Image Gallery with checkboxes on photos [closed] - ios

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I am trying to create a similar gallery interface including a checkbox which selects the corresponding image. I could create the gallery with UICollectionViewCell. Now wants to add the checkboxes for each image. Can anyone guide me how should i continue? I am planning to continue with a check box image , On touch event etc..Is there any built in controls or templates? Can anyone provide some useful links for me to continue.
Thanks in Advance.

First way
Just using an UIImageView and settings a state to the UICollectionViewCell. According to the status you have to change the UIImage inside the UIImageView.
Just using an UIButton with two UIImage: one for the normal state and one for the selected state. This probably aggravate the touch on the cell.
I suggest to use the first way. i.e when you select a photo you are in the editing mode: the touch select the photo and not show it in full screen mode. So, when you are in the editing modeyou can switch the behavior for the touch.


IOS swipable welcome screen [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Some iOS apps come with a welcome screen that allows you to swipe through several pages and then lets you use the app. Usually they include a page control at the bottom to show progress of viewing the pages.
Is there a popular or standard library that is providing this functionality?
See also:
How to show a screen only on the first launch: Show screen on first launch only in iOS
Page view controller:
I assume many of these are just custom made.
However check JazzHands by IFTTT, a library built for such screens with keyframe animations
Its quite simple,
Create a ViewController named WelcomeScreenViewController
Then setup UIPageControl and UIScrollView on the XIB, and load all the welcome images.
Handle UIScrollView delegate methods, and determine that you scrolled to the last page.
When you reach last page, hide the whole pagecontrol, and scrollview and show a Welcome Screen with Start option.
On touching start option, change the window.rootViewController to your actual Home screen. And too save in UserDefaults that you have shown the Welcome Screen.
Initially your window.rootViewController should be WelcomeScreen if you haven't shown it before.
The above should be the logic to implement what you are looking for.
Hope it helps.

How to make a table/Grid in iOS? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I would like to create something like the image below in my iOS app. What is the best way to approach this, note the rows and the columns can vary.
The easiest way I thought of was to insert html table into UIWebView, but not sure if there is a way to intercept radio button clicks like there is for a regular button by making it a "href link"
A little unrelated to what you have as the title of your question, but maybe look at using UISegmentedControl. It's the closest thing to radial buttons that exists in the Objective-C world.
If you went with a segmented control, you no longer need to worry about columns, intercepting touches, and a lot of the other problems you mention in your Question - it could all be done in a normal UITableView. You would have to create some custom UITableViewCell subclasses to get the segmented controls in, but there are a lot of good tutorials (YouTube, Apple Docs, SO) on how to set those up.
From iOS 6+ you could use the UICollectionView class to build up a grid. Managing the values in the data source (representing if a radio is checked or not) is something you'd have to implement yourself.

Show glow when a button is touched [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Trying to use an info button in an iOS app. Wondering if anyone knows how to simulate the glow effect when you click on it.
See for example the weather or stocks apps in an iPhone; when you touch it, their is a glow highlight around the touch. Touch and hold to see it.
UIButton has a property called showsTouchWhenHighlighted. By default this is set to NO.
If you set it to yes you will get the glow effect when the button is highlighted.
You can set this in Interface builder by checking the "Shows Touch on Highlight" option.
Or you can do it in code with:
infoButton.showsTouchWhenHighlighted = YES;
This applies to all UIButtons, not just to info ones.

How to create Attractive Side Bar Menus at Delphi [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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How the attractive sidebar menus can be created at Delphi as shown below in attached image?
TCAtegoryPanelGroup and TCategoryPanel works out but in order add menu items to TCategoryPanel and make it stylish and attractive like one shown in fig is complicated. While TJvXpBar is something what I want but at background I want a Panel which would distinguish left part from right one as shown in figure below as well as expand automatically when form is maximized at runtime.
I want to have GUI interface as shown above the form size in default 800 * 400 px as shown in the image above. Which panel should be used at the background of TJvXpBar (As shown in figure) so that when maximized at runtime (1366 * 768) background panel(strip) wont break from top to bottom.
(please check the link for interface image, cannot add image in edit mode)
DevExpress has a NavBar control.
you can use side bar menus from Jedi Project or from TMS components. As suggested by TLama you can use TCategoryPanel
LE: Jedi Project has in its folder a megademo example(usually it is the path yourJediInstallFolder\jvcl\examples\JVCLMegaDemo). With that demo you can see how the controls look like. Then, you can choose what you believe it suite your needs(e.g TJvXPBarInformation)

How to implement a "visual" tutorial in iOS [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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first of all, sorry for the non-relevant title but I don't know how to exactly define it.
I would like to implement a tutorial like the one illustrated in the picture here below
how can I do that in iOS? Is there any framework, library, example or standard procedure to implement such tutorial? Or is it just a picture added on top of the main view?
Have a look at some of these controls. You should be able to get a good idea of how to approach this. Essentially, you are going to want to create a partially transparent Image and overlay that on the relevant view when you wish the tutorial to display. Create a tappable "hit zone" that covers the entire area of the image, so that a user can dismiss the overlay with a single tap.
Good Luck with your project!
