (follow the steps in this order):
1) in the xcode organizer:
delete all provisioning profiles
2) in the mac os x keychain:
delete all iOS dev certificates
3) go to
log in to the member center
revoke all certificates (edit: some redditors pointed out that this isn't a good idea if you're working in a bigger team. If that's the case try just deleting expired ones.)
4) go back to the xcode organizer:
click refresh (bottom right) under the provisioning profiles tab and
List item
on the popups click the positive button
5) in your xcode project go to the "build settings" tab
under code signing pick the dev. and distr. identities
if they are not there or not valid go to and navigate to "provisioning" if they are invalid just click modify and save them again
6) go back to the xcode organizer:
hit refresh again (bottom right)
Today I've installed Xcode 4.3.2, and immediately had the same problem! First trying to archive distribution, and after that In a clean new project, trying to run on a device.
I fixed both problems.
1. For successful distribution I've downloaded and installed my distribution certificate from iOS provisioning portal, after that in Xcode I've setup Code Signing Identity correctly. This solved my problem with archiving.
2. I had the same problem creating new project and trying to run on device. Again in provisioning portal in certificates I've deleted my development cert. Also I deleted all development provision profiles. Also deleted them from organiser. Then I added the device again.
Hope this helps!
For me just hit the "Refresh Button" at the bottom right was the answer !
Hope I can help someone.
I got this error when I the bundle identifier for my app did not match the provisioning profile I was trying to use with it.
I came across this today. It turns out that after I cleaned up my devices list (removed a few I'm no longer doing development for) it made some of my development certificates invalid. I deleted those from the provisioning profiles and regenerated them.
I have Xcode 5.1 and i fixed the issue like this
Xcode -> Preferences -> Accounts -> View details -> Refresh button (Bottom Left)
After it was refreshed i clicked done, and the error was gone :)
