iOS Printer Simulator Errors - Air Print - ios

There's something wrong with my Printer Simulator. Trying to print while running will cause the following errors to appear in the Xcode console:
2014-03-26 17:23:47.563 Recipes[3455:3c07] Simulated\032Label\032Printer\032#\032[redacted]Mac\032mini._ipps._tcp.local.:
Unable to connect to [redacted]-mac-mini.local.:8632: Bad file descriptor
2014-03-26 17:23:47.570 Recipes[3455:3c07] Simulated\032Label\032Printer\032#\032[redacted]Mac\032mini._ipps._tcp.local.:
Connection is untrusted: Unable to establish a secure connection to host.
Here is what I have tried without success:
Reinstalling Xcode
debugging Bonjour connections
created a new user on the mac mini
What else could I try? Thanks!

Deleting /private/var/tmp/printd fixed it for me. I found that answer in AirPrint Connection Refused Error.

In case this helps someone. If your printer simulator stops working, see my answer over here: AirPrint Connection Refused Error -- short version, make sure you only have 1 active network connection to your network at once (popping out the ethernet worked for me)


Xcode Error: Failed _shouldMakeReadyForDevelopment check even though device is not locked by passcode

I encountered an error while trying to test my iOS App on a Physical Device via WiFi (no cable connection!)
Here are the error message & the error description
Failed _shouldMakeReadyForDevelopment check even though device is not locked by passcode.
allowsSecureServices: 1. isConnected: 0. Platform: DVTPlatform:0x7f9d3df95a50:'':<DVTFilePath:0x7f9d3df959d0:'/Applications/'>. DTDKDeviceIdentifierIsIDID: 0
Does anyone of you have an idea what causes this error and how to fix it? Thanks for your help in advance!
try to
1- unpair device
2- pair again using the cable
3- make sure to set connect via network as picture below
4- try to run now connect via network

Livecode revdberr invalid database connection

The simulator and the actual iPhone are giving me this error when trying to make the connection to the database.
revdberr invalid database type
My database is the mysql service that comes with the livecode hosting.
I can run the app fine from my Mac and from my PC, but simulator and phone gives the error.
I have checked the Mysql external under standalone application settings.
The line of code I am using is
put revOpenDatabase("MySQL", tDatabaseAddress, tDatabaseName, tDatabaseUser, tDatabasePassword) into tResult
My LC version is 7.1.0 Indy and Xcode 6.4
Another thing to note is that it gives me the error while disconnected from the internet also, so something is happening before even trying to connect.
Going crazy here :)

Swift Playground and Simulator Error (ipc/mig) server died, Unable to boot the iOS Simulator

When I try to do anything in Playground, this pops up before I even finish typing a word.
Error running playground.
Failed to launch iOS stub for playground: The operation couldn’t be completed. (Mach error -308 - (ipc/mig) server died).
and when I just try to run IOS Simulator I get the following error
Unable to boot the iOS Simulator.
oh and this error just popped up
An error was encountered while running (Domain = DTiPhoneSimulatorErrorDomain, Code = 2)
I tried rebooting, I closed out and opened again, I deselected file and reselected. Just keeps happening. Anyone have a solution?
Your firewall is blocking the debugger, you need to allow it to connect:
TCP out
Or allow the debugserver process open access (whichever you, or your firewall, prefer(s)).
Upon enabling it, and restarting Xcode everything should work like a charm.
If you're having trouble finding, or allowing, the debugserver simply try, temporarily, disabling your firewall and restart xcode. Does the playground work? Oh, and don't forget to make sure you've got the assistant view open and the output box showing.
Currently the Xcode 6 beta needs to reside in \Applications for the playground and simulator to work. After you move it there you need to reboot.
This error popped up for me when I closed the simulator before Xcode finished attaching my application to it. Opening the simulator and running the app again solved this problem.

GCDAsyncUdpSocket cannot bind port on iOS simulator

I'm working on sending message through UDP. However, I've been trapped in the problem about 'binding port'.
When I built the project on iOS simulator first time, nothing strange happened. Everything was fine.
But when I built the project second time. I got an error message from terminal when the app tried to bind port.
The message goes like this "Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=48 "Address already in use" UserInfo=0x767c830 {NSLocalizedFailureReason=Error in bind() function, NSLocalizedDescription=Address already in use}"
What's confuses me is that the error didn't appear when I run my app on iPad.
I guess that maybe it is for the reason that I didn't close the socket. But why it goes correctly on iPad?
Hope someone could solve this. Thx!
Current head of GDAAsyncUdpSocket does not (also) set SO_REUSEPORT (it just does ADDRESS, which is quite enough for TCP).
I just popped in a quick fix:
and it should get fixed upstream too:

Xcode Organizer - The service is invalid

I'm using XCode 4.3 (on Lion) and my iPod touch 2nd generation does show up, but displays "The service is invalid" (0xE8000022). I've tried every possible combination of restarting/reconnecting the device and have even restored the OS on the device... any ideas on how to further figure this out?
EDIT - initially I suggested restarting the device but I realized you had already done this.
I think this answer might be valid:
Error : The service is invalid
